AWA TV 7/26/80 (24/7)
Bravo vs. Young,
Studd vs. Dartel/Pabon (Handicap),
Santana vs. Ben Hernandez (2/3 falls),
Judy Martin vs. Winona Little Heart,
Adonis vs. Chuck Sell (pat Patterson challenges Verne Gagne before the match).
AWA TV 8/8/81 (24/7)
High Flyers vs. Shannon/Scholl (2/3),
Hogan/Johnny V interview with Okerlund,
Ed Boulder vs. Gadaski,
Greg Gagne with a Beefcake/Hogan commentary,
Raschke vs. Young,
Hogan Vs. Sonny Rogers/Chuck Greenlee,
Santana vs. Barrera,
Ventura/Adonis interview re: November 1981 Oakland Battleroyal,
Andre interview re: Battleroyal,
plus very brief highlights in the end
AWA TV 8/19/81 (24/7|)
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs Ricky Shannon & Butch Shoal
Hulk Hogan & Johnny Valiant interview
Dizzy Ed Boulder vs George “Scrap Ironï” Gadaski
Baron Von Raschke vs Micky Young
Hulk Hogan vs Sonny Rogers & Partner
Tito Santana vs Pancho Ferra
Adrian Adonis & Jessie Ventura interview
Andre The Giant interview
1/6/79 – Minneapolis TV
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Angel Rivera
Bobby Duncum vs. Kenny Jay
1/7/79 – Davenport TV
Steve Olsonoski vs. Rick Oliver in a 2/3 falls match
Bobby Duncum vs. Al Ringo
Kenny Jay vs. Frank Dalton
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Dave Nevins
Verne Gagne vs. Buck Zumhofe
1/7/79 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Billy Robinson
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Steve Olsonoski vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Frank Hill vs. Doug Somers 14:05
1/11/79 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Non-Title Cage Match, Referee: Merv Unger
Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens in 22:00
Mighty Igor Vodik (sub Larry Hennig) vs. Super Destroyer Mark II .
Referee: Marty Miller
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Stan Hansen & Bobby Duncum
Billy Robinson vs. Iron Sheik .
Moose Morowski (sub Juan Valez) vs. Steve Olsonoski
Frank Hill (sub Dave Kochen) vs. Doug Somers
Reported Attendance: “more than 11,000 fans”
1/12/79 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
No DQ Match:
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Billy Robinson
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Steve Olsonoski vs. Doug Somers
Iron Sheik vs. George Gadaski
1/13/79 – Minneapolis TV
rerun of 11/11/78 show.
1/14/79 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada @ the Maple Leaf Gardens
US Champion Ricky Steamboat (sub NWA Champion Harley Race) vs. John Studd 19:31
Dino Bravo vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel . in 20:32
Tiger Jeet Singh vs. Ric Flair in 17:34
Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champions Ken Patera & John Studd vs. Tony Atlas & Jay Youngblood in 14:58
Dewey Robertson vs. Jacques Goulet . in 11:58
Waldo Von Erich vs. Nick DeCarlo in 5:54
The Wild Man vs. Sweet Daddy Siki 15:00
1/14/79 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Mighty Igor Vodik & the Crusher (subs Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell)
Bobby Duncum vs. Doug Gilbert
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Doug Somers
The Crusher vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Frank Hill vs. Iron Sheik
Buddy Wolff vs. George Gadaski
1/17/79 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
Greg Gagne & Steve Olsonoski vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Mighty Igor Vodik vs. Super Destroyer Mark II .
Steve Olsonoski vs. Bobby Duncum
Iron Sheik vs. Frank Hill
1/19/79 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne
Doug Gilbert (sub Jim Brunzell) vs. Bobby Duncum
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Steve Olsonoski .
Joe Scarpello (sub Doug Gilbert) vs. Doug Somers
Ramona Isbell vs. Marva Scott
1/19/79 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Billy Robinson & Verne Gagne when Patterson vs. Robinson at 19:23
Terry Funk vs. Blackjack Lanza 18:35
Mighty Igor Vodik vs. Iron Sheik 8:33
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Frank Hill . 13:12
Reported Attendance: 4,625
1/20/79 – Minneapolis TV
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Al Ringo
Jim Brunzell vs. Rick Oliver
Bobby Duncum vs. Dave Nevins
Steve Olsonoski vs. Frank Dalton
1/20/79 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell
The Crusher vs. Lord Alfred Hayes . at the 11:22 mark when Super Destroyer Mark II interfered as Crusher was about to pin Hayes
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Moose Cholak
Mighty Igor Vodik vs. Iron Sheik
Blackjack Lanza vs. Doug Gilbert
Ramona Isabel vs. Marva Scott
Reported Attendance: 5,979
1/27/79 – Davenport TV
Iron Sheik vs. Kenny Jay
Toni Rose & Donna Christianello vs. Vicki Williams & Joyce Grable
1/27/79 – Minneapolis TV
Pat Patterson vs. Kenny Jay
Doug Gilbert vs. Tom Stone
Frank Hill vs. Jake Gusick
Lord Alfred Hayes & Super Destroyer Mark II vs. George Gadaski & Juan Valez
1/28/79 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Verne Gagne & Billy Robinson when Stevens vs. Robinson
Bobby Duncum vs. Jim Brunzell in 16:06
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Steve Olsonoski in 21:37
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Juan Valez (sub Greg Gagne) in 10:54
Frank Hill vs. Iron Sheik
1/28/79 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel dcor Billy Robinson
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens .
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Steve Olsonoski
Bobby Duncum vs. Doug Somers
Doug Gilbert vs. Iron Sheik
2/1/79 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel dcor Billy Robinson
Referee: Al DeRusha
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Stan Hansen & Bobby Duncum .
The Crusher vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Steve Olsonoski .
Frank Hill vs. Iron Sheik
Cecil Dubois vs. Doug Somers
Reported Attendance: “6,384 fans”
2/2/79 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Verne Gagne & Billy Robinson
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Duncum .
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Jim Brunzell .
Steve Olsonoski vs. Doug Gilbert
Cecil Dubois vs. Doug Somers
2/2/79 – Council Bluffs, IA
The Crusher vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
2/3/79 – Davenport TV
Billy Robinson vs. Frank Hill
Cecil Dubois vs. Angel Rivera
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Peter Lee
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Dan Redman
2/3/79 – Minneapolis TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Frank Hill & Al Ringo
Steve Olsonoski vs. Ron McFarland
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Doug Somers
Greg Gagne vs. Kenny Milsap
2/4/79 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada @ the Maple Leaf Gardens
US Champion Ricky Steamboat vs. Greg Valentine . in 19:31 when Ric Flair interfered
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tiger Jeet Singh . when Singh tossed Bockwinkel over the top rope in 20:21
Canadian Champion Dino Bravo vs. Ric Flair . in 19:21
Dewey Robertson & Johnny Weaver vs. Swede Hanson & Len Denton when Weaver vs. Denton with the sleeper hold in 9:51
Johnny Yachetti vs. Joe Marcus 15:00
Steve Bolus vs. Nick Decarlo with a reverse cradle in 8:34
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Angelo Mosca by forfeit when Mosca could not compete due to a separated shoulder
2/4/79 – Milton, WI
Greg Gagne vs. Ray Stevens
Billy Robinson vs. Super Destroyer Mark II .
Jim Brunzell & Steve Olsonoski vs. Bobby Duncum & Cecil Dubois
Iron Sheik vs. Frank Hill
2/10/79 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson vs. Kenny Jay
Doug Gilbert vs. Tom Stone
Frank Hill vs. Jake Gusick
Lord Alfred Hayes & Super Destroyer Mark II vs. George Gadaski & Juan Valez
Steve Olsonoski vs. Armando Rodriguez
2/10/79 – Minneapolis TV
Steve Olsonoski & Tom Stone vs. Stan Hansen & Bobby Duncum .
Jim Brunzell vs. Fernando Torres
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Armando Rodriguez
Billy Robinson vs. Doug Somers
2/10/79 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
The Crusher & Lord Littlebrook vs. Lord Alfred Hayes & Super Destroyer Mark II at 11:51 when Crusher vs. Hayes
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Bobby Duncum & Stan Hansen
Billy Robinson vs. Iron Sheik
Steve Olsonoski vs. Doug Somers
Cecil Dubois vs. George Gadaski
Reported Attendance: 5,248
2/10/79 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Verne Gagne vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Dick the Bruiser & Pepper Gomez
Ernie Ladd vs. Bobo Brazil .
Shohei Giant Baba vs. Abdullah the Butcher .
Jumbo Tsuruta & Genichiro Tenyru vs. Mad Man Mitchell & Roger Kirby
King Kong Brody vs. Juan Velez
Spike Huber vs. Doug Gilbert
2/11/79 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
Shohei Giant Baba vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Jumbo Tsuruta & Genichiro Tenryu
The Crusher vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Billy Robinson vs. Cecil Dubois
Iron Sheik vs. Caesar Pabon
Juan Valez vs. Fernando Torres
2/11/79 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens .
Terry Funk vs. Bobby Duncum 18:50
Steve Olsonoski vs. Stan Hansen 17:46
Doug Gilbert vs. Doug Somers 14:20
Reported Attendance: 4,220
2/13/79 – Peoria, IL
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell & Steve Olsonoski vs. Bobby Duncum & Lord Alfred Hayes & Super Destroyer Mark II
Billy Robinson vs. Pat Patterson .
Steve Olsonoski vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Cecil DuBois vs. George Gadaski
2/14/79 – Honolulu, HI
Tama Samoa & Mando Guerrero vs. Bill Francis & Don Muraco
Jumbo Tsuruta vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Tor Kamata vs. Ripper Collins .
Curtis Dudit & Cowboy Lang vs. Bruiser Morgan & Billy The Kid
Shohei Giant Baba vs. Karl Von Steiger
Whipper Watson Jr vs. Buck Zumhofe
2/16/79 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel dcor Greg Gagne
Jim Brunzell vs. Ray Stevens .
The Crusher vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Doug Gilbert
Cecil DuBois vs. Steve Olsonoski
2/17/79 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Frank Hill & Al Ringo
Steve Olsonoski vs. Ron McFarland
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Doug Somers
Greg Gagne vs. Kenny Milsap
Cecil Dubois vs. Kenny Jay
2/17/79 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
The Crusher vs. Lord Alfred Hayes .
2/18/79 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
The Crusher vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Jim Brunzell vs. Bobby Duncum . when Duncum punched referee Al Derusha
Greg Gagne vs. Cecil Dubois
Steve Olsonoski vs. Iron Sheik .
2/18/79 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada @ the Maple Leaf Gardens
Card canceled because many wrestlers could not make it to Toronto due to weather conditions
Ricky Steamboat & Dino Bravo vs. Greg Valentine & Ric Flair
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Billy Robinson
Tiger Jeet Singh vs. Brute Bernard
2/22/79 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Greg Gagne won an 11 man Battle Royal for $11,000
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens . when Patterson hit the referee
Lord Alfred Hayes & Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Billy Robinson & Ron Ritchie (subs for Crusher & Lord Littlebrook)
Billy Robinson vs. Bobby Duncum
Cecil Dubois vs. Ron Ritchie (sub Frank Hill) .
Fred Peloquin vs. Chris Pepper
Note: “Miserable weather” was the reason given for the no shows and the unscheduled Battle Royal.
2/24/79 – Davenport TV
Steve Olsonoski & Tom Stone vs. Stan Hansen & Bobby Duncum .
Jim Brunzell vs. Fernando Torres
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Armando Rodriguez
Billy Robinson vs. Doug Somers
Iron Sheik vs. Caesar Pabon
2/24/79 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Billy Robinson
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. the Crusher . at the 9:00 mark when Crusher was trying to remove Mark II’s mask
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Pat Patterson & Bobby Duncum
Ray Stevens vs. Steve O
Cecil DuBois vs. Juan Valez
Reported Attendance: 5,857
2/25/79 – St Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell
The Crusher & Lord Littlebrook vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Lord Alfred Hayes
Billy Robinson vs. Iron Sheik
Steve Olsonoski vs. Doug Gilbert
Cecil DuBois vs. Juan Valez
Reported Attendance: 4,089
2/26/79 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
The Crusher vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Joe Scarpello vs. Buddy Wolff .
Doug Gilbert vs. Pat O’Connor
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. George Gadaski
3/2/79 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens .
Bobby Duncum vs. Billy Robinson .
Greg Gagne vs. Cecil Dubois
Jim Brunzell vs. Steve Olsonoski
Doug Gilbert vs. Iron Sheik
3/3/79 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Dick Reynolds & Tom Stone
Billy Robinson vs. ? Wicker
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Kenny Jay
Steve Olsonoski vs. Jake Gusick
Cecil Dubois vs. Caesar Pabon
3/4/79 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
The Crusher vs. Super Destroyer Mark II .
Cecil Dubois & Bobby Duncum vs. Jim Brunzell & Steve Olsonoski (sub Greg Gagne) when Dubois vs. Olsonoski in 20:55
Buddy Wolff vs. Dick Reynolds (sub Steve Olsonoski) in 13:12
Jean Antone vs. Kay Noble in 14:21
Iron Sheik vs. Juan Valez was canceled
3/4/79 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada @ the Maple Leaf Gardens
Ricky Steamboat & Dino Bravo vs. Ric Flair & Greg Valentine . in 30:17 when Flair tossed Bravo over the top rope
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Billy Robinson . in 20:18
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Tony Atlas & Johnny Weaver
Waldo Von Erich vs. Johnny Yachetti in 10:08
Chris Tolos vs. Joe Marcus in 11:04
Sweet Daddy Siki vs. Terry Yorkston . in 8:14
3/7/79 – Davenport, IA
Greg Gagne vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
The Crusher vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Jim Brunzell vs. Pat Patterson
Billy Robinson vs. Bobby Duncum .
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Steve Olsonoski
Cecil Dubois vs. Dick Reynolds
3/9/79 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens .
The Crusher vs. Super Destroyer Mark II .
Steve Olsonoski vs. Cecil Dubois
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Juan Valez
Reported Attendance: SRO 3,700
3/10/79 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Kenny Jay & Tom Stone
Ray Stevens vs. Angel Rivera
Doug Gilbert vs. Fernando Torres
Steve Olsonoski vs. Dan Redman
Bobby Duncum vs. George Gadaski
3/10/79 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Dick The Bruiser & Bobo Brazil vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ernie Ladd
King Kong Brody vs. Pepper Gomez
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Bobby Duncum & Guy Mitchell
Moose Cholak vs. Iron Sheik
Roger Kirby vs. Spike Huber
Paul Christy vs. El Bracero
Igor Volkoff vs. Juan Velez
3/10/79 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Verne Gagne & Billy Robinson
No DQ Match:
The Crusher vs. Super Destroyer Mark II . in 11:08
Steve Olsonoski vs. Buddy Wolff
Cecil Dubois vs. Dick Reynolds (sub Doug Gilbert) 14:56
Sailor Art Thomas vs. Doug Somers 11:40
Reported Attendance: 5,895
3/11/79 – Minneapolis TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Kenny Jay & Tom Stone
Jim Brunzell vs. Jake Gusick
Steve Olsonoski vs. Chris Pepper
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Peter Newman
Billy Robinson vs. Larry Jones
3/11/79 – Albrook
Billy Robinson vs. Bobby Duncum
Steve Olsonoski vs. Super Destroyer Mark II .
Buddy Wolff vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Cecil Dubois vs. George Gadaski
3/14/79 – Jackson, MS
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Mongolian I
3/15/79 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
No DQ Match, Referee: Pete Mymko
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell when Patterson vs. Brunzell
The Crusher & Lord Littlebrook vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Lord Alfred Hayes when Littlebrook vs. Hayes
Billy Robinson vs. Cecil Dubois
Buddy Wolff vs. Steve Olsonoski
Bobby Duncum vs. Doug Gilbert
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Iron Sheik
Reported Attendance: “more than 7,000 spectators”
3/16/79 – Austin, MN @ the Riverside Arena
No DQ Match:
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Mask at Stake
Steve Olsonoski vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Billy Robinson vs. Cecil DuBois
Bobby Duncum vs. Juan Valez
3/17/79 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Kenny Jay & Buck Zumhofe
Verne Gagne vs. Tom Stone
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Armando Rodriguez
Bobby Duncum vs. Jake Gusick
Cecil Dubois vs. George Gadaski
3/17/79 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Non-Title Cage Match:
Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Billy Robinson vs. Bobby Duncum
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Cecil DuBois & Iron Sheik
Steve Olsonoski vs. Joe Scarpello
Doug Gilbert vs. Buddy Wolff
3/18/79 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Tom Stone & Chris Curtis
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dick Reynolds
The Crusher vs. Fernando Torres
Jesse Ventura vs. Ted Wicker
Billy Robinson vs. Kenny Jay
3/19/79 Foley, MN
Billy Robinson vs. Super Destroyer Mark II by DQ
Jim Brunzell vs. Pat Patterson
Steve Olsonowski draw Bobby Duncum
Buddy Wolff vs. Cecil DuBois
3/21/79 – Stevens Point, WI @ the Quandt Field House
The Crusher vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Billy Robinson vs. Pat Patterson
Super Destroyer Mark II & Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Jim Brunzell & Steve Olsonoski
Bobby Duncum vs. Buddy Wolff (sub Juan Valez)
Cecil DuBois vs. Juan Valez (sub Buddy Wolff)
3/22/79 – Lincoln, NE @ the Pershing Auditorium
The Crusher & Lord Littlebrook vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Lord Alfred Hayes
Billy Robinson vs. Pat Patterson
Jim Brunzell vs. Cecil DuBois
Steve Olsonoski vs. Bobby Duncum
3/23/79 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Iron Sheik & Cecil Dubois
The Crusher vs. Lord Alfred Hayes . at 9:03
Billy Robinson vs. Bobby Duncum
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Joe Scarpello
3/24/79 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Kenny Jay & Tom Stone
Jim Brunzell vs. Jake Gusick
Steve Olsonoski vs. Chris Pepper
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Newman
Billy Robinson vs. Larry Jones
3/24/79 – Colorado Springs, CO
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Mil Mascaras
Merced Solis & Randy Morse vs. Mr. Pogo & Mr. Sato
Stan Lane vs. Grizzly Boone
Ricky Romero vs. Tank Patton
3/24/79 – Willmar, MN
The Crusher vs. Pat Patterson
3/25/79 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Peter Lee & Juan Valez
Bobby Duncum vs. Frank Hill
Steve Olsonoski vs. Angel Rivera
Verne Gagne vs. Fernando Torres
Iron Sheik vs. Armando Rodriguez
3/25/79 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada @ the Maple Leaf Gardens
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel dcor WWWF Champion Bob Backlund in 39:10 when both men began fighting on the arena floor
Greg Valentine vs. Canadian Champion Dino Bravo . in 14:19
US Champion Ricky Steamboat vs. Ric Flair in 18:06
NWA Tag Team Champions Jimmy Snuka & Paul Orndorff vs. John Studd & Ken Patera in 20:04
Moose Morowski vs. Steve Bolus in 7:05
Dewey Robertson vs. Al Costello in 8:29
John Yachetti vs. Terry Yorkston in 5:48
3/25/79 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium matinee
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Verne Gagne & Billy Robinson
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. The Crusher .
Bobby Duncum vs. Jim Brunzell
Greg Gagne vs. Iron Sheik
Steve Olsonoski vs. Buddy Wolff
Doug Gilbert vs. Cecil Dubois
3/25/79 – Beloit, WI @ the Memorial High School evening
The Crusher & Lord Littlebrook vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Lord Alfred Hayes
Greg Gagne vs. Pat Patterson
Bobby Duncum vs. Steve Olsonoski
Dick Reynolds vs. Juan Velez
3/27/79 – Davenport, IA
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. The Crusher
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Bobby Duncum & Cecil Dubois
Steve Olsonoski vs. Pat Patterson
Bobby Duncum vs. Greg Gagne
3/30/79 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
The Crusher vs. Iron Sheik (sub Super Destroyer Mark II)
Jim Brunzell & Steve Olsonoski (sub Greg Gagne) vs. Cecil Dubois & Bobby Duncum
Doug Gilbert vs. Iron Sheik
Paul Ellering (sub Steve Olsonoski) vs. Buddy Wolff
3/31/79 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Tom Stone & Chris Curtis
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dick Reynolds
The Crusher vs. Fernando Torres
Jesse Ventura vs. Ted Wicker
Billy Robinson vs. Kenny Jay
3/31/79 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens .
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Jim Brunzell
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Steve Olsonoski
Cecil Dubois vs. Paul Ellering
Bobby Duncum vs. Dick Reynolds
4/1/79 – Minneapolis TV
Steve Olsonoski & Paul Ellering vs. Ted Wicker & Chris Curtis
Jesse Ventura vs. Peter Lee
The Crusher vs. Armando Rodriguez
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Kenny Jay
4/1/79 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
The Crusher & Lord Littlebrook vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Lord Alfred Hayes when Littlebrook vs. Hayes
Jim Brunzell vs. Pat Patterson
Ray Stevens vs. Paul Ellering (sub Greg Gagne) .
