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Former WWE Writer Reveals 6 Ways In Which WWE Can Improve RAW

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• OLD SCHOOL HISTORY (December 17, 2001) – WWF Monday Night RAW

On this day in 2001, the World Wrestling Federation aired another LIVE episode of their weekly TV show ‘WWF RAW IS WAR’.

It was broadcasted from the CajunDome in Lafayette, Louisiana and featured matches, interviews & segments, on the road to the ‘WWF Royal Rumble 2002’ PPV.

Here’s the card:

1. The Undertaker vs. Jeff Hardy

2. The Dudley Boyz vs. Scotty Too Hotty & Albert

3. Christian vs. Tazz

4. Lance Storm vs. The Rock

5. Kurt Angle & Test vs. Edge & Rikishi

6. Billy Gunn & Chuck Palumbo vs. The Big Show & Tajiri

7. Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho

• Former WWE Writer Reveals 6 Ways In Which WWE Can Improve RAW

Former WWE writer Brian Maxwell Mann revealed 6 ways in which WWE can improve their RAW product and you can read it below:

“There’s A LOT of ways WWE could change the way they produce programming to make a three hour show work. Here’s a few.

1) Treat RAW as three one hour shows, rather than one three hour program. Figure out ways to make each unique so show doesn’t get stall.

2) Assign specific writers to specific characters/programs. The most experienced ones are given the main event, next tier is IC, and so forth.

3) Have a showrunner who provides finishing touches/keeps a bird’s eye view but DOES NOT write. Like Lorne does on SNL.

4) Rotate characters in and out, keeping the programming fresh/building anticipation.

ex – Monday Night Football doesn’t have the same two teams every week.

5) Announce big segments/matches WEEKS out. SNL reveals guest hosts way in advance.

6) Finally, and most importantly, TRUST the writers. To a person, everyone who I’ve ever met who worked on creative LOVED Wrestling. You have to do that job.

However, the main problem is exactly what I was told when I started there – “at the end of the day, this show has one writer”.”

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