• Tony Khan Indirectly Comments On Vince McMahon’s Return
Vince McMahon is back on the Board of Directors in WWE.
WWE’s co-CEOs Stephanie & Nick Khan, and Chief Content Officer Triple H issued the following statement regarding this in a press release:
“Today, we announce that the founder of WWE, Vince McMahon, will be returning to the Board. We also welcome back Michelle Wilson and George Barrios to our Board of Directors.
Together, we look forward to exploring all strategic alternatives to maximize shareholder value.”
As we reported earlier, some WWE wrestlers are worried that Vince will eventually put himself back on the creative team.
AEW President Tony Khan indirectly commented on this situation by tweeting the following:
“Everyone at work is being so nice to me these past 24 hours!
I wonder why…
It must be belated holiday spirit.
See you tonight on TNT for TWO hours of @AEWonTV live, Friday Night #AEWRampage + #BattleOfTheBelts, back-to-back LIVE
Starting at 10pm ET/9pm CT
Also Read: WWE Issues Statement On The Company Possibly Being Sold
New Video: AEW Wrestler Kiera Hogan’s Bare Buns Grabbed:
• ON THIS DAY IN WWF HISTORY (January 6, 1997) – WWF Monday Night RAW
On this day in 1997, the World Wrestling Federation aired another episode of their weekly TV show ‘WWF Monday Night RAW’.
It was broadcasted from the Knickerbocker Arena in Albany, New York and featured matches, interviews & storyline segments on the road to the ‘WWF Royal Rumble 1997’ PPV.
Here’s the card:
Mankind vs. Owen Hart
Doug Furnas & Phil La Fon vs. Fake Diesel & Fake Razor Ramon
Vader vs. Bret Hart