Steve Olsonoski vs. Bobby Duncum
Reported Attendance: 2,298
4/3/79 – Peoria, IL
The Crusher & Lord Littlebrook vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Lord Alfred Hayes
4/5/79 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Referee: Merv Unger
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Nick Bockwinkel for AWA Title
Title held up pending a decision by AWA President Stanley Blackburn who eventually ruled Bockwinkel was still the champion.
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. The Crusher . when Crusher unmasked Mark II but Lord Alfred Hayes covered Mark II’s face before anyone could see it
Jesse Ventura & Bobby Duncum vs. Jim Brunzell & Steve Olsonoski (sub Greg Gagne)
British Empire Champion Billy Robinson vs. Cecil Dubois .
Paul Ellering vs. Ron Ritchie
Buddy Wolff vs. Chris Pepper (sub Steve Olsonoski)
Dave Kochen vs. Fred Peloquin
Reported Attendance: “more than 5,000 fans”
4/7/79 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Peter Lee & Juan Valez
Cecil Dubois vs. Caesar Pabon
Steve Olsonoski vs. Angel Rivera
Verne Gagne vs. Fernando Torres
Iron Sheik vs. Armando Rodriguez
4/7/79 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
King Kong Brody vs. Dick The Bruiser
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Jim Brunzell & Steve Olsonoski
The Crusher vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Bobo Brazil vs. Cecil Dubois
Billy Robinson vs. Bobby Duncum
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Paul Ellering
Igor Volkoff vs. Spike Huber
4/8/79 – Minneapolis TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Frank Hill & George Gadaski
Paul Ellering vs. Fernando Torres
Cecil Dubois vs. Dick Reynolds
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Jake Gusick
Jesse Ventura vs. Tom Stone
4/11/79 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
No DQ Match:
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel dcor Mad Dog Vachon
Paul Ellering (sub Greg Gagne) & Billy Robinson vs. Cecil DuBois & Bobby Duncum when Robinson vs. Dubois in 24:54
Doug Gilbert vs. Pat Patterson . in 13:03
Steve Olsonoski vs. Iron Sheik . in 14:20
Kay Noble vs. Jean Antone . in 7:20
Reported Attendance: 2,465
4/14/79 – Davenport TV
Steve Olsonoski & Paul Ellering vs. Ted Wicker & Chris Curtis
Jesse Ventura vs. Peter Lee
The Crusher vs. Armando Rodriguez
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Kenny Jay
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Frank Hill
4/14/79 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Mad Dog Vachon .
Lord Littlebrook in Crusher’s corner to counter manager Lord Alfred Hayes
The Crusher vs. Super Destroyer Mark II .
Billy Robinson vs. Ray Stevens
Pat Patterson vs. Paul Ellering (sub Greg Gagne)
Bobby Duncum vs. Steve Olsonoski
4/15/79 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens .
The Crusher vs. Super Destroyer Mark II .
Paul Ellering & Steve Olsonoski vs. Cecil Dubois & Iron Sheik
Bobby Duncum vs. Frank Hill
Buddy Wolff vs. Kenny Jay
Reported Attendance: 8,000
4/17/79 – Raleigh, NC @ the Dorton Arena
Two Referees
US Champion Ric Flair vs. Dino Bravo
Non-Title Match:
Ricky Steamboat vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Pedro Morales & Jay Youngblood vs. Moose Morowski & Kim Duk .
John Studd vs. Skip Young
Leo Burke vs. Mr X I
4/18/79 – Davenport, IA
The Crusher & Lord Littlebrook vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Lord Alfred Hayes .
Steve Olsonoski vs. Bobby Duncum .
Billy Robinson vs. Pat Patterson
Cecil Dubois vs. Paul Ellering
4/18/79 – Raleigh, NC
TV Taping
Dino Bravo & Tony Atlas vs. Charlie Fulton & Joe Palardy
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Herb Gallant
Ernie Ladd vs. Nick DeCarlo
Ken Patera & John Studd vs. Gary Young & Abe Jacobs
4/19/79 – Dekalb, IL
The Crusher vs. Bobby Duncum .
4/20/79 – Kingsport, TN @ the Dobyns-Bennett Dome
US Champion Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dino Bravo
Moose Morowski & Kim Duk vs. Leo Burke & Gary Young
Mr X I vs. Abe Jacobs
Steve Regal vs. Joe Palardy
4/20/79 – LaSalle, IL
The Crusher vs. Pat Patterson
Steve Olsonoski & Billy Robinson vs. Bobby Duncum & Cecil DuBois
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. George Gadaski
Paul Ellering vs. Frank Hill
4/21/79 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Frank Hill & George Gadaski
Paul Ellering vs. Fernando Torres
Cecil Dubois vs. Dick Reynolds
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Jake Gusick
Jesse Ventura vs. Tom Stone
4/22/79 – Minneapolis TV
Billy Robinson vs. Dick Reynolds
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Tom Stone
The Crusher vs. Herman Schafer
Bobby Duncum vs. Peter Lee
Doug Gilbert vs. Buddy Wolff
4/22/79 – Greensboro, NC @ the Coliseum
NWA Champion Harley Race vs. Dino Bravo
Jimmy Snuka vs. Ric Flair .
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Paul Orndorff
Ricky Steamboat vs. NWA TV Champion Paul Jones but the win came after the 15 minute mark so Jones retained his TV Title.
Moose Morowski & BJohn Studd vs. Pedro Morales & Abe Jacobs
Leo Burke vs. Mr X I
Nick Decarlo vs. Tony Russo
Don Kernodle vs. Dave Patterson
Reported Attendance: 5,183
4/22/79 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Arena
Non-Title Cage Match:
Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens 18:48
The Crusher vs. Super Destroyer Mark II . 12:00
Billy Robinson vs. Bobby Duncum 9:07
Steve Olsonoski vs. Jesse Ventura . 18:57
Doug Gilbert vs. Buddy Wolff
Paul Ellering vs. Cecil Dubois 11:35
Reported Attendance: 8,195
4/23/79 – Greenville, SC @ the Memorial Auditorium
Paul Jones & Baron Von Raschke vs. NWA Tag Team Champions Jimmy Snuka & Paul Orndorff
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Pedro Morales
Leo Burke vs. Charlie Fulton
Mr X I vs. Herb Gallant
Gene Anderson vs. Abe Jacobs
4/24/79 – Raleigh, NC @ the Dorton Arena
Ricky Steamboat vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Ernie Ladd vs. Jimmy Snuka
Gene Anderson & Moose Morowski vs. Leo Burke & Jay Youngblood
Herb Gallant vs. Len Denton
Don Kernodle vs. David Patterson
4/25/79 – Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada
Billy Robinson vs. Cecil Dubois
Steve Olsonoski vs. Super Destroyer .
Jesse Ventura & Buddy Wolff vs. John Banman & Jake Banman
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. George Gadaski
4/27/79 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell
The Crusher vs. Super Destroyer Mark II .
Billy Robinson dcor Bobby Duncum
Jesse Ventura vs. Steve Olsonoski
4/28/79 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Al Ringo & Dan Redman
Paul Ellering vs. Ron McFarlane in a 2/3 falls match
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Kenny Jay
Steve Olsonoski vs. Kenny Milsap
Jesse Ventura vs. Al Ringo
Vivian Vachon vs. Kay Noble
4/28/79 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Andre The Giant vs. Bobby Duncum
Billy Robinson vs. Angelo Mosca
Wilbur Snyder vs. Buddy Wolff
Baron Von Raschke vs. Sailor Art Thomas
Doug Gilbert vs. Paul Ellering
Mighty Igor vs. Doug Somers
Jesse Ventura vs. Frank Hill
4/28/79 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Cage Match:
The Crusher vs. Super Destroyer Mark II 20:00
4/29/79 – Minneapolis TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Doug Somers & George Gadaski
Jesse Ventura vs. Ted Wicker
Steve Olsonoski vs. Fernando Torres
Paul Ellering vs. Chris Curtis
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Armando Rodriguez
4/29/79 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Cage Match:
The Crusher vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell when Patterson vs. Gagne
Bobby Duncum vs. Billy Robinson
Jesse Ventura (sub Buddy Wolff) vs. Steve Olsonoski
Paul Ellering vs. Cecil DuBois with a bear hug
5/4/79 – Austin, MN @ the Riverside Arena
The Crusher vs. Bobby Duncum
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Billy Robinson
Greg Gagne & Steve Olsonoski vs. Jesse Ventura & Cecil DuBois
Paul Ellering vs. Buddy Wolff
5/5/79 – Davenport TV
Bobby Duncum vs. Peter Lee
Doug Gilbert vs. Buddy Wolff
Cowboy Lang & Haiti Kid vs. Little Tokyo & Sonny Boy Hayes
5/5/79 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Verne Gagne & Billy Robinson vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens .
The Crusher & Lord Littlebrook vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Lord Alfred Hayes when Littlebrook vs. Hayes
Jesse Ventura vs. Steve Olsonoski
Paul Ellering vs. Cecil Dubois
5/6/79 – Minneapolis TV
Steve Olsonoski & Paul Ellering vs. Doug Somers & Chris Curtis
Dick Reynolds vs. Jesse Ventura .
Doug Gilbert vs. Peter Lee
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tom Stone
Bobby Duncum vs. George Gadaski
5/6/79 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
Non-Title Cage Match:
Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Billy Robinson .
Greg Gagne vs. Cecil Dubois
Bobby Duncum vs. Steve Olsonoski
Jesse Ventura vs. Paul Ellering
Doug Gilbert vs. Buddy Wolff
5/7/79 – Peoria, IL
Billy Robinson vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Pat Patterson vs. Steve Olsonoski
Bobby Duncum vs. Paul Ellering
Jesse Ventura vs. Max Blue
5/10/79 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Convention Centre
Referee: George Gadaski
Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel on a reverse decision disqualification
AWA Tag Team Champions Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Doug Gilbert
Jesse Ventura vs. Billy Robinson . when Robinson tossed Ventura over the top rope
Steve Olsonoski vs. Bobby Duncum .
Paul Ellering vs. Doug Somers (sub Cecil Dubois)
Reported Attendance: 3,667
5/11/79 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Doug Somers & George Gadaski
Jesse Ventura vs. Ted Wicker
Steve Olsonoski vs. Fernando Torres
Paul Ellering vs. Chris Curtis
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Armando Rodriguez
5/11/79 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Duncum
Greg Gagne vs. Pat Patterson
Doug Gilbert (sub Steve Olsonoski) vs. Ray Stevens
Jesse Ventura (sub Buddy Wolff) vs. Billy Robinson .
Jesse Ventura vs. Joe Scarpello (sub Paul Ellering)
5/12/79 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
The Crusher vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel . when Bobby Duncum interfered at the 13:00 mark
Greg Gagne vs. Pat Patterson
Billy Robinson vs. Lord Alfred Hayes .
Doug Gilbert & Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura & Doug Somers
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Dick Reynolds
Bobby Duncum vs. Armando Rodriguez
Reported Attendance: 3,816
5/13/79 – Minneapolis TV
Paul Ellering vs. Fernando Torres in a 2/3 falls match
Jesse Ventura vs. Armando Rodriguez
Greg Gagne vs. Buck Zumhofe
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Caesar Pabon
5/13/79 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Nick Bockwinkel (sub Ray Stevens) & Pat Patterson when Gagne vs. Bockwinkel
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Billy Robinson .
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Duncum .
Doug Gilbert vs. Paul Ellering
Jesse Ventura vs. Dick Reynolds (sub Paul Ellering)
Buddy Wolff vs. Steve Olsonoski -cancelled
Note: Stevens was said to be out of action with a broken hand
5/18/79 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Greg Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Pat Patterson
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Billy Robinson .
Jesse Ventura vs. Paul Ellering
Doug Gilbert vs. George Gadaski
5/19/79 – Davenport TV
Steve Olsonoski & Paul Ellering vs. Doug Somers & Chris Curtis
Dick Reynolds vs. Jesse Ventura .
Doug Gilbert vs. Peter Lee
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tom Stone
Bobby Duncum vs. George Gadaski
5/19/79 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
King Kong Brody vs. Dick The Bruiser
The Crusher vs. Super Destroyer Mark II . when Lord Alfred Hayes interfered
Wilbur Snyder & Doug Gilbert vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Pat Patterson
Spike Huber vs. Bobby Duncum
Jesse Ventura vs. Blackie Guzman
Paul Ellering vs. Roger Kirby
Jack Cougar vs. Bobby Bold Eagle
Reported Attendance: 5,500
5/23/79 – Albert Lea, MN @ the National Guard Armory
Greg Gagne vs. Pat Patterson
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Paul Ellering
Steve Olsonoski vs. Bobby Duncum
Jesse Ventura vs. Buddy Wolff
5/25/79 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne 18:16
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. The Crusher . when Crusher removed Mark II’s mask
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Bobby Duncum 16:11
Jesse Ventura dcor Paul Ellering
Doug Gilbert vs. Billy Walker 11:57 (sub match for Steve Olsonoski vs. Buddy Wolff)
5/26/79 – Davenport TV
Paul Ellering vs. Fernando Torres
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Frank Hill & George Gadaski
Cecil Dubois vs. Dick Reynolds
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Jake Gusick
Jesse Ventura vs. Tom Stone
6/1/79 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Greg Gagne (sub Verne Gagne) & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Pat Patterson & Nick Bockwinkel
Bobby Duncum vs. Doug Gilbert (sub Greg Gagne)
Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Joe Scarpello (sub Doug Gilbert)
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Buck Zumhofe
6/2/79 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Dick The Bruiser & The Crusher vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Duncum when Crusher vs. Bockwinkel at the 12:30 mark
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Mad Dog Vachon .
Greg Gagne vs. Pat Patterson . in 11:39
Body Pose down
Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura
Doug Gilbert vs. Buck Zumhofe . in 13:01
Reported Attendance: 4,800
Note: Another listing has an additional match Dick Reynolds vs. Juan Valez.
6/2/79 – Davenport TV
Paul Ellering vs. Fernando Torres in a 2/3 falls match
Jesse Ventura vs. Armando Rodriguez
Greg Gagne vs. Buck Zumhofe
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Caesar Pabon
Dick Reynolds vs. Chris Curtis
6/3/79 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne vs. George Gadaski
Bobby Duncum vs. Buck Zumhofe
The Crusher vs. Dan Redman
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Race Bannon
6/3/79 – St. Paul, MN @ the Auditorium
Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. The Crusher
Greg Gagne vs. Pat Patterson
Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura
Buck Zumhofe vs. Kenny Jay
6/4/79 – Peoria, IL
The Crusher & Lord Littlebrook vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Lord Alfred Hayes
Greg Gagne vs. Pat Patterson
Bobby Duncum vs. Billy Robinson
Pose Down
Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura
Note: I’ve also seen a report that the Crusher did not appear for the main event
6/6/79 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Convention Centre
Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens for the AWA tag team title when Gagne vs. Stevens with a sleeper hold
Non-Title Match:
Greg Gagne vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel . when Bobby Duncum’s interference backfired
Bobby Duncum vs. Doug Gilbert
No DQ Match:
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. the Crusher . when the Crusher was double teamed by Mark II & Lord Alfred Hayes
Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Dave Kochen
Reported Attendance: “over 3,000 fans”
6/9/79 – Davenport TV
Cecil Dubois vs. Dick Reynolds
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Jake Gusick
Jesse Ventura vs. Tom Stone
6/10/79 – Minneapolis TV
Doug Gilbert vs. Buck Zumhofe in a 2/3 falls match
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Fernando Torres
Jesse Ventura vs. George Gadaski
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dick Reynolds
6/10/79 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Mad Dog Vachon
Greg Gagne vs. Pat Patterson
Pose Down
Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura
Super Destroyer Mark II & Bobby Duncum vs. Dick Reynolds & Doug Gilbert (originally scheduled to be Bobby Duncum vs. Doug Gilbert)
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Butch Malone (sub for Bill Crouch, who actually is Butch Malone!)
6/15/79 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Duncum vs. Mad Dog Vachon & Greg Gagne at 20:04 when Bockwinkel vs. Vachon
No DQ Match:
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. The Crusher . at 14:35
Pose Down
Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura
Billy Robinson vs. Ray Stevens .
Pat Patterson vs. Doug Gilbert 13:55
6/16/79 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne vs. George Gadaski
Bobby Duncum vs. Buck Zumhofe
The Crusher vs. Dan Redman
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Race Bannon
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Kenny Jay
6/16/79 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne 60:00
Mad Dog Vachon (sub Crusher) vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Billy Robinson vs. Pat Patterson
Paul Ellering vs. Bobby Duncum .
Jesse Ventura vs. Doug Gilbert
6/17/79 – Minneapolis TV
rerun of 4/22/79 – show
6/22/79 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Mad Dog Vachon & Greg Gagne vs. Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Bobby Duncum vs. Billy Robinson
Pose Down
Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura
Doug Gilbert vs. Dick Reynolds
6/23/79 – Davenport TV
Doug Gilbert vs. Buck Zumhofe in a 2/3 falls match
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Fernando Torres
Jesse Ventura vs. George Gadaski
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dick Reynolds
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Caesar Pabon
6/23/79 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
The Crusher & Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Duncum & Super Destroyer Mark II
Greg Gagne vs. Ray Stevens .
Billy Robinson vs. Pat Patterson
Paul Ellering vs. Doug Gilbert
Dick Reynolds vs. Butch Malone
Reported Attendance: 4,876
6/24/79 – Minneapolis TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Butch Malone & Dick Reynolds
Billy Robinson vs. Armando Rodriguez
Jesse Ventura vs. Caesar Pabon
Greg Gagne vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
6/24/79 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
Verne Gagne & Billy Robinson vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Duncum
Billy Robinson vs. Super Destroyer Mark II .
Greg Gagne vs. Ray Stevens .
Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura
Pat Patterson vs. Doug Gilbert
Chris Markoff vs. Kenny Jay
6/26/79 – Hurley, WI @ the J E Murphy High School
Greg Gagne vs. Pat Patterson
Billy Robinson vs. Bobby Duncum
Paul Ellering vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Jesse Ventura vs. George Gadaski
6/28/79 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Convention Centre
Billy Robinson (sub Mad Dog Vachon) & Verne Gagne vs. Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens when Robinson vs. Patterson
Vachon was injured by Patterson & Stevens before the match began.
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Super Destroyer Mark II on a reverse decision disqualification after the referee was alerted manager Lord Alfred Hayes helped SD Mark II pin Bockwinkel
Stan Hansen & Bobby Duncum vs. Greg Gagne & Wahoo McDaniel
Billy Robinson vs. Lord Alfred Hayes .
Jesse Ventura vs. Paul Ellering
Buddy Wolff vs. Ron Ritchie
6/30/79 – Davenport TV
Billy Robinson vs. Dick Reynolds
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Tom Stone
The Crusher vs. Herman Schafer
Bobby Duncum vs. Peter Lee
Doug Gilbert vs. Buddy Wolff
6/30/79 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Andre The Giant vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Dick The Bruiser vs. King Kong Brody .
Handicap Match: Super Destroyer Mark II & Lord Alfred Hayes vs. The Crusher when Crusher was only able to pin Hayes within the 15:00 time limit
Wilbur Snyder vs. Bobby Duncum
Greg Gagne & Billy Robinson vs. Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Bobo Brazil vs. Paul Christy .
Steve Regal vs. Jesse Ventura
Spike Huber vs. Roger Kirby
7/1/79 – Minneapolis TV
Billy Robinson vs. Ron McFarlane
Handicap Match: Jesse Ventura vs. Al Ringo & Puppy Dog Peloquin
Paul Ellering vs. Kenny Milsap
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Peter Newman
7/1/79 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Duncum when Gagne vs. Bockwinkel
Greg Gagne vs. Ray Stevens on a reverse decision disqualification. Greg was originally dq’ed for tossing Ray over the top rope, but Ray assaulted Greg after the match and earned a . of his own.
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Billy Robinson . in 15:41 after Lord Alfred Hayes interfered
Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura 20:00
7/6/79 – Pekin, IL
Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel (sub Ray Stevens)
Bobby Duncum vs. Billy Robinson .
Jesse Ventura vs. Paul Ellering
Spike Huber vs. Jose Martinez
George Gadaski vs. Jack Cougar
7/7/79 – Davenport TV
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Butch Malone & Dick Reynolds
Billy Robinson vs. Armando Rodriguez
Jesse Ventura vs. Caesar Pabon
Greg Gagne vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Paul Ellering vs. Chris Curtis
7/7/79 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Billy Robinson .
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Ray Stevens
Jesse Ventura & Bobby Duncum vs. Paul Ellering & Doug Gilbert
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Kenny Jay
7/8/79 – Minneapolis TV
Paul Ellering vs. Ron McFarland
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Angel Rivera
Billy Robinson vs. Chris Curtis
Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel (an old taped match)
7/13/79 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Duncum
Greg Gagne vs. Ray Stevens
Billy Robinson vs. Jesse Ventura .
Paul Ellering vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
7/14/79 – Davenport TV
Ray Stevens vs. Ron Ritchie
Billy Robinson vs. Ron McFarlane
Handicap Match:
Jesse Ventura vs. Al Ringo & Puppy Dog Peloquin
Paul Ellering vs. Kenny Milsap
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Peter Newman
7/14/79 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens .
