There’s a longtime rumor that former Diva Search contestant Rochelle Loewen quit WWE because of former World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton.
Orton allegedly poured self-tanning lotion and baby oil on Loewen’s bag, which led to her quitting the company.
WWF Attitude Era Veteran Val Venis confirmed this rumor about The Legend Killer while talking to Wrestling Shoot Interviews.
Here’s what Venis said:
“I know Randy had some issue with one of the girls from the Diva Search that when we went to Hawaii, Japan – Japan, Alaska, then Alaska back to L.A. and in Alaska that girl quit because of Randy.”
Venis also talked about how Orton was once rude to waitress:
“We were all sitting around a steak and they brought our steak, and to make it look like the plate that they put in front of him was exactly what he ordered, but he picks up the steak with his two fingers and he goes ‘what the hell is this’ to the waitress and tosses the piece of steak at her.’”
Most of you out there most likely won’t remember Rochelle Loewen, as she was only seen on WWE TV for a cup of coffee in 2003 on both RAW & SmackDown, including backstage segments and escorting Val Venis & Lance Storm to the ring.
Val Venis wrestled for the World Wrestling Federation (later WWE) for 10 years from 1998 until 2008 and was eventually fired in January 2009.
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