• ON THIS DAY IN NWA HISTORY (June 11, 1988) – NWA PRO Wrestling
On this day in 1988, Jim Crockett Promotions aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘NWA PRO Wrestling’.
This episode featured pre-taped matches, interviews & storyline segments on the road to the ‘NWA The Great American Bash 1988’ PPV.
The card can be found below:
Sting vs. Trent Knight
Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson vs. Larry Stevens & David Isley
Barry Windham vs. Tommy Angel
Steve Williams vs. Bob Emory
Nikita Koloff vs. Bob Riddle
Al Perez vs. Joe Cruz
• The Undertaker Reveals Hilarious Prank Vince McMahon Pulled On Him
While speaking to CBS, The Undertaker revealed a prank Vince McMahon pulled on him, where he made fun of Taker trying to get out of his coat (as he frequently gets stuck in his coat when he’s taking it off).
Below is what he said:
“I live in Austin, Texas and they were in San Antonio and it was gonna be Shawn Michaels Appreciation Night, and Vince calls me and says, ‘Hey, do you wanna come be a part of Shawn Michaels Appreciation Night?’ And I said of course I do, obviously and he said, ‘Okay, well I want it to be a surprise for him, so when you get to the arena, we’re going to have a bus there that you can stay on all day until — we don’t want him to know you’re here’ and all this.
I’m like, ‘Yeah, that’s cool, that’s great. I’ll just hang out on the bus’. So now I get there, I’m hanging out on the bus for about two, three hours, right? And then finally somebody comes and gets me. I think it was Michael Hayes and he goes, ‘Vince wants to rehearse this.’ I’m like, ‘What do you mean he wants to rehearse this? This is supposed to be a surprise. We’re gonna give it all away right now?’ I said, ‘No, I’m gonna stay on the bus.’
So he leaves, he comes back, ‘No, Vince really wants to rehearse this’ and now I’m pissed because now I’ve been on this bus for three hours and now he wants to rehearse it. So anyway, so now I’m pissed off and I’m going into the arena, right? So I walk through the Gorilla Position where we come out on the show, onto the stage and as soon as I walk out on the stage, I knew I’d had it. The whole — all the talent, everybody is sitting up in the bleachers of one big section. Vince is at ringside and I stop and I didn’t know what was about to happen but I knew I’d been had.
So, the arena goes dark. They start playing this package up on the tron, and I don’t remember what my record was at WrestleMania at that point but we’ll say, ‘He’s 19-0 at WrestleMania. He’s beaten this man, he’s beaten this man, he’s beaten this guy.’ Anyway, it was basically a trailer built up with all this footage and everything. ‘But this year, The Undertaker meets his greatest match,’ and then all of a sudden they flash up on there [a picture] of the coat and then they have all the footage of me trying to get out of the coat at that RAW, at that 1000th episode of RAW, and it’s, ‘Undertaker versus The Coat at WrestleMania!’ And I was like, ‘Ahh, you son of a gun’ and he was — and there had to be hours and hours of man hours to put this thing together. I mean it looked like one of our normal packages for one of the build ups, and he is just laughing like a little kid down there at ringside and I was like, ‘You no good son of a b*tch.’
So I went charging after him, so here’s this multi-billionaire running through the arena with this 6’9, 300 pound guy chasing him, the whole crew laughing their a$$ off and he did all of that just so he could rib me.”
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