Greg Gagne vs. Super Destroyer Mark II .
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. George Gadaski
Stan Hansen & Bobby Duncum vs. Billy Robinson & Butch Malone (sub for Wilbur Snyder; Butch came out late in the match as Robinson fought 2 on 1 early)
Weightlifting: Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura (Ellering topped Jesse’s 610 lb. lift with 700 lbs; post match Jesse threw powder in Paul’s eyes)
Reported Attendance: 4,374
7/15/79 – Minneapolis TV
Doug Gilbert vs. Jesse Ventura .
Paul Ellering vs. Dick Reynolds
7/15/79 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
Greg Gagne vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Taped Fist Match:
Ray Stevens vs. Mad Dog Vachon .
Dead Lift Contest
Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura
Stan Hansen & Bobby Duncum vs. Billy Robinson & Doug Gilbert
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Doug Gilbert
Dick Reynolds vs. Chris Curtis
7/18/79 – Austin, MN @ the Riverside Arena
Greg Gagne vs. Ray Stevens
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Body Pose-Down
Jesse Ventura vs. Paul Ellering
George Gadaski vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
7/19/79 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Convention Centre
Title vs. Mask, Manager Lord Alfred Hayes banned from building
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Super Destroyer Mark II . when SD Mark II tossed Bockwinkel over the top rope. Mark II was unmasked as Matthew Byrnes of Gibraltar.
Loser Leaves Town
Stan Hansen & Bobby Duncum vs. Greg Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon (sub Wahoo McDaniel)
Since Wahoo no showed, the Loser Leaves Town stipulation was dropped.
Taped Fist Match:
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Ray Stevens
Billy Robinson vs. Jesse Ventura . when Ventura rammed Robinson into the ringpost
Paul Ellering vs. Ricky Hunter (sub Buddy Wolfe) .
Ron Ritchie vs. Peter Sandor Szabo (sub Steve Olsonowski) .
Reported Attendance: “4,612 fans”
7/20/79 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne .
Taped Fist Match:
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Ray Stevens
Bobby Duncum & Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Dick Reynolds & Billy Robinson
Jesse Ventura vs. Paul Ellering
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Dick Reynolds
7/21/79 – Davenport TV
Paul Ellering vs. Ron McFarland
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Angel Rivera
Billy Robinson vs. Chris Curtis
Jesse Ventura vs. Dick Reynolds
7/21/79 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Super Destroyer Mark II & King Kong Brody vs. Dick The Bruiser & The Crusher
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Billy Robinson
Ray Stevens vs. Greg Gagne .
Bobo Brazil vs. Bobby Duncum
Spike Huber vs. Paul Christy
Moose Cholak vs. Lord Alfred Hayes walk away .
Jesse Ventura vs. Paul Ellering
7/22/79 – Minneapolis TV
Billy Robinson vs. Dick Reynolds
Greg Gagne vs. Buck Zumhofe
Bobby Duncum vs. Peter Lee
Ray Stevens vs. Ron Ritchie
7/28/79 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Super Destroyer Mark II (sub Ray Stevens) & Pat Patterson
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Billy Robinson
Dead Lift Contest
Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura
Bobby Duncum vs. Doug Gilbert (sub Steve Olsonoski)
AWA All-Star Wrestling (Minneapolis, MN, 7/28/79)
1) Paul Ellering vs Jesse Ventura (Weight Lifting Challenge)
2) Nick Bockwinkle vs Buck Zumhoffe (Int Alfred Hayes & Super Destroyers)
3) Greg Gagne vs Super Destroyer Mark III (w/Hayes)
4) Dick Reynolds vs Super Destroyer Mark II (w/Hayes)
5) Jesse Ventura vs Peter Lee
7/29/79 – Minneapolis TV
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Buck Zumhofe
Greg Gagne vs. Super Destroyer Mark III .
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Dick Reynolds
7/29/79 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne
Billy Robinson vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Deadlifting contest
Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura by outlasting Jesse at 710 pounds
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Ray Stevens Taped fist match- Cancelled
Bobby Duncum vs. Armando Rodriguez (sub Steve Olsonoski) in 6:59
Butch Malone vs. Dick Reynolds
7/30/79 – Memphis, TN @ the Mid South Coliseum
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Bill Dundee
Southern Champion Ron Bass vs. Terry The Hulk Boulder
Handicap Match, Ring Enclosed in Wire: Jackie Fargo & Roughhouse Fargo vs. Larry Latham & Wayne Farris & Danny Davis
Back Alley Brawl
Tommy Gilbert vs. Buddy Wayne
Terry Gordy & Michael Hayes vs. Jerry Lawler & Randy Tyler
Steve Regal vs. Pete Austin
Reported Attendance: 7,618
8/3/79 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Billy Robinson vs. Super Destroyer Mark II .
Jesse Ventura vs. Paul Ellering
Steve Olsonoski vs. Bobby Duncum
8/4/79 – Davenport TV
Billy Robinson vs. Dick Reynolds
Greg Gagne vs. Buck Zumhofe
Bobby Duncum vs. Peter Lee
Ray Stevens vs. Ron Ritchie
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Doug Gilbert
8/4/79 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne
Billy Robinson vs. Super Destroyer Mark II walk away .
Steve Olsonoski vs. Bobby Duncum
Paul Elering vs. Jesse Ventura
Ron Ritchie vs. Peter Sandor Szabo was canceled
8/5/79 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne vs. Caesar Pabon
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
Steve Olsonoski vs. Armando Rodriguez
Jesse Ventura vs. Kenny Jay
8/5/79 – Minneapolis, MN
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Billy Robinson vs. Super Destroyer Mark II .
Greg Gagne vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Steve Olsonoski vs. Bobby Duncum
Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura
Ron Ritchie vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
8/10/79 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel dcor Greg Gagne
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Billy Robinson .
Weight Lifting
Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura
Steve Olsonoski vs. Armando Rodriguez
Steve Olsonoski vs. Bobby Duncum
Ron Ritchie vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
8/11/79 – Davenport TV
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Buck Zumhofe
Greg Gagne vs. Super Destroyer Mark III .
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Dick Reynolds
Jesse Ventura vs. Peter Lee
8/11/79 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne .
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Mad Dog Vachon
Bobby Duncum vs. Steve Olsonowski
Billy Robinson vs. Jesse Ventura .
Doug Gilbert vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
8/12/79 – Minneapolis TV
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dan Redman
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Rich Winters
Steve Olsonoski vs. Juan Zapata
George Gadaski vs. Peter Lee
Arena Tape from 7/15 Greg Gagne vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
8/15/79 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Convention Centre
Stan Hansen & Bobby Duncum vs. Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon to apparently win the AWA Tag Team Title. AWA President Stanley Blackburn later ruled the wrong man (Vachon) was vs. and returned the Tag Team Title ti Gagne & Vachon.
Greg Gagne dcor AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Super Destroyer Mark II without his mask vs. Billy Robinson with help from Lord Alfred Hayes
Weightlifting Contest
Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura
Steve Olsonoski vs. Ron Ritchie .
Buddy Wolff vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
Reported Attendance: “sellout, standing room only crowd of over 5,000 spectators”
8/18/79 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne vs. Caesar Pabon
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
Steve Olsonoski vs. Armando Rodriguez
Jesse Ventura vs. Kenny Jay
8/19/79 – Minneapolis TV
Paul Ellering vs. Ron McFarlane
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Sonny Driver
Steve Olsonoski vs. Tom Stone
Jesse Ventura vs. Al Ringo
8/19/79 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Greg Gagne & Steve Olsonoski & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Jesse Ventura & Super Destroyer Mark II & Lord Alfred Hayes when Olsonoski vs. Hayes
Taped fist Match:
Ray Stevens vs. Mad Dog Vachon was canceled
British Empire Champion Billy Robinson vs. Super Destroyer Mark II . in 14:45
Steve Olsonoski vs. Jesse Ventura (sub Bobby Duncum) . in 14:16
Greg Gagne vs. Lord Alfred Hayes . in 12:47 when Hayes fled the ring back to the locker room
Jesse Ventura vs. Paul Ellering in 10:37
Note: Another listing has Robinson pinning SD Mark II and Greg Gagne pinning Lord Alfred Hayes.
8/22/79 – Honolulu, HI
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Rick Martel
Peter Maivia vs. Jay York
Siva Afi vs. Mad Dog Martin
Coconut Willie vs. Little Tokyo
Roddy Piper vs. Clayton Rodriguez
Raul Castro vs. Buck Zumhofe
8/22/79 – Milton, WI
Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Bobby Duncum & Super Destroyer Mark II
Greg Gagne vs. Billy Robinson
Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Steve Olsonoski
Reported Attendance: Full House
8/24/79 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Super Destroyer Mark II & Bobby Duncum vs. Verne Gagne & Billy Robinson (sub Mad Dog Vachon)
Billy Robinson vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Pat O’Connor vs. Bulldog Bob Brown
Peter Sandor Szabo (sub Doug Gilbert) vs. Dr. X
8/24/79 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne
Terry Funk & Dory Funk Jr vs. Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura
Steve Olsonoski vs. Ron Ritchie
8/25/79 – Davenport TV
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dan Redman
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Rich Winters
Steve Olsonoski vs. Juan Zapata
George Gadaski vs. Peter Lee
8/25/79 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne
Dick The Bruiser & Billy Robinson vs. Stan Hansen & Bobby Duncum when Robinson vs. Hansen
Jesse Ventura vs. Dr. X .
Steve Olsonoski vs. Dick Reynolds .
Paul Ellering vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
Reported Attendance: 4,856
8/25/79 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
King Kong Brody vs. The Crusher . when Crusher was preoccupied with Brody’s manager for the evening Lord Alfred Hayes
Wilbur Snyder & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Art Thomas
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Spike Huber
Moose Cholak vs. Paul Christy .
Roger Kirby vs. Jose Pantera
El Bracero vs. Ron Ritchie
Reported Attendance: 5,000
8/26/79 – Minneapolis TV
Bobby Duncum vs. Dick Reynolds
Jesse Ventura vs. Fernando Torres
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Kenny Jay (never started, Billy Robinson & Hayes & SD Mark II impromptu brawl)
Ray Stevens vs. Kenny Jay
8/26/79 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne .
Billy Robinson & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Stan Hansen & Bobby Duncum
Steve Olsonoski & Paul Ellering vs. Ray Stevens & Jesse Ventura
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Dr. X
Jesse Ventura vs. Ron Ritchie
8/27/79 – Memphis, TN @ the Mid South Coliseum
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Jerry Lawler 60:00
Bill Dundee vs. Ron Bass for Southern Title
Tommy Gilbert & Terry The Hulk Boulder vs. Southern Tag Team Champions Wayne Farris & Larry Latham .
Terry Gordy & Michael Hayes vs. Steve Regal & Ricky Morton
Ken Wayne & Buddy Wayne vs. Eddie Gilbert & Dallas Montgomery
8/31/79 – Houston, TX
NWA Champion Harley Race vs. El Halcon
Bruiser Brody vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Mark Lewin vs. Tor Kamata
The Spoiler vs. Tiger Conway Jr
Dale Valentine vs. David Von Erich
Gino Hernandez vs. Tom Jones
Jose Lothario vs. Frank Dusek
Killer Brooks vs. Nick Kozak
8/31/79 – Kewanee
Greg Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Bobby Duncum
Greg Gagne vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Billy Robinson vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Jesse Ventura vs. George Gadaski
9/1/79 – Davenport TV
Paul Ellering vs. Ron McFarlane
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Sonny Driver
Steve Olsonoski vs. Tom Stone
Jesse Ventura vs. Al Ringo
9/2/79 – Minneapolis TV
Billy Robinson vs. Tom Stone
Jesse Ventura vs. Sonny Gregor
Paul Ellering vs. Fernando Torres
Steve Olsonoski vs. Ron McFarland
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Caesar Pabon
9/2/79 – Columbia, SC @ the Township Auditorium (Afternoon Show)
Title vs. Title
NWA TV Champion Ricky Steamboat vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Mid Atlantic Champion Ken Patera vs. Jim Brunzell
Non-Title Match:
Rufus R Jones vs. US Champion Jimmy Snuka
Gene Anderson & Swede Hanson vs. Coco Samoa & Pedro Morales
Nick Decarlo vs. Tony Russo
Pedro Morales (sub SD Jones) vs. Charlie Fulton
9/2/79 – Greensboro, NC @ the Coliseum
Ric Flair & Blackjack Mulligan vs. Paul Jones & Baron Von Raschke .
TV Title Match, AWA Title not on the line: NWA TV Champion Ricky Steamboat vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Johnny Weaver & Jay Youngblood vs. John Studd & Jimmy Snuka
Jim Brunzell, Tim Woods, Dewey Robertson and Bob Marcus also won their singles matches
Reported Attendance: 5,549
9/3/79 – Greenville, SC @ the Memorial Auditorium
Texas Death Match:
Ric Flair vs. Paul Jones
Wahoo McDaniel vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Pedro Morales & Tony Garea vs. Brute Bernard & Jacques Goulet
Dewey Robertson vs. Steve Muslin
Rick McGraw vs. Charlie Fulton
9/4/79 – Raleigh, NC @ the Dorton Arena
Ric Flair & Blackjack Mulligan & Ricky Steamboat vs. Paul Jones & Baron Von Raschke & Nick Bockwinkel
Dewey Robertson vs. Johnny Weaver
Mr Wrestling Tim Woods vs. The Scorpion
9/8/79 – Davenport TV
Bobby Duncum vs. Dick Reynolds
Jesse Ventura vs. Fernando Torres
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Kenny Jay (never started, Billy Robinson & Hayes & SD Mark II impromptu brawl)
Ray Stevens vs. Kenny Jay
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Armando Rodriguez
9/8/79 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel dcor Greg Gagne in 23:21
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Mad Dog Vachon
Steve Olsonoski vs. Bobby Duncum .
Paul Ellering & Billy Robinson vs. Jesse Ventura & Ron McFarlane
Reported Attendance: 2,620
9/9/79 – Minneapolis TV
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. George Gadaski
Billy Robinson vs. Kenny Jay
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Harry Dragon
9/9/79 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
The Crusher (sub Verne Gagne) & Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Duncum
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Billy Robinson .
Steve Olsonoski & Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura & Roger Kirby
Ron Ritchie vs. Chris Curtis
Peter Sandor Szabo vs. Kenny Jay
9/12/79 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Convention Centre
Gagne’s sleeper hold barred, Referee: Larry Lisowski
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne .
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Stan Hansen
Handicap Match:
Billy Robinson vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Lord Alfred Hayes
Steve Olsonoski & Paul Ellering vs. Bobby Duncum & Jesse Ventura when Steve O vs. Duncum
Ron Ritchie vs. George Gadaski (sub Buddy Wolff) .
Peter Sandor Szabo vs. Fred Peloquin
9/15/79 – Davenport TV
Billy Robinson vs. Tom Stone
Jesse Ventura vs. Sonny Gregor
Paul Ellering vs. Fernando Torres
Steve Olsonoski vs. Ron McFarland
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Caesar Pabon
9/15/79 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Dick The Bruiser & The Crusher vs. King Kong Brody & Super Destroyer Mark II when Crusher vs. Mark II
Bobo Brazil vs. Ox Baker
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Rauol Guzman
Greg Gagne vs. Jesse Ventura .
Bobby Duncum vs. Steve Olsonoski
Princess Jasmine vs. Alice Cooper
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
9/16/79 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne vs. Dan Redman
Jesse Ventura vs. George Gadaski
Steve Olsonoski vs. Angel Rivera
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Kenny Jay
Billy Robinson vs. Juan Zapata
9/16/79 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel dcor Greg Gagne
Coal Miner’s Glove Match:
Billy Robinson vs. Super Destroyer Mark II in 14:59
Steve Olsonoski & Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura & Bobby Duncum in 21:09 when Olsonoski vs. Duncum
Peter Sandor Szabo vs. George Gadaski (sub Dick Reynolds) in 15:59
9/18/79 – Raleigh, NC @ the Dorton Arena
US Champion Jimmy Snuka vs. Ric Flair
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. NWA TV Champion Ricky Steamboat
Brute Bernard & Jacques Goulet vs. Don Kernodle & Jay Youngblood
9/20/79 – Austin, MN @ the Riverside Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne
Super Destroyer Mark II & Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Mad Dog Vachon & Billy Robinson
Bobby Duncum vs. Adrian Adonis
Jesse Ventura vs. Steve Olsonoski
9/21/79 – Houston, TX
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel dcor Bruiser Brody
David Von Erich & Kerry Von Erich & Kevin Von Erich vs. Mark Lewin & The Spoiler & Gary Hart when David vs. Hart in the 3rd fall
David Von Erich vs. Mark Lewin 15:00
Gino Hernandez vs. Les Thornton
Jose Lothario vs. Killer Brooks
Tiger Conway Jr vs. Gran Markus .
Frank Dusek vs. Hector Guerrero
9/21/79 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Super Destroyer Mark II & Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Billy Robinson & Mad Dog Vachon
Bobo Brazil vs. Bobby Duncum in 8:08
Jesse Ventura vs. Paul Ellering . in 13:27
Steve Olsonoski vs. Peter Sandor Szabo in 12:29
Adrian Adonis vs. Chris Curtis in 10:02
Reported Attendance: 3,409
9/22/79 – Davenport TV
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. George Gadaski
Billy Robinson vs. Kenny Jay
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Harry Dragon
Greg Gagne vs. Jerry Brown
Steve Olsonoski & Paul Ellering vs. Puppy Dog Peloquin & Chris Curtis
9/22/79 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Greg Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Bobby Duncum
Billy Robinson vs. Super Destroyer Mark III
Jesse Ventura vs. Paul Ellering
Steve Olsonoski vs. Adrian Adonis 20:00
9/23/79 – Minneapolis TV
Adrian Adonis vs. Kenny Jay
9/23/79 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada @ the Maple Leaf Gardens
Canadian Title Match, AWA Title not on the line: Canadian Champion Dewey Robertson vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
US Champion Jimmy Snuka vs. Ricky Steamboat
Andre The Giant vs. Ken Patera .
Jay Youngblood & Pedro Morales vs. Swede Hanson & John Studd
Billy Red Lyons vs. Frank Marconi
Chris Tolos vs. Johnny Yachetti
9/24/79 – Peoria, IL
Super Destroyer Mark II & Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Greg Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon
Billy Robinson vs. Bobby Duncum
Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura
Adrian Adonis vs. George Gadaski
9/25/79 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Super Destroyer Mark II & Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Billy Robinson & Mad Dog Vachon when Mark III vs. Robinson in 21:06
Jesse Ventura vs. Paul Ellering .
Steve Olsonoski vs. Bobby Duncum .
Adrian Adonis vs. Peter Sandor Szabo .
9/28/79 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Greg Gagne vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel . when Nick hit Greg with a chair in 13:21
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Billy Robinson . in 21:20
Jesse Ventura & Bobby Duncum vs. Steve Olsonoski & Paul Ellering when Duncum vs. Ellering in 19:13
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Ron Ritchie . in 17:04
Reported Attendance: 4,207
9/29/79 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne vs. Dan Redman
Jesse Ventura vs. George Gadaski
Steve Olsonoski vs. Angel Rivera
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Kenny Jay
Billy Robinson vs. Juan Zapata
9/30/79 – Minneapolis TV
Super Destroyer Mark II & Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Ron Ritchie & Peter Sandor Szabo
Paul Ellering vs. Puppy Dog Peloquin
Adrian Adonis vs. Rick Jones
Billy Robinson vs. Jimmy Brown
Greg Gagne vs. Sonny Driver
9/30/79 – Minneapolis, MN
Super Destroyer Mark II & Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Mad Dog Vachon & Billy Robinson
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Duncum
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Handicap Match:
Steve Olsonoski & Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura
Adrian Adonis vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
10/5/79 – Tokyo, Japan @ the Kourakuen Hall
AWA Title vs. IWA Title
IWA Champion Rusher Kimura vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel . in 16:30
* No title change
IWA World Tag Team Champions Animal Hamaguchi & Mighty Inoue vs. Kintaro Ohki & Umanosuke Ueda in a 2/3 falls match
NWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion Nelson Royal dcor Ashura Hara
10/6/79 – Davenport TV
Paul Ellering vs. Fernando Torres
Jesse Ventura vs. Julio Rodriguez
Greg Gagne vs. Buck Zumhofe
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Caesar Pabon
10/6/79 – Springfield, IL
Greg Gagne vs. Super Destroyer Mark II .
Billy Robinson vs. Bobby Duncum
Paul Ellering vs. Jesse Ventura
Steve Olsonoski vs. Lord Alfred Hayes .
