7. “Big” Match Expected To Take Place At SummerSlam 2017 From The Raw Brand
A “Big” match is expected to take place at SummerSlam 2017 from the Raw Brand between Big Cass and former WWF Champion The Big Show. This SummerSlam feud kicked off last week when Big Cass was bragging about his victory over Enzo Amore and said that no one’s bigger than him. This led to the “World’s Largest Athlete” coming and they both started brawling.
Below is what WWE posted about this feud:
Big Cass has a big problem with Big Show
After defeating Enzo Amore at WWE Great Balls of Fire, Big Cass gloated about dismantling his former friend, and Big Show was more than happy to look his fellow 7-footer eye-to-eye and take the titanic traitor down a peg. Following a colossal brawl, The World’s Largest Athlete told WWE.com that Cass “is on the wrong path” and that he “might have bit off more than he can chew.” What will happen if these two goliaths cross paths tonight?
You can watch the brawl between Big Show & Big Cass below: