Match……Rose vs. Jay Youngblood….Rose & Ed Wiskowski “break” Youngblood’s arm. Lonnie Mayne & Rick Youngblood makes the save.
Interview…Lonnie Mayne…”There’s excitement in the air!!!” I had NEVER seen any footage of Mayne’s days in Portland. Just seeing the
Moondog in crow’s nest was worth the price of getting these tapes repaired!!! The fans have given Lonnie a birthday cake. It’s very sad to
know that this would be Lonnie’s final birthday as he was killed the following August. 9/24/77
Match……Gino Hernandez vs. Hansome John Anson…joined in progress. 10/1/77
Interview…Rose & Wiskowski 10/1/77
Match……Rose, Wiskowski & Sam Oliver (Ron) Bass vs. Savage, Mayne & Young. Rose & Wiskowski end up turning on Bass & make him a
bloody mess!!! 10/22/77
Interview…John Anson 10/22/77
Interview…Lonnie Mayne 10/22/77
Interview…Rose & Wiskowski with Bass run in 10/22/77
Match……Rose & Bass 11/5/77 (does have some tape damage lines)
Interview…Wiskowski 11/5/77
Interview…Skip Young/Gino Hernandez 11/5/77
Interview…Savage 11/5/77
Interview…Bass 11/5/77
Interview…Rose & Wiskowski 11/5/77 (poor video quality due to tape damage)
Match……Rose & Lonnie Mayne 11/19/77
Interview…Johnny Eagles 12/3/77 (all 12/3/77 events have a somewhat iffy quality simply because it looks to have been taped off a TV with a
“rabbitt ears” antenna that weren’t properly adjusted, but are still VERY watchable! Remember, these were recorded in the days way before
Match……Rose & Wiskowski vs. Bass & Mayne 12/3/77
Interview…Rose & Wiskowski 12/3/77…Rose is covered from head to toe in blood!!!
Interview…Bass & Mayne 12/3/77….a classic Lonnie Mayne interview as he EATS GLASS during the entire interview!!! This is one of
Mayne’s final appearances on Portland television as he left the area in mid-December 1977.
Match……Gino Hernandez vs. John Anson 10/1/77 (complete match from tape #6)
Note: Show from 10/1/77 contains all the original commercials.
Interview…Bass & Anson 10/1/77
Match……Rose vs. Lonnie Mayne 10/1/77
Interview…Savage 10/1/77
Mobile home commercial with Professor Dale Lewis & Lonnie Mayne….funny stuff!!!
Interview…Wiskowski with a Savage & Mayne run-in 10/1/77
Interview…Rose 10/1/77
Match……Rose & Coco Samoa 8/13/77 (This is the oldest footage of PNW wrestling I found!)
Match……Rose vs. Lonnie Mayne (complete match from tape #10) 11/19/77
Interview…Sam Oliver Bass 11/19/77
Interview…Dutch Savage 11/19/77 (master tape was dragging for some 11/19/77 items, so the audio also drags)
Match……Gino Hernandez vs. Skip Young 11/19/77
Interview…Mayne & Bass 11/19/77
Match……Ten Man Battle Royal featuring Lonnie Mayne, Dutch Savage, Playboy Buddy Rose, Ed Wiskowski, Sam Oliver Bass, Hansome
John Anson, Gino Hernandez, Coco Samoa, Matti Suzuki & Bob Kincaid…10/8/77
Match……Rose & Wiskowski vs. Jimmy Snuka & Skip Young 12/10/77
Interview…Rose, Wiskowski, Snuka & Young 12/10/77
Match……Jay Youngblood vs. Rose (Johnny Boyd is ref & ends up beating Rose to a bloody pulp. The master tape stopped running near the
end of the Boyd/Rose beat down. You still get to see most of it.) The crowd is white hot during the introductions. 9/10/77
Interview…Lonnie Mayne & Dutch Savage 9/10/77
Mobile home commercial with former wrestler Professor Dale Lewis
Clips of a soon to return to Portland Jimmy Snuka vs. Brusier Brody, Gene Lewis & Siegfried Stanke
