• Renee Young Wanted To Bring Back Famous 80s WWF Show
During a recent interview on Casual Conversations, Renee Young revealed that she pitched the idea of bringing back the famous 80s weekly TV show “WWF Tuesday Night Titans” (short “TNT”, not to be confused with Ted Turner’s TV channel TNT) during her time in the WWE.
The original show ran from May 29, 1984 until September 24, 1986 and was hosted by Vince McMahon, Lord Alfred Hayes and Mean Gene Okerlund.
Rene Young wanted to do the new version of the show with Mean Gene, who was still alive at that point in time a few years ago, but has since passed away in 2019.
She said the following:
“One thing that I’ve always wanted to do was bring back Tuesday Night Titans. I wanted to host it and I wanted Mean Gene to be my sidekick, that’s what I really, really wanted.
We never shot a pilot or anything, it never really got any legs at all. Something like that I would have loved.
I pitched a couple different food show ideas of things that I wanted to like some cooking alongside some wrestlers.
Trying to get a podcast kind of up and running which I mean the pitches for those never really went too far anyways but, just like ‘Unfiltered’ trying to expand that show, make it into something else.
Interview shows are something that I love to do, being able to just chat with people and just hang out.
Tuesday Night Titans was something I really wanted to do though.”
Most episodes of the original WWF TNT show can be watched on the WWE Network.
WATCH: Revealing Video Of Renee Young:
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• ON THIS DAY IN WWF HISTORY (February 6, 1988) – WWF Superstars of Wrestling
On this day in 1988, the World Wrestling Federation aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘WWF Superstars of Wrestling’.
This episode was pre-taped at the Hersheypark Arena in Hershey, Pennsylvania and featured matches, promos & storyline segments on the road to the ‘WWF WrestleMania IV’ PPV.
The card can be found right here:
1. Rick Rude vs. Ricky Steamboat
2. Don Muraco vs. Dusty Wolfe
3. Ron Bass vs. Gary Starr
4. Jim Duggan vs. Brian Costello
5. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Gino Carabello
6. One Man Gang vs. Jerry Grey