• On This Day In WCW History (September 7, 1991) – WCW Power Hour
On this day in 1991, Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘WCW Power Hour’.
This episode featured pre-taped matches & storyline segments on the road to the ‘WCW Halloween Havoc 1991’ PPV.
The card can be found below:
– Oz vs. Scott Sandlin
– Patriots vs. Steve Estes & Chris Sullivan
– Rick Morton vs. Johnny Rich (Light Heavyweight Title Tourney – 1st Round)
– Ron Simmons vs. Jobber
– Ron Simmons Interview (Simmons/Lex brawl)
– P.N. News vs. One Man Gang
• WWE Considering Doing “Fantasy League” To Generate Interest
During a recent edition of the High Spots podcast, Brad Shepard revealed that WWE is considering doing a “Fantasy League” to generate interest in their product and podcast.
Below is what Brad said:
“They’re looking for new ideas to create excitement around the product obviously which includes the podcast network. A source admitted to me they are way behind on that one once they realized they’re entering the podcast game really light, but they’re also considering some other ideas. I was told some of them are genius, some of them are stupid.
One of them is an official WWE Fantasy League they’ve considered for next year. So, I thought that was interesting.”
We’ll keep you updated regarding this.
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