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Is Jeff Hardy On His Way Back To WWE?

There’s a lot of speculation going on that former WWE Champion Jeff Hardy might be on his way back to WWE.

It has been noted that Jeff Hardy has been mentioned a lot as of late. During last week’s Raw segement between Edge & Christian and the Dudley Boyz, The Hardy Boyz were mentioned.

Then posted an article on which former WWE stars would get the biggest reaction if they return, and Jeff Hardy was in that list. In the past, WWE didn’t encourage mentioning Hardy’s name on TV, but now that has changed. With TNA’s future in question, they are looking to cut costs. TNA’s top 2 paid wrestlers are Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy. Angle is going to take time-off from in 2016 and ain’t gonna re-sign with TNA Wrestling.

Jeff Hardy left WWE in 2009 when he lost a steel cage match to CM Punk on SmackDown and was forced to leave the company (kayfabe). Do you think bringing Jeff Hardy back to WWE would be best for business? Vote below:

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