Max Blue vs. George Gadaski
10/7/79 – Albuquerque, NM
Verne Gagne vs. Dennis Stamp
10/7/79 – Minneapolis TV
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Sonny Driver
Ron Ritchie vs. Chris Curtis
Steve Olsonoski vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
Adrian Adonis vs. Caesar Pabon
10/9/79 – St Paul, MN
Billy Robinson vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Steve Olsonoski & Paul Ellering
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Super Destroyer Mark III
Bobby Duncum vs. Ron Ritchie
Peter Sandor Szabo vs. Sonny Driver
10/10/79 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Coal Miner’s Glove Match:
Billy Robinson vs. Super Destroyer Mark II in 21:53
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Lord Alfred Hayes . in 18:04
Jesse Ventura & Bobby Duncum vs. Paul Ellering & Steve Olsonoski when Ventura vs. Steve O in 25:01
Adrian Adonis vs. Ron Ritchie . in 15:37
10/12/79 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
King Kong Brody vs. Dick The Bruiser
Bobo Brazil vs. Nick Bockwinkel .
Handicap Match:
Lord Alfred Hayes & Paul Christy vs. the Crusher when Crusher was only able to pin Hayes within the 15:00 time limit
Wilbur Snyder vs. Tiny Hampton
Spike Huber vs. Chris Turner
The Strangler vs. Raul Guzman
Jerry Graham Jr vs. El Bracero
Paul Ellering vs. Jackie Ruffin
10/12/79 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Coal Miners Glove Match:
Billy Robinson vs. Super Destroyer Mark II .
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Steve Olsonoski & Paul Ellering
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Lord Alfred Hayes .
Bobo Brazil vs. Super Destroyer Mark III .
Peter Sandor Szabo vs. Sonny Driver
Reported Attendance: 3,219
10/13/79 – Davenport TV
Super Destroyer Mark II & Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Ron Ritchie & Peter Sandor Szabo
Paul Ellering vs. Puppy Dog Peloquin
Adrian Adonis vs. Rick Jones
Billy Robinson vs. Jimmy Brown
Greg Gagne vs. Sonny Driver
10/13/79 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Billy Robinson & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Super Destroyer Mark III
Jesse Ventura vs. Steve Olsonoski
Peter Sandor Szabo vs. Sonny Driver
Adrian Adonis vs. Ron Ritchie
10/14/79 – Minneapolis TV
Jesse Ventura vs. Sonny Driver
Paul Ellering vs. Fernando Torres
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Caesar Pabon
10/14/79 – Charlotte, NC @ the Coliseum
Blackjack Mulligan & Ric Flair vs. NWA Tag Team Champions Paul Jones & Baron Von Raschke .
Jim Brunzell vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Jimmy Snuka & John Studd & Buddy Rogers vs. SD Jones & Rufus R Jones & Jay Youngblood
Dewey Robertson vs. Rick McGraw
Brute Bernard vs. Pedro Morales
Mr X I vs. Frank Monte
Lone Eagle vs. Tom Thumb
Billy Starr vs. David Patterson
10/14/79 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Super Destroyer Mark II & Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Billy Robinson & Mad Dog Vachon when Mark III hit Vachon with brass knuckles and vs. him
Jesse Ventura vs. Steve Olsonoski in 42:18
Princess Jasmine vs. Alice Cooper was canceled due to Alice’s injuries
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Lord Alfred Hayes . in 12:02 after a piledriver
Adrian Adonis vs. Peter Sandor Szabo (sub Kenny Jay) 15:07
Paul Ellering vs. Ron Ritchie 11:14
10/15/79 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada @ the Maple Leaf Gardens
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dewey Robertson curfew
US Champion Jimmy Snuka vs. Ric Flair in 13:31
Johnny Weaver & Jay Youngblood vs. The Scorpion & Brute Bernard
The Destroyer vs. Klondike Bill .
Joe Marcus vs. Frank Marconi
Note: The Bob Backlund/Pat Patterson WWWF Title bout reportedly was not held due to the curfew.
10/16/79 – St Paul, MN @ the Auditorium
Mask at Stake
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Billy Robinson
Super Destroyer Mark III & Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Mad Dog Vachon & Kenny Jay
Adrian Adonis vs. Steve Olsonoski
Paul Ellering vs. Bobby Duncum .
Ron Ritchie vs. Sonny Driver
10/19/79 – Hampton, VA @ the Coliseum
Title vs. Title
NWA TV Champion Ricky Steamboat vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
US Title Match:
US Champion Jimmy Snuka vs. Mid Atlantic Champion Jim Brunzell
Rufus R Jones vs. Ken Patera
Johnny Weaver & Jay Youngblood vs. Gene Anderson & The Scorpion
Don Kernodle vs. Doug Somers
Lone Eagle vs. Billy The Kid
Tony Russo & Dave Patterson vs. Rick McGraw & Coco Samoa
10/20/79 – Davenport TV
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Sonny Driver
Ron Ritchie vs. Chris Curtis
Steve Olsonoski vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
Adrian Adonis vs. Caesar Pabon
10/20/79 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Bobby Duncum & Jesse Ventura
10/20/79 – Winston Salem, NC @ the Memorial Coliseum
Andre the Giant vs. John Studd
AWA Title Match:
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. NWA TV Champion Ricky Steamboat
Dewey Robertson & Billy the Kid vs. Jay Youngblood & Lone Eagle
Mr X I vs. Rick McGraw
Doug Somers vs. Don Kernodle
10/21/79 – Minneapolis TV
Adrian Adonis vs. Kenny Jay
Steve Olsonoski vs. Chris Curtis in a 2/3 falls match
10/21/79 – Minneapolis, MN
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Duncum
Billy Robinson vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Steve Olsonoski & Paul Ellering
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Sonny Driver
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Reggie Parks
10/23/79 – St Paul, MN @ the Auditorium
Andre the Giant won a battle royal which included all the wrestlers below and
Peter Sandor Szabo, Moose Morowski, Greg Gagne, Billy Robinson, Mad Dog Vachon, Lord Alfred Hayes and Super Destroyer Mark III
Andre the Giant vs. Super Destroyer Mark II .
Jesse Ventura vs. Steve Olsonoski
Adrian Adonis vs. Paul Ellering
Dino Bravo vs. Chris Curtis
Ron Ritchie vs. George Gadaski
10/24/79 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Andre the Giant won a $25,000 battle royal
Andre the Giant vs. Jesse Ventura
Greg Gagne vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Adrian Adonis vs. Steve Olsonoski
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Reggie Parks
Dino Bravo vs. Sonny Driver
Also In Battle Royal: Billy Robinson, Mad Dog Vachon, Buddy Wolff, Yukon Moose Cholak & Paul Ellering
10/25/79 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Andre The Giant won a Two Ring, 20 Man Battle Royal for $35,000 to earn a title shot against AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel on 11/12/79 – by elimination Super Destroyer Mark II & Super Destroyer Mark III.
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Billy Robinson . for British Empire Title
Andre The Giant vs. Bobby Duncum
Referee: Al DeRusha
Greg Gagne vs. Jesse Ventura
Canadian Champion Dino Bravo vs. Buddy Wolff
Steve Olsonoski vs. Adrian Adonis 15:00
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Angelo Mosca . when Mosca tossed Mark III over the top rope
Reported Attendance: “all time record crowd of more than 11,000”
10/27/79 – Davenport TV
Billy Robinson vs. Tom Stone
Jesse Ventura vs. Sonny Driver
Paul Ellering vs. Fernando Torres
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Caesar Pabon
10/27/79 – Austin, MN @ the Riverside Arena
14-Man Battle Royal for $15,000
Andre the Giant vs. Bobby Duncum
Billy Robinson vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Dino Bravo vs. Sonny Driver
Jesse Ventura vs. Paul Ellering
Greg Gagne vs. Ron Ritchie
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
Adrian Adonis vs. Mad Dog Vachon
10/28/79 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne vs. Hollywood Nelson
Adrian Adonis vs. Nacho Berrera
Dino Bravo vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dan Redman
10/28/79 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Andre The Giant won a 16 man battle royal for $25,000 (Order of Elimination: 1-Billy Robinson 2-Sandor Szabo 3-Moose Cholak 4-Buddy Wolff 5-Paul Ellering 6-Wilbur Snyder 7-Jesse Ventura 8-Dick the Bruiser 9-Mad Dog Vachon 10-Crusher 11-Steve Olsonoski 12-Super Destroyer Mark II 13-Dino Bravo 14-Super Destroyer Mark III 15-Adrian Adonis WINNER-Andre the Giant )
Andre the Giant vs. Jesse Ventura .
Dick the Bruiser vs. Super Destroyer Mark III .
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Mad Dog Vachon
Dino Bravo vs. Buddy Wolff
Adrian Adonis vs. Paul Ellering
Steve Olsonoski vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
(referees; Ron Richie, George Gadaski, Larry Lisowski)
Reported Attendance: 5,687
10/30/79 – Peoria, IL
Andre The Giant won an 11 Man Battle Royal
Andre the Giant vs. Adrian Adonis
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
The Crusher vs. Bobby Duncum
Paul Ellering vs. Ron Ritchie
Sonny Driver vs. Peter Sando Szabo
Note: Super Destroyer Mark III also competed in the Battle Royal
11/3/79 – Davenport TV
Adrian Adonis vs. Kenny Jay
Steve Olsonoski vs. Chris Curtis in a 2/3 falls match
Ron Ritchie vs. Sonny Driver
11/3/79 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Andre The Giant won a 16 Man Battle Royal
Andre the Giant vs. Jesse Ventura
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Billy Robinson
Bobby Duncum vs. Greg Gagne
Dino Bravo vs. Sonny Driver
Adrian Adonis vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
Note: Super Destroyer Mark III, Ron Ritchie, Mad Dog Vachon, Steve Olsonoski and Lord Alfred Hayes also competed in the Battle Royal.
11/4/79 – Minneapolis TV
Dino Bravo vs. Chris Curtis
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Armando Rodriguez & Hollywood Nelson
Buck Zumhofe vs. Angel Rivera
Greg Gagne vs. Nacho Berrera
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Harry Dragon
11/4/79 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
Andre The Giant vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel 60:00
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Duncum
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Paul Ellering & Steve Olsonoski
Billy Robinson vs. Super Destroyer Mark III .
Dino Bravo vs. Sonny Driver
Ron Ritchie vs. Buck Zumhofe
11/6/79 – Waukesha, WI @ the Expo Center
The Crusher vs. Lord Alfred Hayes . at 11:10
Andre The Giant vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Billy Robinson vs. Moose Cholak
Plus two more bouts
Reported Attendance: 1,000
11/7/79 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Andre the Giant dcor AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Mad Dog Vachon . in 11:43
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Paul Ellering & Steve Olsonoski in 16:40
Dino Bravo vs. Bobby Duncum
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Ron Ritchie . in 10:22
Reported Attendance: 2,684
11/8/79 – Lexington, KY @ the Rupp Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Bill Dundee
CWA Champion Superstar Billy Graham vs. Jerry Lawler
No Time Limit, No DQ Match, Loser of match will get his head shaved inside the ring: Wayne Farris & Larry Latham vs. Steve Kyle & Koko Ware
Cowboy Lang vs. Billy The Kid
Terry Gordy & Michael Hayes vs. Sonny King & Rick Morton
Buddy & Ken Wayne vs. Hector Guerrero & Steve Regal
11/9/79 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Andre The Giant won a 16 man, $25,000 battle royal
Andre The Giant vs. Jesse Ventura . at 7:25
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Mad Dog Vachon
Greg Gagne vs. Sonny Driver with a sleeper hold in 4:35
Billy Robinson vs. Super Destroyer Mark III 20:00
Adrian Adonis vs. Steve Olsonoski 11:00
Dino Bravo vs. Ron Ritchie 4:20
Reported Attendance: 7,957
Note: The Crusher also competed in the battle royal
11/10/79 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne vs. Hollywood Nelson
Adrian Adonis vs. Nacho Berrera
Dino Bravo vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dan Redman
11/11/79 – Minneapolis TV
Jesse Ventura vs. Al Ringo & Puppy Dog Peloquin (handicap match)
Paul Ellering vs. Kenny Milsap
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Peter Newman
Bobby Duncum vs. Larry Jones
Billy Robinson vs. Ron McFarlane
Ray Stevens vs. Ron Ritchie
11/11/79 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
The Crusher won a 14 man battle royal for $20,000 by eliminating Adrian Adonis
Other participants in order of elimination: Buck Zumhofe, Steve Olsonoski, Chris Curtis, Billy Robinson, Paul Ellering, Greg Gagne, Super Destroyer Mark III, Buddy Wolff, Mad Dog Vachon, Andre the Giant, Jesse Ventura, Dino Bravo.
Andre the Giant vs. Jesse Ventura . in 9:01
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Super Destroyer Mark III . in 11:45
Dino Bravo vs. Buddy Wolff . in 12:13
Greg Gagne vs. Steve Olsonoski 15:00
Adrian Adonis vs. Paul Ellering .
11/12/79 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel dcor Andre The Giant
Billy Robinson vs. Super Destroyer Mark II for British Empire Title
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Paul Ellering & Steve Olsonoski
Greg Gagne vs. Buddy Wolff
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
Ricky Hunter vs. Ron Ritchie
Reported Attendance: “more than 5,000 fans”
11/17/79 – Davenport TV
Dino Bravo vs. Chris Curtis
Hollywood Nelson vs. Armando Rodriguez
Buck Zumhofe vs. Nacho Berrera
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Harry Dragon
11/18/79 – Minneapolis TV
Dino Bravo vs. Jimmy Brown
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Puppy Dog Peloquin & Ricky Hunter
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Sonny Driver
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Ron Ritchie
Buck Zumhofe vs. Kenny Jay
11/19/79 – Memphis, TN @ the Mid South Coliseum
Billy Graham vs. CWA Champion Jerry Lawler .
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Sonny King
Ricky Morton vs. Tojo Yamamoto .
Hector Guerrero & Steve Regal vs. Wayne Ferris & Larry Latham for the Southern Tag Title
The Assassins vs. Jerry Bryant & Jerry Barber
Koko Ware vs. Steve Kyle
Reported Attendance: 4,318
11/20/79 – Louisville, KY @ the Gardens
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Jackie Fargo
Wayne Farris & Larry Latham vs. Hector Guerrero & Koko Ware
Tommy Marlin vs. Danny Davis
Rick Morton vs. Steve Kyle
Sonny King & Steve Regal vs. The Assassins
11/21/79 – Evansville, IN @ the Coliseum
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Jackie Fargo
Koko Ware & Hector Guerrero vs. Wayne Farris & Larry Latham
Steve Regal vs. Steve Kyle
The Assassins vs. Rick Morton & Sonny King
Danny Davis vs. Eddie Marlin
11/22/79 – Minneapolis, MN
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Super Destroyer Mark III
Greg Gagne vs. Jesse Ventura .
Dino Bravo vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Billy Robinson vs. Steve Olsonoski
Adrian Adonis vs. Paul Ellering
Buddy Wolff vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
11/23/79 – Milwaukee, WI
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Super Destroyer Mark III
Greg Gagne vs. Adrian Adonis .
Dino Bravo vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Jesse Ventura vs. Steve Olsonoski
Billy Robinson vs. Armando Rodriguez (sub for Buddy Wolff)
Buck Zumhofe vs. Paul Ellering
referees: Larry Lisowski, George Gadaski
11/24/79 – Davenport TV
Jesse Ventura vs. Al Ringo & Puppy Dog Peloquin (handicap match)
Paul Ellering vs. Kenny Milsap
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Peter Newman
Bobby Duncum vs. Larry Jones
Billy Robinson vs. Ron McFarlane
Ray Stevens vs. Ron Ritchie
11/25/79 – Minneapolis TV
Dino Bravo vs. Herman Schafer
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Buck Zumhofe & Fernando Torres
Greg Gagne vs. Chris Curtis
Buddy Wolff vs. Ron Ritchie
11/28/79 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Super Destroyer Mark III
Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne
Billy Robinson vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Adrian Adonis vs. Paul Ellering
Dino Bravo vs. Buddy Wolff
12/1/79 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Bobo Brazil
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Super Destroyer Mark III
Dick the Bruiser vs. King Kong Brody
Ernie Ladd dcor Billy Robinson
Ox Baker dcor Wilbur Snyder
The Crusher vs. Paul Christy . 6:28
Spike Huber vs. Bobby Heenan
Moose Cholak vs. Tiny Hampton .
Jerry Graham Jr vs. Ron Ritchie
El Bracero vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
Reported Attendance: 10,000
12/2/79 – Davenport TV
Dino Bravo vs. Jimmy Brown
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Puppy Dog Peloquin & Ricky Hunter
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Sonny Driver
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Ron Ritchie
Buck Zumhofe vs. Kenny Jay
12/2/79 – Minneapolis TV
Steve Olsonoski & Paul Ellering vs. Chris Curtis & Puppy Dog Peloquin
Greg Gagne vs. Jimmy Brown
Jesse Ventura vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
Billy Robinson vs. Kenny Jay
12/2/79 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. the Crusher . when Crusher hit Bockwinkel with a chair in 18:12
Dino Bravo vs. Super Destroyer Mark II (who wrestled unmasked) in 12:37
Greg Gagne vs. Super Destroyer Mark III was canceled when “Greg missed his plane”
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Paul Ellering & Steve Olsonoski in 21:11 when Jesse vs. Ellering
Super Destroyer Mark III (sub Ron Ritchie) vs. Buck Zumhofe in 11:30
12/3/79 – Peoria, IL
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne
Dino Bravo vs. Super Destroyer Mark II (w/o mask)
Spike Huber vs. Lord Alfred Hayes .
Ron Ritchie vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
12/6/79 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Canadian Heavyweight Title Match, AWA Title not on the line: Canadian Champion Dino Bravo vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel . after an airplane spin
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Super Destroyer Mark III
Referee: Joe Fiorino
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Steve Olsonoski & Angelo Mosca . when Mosca hit referee Fiorino
Greg Gagne vs. Bob Brown Jr with a sleeper hold in 13:00
Ricky Hunter vs. Ron Ritchie
Peter Sandor Szabo vs. Buck Zumhofe 20:00
12/9/79 – Davenport TV
Dino Bravo vs. Herman Schafer
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Buck Zumhofe & Fernando Torres
Greg Gagne vs. Chris Curtis
Buddy Wolff vs. Ron Ritchie
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
12/9/79 – Minneapolis TV
Dino Bravo vs. The Beast
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Buck Zumhofe & Kenny Jay
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Chuck Pullins
Buddy Wolff vs. Al Ringo
12/9/79 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. The Crusher when Lord Alfred Hayes interfered on behalf of Crusher
Greg Gagne & Steve Olsonoski vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Super Destroyer Mark III
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Dino Bravo
Buddy Wolff vs. Ron Ritchie
Buck Zumhofe vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
12/10/79 – Memphis, TN @ the Mid South Coliseum
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. CWA Champion Jerry Lawler .
Sonny King & Tojo Yamamoto vs. Rick Morton & Big Red
Paul Ellering & Billy Robinson vs. The Assassins
Koko Ware vs. Super Destroyer
Steve Regal vs. Ken Wayne
Reported Attendance: 5,981
Note: The advertised lineup listed Robinson vs. Super Destroyer and Ellering teaming with Koko Ware against The Assassins.
12/12/79 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon when Ventura vs. Mad Dog Vachon in 18:35
Dino Bravo vs. Super Destroyer Mark II . in 14:32
Steve Olsonoski vs. Super Destroyer Mark III . when SD III tossed Olsonoski over the top rope
Buck Zumhofe vs. Ron Ritchie . in 14:58
12/14/79 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. The Crusher & Steve Olsonoski
Dino Bravo vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Super Destroyer Mark III
Buck Zumhofe vs. Ron Ritchie
Peter Sandor Szabo vs. Chris Curtis
Reported Attendance: 3,537
12/15/79 – Marshfield, WI
Dino Bravo vs. Super Destroyer Mark II a match in which Super D had to unmask.
He did and had tape covering parts of his face
Greg Gagne vs. Jesse Ventura .
Super Destroyer Mark III & Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Steve Olsonoski & Buck Zumhofe
Adrian Adonis vs. Ron Ritchie
Note: Another listing has Mark III and Hayes going to a draw with Olsonoski & Zumhofe
12/16/79 – Davenport TV
Steve Olsonoski & Paul Ellering vs. Chris Curtis & Puppy Dog Peloquin
Greg Gagne vs. Jimmy Brown
Jesse Ventura vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
Billy Robinson vs. Kenny Jay
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Sonny Driver
12/16/79 – Minneapolis TV
Dino Bravo vs. Chris Curtis
Adrian Adonis vs. Ricky Hunter
The Crusher vs. Jimmy Brown
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Ron Ritchie
12/21/79 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Super Destroyer Mark III
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. The Crusher & Steve Olsonoski
12/23/79 – Minneapolis TV
Adrian Adonis vs. Kenny Jay
Steve Olsonoski vs. Chris Curtis
Greg Gagne vs. Jimmy Brown
Ron Ritchie vs. Sonny Driver
Buddy Wolff vs. Al Ringo
12/23/79 – Davenport TV
Dino Bravo vs. The Beast
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Buck Zumhofe & Kenny Jay
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Chuck Pullins
Buddy Wolff vs. Al Ringo
12/25/79 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
The Crusher & Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan
Greg Gagne vs. Adrian Adonis
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Super Destroyer Mark II (sub Jesse Ventura) .
