• ON THIS DAY IN WWF HISTORY (April 18, 2002) – WWF SmackDown!
On this day in 2002, the World Wrestling Federation aired another episode of their weekly TV show ‘WWF SmackDown!’.
This episode was pre-taped at the Compaq Center in Houston, Texas and featured matches, interviews & storyline segments on the road to the ‘WWF Backlash 2002’ PPV.
Here’s the card:
1. Al Snow, Maven & Rikishi vs. Albert, Billy Gunn & Chuck Palumbo
2. Tajiri & Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Billy Kidman & Hurricane
3. Ron Simmons vs. Test
4. Hardcore Holly vs. Diamond Dallas Page
5. Chris Jericho & Kurt Angle vs. Triple H & Hulk Hogan
• The Undertaker Addresses Retirement Rumors, Watch Video Of Him Joking With Roman Reigns About Keeping Kayfabe
During a recent live Instagram stream with Nine Line Apparel, The Undertaker was asked if his career is over after his record 25th win at WrestleMania.
Taker said that he can’t reveal the information, but his WWE Network series “The Last Ride” would give the fans a better perspective regarding his career coming to an end:
“We’ll see. I love you, man, but I can’t give that [retirement information] up tonight. Watch the documentary and you might have a better perspective.”
The tagline used in the “The Last Ride” series for Undertaker is: “The End Is Near”.
Speaking of this series, footage of Undertaker and Roman Reigns prior to WrestleMania 33 was shown in the 13 minute trailer that was released on the WWE Network.
You can watch Undertaker joking with Reigns about keeping kayfabe below:
If you didn’t get it, Taker said to Reigns: “Couldn’t keep Kayfabe for 10 minutes?” and Reigns replied “screw your camera guy”.
Also Read: Former WWE Referee Reveals How The Undertaker’s Streak Almost Ended Accidentally