• “I wonder why UFC could never make that fight” – Former WWE Writer On Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley In MMA
On his ‘Wrestling with Freddie’ podcast, former WWE Writer Freddie Prinze Jr. spoke about the ongoing Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley rivalry in WWE and stated that UFC President Dana White missed out on a huge UFC pay-per-view main event between the two.
This would’ve obviously drawn huge numbers, considering the fact that a big amount of professional wrestling fans would’ve been added to the paying customers that would have watched the fight, and Brock was the #1 PPV draw in MMA back in the day.
Here’s what Freddie had to say:
“I wonder why UFC could never make that fight. If I’m Dana White, I’m telling Bobby Lashley, here’s $5 million.
Then you give Brock $5 million, give him a piece of the pay-per-view and walk home with hundreds of millions of dollars.”
Brock Lesnar and Bobby Lashley had the following singles matches against each other so far:
– WWE Royal Rumble 2022 (Bobby Lashley won and became the new WWE Champion after interference from Roman Reigns)
– WWE Crown Jewel 2022 (Brock Lesnar won)
– WWE Elimination Chamber 2023 (Bobby Lashley won by DQ after Lesnar low-blowed him)
WATCH: Sable (Brock Lesnar’s Wife) Strips At WWF Fully Loaded 1998:
• ON THIS DAY IN WWF HISTORY (February 28, 2002) – WWF SmackDown!
On this day in 2002, the World Wrestling Federation aired another episode of their weekly TV show ‘WWF SmackDown!’.
This episode was pre-taped at the Fleet Center in Boston, Massachusetts and featured matches, interviews & storyline segments on the road to the ‘WWF WrestleMania X8’ PPV.
Here’s the card:
The Dudley Boyz & Jazz vs. The Hardy Boyz & Lita
The Big Show vs. William Regal
Maven vs. Goldust
Al Snow vs. The Undertaker
Billy Gunn & Chuck Palumbo vs. The Acolytes
Goldust vs. Maven
Booker T. vs. Scotty Too Hotty
Triple H & Kane vs. Kurt Angle & Chris Jericho