Dino Bravo vs. Super Destroyer Mark III
Steve Olsonoski vs. Buddy Wolff
Jerry Blackwell vs. Ricky Hunter
12/26/79 – Lincoln, NE @ the Persching Auditorium
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Mad Dog Vachon
Adrian Adonis vs. Steve Olsonoski
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Reggie Parks
Buck Zumhofe vs. Peter Sandor Szabo
12/27/79 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Two Ring Battle Royal
Ring 1 winner Dick the Bruiser Ring 2 winner Farmer Blackwell
Spike Huber & Bobo Brazil vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Super Destroyer Mark III
Wilbur Snyder vs. Ernie Ladd .
Greg Gagne vs. Adrian Adonis
Bobby Heenan vs. Steve Olsonoski
Farmer Blackwell vs. Gil Guerrero
El Bracero vs. Ricky Hunter
12/28/79 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
The Crusher vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel for title . in 12:28 after Lord Alfred Hayes interfered
This decision was later overturned. Bockwinkel still AWA Champion.
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Super Destroyer Mark II (and unmasked him) in 9:39
Greg Gagne & Steve Olsonoski vs. Adrian Adonis & Rick Hunter (sub Jesse Ventura) in 19:32 when Adonis abandoned the match and Greg vs. Hunter
Dino Bravo vs. Super Destroyer Mark III 10:02
Buck Zumhofe (sub Buddy Wolff) vs. Farmer Blackwell 6:43
12/29/79 – Milton, WI @ the Union High School
The Crusher vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel . when Bockwinkel tossed Crusher over the top rope
12/30/79 – Davenport TV
Dino Bravo vs. Chris Curtis
Adrian Adonis vs. Ricky Hunter
The Crusher vs. Jimmy Brown
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Ron Ritchie
12/30/79 – Minneapolis TV
Adrian Adonis vs. Nacho Berrera
Greg Gagne vs. Hollywood Nelson
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Doug Somers
Dino Bravo vs. Herman Schafer
Jesse Ventura vs. Armando Rodriguez
12/30/79 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Greg Gagne vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel 23:48 (announced as Champion in arena; must have been reversed decision later)
The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Adrian Adonis & Super Destroyer Mark II (sub Jesse Ventura) at 11:56 when Crusher vs. Mark II
Dino Bravo vs. Super Destroyer Mark III
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Bobo Brazil
Farmer Blackwell vs. Rick Hunter (sub Buddy Wolff)
Steve Olsonoski vs. Buck Zumhofe
Reported Attendance: 4,178
1/4/80 – LaCrosse, WI @ the Mary E. Sawyer Auditorium
Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Steve Olsonoski & Buck Zumhofe vs. Jesse Ventura & Bobby Heenan (sub Adrian Adonis)
Super Destroyer Mark II double count out with Super Destroyer Mark III (sub Buddy Wolff)
Buddy Wolff (sub Super Destroyer Mark III) vs. Ron Ritchie .
1/6/80 – Minneapolis TV
Jerry Blackwell vs. Ron Ritchie
Steve Olsonoski vs. Kenny Jay
Greg Gagne vs. Ricky Hunter
Jesse Ventura vs. Buck Zumhofe
1/8/80 – Peoria, IL
Greg Gagne vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Dino Bravo & Steve Olsonoski vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Bobby Heenan
Jesse Ventura vs. Spike Huber
Adrian Adonis vs. Buck Zumhofe
1/10/80 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Special Referee: Gene Kiniski
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
The Crusher vs. Super Destroyer III and unmasked him as Jean Pierre LaSalle
Greg Gagne & Dino Bravo vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Nick Bockwinkel when Bravo vs. Bockwinkel
Jerry Blackwell vs. Dave Kochen
Steve Olsonoski vs. Ron Ritchie
Ricky Hunter vs. Buck Zumhofe
Reported Attendance: “more than 4,000 hardy fans braved blizzard conditions”
1/11/80 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Super Destroyer Mark II
Jerry Blackwell vs. Randy Morse
Dino Bravo vs. Super Destroyer Mark III
The Crusher vs. Adrian Adonis .
Greg Gagne double count out with Jesse Ventura
1/12/80 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
No DQ Match: Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
The Crusher vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne & Steve Olsonoski
Dino Bravo vs. Super Destroyer Mark III
Jerry Blackwell vs. Ron Ritchie
1/13/80 – St. Paul, MN @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. The Crusher
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Dino Bravo & Greg Gagne .
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Bobby Heenan
Steve Olsonoski vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Buck Zumhofe
Jerry Blackwell vs. Ron Ritchie
1/20/80 – Minneapolis TV
Dino Bravo vs. Ricky Hunter
Steve Olsonoski vs. Chris Markoff .
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Ron Ritchie
Jerry Blackwell vs. Buck Zumhofe
1/26/80 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
The Crusher vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne & Dino Bravo
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Steve Olsonoski
Jerry Blackwell vs. George Gadaski
1/27/80 – Minneapolis TV
Steve Olsonoski vs. Bob Hampton
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Ricky Hunter
The Crusher vs. Chuck Pullins
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Al Ringo
1/27/80 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
The Crusher & Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan when Crusher vs. Bockwinkel
Greg Gagne vs. Jesse Ventura in 16:55
Adrian Adonis vs. Dino Bravo
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Farmer Blackwell . in 11:02
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Steve Olsonoski
1/27/80 – Milwaukee. WI @ the Auditorium
Greg Gagne & Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan
The Crusher vs. Jesse Ventura .
Dino Bravo vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Jerry Blackwell vs. Buck Zumhofe
Adrian Adonis vs. Steve Olsonoski
referees: George Gadaski, Larry Lisowski
1/30/80 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
The Crusher & Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Bobby Heenan
Adrian Adonis vs. Greg Gagne
Dino Bravo vs. Jesse Ventura
Steve Olsonoski vs. Jerry Blackwell
1/??/80 – Worthington, MN
Dino Bravo & Tito Santana vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Super Destroyer II vs. Mad Dog Vachon .
Jerry Blackwell vs. Super Destroyer Mark III
Steve O vs. Buck Zumhofe
2/1/80 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
The Crusher & Lord Alfred Hayes & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan & Super Destroyer Mark II
Adrian Adonis vs. Dino Bravo
Greg Gagne vs. Jesse Ventura
Jerry Blackwell vs. Steve Olsonoski
Reported Attendance: 6,857
2/3/80 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
Non-Title Cage Match:
The Crusher vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Mad Dog Vachon & Greg Gagne
Steve Olsonoski vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Super Destroyer Mark III
Chris Markoff vs. Buck Zumhofe
2/6/80 – Waukesha, WI @ the Expo Center
The Crusher vs. Super Destroyer Mark III
2/7/80 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Special Referee: Gene Kiniski
Dino Bravo vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel by reverse decision when Lord Alfred Hayes alerted referee Kiniski that Bobby Heenan interfered
Referee: Joe Florino
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon
Greg Gagne vs. Super Destroyer Mark II .
Handicap Match:
Jerry Blackwell vs. Buck Zumhofe & Ron Ritchie
Jean Pierre LaSalle the former Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Dave Kochen
Ricky Hunter vs. Fred Peloquin .
2/8/80 – Peoria, IL
Greg Gagne & Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan
Dino Bravo vs. Adrian Adonis .
Jesse Ventura vs. George Gadaski
Debbie Combs vs. Candy Cane
2/9/80 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel double count out with Dick The Bruiser
Super Destroyer Mark II & King Kong Brody vs. Mad Dog Vachon & Greg Gagne
Dino Bravo vs. Adrian Adonis .
Moose Cholak vs. Bobby Vann
Art Thomas vs. Black Saint
Ricky Hunter vs. Steve Olsonoski
2/10/80 – Minneapolis TV
Adrian Adonis vs. Buck Zumhofe
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Ricky Hunter
Jerry Blackwell vs. Kenny Jay
Chris Markoff vs. Super Destroyer Mark III .
Steve Olsonoski vs. Buddy Lane
2/16/80 – Beloit, WI @ the Memorial High School
The Crusher & Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan .
Greg Gagne vs. Buck Zumhofe
Debbie Combs vs. Lucky Lane
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Super Destroyer Mark III
2/16/80 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon .
Jerry Blackwell vs. Steve Olsonoski (sub Dino Bravo)
Bobo Johnson vs. Billy the Kid
Steve Olsonoski vs. Chris Markoff
2/17/80 – Minneapolis TV
Dino Bravo vs. Tommy Sharpe
Jerry Blackwell vs. Al Ringo
Greg Gagne vs. The Beast
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Kenny Jay
2/17/80 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Greg Gagne & the Crusher vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Super Destroyer Mark II
Adrian Adonis vs. Mad Dog Vachon
Bobby Heenan vs. Lord Alfred Hayes .
Jesse Ventura vs. Steve Olsonoski
Farmer Blackwell vs. Super Destroyer Mark II (sub Dino Bravo) 14:58
Dino Bravo vs. Chris Markoff 10:23
Ron Ritchie vs. Super Destroyer Mark III was canceled
2/17/80 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Non-Title Cage Match:
The Crusher vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne & Dino Bravo
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Super Destroyer Mark II . in 17:49
Farmer Blackwell vs. Steve Olsonoski . in 19:30
Chris Markoff (sub for Ron Ritchie) vs. Buck Zumhofe in 12:28
2/23/80 – Cannon Falls, MN
Jesse Ventura & Adrian Adonis vs. The Crusher & Steve Olsonoski
2/24/80 – Minneapolis TV
Dino Bravo vs. Kenny Jay
Steve Olsonoski vs. Armando Rodriguez
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Buck Zumhofe & Jim Hanson
Jerry Blackwell vs. Caesar Pabon
Armando Rodriguez and Herman Schafer failed to slam Blackwell in a BodySlam challenge
2/24/80 – St. Paul, MN @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. The Crusher .
Super Destroyer Mark II & Bobby Heenan vs. Super Destroyer Mark III & Lord Alfred Hayes
Steve Olsonoski vs. Chris Markoff
Adrian Adonis vs. Mad Dog Vachon
Jerry Blackwell vs. Steve Olsonoski
Note: AWA President Stanley Blackburn reportedly was at ringside for the main event.
2/28/80 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Referee: Joe Florino
Adrian Adonis vs. Mad Dog Vachon with help from Jesse Ventura after a ref bump
The Crusher & Lord Alfred Hayes & Dino Bravo vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan & Super Destroyer Mark II when Bravo vs. Bockwinkel
Greg Gagne vs. Jesse Ventura . when Ventura tossed Gagne over the top rope
Jerry Blackwell vs. Steve Olsonoski
Bodyslam Challenge for $1,000
Ron Ritchie, Ricky Hunter and two fans tried to each slam Jerry Blackwell but were unable to do so.
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Ricky Hunter
Chris Markoff vs. Ron Ritchie
Reported Attendance: “5,000 wrestling fans”
2/29/80 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
The Crusher vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Adrian Adonis vs. Dino Bravo
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne & Dino Bravo .
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Bobby Heenan
3/1/80 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Dick The Bruiser vs. King Kong Brody
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Mad Dog Vachon .
Bobo Brazil & Wilbur Snyder vs. Ernie Ladd & Chris Markoff
Tiny Hampton vs. Moose Cholak .
Paul Christy vs. Tom Lynch
Jerry Graham Jr vs. Blackie Guzman
El Bracero vs. Malcolm Monroe
3/2/80 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon .
Bodyslam challenge
Jerry Blackwell vs. Dino Bravo
Bobby Heenan vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Greg Gagne vs. Buddy Wolff
Steve Olsonoski vs. Buck Zumhofe
3/7/80 – Sioux City, IA
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
3/8/80 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Jerry Blackwell vs. The Crusher
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Dino Bravo vs. Chris Markoff
3/9/80 – Minneapolis TV
Dino Bravo vs. Ricky Hunter
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Herman Schafer
Jim Hanser and Buck Zumhofe failed in Jerry Blackwell’s bodyslam challenge
Jerry Blackwell vs. Ron Ritchie
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Chris Curtis & Tony Leone
3/9/80 – Milwuakee, WI
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
The Crusher vs. Bobby Heenan
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Handicap Match:
Steve Olsonoski & Buck Zumhofe vs. Jerry Blackwell
Greg Gagne vs. Chris Markoff
Dino Bravo vs. Ricky Hunter
3/9/80 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Mad Dog Vachon & Lord Alfred Hayes & The Crusher vs. Bobby Heenan & Nick Bockwinkel & Super Destroyer Mark II when Crusher vs. Bockwinkel in 15:27
Greg Gagne vs. Jesse Ventura . in 19:10
Dino Bravo vs. Chris Markoff . in 11:42
Adrian Adonis vs. Super Destroyer Mark III in 14:41
Jerry Blackwell vs. Ricky Hunter in 14:17
3/13/1980 Seguin, TX @ the Seguin Coliseum
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Wahoo McDaniel
Ricky Romero vs. Tully Blanchard
Scott Casey & Tom Jones vs. David Anderson & the Butcher
one more match
3/15/80 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Cage match, non-title:
Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
The Crusher & Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Bobby Heenan
Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne .
Dino Bravo vs. Adrian Adonis
Jerry Blackwell vs. Super Destroyer Mark III
3/16/80 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Billy Robinson vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Heenan
Dino Bravo vs. Chris Markoff
3/20/80 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Mad Dog Vachon & Verne Gagne . in 20:00 when Vachon used a matal chair on both Adonis & Ventura
Bodyslam challenge, Referee Al DeRusha: Jerry Blackwell vs. Dino Bravo when Bravo was about to slam Blackwell but Blackwell grabbed referee DeRusha for leverage. Blackwell then pummeled Bravo until several wrestlers made the save.
Mask vs. Mask
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Super Destroyer Mark II and unmasked him as Matthew Byrnes
Bobby Heenan vs. Lord Alfred Hayes after Super Destroyer Mark II interfered
Greg Gagne vs. Ricky Hunter .
Buddy Wolff vs. Steve Olsonoski
Reported Attendance: “6,216 fans”
3/21/80 – Sheboygan, WI @ the Municipal Armory
Lord Alfred Hayes & The Crusher vs. Bobby Heenan & Super Destroyer Mark II
Dino Bravo vs. Jesse Ventura
Adrian Adonis vs. Greg Gagne .
Jerry Blackwell vs. Armondo Rodriguez (sub Buck Zumhofe)
3/22/80 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Non-Title Cage Match:
Dick The Bruiser vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. King Kong Brody & Super Destroyer Mark II
Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell
Jerry Graham Jr vs. El Bracero
Wilbur Snyder vs. Paul Christy
Bobo Brazil vs. Jerry Valiant
Tiny Hampton vs. Spike Huber
3/23/80 – Minneapolis TV
Dino Bravo vs. Buddy Lane
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Ron Ritchie & Puppy Dog Peloquin
3/23/80 – St Paul, MN @ the Auditorium
The Crusher & Super Destroyer Mark III & Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Super Destroyer Mark II & Bobby Heenan
Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Greg Gagne vs. Adrian Adonis
Jesse Ventura vs. Mad Dog Vachon
Steve Olsonoski vs. Buddy Wolff
Buck Zumhofe vs. Ricky Hunter
3/24/80 – Lincoln, IL
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Adrian Adonis
Boxing Match: Jesse Ventura vs. Dino Bravo
Ricky Hunter vs. Buck Zumhofe
3/26/80 Stevens Point, WI @ Quandt Field House
The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura (Vachon vs. Adonis; George Gadaski referee)
Dino Bravo vs. Super Destroyer Mark II by DQ in 17:16; Mark II hit ref Larry Lisowski
Jerry Blackwell vs. Super Destroyer Mark III in 19:28
Steve Olsonoski vs. Chris Markoff (sub for Buck Zumhofe) in 12:48
3/29/80 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Mad Dog Vachon & Greg Gagne vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell when the referee disqualified both men for fighting outside the ring
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Dino Bravo vs. Chris Markoff
Reported Attendance: 3,168 sellout
3/30/80 – Minneapolis TV
Buck Zumhofe vs. George Allen
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Juan Valez & Caesar Pabon
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Chris Curtis
Jerry Blackwell vs. Herman Schafer
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Armando Rodriguez
3/30/80 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Lord Alfred Hayes & The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Bobby Heenan & Super Destroyer Mark II & Jerry Blackwell when Crusher vs. Mark II in 19:00
Greg Gagne vs. Adrian Adonis
Jesse Ventura vs. Dino Bravo
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Rod Rodriguez (sub Ricky Hunter)
Steve Olsonoski vs. Chris Markoff
Reported Attendance: 3,820
3/31/80 – Peoria, IL
Greg Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Bobby Heenan vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Dino Bravo vs. Super Destroyer Mark II (w/o mask)
Jerry Blackwell vs. Steve Olsonoski
3/31/80 – Tokyo, Japan @ the Korakuen Hall
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel double count out with Kintaro Ohki in 3rd fall
1. Bockwinkel vs. Ohki in 10:20
2. Ohki vs. Bockwinkel in 6:34
3. Both men were counted out of the ring in 2:09
IWA Champion Rusher Kimura vs. Johnny Powers . in 13:29
WWU World Junior Heavyweight Champion Ashura Hara vs. Ryuma Go of New Japan . in 14:55
IWA World Tag Team Champions Animal Hamaguchi & Mighty Inoue vs. Kengo Kimura & Haruka Eigen of New Japan .
Mach Hayato vs. Devil Murasaki . in 11:53
Tenshin Yonemura vs. Masahiko Takasugi . in 11:38
Goro Tsurumi & Katsuzo Oiyama vs. Great Kusatsu & Isamu Teranishi . in 6:49
Reported Attendance: 1,500
4/5/80 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Special Referee:: Lord James Blears
The Crusher vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell
Lord Alfred Hayes & Super Destroyer III vs. Bobby Heenan & Super Destroyer II
Buddy Wolff vs. Steve Olsonoski
4/6/80 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne vs. George Allen
Jesse Ventura vs. Armando Rodriguez
Ricky Hunter vs. Herman Schafer
Buck Zumhofe vs. Ben Deleon
4/6/80 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Mad Dog Vachon & Verne Gagne .
Bodyslam Challenge
Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell
Greg Gagne vs. Ricky Hunter in 21:51
Buck Zumhofe vs. George Gadaski in 18:04
4/7/80 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Mad Dog Vachon
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Dino Bravo & Greg Gagne
Bobby Heenan vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Jerry Blackwell vs. Ricky Hunter
4/9/80 – Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Dino Bravo & Steve Olsonoski
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Super Destroyer Mark III
Jerry Blackwell vs. Buck Zumhofe
4/10/80 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Non-Title Cage Match, Special Referee: Lord James Blears: The Crusher vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Bodyslam Challenge: Dino Bravo slammed Jerry Blackwell for $1,000
Super Destroyer Mark II & Bobby Heenan vs. Super Destroyer Mark III & Lord Alfred Hayes
Greg Gagne vs. Adrian Adonis
Jesse Ventura vs. Steve Olsonoski
Buck Zumhofe vs. Ricky Hunter
Reported Attendance: “8,272 fans”
4/12/80 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Dick The Bruiser & The Crusher vs. Ernie Ladd & Adrian Adonis
Mad Dog Vachon vs. King Kong Brody
Moose Cholak vs. Chris Markoff
Jesse Ventura vs. Ricky Hunter
Sailor Art Thomas vs. Roger Kirby
Blackie Guzman vs. Juan Valez
4/12/80 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Greg Gagne vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Super Destroyer Mark II & Bobby Heenan vs. Super Destroyer Mark III & Lord Alfred Hayes
Bodyslam challenge
Jerry Blackwell vs. Dino Bravo
Steve Olsonoski vs. Chris Curtis
4/13/80 – Minneapolis TV
Steve Olsonoski vs. Puppy Dog Peloquin
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Ricky Hunter & Buddy Lane
Chris Markoff vs. Kenny Jay
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. George Gadaski
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Buck Zumhofe
4/13/80 – Kenosha, WI @ the Carthage College Field House afternoon
The Crusher & Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Bobby Heenan
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Adrian Adonis
Dino Bravo vs. Jesse Ventura
Steve Olsonoski vs. George Gadaski
4/13/80 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Jerry Blackwell vs. Dino Bravo
Greg Gagne vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Bobby Heenan vs. Super Destroyer Mark III .
Steve Olsonoski vs. Chris Markoff
Buddy Wolff vs. Ricky Hunter
4/19/80 – Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada
4/19/80 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
The Crusher vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Greg Gagne & Dino Bravo vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Adrian Adonis vs. Dino Bravo
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Bobby Heenan
4/20/80 – Minneapolis TV
Dino Bravo vs. Ben Deleon
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Armando Rodriguez
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Buck Zumhofe and Kenny Jay
Jerry Blackwell vs. Ricky Hunter
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Caesar Pabon
4/20/80 – Marinette, WI @ the Marinette High School afternoon
The Crusher vs. Adrian Adonis after Greg Gagne interfered
Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne after Adrian Adonis interfered
Dino Bravo vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Steve Olsonoski vs. Rick Hunter
Buck Zumhofe vs. Juan Valez (sub Buddy Wolff)
4/20/80 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. The Crusher in 17:00
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne & Steve Olsonoski in 17:23 when Ventura vs. Olsonoski
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Super Destroyer Mark III
Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell (billed as a slam contest; declared a no-contest when Blackwell grabbed the ref & knocked out Bravo)
Buck Zumhofe vs. Ricky Hunter
Referees: Marty Miller & Larry Lisowski
Reported Attendance: 3,368
4/21/80 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Super Destroyer Mark III & Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Bobby Heenan
$1,000 Bodyslam Challenge
Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Jesse Ventura vs. Mad Dog Vachon .
