10. Baron Corbin Recalls A Funny Story Of Vince McMahon Bodychecking Him
During a recent appearance on the Talk Is Jericho podcast, Mr. Money In The Bank Baron Corbin discussed his relationship with Vince McMahon and recalled a funny story of Vince bodychecking him. Below is what Corbin said:
“He’s an intimidating person in a sense, so when you walk in there, I want to emote confidence anytime I’m around him and I think we’ve developed a little bit of a rapport. We’re on that level where I can straight shoot him. If I walk in there, I can go, ‘this is terrible – let’s do this better’ and he’ll go, ‘oh, no, no, that’s terrible – we’re doing it this way.’ We kind of play tug of war with each other a little bit, so it’s good. But he has put a vote of confidence in me and he has pulled me into his office a couple of times, and been like, ‘this, this, this,’ ‘this needs to get better,’ ‘you’re doing great at this,’ ‘you’re not as great as you think you are’. He’s a good guy to check your ego and I had that talk a while ago and he said, ‘hey, I think you’re really reaching for that brass ring. I think you can be something special, but you’re not as good as you think you are.’ So you step back and look at yourself in the mirror and go, ‘okay, how can I get better?’
The other day, he got me good. I was just standing by ‘Gorilla’ position and looking at myself in the mirror or something and he bodychecked me. I about went into the mirror and I turned around ready to swing at somebody. I was like, ‘who just shoved me?’ and it was Vince and he’s just belly-laughing, but I can’t go do anything? What am I going to do? He just shoved me! Or he’ll sneak up behind you and smack you across the back really hard. It startles you and you’re instantly angry, like, ‘argh! If you weren’t Vince McMahon…’
It was so funny because then later, he stopped texting on his phone or whatever and I just snuck up behind him and whispered in his ear, ‘I could have got you back right there.’ And he just belly-laughed… but yeah, you’ve got to give it back to him a little bit.”