WWE News

Update On John Cena’s Return Feud (WWE Possibly Re-doing Old WrestleMania Feud) & Possible Huge WrestleMania 34 Plan, Former TNA Star Makes NXT Debut, Two Raw Title Changes Happening Soon, WWE Star Being Written Off WWE TV, Paige & Alberto Del Rio Back Together?

Brock Lesnar vs. Samoa Joe Outcome, John Cena, Kurt Angle

Let’s take a look at the top 20 news stories of the day from the world of WWE (John Cena, WrestleMania 34, Slammiversary 2017) & Professional Wrestling:

20. Alberto Del Rio Reveals One Of The Main Reasons Behind His Departure From WWE, On Who He Wants To Face In His Last Match

During a recent interview with ESPN, GFW Global Champion Alberto El Patron (f.k.a Alberto Del Rio in WWE) discussed his departure from WWE, who his final opponent should be & more. Below are the highlights:

On why he left WWE:
“I decided to leave WWE because of the brutal schedule that you have when you work for this company. I couldn’t take it anymore. I didn’t want to be on the road for 210-220 days per year. That was one of my first things when I started having conversations with Impact Wrestling. They were asking me for a certain number of dates, and I said, ‘There’s no way I’m gonna do those dates because I also have my dates with Combates America, the MMA company. If I put all of those dates with you guys, I’m gonna end up doing what I was doing with WWE and that’s something that I don’t want. I want to be able to enjoy my ride. Of course I want to continue doing pro wrestling shows, but my time is for my family. So if you guys aren’t comfortable with this, I can give you this number amount of dates, and I promise I will give you my best.’ And of course they said yes. That’s the reason they’re happy with me. I’m happy with them.”

On who he wants to face in his final match:

“I always had fun with my great friend Rey Mysterio Jr. I think it would be fantastic to have my very last match against someone like him because my very first match in WWE was against Rey Mysterio Jr. I know that all the pro wrestling fans, in particular the Mexican fans, would love to see Rey Mysterio against me for my very last match. But it could be any other wrestler.

Alberto Del Rio wants to face Rey Mysterio in his last match

Alberto Del Rio wants to face Rey Mysterio in his last match

There’s a lot of amazing performers out there that I would love to work in my last match, but I think Rey Mysterio could be the perfect one for me.”


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