Interview…Bass & Anson
Match……Rose vs. Coco Samoa 10/8/77
Interview…Rose & Wiskowski 10/8/77
Interview…Savage 10/8/77
Match……Rose vs. Steve Pardee (in progress) 10/27/79
Interview…Red Bastein 10/27/77
Interview…Rose & Wiskowski 2/18/78
Match……Rose & Wiskowski vs. Jerry Oates & Skip Young 2/18/78
Interview…Playboy Buddy Rose & Ed Wiskowski 3/31/79
Interview…Playboy Buddy Rose, Ed Wiskowski, Rowdy Roddy Piper & Killer Tim Brooks (2 interviews) 3/31/79 & 4/7/79
Match……Rose, Wiskowski, Piper & Brooks vs. Adrian Adonis, Ron Starr, George Wells & Hector Guererro (Rose/Wiskowski turn on Piper
& Brooks….this was the start of the legendary Rose/Piper feud!!!) 4/7/79
Match……Rose vs. Guerrero 4/14/79
Interview…Piper (All of the Piper interviews on this video are classic early Piper stuff!!!) 4/14/79
Interview…Adonis & Starr 4/14/79
Match……Rose & Iceman King Parsons (with a huge afro…ends right before the finish of the match)
Interview…Piper & Vickie Williams as Piper ends up slapping Williams around 4/21/79
Interview…Rose & Wiskowski 4/21/79
Interview…Starr, Williams & Piper as Williams slaps Roddy 4/21/79
Interview…Buck Zumhoff 4/21/79
Match……Rose & Wiskowski vs. Stan Stasiak & George Wells (end of third fall not shown) 4/21/79
Match……Piper vs. Ricky Hunter (Rose steals Piper’s bagpipes from ringside) 7/7/79
Match……Rose & Rip Rogers vs. Adonis & Starr 7/7/79
Interview…Piper 7/7/79
Interview…Rose & Piper 7/7/79
Interview…Rose & Rogers 7/14/79
Match……The Sheepherders in their first Portland TV match vs. Adonis & Starr (no second fall shown) 7/14/79
Interview…Sheepherders, Adonis & Starr 7/14/79
Interview…Rose 7/14/79
Interview…Rose 6/30/79
Match……Rose & Rogers vs. Adonis & Starr with all four in a post match interview 6/30/79
Interview…Piper 6/30/79
Interview…Rose & Rogers 6/30/79
Match……Rose vs. Adonis
Match……Rogers vs. Steve Pardee (Don Owen announces that this is the final live 8:30 TV show. Beginning the next week, the show would
start to be taped delayed.) 9/8/79
Interview…Stan Stasiak & Steve Pardee (accepts “hair match” with Rose) 9/8/79
Match……Rose vs. Adonis (Rogers & Steve Pardee are chained to each other) 9/8/79
Interview…Rose 9/8/79
Interview…Adonis (His final Portland TV appearance as he would lose a loser leave town match three days later.) 9/15/79
Match……Rose vs. Pardee in a hair match (and someone ends up getting his head shaved in the ring!!!) 9/15/79
Interview…Rose 9/15/79
Match……Rose vs. Jim Gagne 12/1/79
Match……Sheephearders vs. Piper & Stasiak with Dutch Savage as referee (second & third falls joined in progress) During this match is
another legendary moment found in these long lost tapes as Playboy Buddy Rose steals Roddy Piper’s kilt & sets it on fire in the TV interview
area (“The Crow’s Nest”) & it looked for a time like the fire could get out of control. The show was shown on a 90 minutes tape delay. Some
people watching didn’t know this & called the Portland Fire Department when this was on TV. When the PFD arrived, the Portland Sports
Arena was locked up, dark & empty.
Interview…Piper with his burnt kilt 12/1/79
Interview…Rose (has lines caused by damaged video) 12/1/79
Interview…JESSE VENTURA!!! (As far as I know, the footage on this tape is the ONLY footage of Ventura in Portland.)
