• OLD SCHOOL VIDEO HISTORY (November 2, 1991) – WCW Power Hour
On this day in 1991, Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘WCW Power Hour’.
This episode featured pre-taped matches & storyline segments on the road to the ‘WCW Starrcade 1991’ PPV.
The card can be found below:
– Johnny B. Badd vs. Joey Maggs (also reported as being Scott Sandlin)
– Bill Kazmaier vs. Mike Thor
– Dustin Rhodes vs. Mr. Hughes
– P.N. News vs. John Faulkner
– Video: Big Van Vader
– Bambi vs. Leilani Kai
– Van Hammer vs. Paul Lee
– Cactus Jack & Abdullah the Butcher vs. Jobbers
– TV Title Match: Steve Austin vs. Brian Pillman
• Saudi Arabia Prince Willing To Pay $7 Billion To Buy WWE
According to Dirty Sheets, the main reason why WWE decided to go ahead with the WWE Crown Jewel PPV is to avoid being in breach of their 10 year contract with Saudi Arabia and be in huge debt (and being in debt to people from Saudi Arabia isn’t something one would want).
The 10 year deal is worth more than $500 million and Saudi Arabia is expected to pay about $800 million after costs (pyro, talent, marketing, travel and to get huge names like Undertaker, Hulk Hogan & Shawn Michaels).
An interesting thing that should be noted is that Saudi officials have requested to add a clause in the deal which is: If Vince McMahon opts to sell WWE during this 10 year deal, then Mohammed bin Salman (Saudi Arabia Prince) will be offered the first refusal, as he’s willing to pay approximately $7 Billion to buy WWE.
This means if Vince McMahon plans to sell WWE before 2028, then Mohammed bin Salman is the front-runner to be the next owner of WWE (ahead of companies like Disney).
Saudi officials are very keen on using WWE’s worldwide reach to showcase the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.