WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross answered some questions on his website on various topics. He talked about Vince McMahon’s sneezing problem, his issues with Ring of Honor wrestling, Undertaker vs. John Cena & more. Below are Jim Ross’s answers:
Vince McMahon’s infamous issues with sneezing:
“Vince can’t control his sneezing, like all of us, and he doesn’t like things occurring that he can’t control. Many of us found it a source of humor.”
If he’d rather see Austin or Undertaker vs. John Cena:
“Austin is out so of the two I’d obviously go with Cena vs. Taker of which I’ve fantasy booked on my podcast months ago. Do you listen to the Ross Report?”
His issues with ROH:
“I am a ROH fan but they wrestle too fast, sell too little and need to slow their pace so that when they hit the next gear it means more.”