Steve Olsonoski vs. Adrian Adonis
4/22/80 – Lincoln
Dino Bravo & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
Bobby Heenan vs. Super Destroyer Mark III
Steve Olsonoski vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Max Blue
4/23/80 – Peoria, IL
Mad Dog Vachon & Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Super Destroyer Mark II & Bobby Heenan
Bodyslam challenge
Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Adrian Adonis
Jesse Ventura vs. Steve Olsonoski
4/24/80 – LaSalle, IL
Dino Bravo & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
The Crusher vs. Bobby Heenan
Jerry Blackwell vs. Super Destroyer Mark III
Steve Olsonoski vs. George Gadaski
4/26/80 – Austin, TX
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Scott Casey
Tom Jones vs. Hussein the Butcher
Tully Blanchard & Black Gordman vs. Relampago Leon & Apollo Estrada
David Anderson vs. The Spoiler
4/26/80 – Milton, WI @ the Union High School Gym
The Crusher vs. Adrian Adonis with help from Greg Gagne
Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne
Billy The Kid & Tom Thumb vs. Dirty Morgan & Lone Eagle
Steve Olsonoski vs. Buck Zumhofe
4/27/80 – Minneapolis TV
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Armando Rodriguez
Steve Olsonoski vs. Herman Schafer
Greg Gagne vs. Ben Deleon
Jerry Blackwell vs. Buck Zumhofe
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Ricky Hunter
4/27/80 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon when Jesse vs. Vachon
$1,000 Winner Take All Bodyslam Match:
Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell
Dirty Morgan (sub Tiny Thumb) & Billy The Kid vs. Tiny Thumb (sub Coconut Willie) & Lone Eagle when Morgan vs. Lone Eagle
Bobby Heenan (sub Rick Hunter) vs. Buck Zumhofe .
4/29/80 – Seguin, TX @ the The Coliseum
Wahoo McDaniel & Scott Casey vs. Tully Blanchard & AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Tom Jones vs. The Butcher
Relampago Leon vs. Black Gordman
Nick Ramirez vs. The Spoiler
4/30/80 – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada @ the Civic Center
First Card in Ottawa in 5 years
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon
Bobby Heenan vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Jerry Blackwell vs. Johnny War Eagle
Gino Brito vs. Mad Dog Lefebvre
Reported Attendance: 5,000
5/1/80 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. the Crusher . when Crusher rammed Bockwinkel and manager Bobby Heenan into the ring post
Winner Take All, Referee Joe Florino: Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell
Little Bruiser & Lone Eagle vs. Billy the Kid & Tom Thumb
Greg Gagne vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Bobby Heenan .
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Mad Dog Vachon & Steve Olsonoski . when Vachon tossed Adonis over the top rope
5/4/80 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne vs. Ron Ritchie
5/4/80 – Minneapolis, MN
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Mad Dog Vachon .
Step Ladder Match:
Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Heenan .
Little Bruiser & Lone Eagle vs. Billy The Kid & Tom Thumb
Steve Olsonoski vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Adrian Adonis vs. Super Destroyer Mark III
5/5/80 – Memphis, TN @ the Mid-South Coliseum
Lights out Match:
Buddy Fuller vs. Wayne Farris
Paul Ellering & Sonny King vs. Jackie Fargo & Rocky Johnson
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Bill Dundee .
CWA Champion Billy Robinson vs. Duke Myers by forfeit when Myers failed to show
Southern Tag Team Champions Dennis Condrey & David Shults vs. Jimmy Valiant & Steve Regal
Ricky Morton & Terry Sawyer vs. Larry Latham & Sgt. Danny Davis
Ken Lucas & Ricky Gibson & Robert Gibson vs. Ali Hassan & International Superstar & Jimmy Hart
Reported Attendance: 6,945
5/9/80 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Mad Dog Vachon
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
5/10/80 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dick The Bruiser .
Crusher must vs. Heenan in 10 minutes
Crusher vs. Bobby Heenan . in 7:00
Ernie Ladd & Jerry Valiant vs. Moose Cholak & Crusher when Ladd vs. Cholak
Art Thomas vs. Chris Markoff
Jim Grabmire vs. Jim Lancaster
Jerry Graham Jr vs. Gil Guerrero
5/10/80 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon .
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Super Destroyer Mark II when Mark II could not vs. Hayes within the 10 minute time limit
Greg Gagne vs. Buck Zumhofe
Buck Zumhofe (sub Buddy Wolff) vs. George Gadaski
5/10/80 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Dino Bravo vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Billy The Kid & Tom Thumb vs. Little Bruiser & Lone Eagle
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Herman Schafer
Steve Olsonoski vs. Juan Valez
5/11/80 – Minneapolis TV
Dino Bravo vs. Chris Curtis
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Larry Powers & Mark Dartell
Steve Olsonoski vs. Ben Deleon
Jerry Blackwell vs. Armando Rodriguez
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Dick Young
5/11/80 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
The Crusher vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel . in 18:35 when Bockwinkel jumped on Crusher from the top rope
Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell
Little Bruiser & Lone Eagle vs. Billy The Kid & Tom Thumb
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Ben Deleon
Steve Olsonoski vs. Juan Valez
Reported Attendance: 3,200
5/18/80 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
No DQ Match:
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura when Gagne vs. Ventura
Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell
Greg Gagne vs. Super Destroyer Mark II (sub Bobby Heenan) . in 20:30
Steve Olsonoski vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Reported Attendance: 2,820
5/19/80 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Adrian Adonis vs. Mad Dog Vachon
Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell
Greg Gagne vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Bobby Heenan vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Jesse Ventura vs. Steve Olsonoski
5/24/80 – Kenosha, WI
The Crusher & Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Adrian Adonis & Jerry Blackwell
Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Dino Bravo
Paul Ellering vs. Bobby Heenan .
Verne Gagne vs. Ben DeLeon
5/25/80 – Minneapolis TV
Dino Bravo vs. Kenny Jay
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Mark Dartell
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Dick Young & Chuck Sell
5/30/80 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Non-Title Cage Match:
The Crusher vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne & Wahoo McDaniel
Jerry Blackwell vs. Dino Bravo
Steve Olsonoski vs. Bill Howard
5/31/80 – San Antonio, TX @ the Hemisfair Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tom Jones
Cage Match:
Mil Mascaras & Wahoo McDaniel vs. Tully Blanchard & Black Gordman
Scott Casey vs. The Spoiler
Relampago Leon vs. Apollo Estrada
David Anderson vs. Nick Ramirez
6/1/80 – St Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
Arm Wrestling
Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell
Bobby Heenan vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Super Destroyer Mark III
Steve Olsonoski vs. Chris Markoff
6/7/80 – Madison, WI
Handicap Match:
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell & Nick Bockwinkel
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Bobby Heenan
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne & Dino Bravo .
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. Hollywood Nelson
Buck Zumhofe vs. Herman Schaefer
6/7/80 – Milwaukee, WI
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
6/8/80 – Minneapolis TV
Adrian Adonis vs. Armando Rodriguez
Greg Gagne vs. Ben Deleon
Jerry Blackwell vs. Herman Schafer
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Juan Valez
6/9/80 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Falls Count Anywhere
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Adrian Adonis
Jerry Blackwell double count out with Dino Bravo
Loser Leaves Town
Bobby Heenan vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Greg Gagne & Steve Olsonoski vs. Jesse Ventura & Super Destroyer Mark II
6/10/80 – Peoria, IL
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Mad Dog Vachon
Jerry Blackwell vs. Dino Bravo
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Heenan .
Steve Olsonoski vs. Max Blue
6/11/80 – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada @ the Civic Center
Verne Gagne & Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan
Dino Bravo double count out with Jerry Blackwell
Jesse Ventura vs. Steve Olsonoski
Adrian Adonis vs. Mad Dog Vachon
Jerry Blackwell vs. Super Destroyer Mark III
Reported Attendance: 4,000
6/12/80 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
No DQ Match:
AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura when Gagne vs. Adonis
Ladder match for $5,000: Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell with help from the Crusher
The Crusher & Greg Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan when Gagne vs. Bockwinkel with a sleeper hold
Steve Olsonoski vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Chris Markoff vs. Dave Kochen
6/14/80 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon
Loser Leaves Town
Bobby Heenan vs. Lord Alfred Hayes
Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Steve Olsonoski
6/15/80 – Minneapolis TV
Jesse Ventura vs. George Gadaski
Chris Markoff vs. Steve Olsonoski
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Ron Ritchie
Dino Bravo vs. Ricky Hunter
Jerry Blackwell vs. Buck Zumhofe
6/15/80 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Mad Dog Vachon in 15:45
Ladder Match for $5,000: Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell in 25:24
Loser Leaves Town: Bobby Heenan vs. Lord Alfred Hayes . in 13:09
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Steve Olsonoski & Juan Valez when Jesse vs. Valez in 20:17
Reported Attendance: 3,636
6/20/80 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Special Referee: Lord James Blears
The Crusher vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel . in 11:42
Reported Attendance: 4,387
AWA – 1980/06/22 – Minneapolis, MN
01. Kazuo Sakuraba (aka. Kendo Nagasaki) & Akihisa Takachiho (aka. Great Kabuki) vs. Herman Schaefer & Ben DeLeon
02. PWF Heavyweight Title: Giant Baba vs. Super Destroyer # 2 (aka. Sgt. Slaughter)
03. AWA World Heavyweight Title: Nick Bockwinkel vs. Jumbo Tsuruta
1 Disc – 60 minutes – Source: VHS
6/22/80 – Minneapolis TV
Tito Santana vs. Ben Deleon
John Studd vs. Armando Rodriguez
Steve Olsonoski vs. Benny Cardenos
Adrian Adonis vs. Herman Schafer
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Caesar Pabon
6/22/80 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
Jumbo Tsuruta vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Giant Baba vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Greg Gagne vs. Jesse Ventura
Dino Bravo vs. Adrian Adonis
Sakaruda & Takachio vs. Herman Schaefer & Ben DeLeon
John Studd vs. Steve Olsonoski
Tito Santana vs. Chris Markoff
6/23/80 – Sioux City, IA
The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
6/27/80 – Pine City
Verne Gagne & Greg Gagne vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
6/28/80 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
No DQ Match: AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Arm Wrestling, Special Referee: The Crusher
Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell
Tito Santana vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
John Studd vs. Juan Valez
Tom Stone (sub Chris Markoff) vs. Ben DeLeon
referees: Marty Miller, Larry Lisowski & The Crusher
6/28/80 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne .
Bobby Heenan vs. Steve Olsonoski .
Buck Zumhofe (sub Herman Schafer) vs. Joe Scarpello (sub Pat O’Connor)
Chris Markoff vs. Evan Johnson
Buck Zumhofe (sub George Gadaski) vs. Kenny Jay
6/29/80 – Minneapolis TV
John Studd vs. Kenny Jay
Tito Santana vs. Buck Zumhofe
7/6/80 – Minneapolis TV
Chris Markoff vs. Buck Zumhofe
7/8/80 – Mankato, MN
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne & Dino Bravo
Jerry Blackwell vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
John Studd vs. Steve Olsonoski
Tito Santana vs. Chris Markoff
7/9/80 – Duluth, MN
The Crusher vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
7/10/80 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Referee: Buck Zumhofe
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dino Bravo . after Bravo thought he vs. Bockwinkel and left for the locker room.
Jerry Blackwell vs. The Crusher
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Heenan . when Heenan went back to the dressing room
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Tito Santana & Steve Olsonoski
John Studd vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Dave Kochen vs. Buck Zumhofe
7/11/80 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon .
Special Referee: The Crusher, Arm Wrestling
Jerry Blackwell vs. Dino Bravo
7/13/80 – Minneapolis TV
Tito Santana vs. Tony Leone
John Studd vs. Chuck Greenlee
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Heenan (never started)
The Crusher vs. Terry Scholes
Jerry Blackwell vs. Kenny Jay
7/13/80 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Mad Dog Vachon . in 18:10
Bobby Heenan vs. Verne Gagne . when Gagne rammed Heenan’s head into the ring post
Greg Gagne & Dino Bravo vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura . in 16:01 when Adonis jumped off the top rope onto Gagne
John Studd vs. Steve Olsonoski by submission in 16:23
Tito Santana vs. George Gadaski (sub John Studd) in 11:43
Note: Another listing has Bockwinkel with his feet on the ropes for leverage pinning Vachon
7/14/80 – Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne .
Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Handicap Match:
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Steve Olsonoski
Bobby Heenan vs. Mad Dog Vachon .
Super Destroyer Mark III vs. El Santos II
7/18/80 – Chicago, IL @ the Comiskey Park
Verne Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel for AWA title
Jerry Blackwell (sub Ernie Ladd) vs. Dick The Bruiser
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Heenan .
The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Jerry Valiant & Adrian Adonis
Bobo Brazil vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Steve Regal vs. Roger Kirby
Paul Christy vs. Tito Santana
Pat O’Connor vs. Wilbur Snyder
15 Man, $25,000 Battle Royal
Reported Attendance: 12,000
1980/07/18: AWA @ Chicago
Comiskey Park in Chicago, Illinois (United States of America)
1. 15 Man $25.000 Battle Royal: Adrian Adonis vs. Bobo Brazil vs. The Crusher vs. Dick the Bruiser vs. Greg Gagne vs. Jerry Blackwell vs. Jerry Valiant vs. Mad Dog Vachon vs. Pat O’Connor vs. Paul Christy vs. Roger Kirby vs. Steve Regal vs. Super Destroyer Mark #2 vs. Tito Santana vs. Wilbur Snyder
2. Pat O’Connor vs. Wilbur Snyder
3. Paul Christy vs. Tito Santana
4. Roger Kirby vs. Steve Regal
5. Bobo Brazil vs. Super Destroyer Mark #2
6. Jerry Valiant and Adrian Adonis vs. The Crusher and Mad Dog Vachon
7. Bobby Heenan vs. Greg Gagne
8. Dick the Bruiser vs. Jerry Blackwell
9. AWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Nick Bockwinkel (c) vs. Verne Gagne
7/19/80 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Bobby Heenan vs. Greg Gagne
Arm Wrestling
Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell
John Studd vs. Steve Olsonoski forfeit
Buck Zumhofe vs. Tommy Yates (sub Evan Johnson)
Joe Scarpello vs. George Gadaski
7/19/80 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon .
7/20/80 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell
Greg Gagne & Dino Bravo vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Tito Santana vs. Pat Patterson
John Studd vs. Steve Olsonoski
Billy Robinson vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Buck Zumhofe vs. George Gadaski
Note: Adrian Adonis and Jesse Ventura are awarded the AWA Tag Team Title when Verne Gagne failed to show for a scheduled defense of the title.
AWA TV 7/26/80 (24/7)
Bravo vs. Young,
Studd vs. Dartel/Pabon (Handicap),
Santana vs. Ben Hernandez (2/3 falls),
Judy Martin vs. Winona Little Heart,
Adonis vs. Chuck Sell (pat Patterson challenges Verne Gagne before the match).
7/27/80 – Minneapolis TV
Dino Bravo vs. Dick Young
John Studd vs. Mark Dartell & Caesar Pabon (match stopped)
Tito Santana vs. Benny Hernandez
Judy Martin vs. Wenona Little Heart
Adrian Adonis vs. Chuck Sell
7/27/80 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Mad Dog Vachon & Tito Santana
Jerry Blackwell vs. The Crusher
Judy Martin & Vivian St. John vs. Wendi Richter & Winona Little Heart
Tito Santana vs. Dennis Stamp
7/28/80 – Sioux City, IA
Dino Bravo vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Adrian Adonis
Tito Santana vs. Jesse Ventura
7/30/80 – Honolulu, HI @ the Blaisdell Arena
Peter Maivia vs. Nick Bockwinkel
8/1/80 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Canadian Champion Dino Bravo .
Mad Dog Vachon & Greg Gagne vs. Jerry Blackwell & John Studd
Wenona Little Heart & Joyce Grable vs. Vivian St. John & Judy Martin
Tito Santana vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
8/2/80 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dino Bravo .
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell in 9:18
Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne
Joyce Grable & Wenona Little Heart vs. Vivian St. John & Judy Martin
John Studd vs. Steve Olsonoski
Tito Santana vs. Adrian Adonis
Reported Attendance: 4,137
8/3/80 – Minneapolis TV
John Studd vs. Nacho Berrera
Dino Bravo vs. Pancho Bandito
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Angel Rivera
Greg Gagne vs. Kenny Jay
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Buck Zumhofe & Frank Reese
8/3/80 – Minneapolis, MN
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Dino Bravo vs. Nick Bockwinkel
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Steve Olsonoski & Tito Santana
Judy Martin & Vivian St. John vs. Wenona Little Heart & Joyce Grable
Big John Studd vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Buck Zumhofe vs. Kenny Jay
8/5/80 – Pekin, IL
Dino Bravo vs. Adrian Adonis
Jesse Ventura vs. Mad Dog Vachon .
Joyce Grable & Wenona Little Heart vs. Vivian St. John & Judy Martin
Juan Valez vs. Ben Deleon
8/8/80 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Non-Title: The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Arm Wrestling
Dino Bravo with a little help from The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell
Joyce Grable & Wenona Little Heart vs. Vivian St John & Judy Martin
Juan Velez vs. Ben DeLeon 15:00
Reported Attendance: 3,246
8/10/80 – Minneapolis TV
Tito Santana vs. Chuck Greenlee
Jerry Blackwell vs. Terry Scholes
The Crusher vs. Tony Leone
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Steve Olsonoski & Sonny Rogers
8/10/80 – Evansville, WI
The Crusher vs. Adrian Adonis
8/11/80 – Sioux City, IA
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell
8/14/80 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Lights Out Match: Jerry Blackwell vs. The Crusher
Non-Title Match: Angelo Mosca & Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Dino Bravo vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Tito Santana vs. Chris Markoff
Handicap Match:
John Studd vs. Dave Muir (sub George Gadaski) & Buck Zumhofe
Wenona Littleheart & Joyce Grable vs. Vivian St. John & Judy Martin in a 2/3 falls match
8/15/80 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Canadian Champion Dino Bravo vs. Nick Bockwinkel .
Jerry Blackwell vs. John Studd
Tito Santana vs. Steve Olsonowski
Billy Robinson vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Joe Scarpello vs. Buck Zumhofe
8/16/80 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Wenona Littleheart & Joyce Grable vs. Tanya West & Judy Martin
Chris Markoff vs. Juan Valez
Ben Deleon vs. Max Blue
8/17/80 – Minneapolis TV
Tito Santana vs. Terry Scholes
Jerry Blackwell vs. Dan Redman
Greg Gagne vs. Tony Leone
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dee Dee Clinton
Buck Zumhofe vs. Sonny Rogers
8/17/80 – St Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
Lights Out Match:
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwel
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Mad Dog Vachon & Super Destroyer Mark II . l
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Heenan
Joyce Grable vs. Judy Martin
Dino Bravo vs. John Studd
Tito Santana vs. Buck Zumhofe
Steve Olsonoski vs. Chris Markoff
Note: Another listing does not have the Olsonoski/Markoff match.
8/22/80 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Adrian Adonis
John Studd vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Tito Santana vs. Steve Olsonoski
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Heenan
8/23/80 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Dick The Bruiser vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Bobo Brazil double count out with King Kong Brody
The Crusher vs. Super Destroyer Mark II (sub Ernie Ladd) . in 11:00 after a Bolo punch
Wendi Richter & Joyce Grable vs. Leilani Kai & Judy Martin
Jerry Valiant vs. Wilbur Snyder .
Spike Huber vs. Ben Deleon
Paul Christy vs. Steve Regal
8/23/80 – Milwaukee, WI
Dino Bravo vs. Nick Bockwinkel
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Mad Dog Vachon & Angelo Mosca .
Weasel Suit Match:
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Heenan
Handicap Match:
John Studd vs. Kenny Jay & Juan Valez
Tito Santana vs. Chris Markoff
8/24/80 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Jerry Blackwell vs. The Crusher when referee George Gadaski stopped the match because both men were bleeding too badly
Weasel Suit Match:
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Heenan
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Mad Dog Vachon . in 14:05
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Dino Bravo & Tito Santana (sub Steve Olsonoski) in 18:32
John Studd vs. Juan Valez in 8:27
Tito Santana vs. Buck Zumhofe (sub John Studd)
8/24/80 – Minneapolis TV
Jesse Ventura vs. Caesar Pavlon
Tito Santana vs. Jim Lange
Jerry Blackwell vs. Armando Rodriguez
Buck Zumhofe vs. Tony Leone
John Studd vs. Ben Hernandez
9/1/80 – Sioux City, IA
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell
9/4/80 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Angelo Mosca & Mad Dog Vachon
Weasel Suit Match:
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Heenan
Canadian Champion Dino Bravo vs. John Studd .
