During a recent edition of Bischoff on Wrestling podcast, Eric Bischoff discussed the bullying allegations against JBL in WWE. Bischoff noted that he never saw in bullying in WWE and that it never happened with him.
Below is what he said:
“When I was in WWE, if there was anybody who should have been treated badly or was a candidate to be treated badly, it would have been me because of the history I had with WWE when I got there. The way people felt about me when I got there for all of those things that happened.
I never saw the kind of things I hear about. I never experienced them personally. That’s what I know. Forgive me if I don’t immerse myself in this conversation too much deeper than that. You ask me about my opinion about the Mauro Ranallo/Justin Roberts/JBL stuff and all I can tell you is I never saw it and it never happened to me. That’s it.”