Interview…Rose & Wiskowski 3x
Match……Rose vs. Snuka…ends with a face off between Rose/Wiskowski & Snuka/Ventura
Match……Rick Martell vs. Frank Dusek 11/24/79…this is Martell’s Portland debut match.
Interview…Rose & Sheepherders 11/24/79
Match……Rose’s Army vs. Bass, Savage & Piper (Rose is dressed like the Sheepherders) 11/24/79
Interview…Rick Martell
Interview…Piper & Stan Stasiak
Interview…Playboy Buddy Rose in a cage prior to a cage match with Roddy Piper 12/21/79
Interview…Rowdy Roddy Piper wearing a Santa hat & breaks a full bottle of beer on his head!!! (all Piper interviews on this video are
legendary Piper stuff!!!) 12/21/79
Match……Rose & Sheepherders vs. Rick Martell, Stan Stasiak & Yaki Joe 12/21/79 (first fall & a half…complete match is on tape #10)
Match……Rose vs. Killer Tim Brooks in a dog collar match 6/2/79 (post match interviews are on Tape #12)
Interview…Piper 5/5/79
Interview…Rose 5/5/79
Match……Rose & Johnny Mantell vs. Ron Starr & Adrian Adonis 5/5/79 (start & end of match only)
Interview…Piper 5/12/79
Match……Rose & Piper 5/12/79
Interview…Rose 5/12/79
Match……Piper vs. Rose in a lumberjack match. Killer Brooks returns from an injury to make the save. 5/19/79
Interview…Piper & Brooks (post lumberjack match) 5/19/79
Interview…Piper 10/27/79 (poor quality with tracking type lines)
Match……Rose & Sheepherders vs. Bass, Piper & Bastein 10/27/79
Interview…Rose 10/27/79 (sound breaks up, but never goes completely out)
Interview…Rose & Sheepherders 11/3/79
Interview…Piper 11/3/79
Match……Stasiak vs. Butch Miller 11/3/79 (end of match with Rose run-in)
Interview…Stasiak & Rose 11/3/79
Interview…Rose & Sheepherders 11/10/79
Match……Rose vs. Stasiak 11/10/79
Interview…Piper & Bass 11/10/79
Interview…Rose & Stasiak 11/10/79
Interview…Rose 11/17/79
Interview…Piper 11/17/79
Match……Rose & Stasiak 11/17/79
Interview…Rose, Shepherders & Stasiak 11/17/79
Match……Rose & Sheepherders vs. Stasiak, Martell & Yaki Joe 12/21/79 (completed match from tape #6)
Interview…Rose 12/29/79
Match……Rose vs. Yaki Joe 12/29/79
Interview…Piper 12/29/79
Interview…Rose, Sheepherders & Bass 12/29/79 (Bass joins Rose’s “Army”)
Match……Rose, Sheepherders & Bass vs. Stasiak, Savage, Piper & Martell 1/5/80
Interview…Rose’s Army 1/5/80
Interview…Rose & Rip Rogers 8/4/79
Match……Rose vs. Sal Martino 8/4/79
Interview…Rose & Rogers 7/28/79
Match……Rose vs. Stasiak 7/28/79 (iffy video quality with “ghosts” & some video damage lines)
Interview…Rose & Sheepherders 10/20/79
Match……Rose vs. Red Bastein 10/20/79
Interview…Bastein & Piper 10/20/79
Interview…Rose 10/20/79
Interview…Rose, Wiskowski, Piper & Brooks 6/2/79 (post dog collar match from Tape #6)
Match……Ron Starr vs. Bob Kincaid (end of match) 3/17/79
Match……Buddy Rose & Johnny Eagle with a Killer Brooks run-in (video has lines from damage ) 5/26/79
Interview…Rose & Brooks as Brooks has a chain wrapped around Rose’s neck & makes him accept a dog collar match 5/26/79
Match……Rose vs. Brooks dog collar match (same as from tape #6) 6/2/79
Interview…Rose, Wiskowski, Piper & Brooks 6/2/79 (post dog collar match)