Tito Santana vs. Dave Kochen
Chris Markoff vs. Buck Zumhofe
Reported Attendance: 3,800
9/5/80 – Pekin, IL
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana
Dino Bravo & Greg Gagne vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
Max Blue vs. Buck Zumhofe
Ben DeLeon vs. George Gadaski
9/6/80 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Heenan .
Chris Markoff vs. Evan Johnson (sub Billy Robinson) .
Ben Deleon vs. George Gadaski
Juan Valez vs. Max Blue
9/6/80 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Dino Bravo (sub Angelo Mosca) & Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
John Studd vs. Bulldog Bob Brown (sub Dino Bravo)
Tito Santana vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Buck Zumhofe vs. Kenny Jay
9/7/80 – Minneapolis TV
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Kenny Jay & Al Ringo
Greg Gagne vs. Jimmy Brown
Dino Bravo vs. Chuck Pullins
Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Al Barr
9/7/80 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
Greg Gagne & Dino Bravo vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Jerry Blackwell vs. Angelo Mosca
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
Mad Dog Vachon vs. John Studd .
Tito Santana vs. Juan Velez
Chris Markoff vs. Ben Deleon
9/12/80 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell
9/13/80 – Chicago, IL @ the International Ampitheatre
Cage Match:
Dick The Bruiser vs. Jerry Blackwell
Spike Huber & Bobo Brazil vs. King Kong Brody & Jerry Valiant
Dick Murdoch vs. Wilbur Snyder
Billy Robinson vs. Jerry Graham Jr
Luis Martinez vs. Ali Hassan
Paul Christy vs. Art Thomas
Tiny Hampton vs. Greg Lake
9/13/80 – Sheboygan, WI @ the Municipal Armory
The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
Dino Bravo vs. John Studd
Steve Regal vs. Ben DeLeon
Steve Regal (sub George Gadaski) vs. Juan Valez
9/14/80 – Minneapolis TV
Steve Regal vs. Kenny Jay
Jerry Blackwell vs. Caesar Pavlon
Dino Bravo vs. Ben Hernandez
9/14/80 – Monroe, WI
The Crusher vs. Jesse Ventura
9/19/80 – LaCrosse, WI
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell
9/20/80 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne
Two Referees
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell . in 12:13
Reported Attendance: 4,325
9/21/80 – Minneapolis TV
Steve Regal vs. Juan Sebastian
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Tony Leone & Chuck Greenlee
Greg Gagne vs. Sonny Rogers
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Kenny Jay
9/21/80 – Minneapolis, MN
Mad Dog Vachon & Angelo Mosca vs. Jerry Blackwell & John Studd
The Crusher vs. Adrian Adonis
Greg Gagne & Super Destroyer Mark II vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan
Jesse Ventura vs. Dino Bravo .
Tito Santana vs. Steve Regal
9/22/80 – Sioux City, IA
Lights Out Match:
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell
9/24/80 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Dino Bravo & Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Heenan
Tito Santana vs. Chris Markoff
Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe
9/27/80 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Dino Bravo & Tito Santana (sub Greg Gagne) vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
(no title change as Greg Gagne was a no-show)
Jerry Blackwell vs. Super Destroyer Mark II
John Studd vs. Mad Dog Vachon
Steve Regal vs. Armando Rodriguez
9/28/80 – Minneapolis TV
Tito Santana vs. Tommy Sharpe
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Juan Valez & Al Ringo
Dino Bravo vs. Ben Deleon
Jerry Blackwell vs. Art Crews
Steve Regal vs. Doug Petis
9/28/80 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Lights Out Match:
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell
Dino Bravo vs. Jesse Ventura
Adrian Adonis vs. Tito Santana
Handicap Match:
John Studd vs. Juan Valez & Ben DeLeon
Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe
9/29/80 – Peoria, IL
Jerry Blackwell vs. The Crusher
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Dino Bravo & Tito Santana
Chris Markoff vs. Max Blue
Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe
10/2/80 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
10/3/80 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon
Canadian Champion Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell . when Blackwell tossed Bravo over the top rope
Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan vs. Greg Gagne & Super Destroyer Mark II
Referee: Joe Florino
Angelo Mosca vs. John Studd
Tito Santana vs. Steve Regal
10/5/80 – Minneapolis TV
Tito Santana vs. Jim Lange
Steve Regal vs. Al Ringo
Buck Zumhofe vs. Tony Leone
John Studd vs. Tommy Sharpe
10/6/80 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Jerry Blackwell vs. the Crusher in 8:12
Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan vs. Greg Gagne & Buck Zumhofe
Dino Bravo vs. Jesse Ventura
Tito Santana vs. Steve Regal
10/11/80 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan vs. Mad Dog Vachon & Super Destroyer Mark II (Nick vs. Mark II)
Lights Out Match, Special Referee: Ed Francis – The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell . in 11:34
Dino Bravo vs. Jesse Ventura . (Adonis Interfered)
Tito Santana vs. Adrian Adonis
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
George Gadaski refereed the remaining bouts
Reported Attendance: 3,481
10/12/80 – Minneapolis TV
Jerry Blackwell vs. Terry Scholes
Greg Gagne vs. Chuck Greenlee
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Kenny Jay & Ben Deleon
Dino Bravo vs. Tony Leone
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Juan Valez
10/12/80 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
Ray Stevens & Pat Patterson & Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne & Dino Bravo & Super Destroyer Mark II
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell for World Brass Knucks Title
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
Tito Santana vs. Chris Markoff
10/18/80 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Andre The Giant & Jerry Blackwell won a 17 Man Battle Royal
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dino Bravo
Adrian Adonis vs. Tito Santana
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Bobby Heenan .
Steve Regal vs. Evan Johnson
Note: Buck Zumhofe, Juan Valez, The Crusher, Chris Markoff, Jerry Blackwell, Ben DeLeon, Jesse Ventura and Greg Gagne also competed in the Battle Royal
10/19/80 – Minneapolis TV
Tito Santana vs. Nacho Berrera
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura & vs. Tony Romero & Gonzo Gonzales
Greg Gagne vs. Sonny Rogers
Jerry Blackwell vs. Tony Leone
Steve Regal vs. Juan Sebastian
10/19/80 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Two Ring Battle Royal
Andre The Giant won in Ring 1 by eliminating Adrian Adonis
Other Ring 1 entrants were Nick Bockwinkel, Steve Regal, Mad Dog Vachon, Buck Zumhofe, Angelo Mosca, Juan Valez and Dino Bravo
Jerry Blackwell won in Ring 2 by eliminating The Crusher
Other Ring 2 entrants were Bobby Heenan, Evan Johnson, Greg Gagne, Chris Markoff, Ben Deleon, Tito Santana and Jesse Ventura
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Andre the Giant .
Tito Santana vs. Jesse Ventura .
Jerry Blackwell vs. Juan Valez (sub Buck Zumhofe)
Adrian Adonis vs. Mad Dog Vachon .
Steve Regal vs. Evan Johnson 15:00
Reported Attendance: 3,432
10/22/80 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Andre The Giant won a 14 man $25,000 battle royal
$2,000 Bodyslam Challenge
Andre the Giant vs. Jerry Blackwell
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne (sub Angelo Mosca)
Jesse Ventura vs. Tito Santana
Dino Bravo vs. Adrian Adonis
Buck Zumhofe vs. Bobby Heenan
Also in Battle Royal: Mad Dog Vachon, Evan Johnson & Chris Markoff
10/23/80 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Andre The Giant won a Battle Royal for $25,000
Jerry Blackwell vs. Andre The Giant .
Andre The Giant also failed in his attempt to bodyslam Blackwell for $5,000
Angelo Mosca vs. Adrian Adonis .
Jesse Ventura vs. Mad Dog Vachon
Bobby Heenan vs. Buck Zumhofe
Evan Johnson vs. Steve Regal
Reported Attendance: “about 8,000 fans”
10/26/80 – Minneapolis TV
John Studd vs. Nacho Berrera
Dino Bravo vs. Pancho Bandito
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Angel Rivera
Greg Gagne vs. Kenny Jay
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Buck Zumhofe & Frank Reese
10/26/80 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Andre The Giant vs. Jerry Blackwell
The Crusher vs. Nick Bockwinkel .
Angelo Mosca vs. Ben Deleon
Evan Johnson vs. Chris Markoff
Juan Valez vs. Armando Rodriguez
10/26/80 – Milton, WI @ the Union High School Gym
Nick Bockwinkel vs. The Crusher
Andre the Giant vs. Jerry Blackwell
Angelo Mosca vs. Ben Deleon
Evan Johnson vs. Chris Markoff
Juan Valez vs. Armando Rodriguez
10/??/80 – Worthington, MN
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Jesse Ventura .
Dino Bravo & Tito Santana vs. Steve Regal & Adrian Adonis
Buck Zumhofe vs. Bobby Heenan
Buck Zumhofe vs. Chris Markoff
11/1/80 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Mad Dog Vachon .
Tito Santana won a 17 Man Battle Royal
$5,000 bodyslam match, Special Referee: Ed Francis – Jerry Blackwell vs. Andre the Giant .
Non-Title Match: Greg Gagne & Dino Bravo vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Bobby Heenan vs. Buck Zumhofe
Tito Santana vs. Ben Deleon
Reported Attendance: 5,882
Note: The Crusher also competed in the Battle Royal.
11/2/80 – Minneapolis TV
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Kenny Jay & Frank Reese
Tito Santana vs. George Gadaski
11/2/80 – St Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
Jerry Blackwell won a 15 man battle royal for $50,000.00
Jerry Blackwell vs. Andre the Giant .
Dino Bravo vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Bobby Heenan .
Tito Santana vs. Jesse Ventura
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
Crusher competed in the battle royal
11/6/80 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Andre The Giant & Angelo Mosca vs. Jerry Blackwell & John Studd when Mosca vs. Blackwell
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Mad Dog Vachon with help from manager Bobby Heenan
Greg Gagne vs. Adrian Adonis .
Canadian Champion Dino Bravo vs. Jesse Ventura .
Tito Santana vs. Steve Regal
Bobby Heenan vs. Buck Zumhofe
Reported Attendance: “5,360 fans”
11/8/80 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
King Kong Brody & Ernie Ladd vs. Dick The Bruiser & Andre The Giant
AWA Champion Verne Gagne vs. Billy Robinson
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Pat O’Connor
Wilbur Snyder vs. Dick Murdoch .
Steve Regal vs. Spike Huber
Tito Santana vs. Roger Kirby
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Ali Hassan
Bobby Heenan vs. El Bracero
11/9/80 – Minneapolis TV
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Caesar Pabon & Mitch Motowski
Dino Bravo vs. Tony Leone
Bobby Heenan vs. Juan Sebastian
Buck Zumhofe vs. Sonny Rogers
Armando Rodriguez vs. John Studd .
11/9/80 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Jerry Blackwell vs. Andre the Giant . (but Andre slammed Blackwell for $5000)
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Tito Santana & Dino Bravo in 10:32 when Jesse vs. Bravo
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Mad Dog Vachon in 7:34
John Studd vs. Evan Johnson in 11:13
Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe
One Fan Gang notes the $5,000 bodyslam was Blackwell’s portion of the purse that he put up; Andre had wagered $25,000, and Blackwell left with all $30,000, apparently welching on his bet.
11/12/80 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Dino Bravo & Greg Gagne vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
Jerry Blackwell vs. Mad Dog Vachon
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana
John Studd vs. Evan Johnson
11/14/80 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Greg Gagne & Tito Santana vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Nick Bockwinkel .
John Studd vs. Dino Bravo
Handicap Match:
Jerry Blackwell vs. Buck Zumhofe & Juan Valez
11/15/80 – Milwaukee, WI
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana
Dino Bravo vs. John Studd,
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon
Evan Johnson vs. Ben Deleon
Juan Valez vs. Nacho Berrera
11/15/80 – Peoria, IL
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell
Weasel Suit Match:
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Heenan
Steve Regal vs. Max Blue
Buck Zumhofe vs. The Black Saint
11/16/80 – Minneapolis TV
John Studd vs. Caesar Pabon & Mark Dartel
Tito Santana vs. Ben Hernandez
Buck Zumhofe vs. Kenny Jay
Steve Regal vs. George Gadaski
Dino Bravo vs. Chris Markoff .
11/18/80 – Hurley, MI @ J.E. Murphy High School Gymnasium
Card was sponsored by the Ironwood-Hurley Jazees…
Featured Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne & Tito Santana
11/22/80 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Two Referees
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell . or a vs.
John Studd vs. Mad Dog Vachon or Mad Dog wins by .
Steve Regal (sub Adrian Adonis) & Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne & Tito Santana (sub Dino Bravo)
Steve Regal vs. Buck Zumhofe 20:00
11/23/80 – Minneapolis TV
John Studd vs. Frank Reese
Tito Santana vs. Blackie Guzman
Kenny Jay vs. Bobby Heenan
Steve Regal vs. Nacho Berrera
The Crusher vs. Hollywood Nelson
11/27/80 – Minneapolis, MN
The Crusher & Greg Gagne vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
Jerry Blackwell vs. Mad Dog Vachon
Buck Zumhofe vs. Bobby Heenan
John Studd vs. Dino Bravo
Tito Santana vs. Steve Regal
11/29/80 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Mad Dog Vachon vs. John Studd .
Adrian Adonis vs. Greg Gagne
Dino Bravo & Tito Santana vs. Jesse Ventura & Jerry Blackwell
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
11/30/80 – Minneapolis TV
Jesse Ventura vs. Caesar Pabon
Tito Santana vs. Jim Lange
Jerry Blackwell vs. Armando Rodriguez
Buck Zumhofe vs. Tony Leone
John Studd vs. Ben Hernandez
11/30/80 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Verne Gagne & Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Tag team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
John Studd vs. Dino Bravo in 29:27
Jerry Blackwell vs. Tito Santana
Buck Zumhofe vs. Bobby Heenan in 15:07
12/5/80 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Verne Gagne vs. Jesse Ventura .
12/6/80 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Dick The Bruiser vs. Ernie Ladd
Jerry Blackwell & John Studd vs. Mad Dog Vachon & The Crusher
Spike Huber vs. King Kong Brody
Wilbur Snyder vs. Ali Hassan
Jerry Graham Jr vs. Chief Bobby Bold Eagle
Rufus R Jones vs. Ben Deleon
Paul Christy vs. Juan Valez
12/7/80 – Minneapolis TV
Jerry Blackwell vs. Chuck Greenlee
Tito Santana vs. Tony Leone
Jesse Ventura & Adrian Adonis vs. Kenny Jay & Sonny Rogers
Buck Zumhofe vs. Rich Motowski
John Studd vs. Terry Scholl
12/7/80 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon
John Studd vs. Dino Bravo
Jerry Blackwell vs. Tito Santana
Greg Gagne vs. Steve Regal
Bobby Heenan vs. Buck Zumhofe
George Gadaski vs. Ben Deleon .
Reported Attendance: 3,112
12/11/80 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Mad Dog Vachon (sub Angelo Mosca) vs. John Studd .
Mosca was scheduled to wrestle Studd but was attacked before the match by Studd and partner Jerry Blackwell. Mosca was too injured to wrestle and was replaced by Mad Dog Vachon.
Referee: Joe Florino
Greg Gagne & the Crusher vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura to apparently win the AWA Tag Team Title but the decision was later reversed
Canadian Champion Dino Bravo vs. Gene Kiniski
Jerry Blackwell vs. Tito Santana
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Bobby Heenan
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
Reported Attendance: 7,500
Promoter: Merv Unger
12/12/80 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
AWA Champion Verne Gagne vs. Jerry Blackwell
Greg Gagne & Buck Zumhofe & The Crusher vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura & Bobby Heenan
John Studd vs. Mad Dog Vachon
Dino Bravo vs. Steve Regal
Tito Santana vs. Ben Deleon
Juan Valez vs. Kenny Jay
12/13/80 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Lights Out Match:
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell
12/13/80 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
John Studd vs. Mad Dog Vachon
Greg Gagne vs. Adrian Adonis .
Dino Bravo vs. Pat O’Connor
Chris Markoff vs. Evan Johnson
Steve Regal vs. Billy Howard
12/14/80 – Minneapolis TV
Dino Bravo vs. Hollywood Nelson
John Studd vs. Ben Deleon
The Crusher vs. Blackie Guzman
Greg Gagne & Juan Valez vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
Buck Zumhofe vs. Frankie Russo
12/14/80 – Glencoe, MN
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Jesse Ventura
Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
Kenny Jay vs. Bobby Heenan
Evan Johnson vs. George Gadaski
12/15/80 – Sioux City, IA
Greg Gagne & the Crusher vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
12/18/80 – Hurley, MI @ the J.E. Murphy High School Gymnasium
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne & Tito Santana
12/21/80 – Minneapolis TV
Steve Regal vs. Kenny Jay
Jerry Blackwell vs. Caesar Pabon
Dino Bravo vs. Ben Hernandez
John Studd vs. Armando Rodriguez
12/25/80 – Minneapolis, MN
Mad Dog Vachon vs. John Studd
The Crusher vs. Jesse Ventura
Bobby Heenan & Nick Bockwinkel vs. Buck Zumhofe & Super Destroyer Mark II
Dino Bravo vs. Adrian Adonis
Billy Robinson vs. Steve Regal
Tito Santana vs. Chris Markoff
12/26/80 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
The Crusher & Dino Bravo vs. Jerry Blackwell & John Studd . when Studd rammed Bravo’s head into the ring post
Algerian Death Match:
Mad Dog Vachon vs. Jesse Ventura . in 19:10
Brad Rheingans vs. George Gadaski . in 12:27
Bobby Heenan double count out with Buck Zumhofe
Reported Attendance: 2,939
12/27/80 – Janesville, WI
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana
The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Jerry Blackwell & John Studd .
Steve Regal vs. Ben DeLeon
Bobby Heenan vs. Buck Zumhofe
12/27/80 – Lincoln, NE @ the Persching Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne & Dino Bravo
Billy Robinson vs. Pat O’Connor
Jean Antone vs. Sandy Partlow
Evan Johnson vs. Brad Rheingans
12/28/80 – Minneapolis TV
Jesse Ventura vs. Armando Rodriguez
Dino Bravo vs. Fred Torres
Adrian Adonis vs. Caesar Pabon
Tito Santana vs. Pete Carlos
Steve Regal vs. Juan Valez
12/28/80 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Dick the Bruiser & The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Jerry Blackwell & Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dino Bravo .
Tito Santana vs. John Studd .
Bobby Heenan vs. Buck Zumhofe .
Steve Regal vs. Juan Valez 15:00
Reported Attendance: 4,468
12/30/80 – New Ulm, MN
Buck Zumhofe & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Bobby Heenan & Nick Bockwinkel
Jerry Blackwell vs. Billy Robinson
John Studd vs. Tito Santana
Steve Regal vs. Brad Rheingans
1/3/81 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Dick The Bruiser & The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell & John Studd .
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Billy Robinson
Tito Santana vs. King Kong Brody .
Bobo Brazil vs. Bobby Vann
Spike Huber vs. Ali Hassan
Steve Regal vs. El Bracero
Jerry Graham Jr. vs. Buck Zumhofe
Reported Attendance: 5,000
1/4/81 – Minneapolis TV
Tito Santana vs. Sonny Rogers
Jerry Blackwell vs. Terry Scholes
The Crusher vs. Chuck Greenlee
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tony Leone
Buck Zumhofe vs. Juan Sebastian
1/4/81 – Schofield, WI @ the D.C. Everest High School Gym
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Billy Robinson (sub Dino Bravo) & Tito Santana vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Buck Zumhofe (sub Greg Gagne) vs. Bobby Heenan
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
1/5/81 – Sioux City, IA
The Crusher vs. Jesse Ventura (posedown)
1/8/81 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Steel Cage Match:
Angelo Mosca & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Jerry Blackwell & John Studd when Mosca vs. Blackwell
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Canadian Champion Dino Bravo .
Steel Cage Match:
Buck Zumhofe vs. Bobby Heenan
The Crusher vs. Jesse Ventura
Greg Gagne vs. Adrian Adonis
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
Tito Santana vs. George Gadaski
1/10/81 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Algerian Death Match:
Mad Dog Vachon vs. John Studd
Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan vs. The Crusher & Buck Zumhofe
Jerry Blackwell vs. Tito Santana
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
1/11/81 – Minneapolis TV
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Tony Leone & Sonny Rogers
Dino Bravo vs. Terry Scholes
Steve Regal vs. Dan Redman
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dee Dee Clenten
Buck Zumhofe vs. Rich Winters
1/11/81 – Minneapolis, MN
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dino Bravo .
John Studd vs. Mad Dog Vachon
Jerry Blackwell vs. Tito Santana
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
Buck Zumhofe vs. Bobby Heenan
1/15/81 – Oakland, CA @ the Coliseum
Jerry Blackwell won a 17 man battle royal
Non-Title Match, 1 fall 15 minute time limit: Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura when Patterson vs. Adonis after a Bombs Away
Andre The Giant vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana .
John Studd vs. Dino Bravo 15:00
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Heenan .
Ole Anderson vs. Jerry Monti .
