TNA Bound For Glory aired from Cabarrus Arena in Concord, North Carolina. Kurt Angle returns to in-ring action tonight.
Below are the results from the show:
– Tigre Uno def. Manik, DJ Z & Andrew Everett to retain the X-Division Title in an Ultimate X match.
– Shane Helms (a.k.a The Hurricane) came to the ring and shook Tigre’s hand.
– Tyrus (f.k.a Brodus Clay) wins Gauntlet match to get a future title match. Tyrus chose to become the #1 contender for TNA World Heavyweight Title.
– The Wolves def. Brian Myers & Trevor Lee to retain the TNA World Tag Team Titles
– Bobby Roode def. Bobby Lashley to retain the TNA King of the Mountain title
– Gail Kim def. Awesome Kong to retain the TNA Knockouts Title
– Kurt Angle def. Eric Young via submission in a No DQ match
– Matt Hardy def. Ethan Carter III & Drew Galloway to win the TNA World Heavyweight Title
What a night! What a #BoundForGlory! Congratulations @MATTHARDYBRAND!
Dixie Carter noted on Twitter that Tigre Uno separated his shoulder during the Ultimate X match for the X-Division Title. Below is what she posted:
.@tnatigreunoxt separated his shoulder during the #UltimateX match & still finished to retain the #XDivisionTitle. #Unbelievable
— Dixie Carter (@TNADixie) October 5, 2015
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