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Jeff Hardy Leaves AEW & Returns To TNA (Video)

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Former WWE Champion Jeff Hardy has left AEW and returned to TNA at tonight’s Against All Odds event.

Below are the complete results.

– Sami Callihan def. Jonathan Gresham [Pre-Show]

TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship Match: The Malisha (Alisha Edwards & Masha Slamovich) (c) def. The Hex (Allysin Kay & Marti Belle) to retain the Titles [Pre-Show]

– Steve Maclin & Mike Santana def. The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz)

– PCO (Quebecer Pierre in WWF) def. Rich Swann (with AJ Francis fka Top Dolla in WWE)

After the match, Steph De Lander agreed to go out on a date with PCO.

TNA World Tag Team Championship Match: The System (Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards) (c) def. The Nemeth Brothers (Nic Nemeth fka Dolph Ziggler & Ryan Nemeth) to retain the Titles

– Frankie Kazarian def. Joe Hendry

TNA X-Division Championship Match: Mustafa Ali (c) def. Trent Seven to retain the Title

– ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) def. Eric Young & Josh Alexander

TNA Knockouts World Championship Match: Jordynne Grace (c) def. WWE NXT’s Tatum Paxley to retain the Title

Broken Rules Match For The TNA World Heavyweight Championship: Moose (c) def. “Broken” Matt Hardy to retain the Title after Matt accidentally spears his wife Reby Hardy through a Table

After the match, The System continued to attack Matt, which led to Nic Nemeth, Ryan Nemeth, Joe Hendry and the returning Jeff Hardy make the save.

You can watch Jeff’s return below:

New Video: Angelina Love (former TNA Knockout) Shows Her Buns (Part 1):

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