WWE News

The Undertaker Is Getting Old & Slow, But Does It Really Matter?

The Undertaker Is Getting Old & Slow, But Does It Really Matter

The Undertaker has been in the Professional Wrestling business for 33 years now and this is his 27th year in the WWE (f.k.a WWF). Over the years, The Undertaker has produced numerous 5 star matches and is considered one of the greatest of all time.

However, this is 2017 and The Undertaker is 52 years old. This means “The Deadman” is not in his prime anymore and can’t do half of the stuff that he used to do in the ring back in the day and is currently dealing with hip issues (from the hip surgery he had last year).

Despite all of this, “The Phenom” still wants to continue to work a match at WrestleMania (which is basically his yard) every year and give back to the company that made him what he’s today. But in this day and age, some so called “fans” have turned on him as they don’t like this “slow and old” version of The Undertaker and are more happy with watching the “spotfests” which is seen on the indys and sadly on WWE programming nowadays as well.

Well, the truth is The Undertaker is getting old & slow, but does it really matter? Let’s take a look at 5 reason why The Undertaker won’t fail to impress the fans (non-smarks, as the IWC smarks are only happy when they get to see their indy darlings perform their spotfests) & Vince McMahon at WrestleMania 33:

#5 The Undertaker Is The Best Storyteller In The Wrestling Business Today

What many fans don’t realize today is that Professional Wrestling is about telling a story, not just doing move after move like we get to see on WWE TV nowadays. The Undertaker is an Old School expert who can still tell a story in and out of the ring, something that has become a lost art and can not be seen on the full time WWE roster anymore today.

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