Let us take a look at the top WWE News and Professional Wrestling stories of the hour:
8. Jim Ross Discusses Wyatt Family Using The Freebird Rule
During a recent blog entry on his website, WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross discussed the Wyatt Family using the Freebird rule to defend their SmackDown Tag Team Titles in the future.
Below is what JR had to say:
“All three have the ability, with just a little tweaking, to be massive character babyfaces, along the lines with kind of rough, rugged, kind of an Attitude-Era like; so I believe Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt have a lot going for them, and if they do the Freebird Rule (3 man team) will give him life; and somewhere down the road, everybody is already booking it, that’s what is funny about this business.
I saw the show Sunday night, and then I was reading some stuff online on Twitter and so-forth, about feedback on the show, and someone is already predicting; well, it’s good to see Orton and Luke Harper and Bray, but I can’t wait for the angle when it implodes.
Geez, how about letting it breath a little bit? Letting it evolve some. Can we give it a little bit of patience for God’s sake? In any event, I like the finish, the match was okay. I like the potential of Bray Wyatt, Randy Orton and Luke Harper and to see where they go.
I hope they get some legs in creative, and some input, and step up and give input. They should all step up and contribute to creative, and make it better, so I am optimistic where creative can go with all three of those guys.”

Bray Wyatt & Randy Orton win SmackDown Tag Team Titles – WWE TLC 2016
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