WWE News

6. ROH COO Wants CM Punk To Return To Ring of Honor, Baron Corbin vs. Haters Continues

ROH COO Wants CM Punk To Return To Ring of Honor

During a recent appearance on WZ Daily podcast, ROH COO Joe Koff talked about CM Punk’s possible return to Pro Wrestling and the Cruiserweight wrestler possibly returning to Ring of Honor. Below is what he said:

“CM Punk would be an unbelievable addition for Ring of Honor. I don’t know where that would be or could be. It would be a dream. Wrestling talent knows this: once you are a part of Ring of Honor you are always a part of Ring of Honor. Our door is always open to people who want to come back and perform at our level, with our style and for our fans. That would be a dream. That would be unbelievable. CM Punk, if you’re listening or reading, I hope you are, you are always welcome in our house. You know that. He knows that. We’ve had conversations in the past through people. He knows that there is a welcome sign for him. I haven’t spoken to him personally and I think it’s through intermediaries or whatever. I think his first goal was to be involved in his MMA stuff.”

Baron Corbin vs. Haters Continues

Twitter feud between Mr. Money In The Bank Baron Corbin and his haters continues:

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