• Tony Schiavone Recalls The Segment Where Ric Flair Kissed A Mannequin
During a recent interview with CBS DC, Tony Schiavone talked about the promo on the set of WCW where Ric Flair kisses a mannequin, getting back to announcing with MLW, and feeling relaxed when WCW was going down.
Below are the highlights:
On the promo on the set of WCW where Ric Flair kisses a mannequin:
“Yeah, the one that I remember was one that we did on the set of World Championship Wrestling back in the 80s. He was doing the angle against Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin and Precious, and he was trying to woo Precious, and he brought out a mannequin. He kissed and made love to the mannequin, while I was holding the microphone. If you go back and watch it, I think you catch me laughing. He and I talk about that often, when I talk to him and I talk to him about how nutty he was. I say, ‘Yeah but, I was there when you kissed a mannequin.'”
On getting back to announcing with MLW:
“Yeah. Court [Bauer] got in touch me, and we started in October, and he said, ‘Listen, I’d like for you to come down and call some action for us.’ He said, ‘I don’t have much money to give you, but I wondered if you’ll consider doing it.’ And he told me how much he would give me to do the first show. I said, ‘Well that’s kind of nostalgic because that’s what I got my first show back in 1982.’
I thought about Court and MLW and said, he and Conrad Thompson had done a lot for me by opening up the world of podcasts, and I might as well go down and try to do it. I was really apprehensive, because I didn’t think my voice could handle it based on what I used to do. It was really kind of an unknown world for me to go back and do it.”
On feeling relaxed when WCW was going down:
“I would’ve continued on because the money back then and the benefits were just too good. There’s no question. It’s funny because when we finally did go down, everything was so bad, and it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I’ve often said, ‘You can’t put a price on happiness’ and I really wasn’t happy. It was just too much pressure and I remember Eric used to say, ‘I know things get nutty here and I know there’s a lot of pressure and we drive you pretty hard, but buddy that’s why you make the big money.’ I didn’t make the big money compared to the guys, but I made a very good living. But again, you can’t put a number on happiness.
The last show that we had when Vince took over we were down in Panama City, [Florida] and I got in my car and drove back to Atlanta that night and just felt great. I knew we were going down, and I knew eventually that WCW would go belly up. I didn’t know what would happen, but there was a lot of questions leading up to that moment through the months leading up to it. I had shed the tears about the business and what my life was gonna be moving forward before that moment. But when that moment came, I was really, really relaxed.”
• Former WWF Wrestler Receives A Vicious Beating At The Hands Of 6 Men Over Parking Spot
According to CBS News, former WWF wrestler Tom MaGee (who will turn 60 in July) was viciously beaten up by 6 young men over a parking spot.
Tom suffered broken jaw, broken eye socket and concussion.
Below are comments made by some neighbours describing the incident:
“Tom came and encountered the young men, and it proceeded to a fight.”
“It was sort of a conflict over who was allowed to park in this spot.”
“They were literally kicking him, punching him in the face and in the head.”
“To me, it was attempted murder. If we wouldn’t have come out here I don’t know if he would be alive. To look at his face if you saw his face right now and saw what they were doing to him, he’s really lucky to be alive.”
Two men have been taken into custody and have been booked on charges of assault with a deadly weapon. These two men are Justin Lee, 20, and Degrate Bryant, also 20.