We have listed the Superheavyweight Wrestlers, who could perform moves that you would normally only see from guys, much lighter than them.
However we didn’t include Giants & Powerhouses, who happened to be ‘Super-Heavyweight’ on the scale aswell. This list is only about the so called Big Men (Chubby/Fat Wrestlers).
5. Hugh Morrus
Jumping and bumping around like a way smaller Athlete, William Charles (“Bill”) DeMott made a name for himself as Hugh Morrus in WCW World Championship Wrestling, where he competed from 1995 till its demise in 2001.
His biggest claim to fame came as Bill Goldberg’s first victim on TV, starting off his famous streak (WCW Monday Nitro, September 22nd 1997).
At 300+ lbs he was extremely agile, showing moves like Top Rope Clothelines or Top Rope Moonsaults on a regular basis.