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Hulk Hogan’s #1 Fan Speaks Out, Kamala & Tito Ortiz Support The Hulkster

Roddy Hogan, who is Hulk Hogan’s #1 fan, gave us his thoughts on the recent Hulk Hogan controversy. Below is what he sent to us here at :

“Hello Friends…I am honored to be afforded the opportunity to address the Hulk Hogan situation…The recent situation is so sad…I apologize to all my black friends for his very unfortunate language…Can not defend it…maybe he had a real bad day…

We all make mistakes in this topsy-turvy journey called LIFE…I’ve probably made more than most…I know he has publicly apologized for these misgivings from 8 years ago…One can change immensely in that time….for better or worse…Over 2000 years ago…the greatest person who will wver live said…”LET HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE”…..Forgiveness is a blessed virtue….sometimes it takes a while….Please give him another chance…A month or two suspension from WWE would’ve been understandable….But a lifetime ban for the most famous wrestler ever is going WAY OVERBOARD….

I have driven an ice cream truck for many many years…Have had many wrestling pictures on the truck…the main one always being the one with me and the Hulkster…..Countless people in the Detroit area have that picture taken in 1993…in Dayton Ohio….The best profile picture on FB….If I had a nickel for every time a person (youngster or adult) asked if I wasrelated to Hulk Hogan…my wealth would rival that of Bill Gates….Love being…”the Hulk Ice Cream Man” Recently I completed a movie script called….”MR. ICE CREAM MAN:ON TRIAL”… outrageous comedy/tragedy where I would play the outlandish “ice cream man”…

Have always wanted Hulk Hogan to play my big brother. football Hall of Fame quarterback Todd “TD” Martin….Lord knows if the movie ever gets made….Last week in Cleveland I got a copy of my copyrighed script to the great James Franco….Would love Franco to direct/produce/star in this awesome movie which to me is a tribute to Hulk Hogan…a great role for him. ….The recent problems have done nothing to change my mind…making me more determined….Please check out …RODDY HOGANS BLOGS….concerning the movie….If anyone knows James Franco please forward him the magnitude of this situation….

Roddy Hogan with Hulk Hogan

Roddy Hogan with Hulk Hogan

Everyone…black…white…WWE..VINCE…HHH…please let’s all forgive and give another chance to the Immortal Hulk Hogan….GOD BLESS TERRY….YOU ARE DEEPLY LOVED AND I WOULD BE HONORED IF YOU WOULD TAKE A LEAD ROLE IN…..MR ICE CREAM MAN: ON TRIAL.” WITH MUCH LOVE….BROTHERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR……..!!!!!!!!!


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