Reported Attendance: 3,400
Note: Mike York no showed the card.
1/16/81 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Buck Zumhofe & Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Dino Bravo vs. Jesse Ventura
Tito Santana vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Brad Rheingans vs. Adrian Adonis
John Studd vs. Steve Regal
1/17/81 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Brass knuckles Match:
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell . in 12:42
Nick Bockwinkel & Pat Patterson vs. Mad Dog Vachon & Buck Zumhofe . in 21:20
John Studd vs. Tito Santana .
Brad Rheingans vs. Adrian Adonis .
Dino Bravo vs. Steve Regal
Reported Attendance: 4,469
1/18/81 – Minneapolis TV
Tito Santana vs. Al Ringo
Buck Zumhofe vs. Terry Anderson
Jerry Blackwell vs. Doug Petis
John Studd vs. Chuck Pullins
1/18/81 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens & Pat Patterson vs. The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon & Buck Zumhofe
Tito Santana vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
John Studd vs. Juan Valez
1/21/81 – Rochester. MN
The Crusher & Buck Zumhofe vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan
1/22/81 – Sioux City, IA
The Crusher vs. John Studd
1/23/81 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
The Crusher & Buck Zumhofe vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan
1/25/81 – Minneapolis TV
Dino Bravo vs. Ben Deleon
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Kenny Jay & Armando Rodriguez
Tito Santana vs. Chi Chi Rosario
Steve Regal vs. Caesar Pabon
1/25/81 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Jerry Blackwell & John Studd .
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dino Bravo
Tito Santana vs. Jesse Ventura
Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis
Brad Rheingans vs. Ben DeLeon
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
2/1/81 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne vs. George Gadaski
Jerry Blackwell & John Studd vs. Billy Howard & Terry Anderson
Buck Zumhofe vs. Doug Petis
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Art Crews
Adrian Adonis vs. Al Ringo
2/1/81 – Monroe, WI afternoon
The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
Tito Santana vs. John Studd .
Jerry Blackwell vs. Buck Zumhofe
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
2/1/81 – Racine, WI @ the Washington Park High School
The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Jerry Blackwell & John Studd
Jesse Ventura vs. Tito Santana
Brad Rheingans vs. Adrian Adonis .
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
2/3/81 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Champion Verne Gagne vs. Jerry Blackwell
The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon & Buck Zumhofe vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan & Adrian Adonis
The Crusher vs. Jesse Ventura
Tito Santana vs. John Studd .
Curt Hennig vs. Billy Howard
Brad Rheingans vs. Evan Johnson
2/5/81 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Nick Bockwinkel vs. AWA Champion Verne Gagne . when Gagne had a sleeper hold on Bockwinkel. Verne was on the ring apron while Bockwinkel was inside the ring.
Referee: Bill Hoard
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell when Ventura vs. Gagne after a ref bump.
Texas Street Match:
Angelo Mosca dcor John Studd\
Brad Rheingans vs. Evan Johnson 20:00
Tito Santana vs. Steve Regal .
Ricky Hunter vs. Curt Hennig
Note: It was Curt Hennig’s debut in Winnipeg.
2/6/81 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura . 16:20
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana 18:39
Bobby Heenan vs. Buck Zumhofe
Jerry Blackwell vs. Billy Robinson
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
2/8/81 – Minneapolis TV
Steve Regal vs. Bill Hudson
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Bill Howard & Buddy Lane
Nick Bockwinkel vs. George Gadaski
Brad Rheingans vs. Ricky Hunter
Tito Santana vs. Puppy Dog Peloquin
2/8/81 – Oshkosh, WI @ the Lourdes High School Gym
The Crusher & Buck Zumhofe vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan
Greg Gagne vs. Adrian Adonis
Jerry Blackwell vs. Tito Santana
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
Curt Hennig vs. Gary Lindgren
2/12/81 – Sioux City, IA
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell
2/13/81 – Winona, MN
The Crusher & Buck Zumhofe vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan
Jerry Blackwell vs. Tito Santana
Jim Brunzell vs. Jesse Ventura
Gary Lindgren vs. Curt Hennig
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
2/14/81 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana
Jerry Blackwell vs. Billy Robinson .
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
Curt Hennig vs. Gary Lindgren
Juan Valez vs. Ben Deleon 15:00
Reported Attendance: 5,316
2/15/81 – Minneapolis TV
Jim Brunzell vs. Ricky Hunter
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Buddy Lane & Terry Scholl
The Crusher vs. Tony Leone
Buck Zumhofe vs. Puppy Dog Peloquin
2/20/81 – St. Paul, MN @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Verne Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Jerry Blackwell & John Studd
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Tito Santana & Ray Stevens
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
Buck Zumhofe vs. Bill Howard
Curt Hennig vs. Kenny Jay
2/21/81 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Brass Knuckles Match:
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell
Nick Bockwinkel dcor Tito Santana
Greg Gagne vs. Adrian Adonis
Buck Zumhofe vs. Bobby Heenan
Brad Rheingans vs. George Gadaski (sub Billy Howard)
2/22/81 – Minneapolis TV
Tito Santana vs. Nacho Berrera
John Studd vs. Frank Reese
Steve Regal vs. Billy Howard
2/22/81 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. AWA tag team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
Buck Zumhofe vs. Bobby Heenan to earn a new boombox purchased by Heenan
Steve Regal vs. Curt Hennig (sub Juan Valez) in 15:08
Lone Eagle & Cowboy Lang vs. Tiny Thumb & Little Tokyo
Curt Hennig vs. Gary Lindgren in 11:11
2/22/81 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Verne Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel
The Crusher & Wahoo McDaniel vs. Jerry Blackwell & John Studd
Tito Santana vs. Tully Blanchard
Brad Rheingans vs. Bill Howard
Reported Attendance: 6,677
3/1/81 – Minneapolis TV
Buck Zumhofe vs. Nacho Berrera
Jim Brunzell vs. Sonny Rogers
Steve Regal vs. Tony Leone
Jerry Blackwell & John Studd vs. Chuck Greenlee & Juan Sebastian
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Frank Reese
3/1/81 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Baron Von Raschke vs. John Studd
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana
Handicap Match:
Buck Zumhofe & Brad Rheingans vs. Jerry Blackwell
Blackwell was unable to vs. both wrestlers in 15 minutes.
Steve Regal vs. Bill Howard
Gary Lindgren vs. Frank Reese
Curt Hennig vs. Nacho Berrera
3/2/81 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana
Joe Scarpello (sub Jerry Blackwell) vs. Billy Howard
Handicap Match:
Brad Rheingans & Buck Zumhofe vs. John Studd
3/5/81 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Two Referees: Bill Howard & Dave Muir
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell when Adonis vs. Gagne
Baron Von Raschke vs. Jerry Blackwell by submission with the claw
Nick Bockwinkel vs. the Crusher . when Crusher tossed Bockwinkel over the top rope
Buck Zumhofe vs. Bobby Heenan .
Handicap Match:
Tito Santana & Brad Rheingans vs. John Studd
Steve Regal vs. Rick Hunter
Reported Attendance: 4,252
3/7/81 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana 30:00
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Jerry Blackwell & John Studd
Pose Down
The Crusher vs. Jesse Ventura
Buck Zumhofe vs. Steve Regal
3/8/81 – Minneapolis TV
Adrian Adonis vs. Puppy Dog Peloquin
Tito Santana vs. Ricky Hunter
John Studd vs. Kenny Jay
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Buddy Lane
3/8/81 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell
Baron Von Raschke vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Brad Rheingans .
John Studd vs. Tito Santana
Buck Zumhofe vs. Bobby Heenan .
Reported Attendance: sellout 6,112
3/14/81 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
AWA Champion Verne Gagne vs. Jerry Blackwell .
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Dick the Bruiser & The Crusher .
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell & Spike Huber vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens & Bobby Heenan
Reported Attendance: 10,000
3/15/81 – Minneapolis TV
Buck Zumhofe vs. Buddy Lane
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Ricky Hunter
Jim Brunzell vs. Dave Muir
Jerry Blackwell & John Studd vs. Kenny Jay & Frank Reese
Brad Rheingans vs. Nacho Berrera
3/15/81 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
The Crusher & Tito Santana vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
3/16/81 – Oakland, CA
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Ray Stevens & The Crusher
AWA Champion Verne Gagne vs. Jerry Blackwell
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Greg Gagne
Bobby Heenan vs. Buck Zumhofe
Tito Santana vs. Steve Regal
Pepper Gomez vs. Guy Lambert
3/21/81 – Sheboygan, WI
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. John Studd & Jerry Blackwell
Tito Santana vs. Nick Bockwinkel .
Jesse Ventura vs. Buck Zumhofe
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
3/22/81 – Minneapolis TV
Steve Regal vs. Dan Redman
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dee Dee Clinton
Buck Zumhofe vs. Rich Winters
3/22/81 – St Paul, MN
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Baron Von Raschke vs. Jerry Blackwell
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Pat O’Connor
Tito Santana vs. John Studd .
Bobby Heenan vs. Buck Zumhofe
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
Curt Hennig vs. Billy Howard
3/22/81 – Beloit, WI
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal
Bobby Heenan vs. Buck Zumhofe
Baron Von Raschke vs. John Studd
3/25/81 – Stevens Point, WI @ the Quandt Fieldhouse
John Studd & Jerry Blackwell vs. Jim Brunzell & Baron Von Raschke
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana 19:37
Buck Zumhofe vs. Bobby Heenan 13:10
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal 16:44
Curt Hennig vs. Bill Howard 11:50
3/26/81 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Jerry Blackwell & John Studd vs. The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke . when Von Raschke refused to break his claw hold
Cabadian Champion Dino Bravo vs. Adrian Adonis . when Jesse Ventura interfered
Tito Santana & Jim Brunzell & Buck Zumhofe vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Jesse Ventura & Bobby Heenan when Brunzell vs. Ventura
Curt Hennig vs. Steve Regal 15:00
Brad Rheingans vs. Dave Kochen . after a suplex
3/28/81 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Arena
AWA Champion Verne Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Jerry Blackwell & John Studd vs. the Crusher & Baron Von Raschke . in 12:48
Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis . in 14:15
Jesse Ventura vs. Buck Zumhofe . in 17:38
Tito Santana vs. Steve Regal . in 16:18
Brad Rheingans vs. Bill Howard . in 15:57
Reported Attendance: 6,381
3/29/81 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Sonny Rogers & Tony Leone
Jerry Blackwell vs. Rick Mastosky
Tito Santana vs. Billy Howard
Jesse Ventura vs. Juan Sebastian
Steve Regal vs. Kenny Jay
4/1/81 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Champion Verne Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Jerry Blackwell & John Studd
Jesse Ventura vs. Buck Zumhofe
Brad Rheingans vs. Adrian Adonis
Tito Santana vs. Steve Regal
4/5/81 – Minneapolis TV
John Studd vs. Rick Young
Buck Zumhofe vs. Juan Sebastian
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Curt Hennig & Sonny Rogers
Brad Rheingans vs. Tony Leone
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Billy Howard
4/5/81 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell
Baron Von Raschke vs. John Studd
Handicap Match:
Buck Zumhofe & Curt Hennig vs. Jerry Blackwell
Tito Santana vs. Steve Regal
The Crusher vs. Jesse Ventura
Note: Blackwell was originally scheduled to wrestle Brad Rheingans
4/7/81 – Cumberland, WI
Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens vs. Baron Von Raschke & Buck Zumhofe
4/8/81 – Aberdeen, SD @ the Civic Arena
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana
4/10/81 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Verne Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel . at 19:36
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Jerry Blackwell & John Studd when Brunzell vs. Studd at 16:44
Baron Von Raschke vs. Adrian Adonis 11:54
Jesse Ventura vs. Buck Zumhofe 12:16
George Gadaski vs. Billy Howard 9:54
Tito Santana vs. Bobby Heenan 12:05
4/11/81 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
AWA Champion Verne Gagne vs. Jesse Ventura
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke vs. Jerry Blackwell & John Studd
Brad Rheingans vs. Tony Leone (sub Steve Regal)
Ben DeLeon vs. Curt Hennig (sub Nacho Barrera)
4/11/81 Pueblo, CO @ Ag Palace
Tully Blanchard & Nick Bockwinkel vs Terry Funk & Wahoo McDaniel
Bobby Heenan vs Jim Brunzell
Greg Gagne vs Adrian Adonis
Larry Lane vs Tito Santana
4/12/81 – Minneapolis TV
Jim Brunzell vs. Billy Howard
Jerry Blackwell & John Studd vs. George Gadaski & Kenny Jay
Tito Santana vs. Ben Deleon
Adrian Adonis vs. Art Santos
Buck Zumhofe vs. Chris Curtis
4/16/81 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Referee: Bill Howard
AWA Champion Verne Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel when AWA President Stanley Blackburn reversed referee Howard’s decision
Baron Von Raschke & The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell & John Studd when Crusher vs. Studd
Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis . with a backslide
Jesse Ventura vs. Buck Zumhofe .
Greg Gagne vs. Steve Regal
Brad Rheingans vs. Tito Santana
Sheik Adnan vs. Dave Kochen
Reported Attendance: “6.500 fans”
4/18/81 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
No DQ Match: The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke vs. Jerry Blackwell & John Studd
Jim Brunzell vs. Jesse Ventura . in 14:54
Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens (sub Bobby Heenan) vs. Greg Gagne & Buck Zumhofe in 14:45
Tito Santana vs. Adrian Adonis 20:00
Brad Rheingans vs. Steve Regal . in 14:15
Reported Attendance: 4,209
Note: Another listing has an additional match Ben DeLeon vs. Bill Howard in 13:32.
(promoter Dennis Hilgart sat ringside with AWA President Stanley Blackburn for the show)
4/19/81 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Steve Regal & Billy Howard
Jesse Ventura vs. Art Santos
Tito Santana vs. Chris Curtis
Jerry Blackwell vs. Ben Deleon
Buck Zumhofe vs. Tony Leone
4/19/81 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke vs. Jerry Blackwell & John Studd
Jim Brunzell vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Greg Gagne vs. Ray Stevens .
Sheik Adnan vs. Steve Regal
Curt Hennig vs. Adrian Adonis .
Tito Santana vs. Brad Rheingans
Jesse Ventura vs. Buck Zumhofe
4/23/81 – LaCrosse, WI
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke vs. Jerry Blackwell & John Studd
4/24/81 – Eau Claire, WI
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. the Crusher & Baron Von Raschke
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana
4/25/81 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
AWA Champion Verne Gagne vs. Jerry Blackwell
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
4/25/81 – Racine, WI @ the Washington Park High School
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
4/26/81 – Minneapolis TV
Tito Santana vs. Ricky Hunter
Jerry Blackwell vs. Frank Reese
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Ben Deleon & Buddy Lane
Sheik Adnan vs. Nacho Berrera
Brad Rheingans vs. Puppy Dog Peloquin
4/26/81 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Non-Title Cage Match:
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Brad Rheingans .
Jerry Blackwell vs. Baron Von Raschke
Ray Stevens vs. Tito Santana
Buck Zumhofe vs. Ben Deleon in 15:27
4/26/81 – Janesville, WI
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke & Buck Zumhofe vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens & Bobby Heenan
Greg Gagne vs. Tito Santana
Jerry Blackwell vs. Jim Brunzell
Brad Rheingans vs. Adrian Adonis
4/28/81 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. The Crusher & Buck Zumhofe
Baron Von Raschke vs. Jerry Blackwell
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana .
Jim Brunzell vs. John Studd
Brad Rheingans vs. Curt Hennig
4/30/81 – New Ulm, MN
Posedown: The Crusher vs. Jesse Ventura
5/1/81 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Non-Title Cage Match:
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura 16:10
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell 11:29
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana 20:29
Baron Von Raschke vs. Big John Studd 10:59
Ray Stevens vs. Buck Zumhofe 14:29
5/2/81 – Oakland, CA
AWA Champion Verne Gagne vs. Jerry Blackwell
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan
The Crusher vs. Jesse Ventura
Ray Stevens vs. Adrian Adonis
Baron Von Raschke vs. John Studd
Tito Santana vs. Guy Lambert
Pepper Gomez vs. Jerry Monti
5/3/81 – Minneapolis TV
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Buck Zumhofe & Buddy Lane
Sheik Adnan vs. Frank Reese
Jim Brunzell vs. Dave Muir
Brad Rheingans vs. Nacho Berrera
5/8/81 – Sioux City, IA
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Baron Von Raschke vs. Jerry Blackwell
Brad Rheingans vs. Nick Bockwinkel
John Studd vs. Tito Santana
Buck Zumhofe vs. Bobby Heenan
5/9/81 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke & Verne Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Jerry Blackwell & John Studd (Verne vs. Studd, Bill Howard was referee)
Tito Santana vs. Ray Stevens .
Pose Down Contest: The Crusher vs. Jesse Ventura (Referee Bill Howard)
Bobby Heenan vs. Buck Zumhofe
Sheik Adnan vs. Curt Hennig
Brad Rheingans vs. Ben DeLeon
Larry Lisowski refereed the remaining bouts
Reported Attendance: 4,633
5/10/81 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Chris Curtis & Armando Rodriguez
Ray Stevens vs. Caesar Pabon
Sheik Adnan vs. Dave Muir
Tito Santana vs. Buddy Lane
5/10/81 – St Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
Verne’s first Retirement Match:
AWA Champion Verne Gagne vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell & Buck Zumhofe vs. Ray Stevens & Pat Patterson & Bobby Heenan
Posedown: The Crusher vs. Jesse Ventura
Baron Von Raschke vs. John Studd
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan
Larry Hennig vs. Adrian Adonis
Brad Rheingans vs. Jerry Blackwell
Reported Attendance: 15,780
5/14/81 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Mad Dog Vachon & Baron Von Raschke vs. Jerry Blackwell & John Studd when Vachon vs. Studd after an atomic drop
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens when Brunzell vs. Stevens after a drop kick
Referee: Joe Fariano
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan in 11:14
Brad Rheingans vs. Jesse Ventura
Adrian Adonis vs. Curt Hennig
Buck Zumhofe vs. Rick Hunter
Reported Attendance: “6.500 fans”
5/16/81 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
Jerry Blackwell vs. Baron Von Raschke
Sheik Adnan vs. Tito Santana
Brad Rheingans vs. John Studd
Buck Zumhofe vs. Ben DeLeon
Gagne and Brunzell vs Adonis and Ventura clean
Von Raschke vs Blackwell
Adnan vs Santana
Rheingans vs Studd
Zumhofe vs Deleon
5/17/81 – Minneapolis TV
Brad Rheingans vs. Dave Muir
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Ricky Hunter & Buddy Lane
Tito Santana vs. Caesar Pabon (Never started, Sheik Adnan attacked Tito)
Jerry Blackwell vs. Armando Rodriguez
Buck Zumhofe vs. Tony Leone
5/17/81 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke vs. Jerry Blackwell & John Studd
Tito Santana vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Ray Stevens vs. Buck Zumhofe
Sheik Adnan vs. Curt Hennig by submission
Brad Rheingans vs. Ben DeLeon
5/19/81 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell
Baron Von Raschke vs. John Studd
Brad Rheingans vs. John Studd (sub Jerry Blackwell) .
Sheik Adnan vs. Curt Hennig
5/23/81 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Dick the Bruiser & the Crusher .
Jerry Blackwell vs. Baron Von Raschke.
Bobo Brazil vs. Paul Christy.
Spike Huber vs. Johnny Valiant
Brad Rheingans vs. Ray Stevens .
Sheik Adnan vs. Bobby Bold Eagle
Tito Santana vs. Big John Studd
Reported Attendance: 8,000
5/24/81 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Nacho Berrera & Ricky Romero
Jerry Blackwell vs. Tony Leone
Brad Rheingans vs. Terry Scholes
Ray Stevens vs. Frank Reese
Buck Zumhofe vs. Blackie Guzman
5/29/81 – Houston, TX
Wahoo McDaniel vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Manny Fernandez vs. Tank Patton
Gino Hernandez vs. Scott Casey
Tiger Conway Jr vs. Eddie Mansfield
Tully Blanchard vs. Scott Casey
Larry Lane vs. Doug Somers
5/??/81 – Worthington, MN
Buck Zumhofe & Baron Von Raschke vs. John Studd & Nick Bockwinkel
Sheik Adnan vs. Tito Santana .
Jim Brunzell vs. John Studd
Brad Rheingans vs. Billy Howard
6/6/81 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Arena
The Crusher & Wahoo McDaniel vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Ray Stevens
Steel Cage Match:
Baron Von Raschke vs. Jerry Blackwell
Non-Title Steel Cage Match:
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Laurent Soucie vs. Billy Howard
Brad Rheingans vs. Bobby Heenan
Sheik Adnan vs. Ben DeLeon
Mike Graham vs. Buck Zumhofe
Reported Attendance: 7,544
6/7/81 – Minneapolis TV
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Curt Hennig & Frank Reese
Brad Rheingans vs. Jerry Blackwell
Ray Stevens vs. Terry Scholes
Sheik Adnan vs. Tony Leone
Tito Santana vs. Nacho Berrera
6/7/81 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
Jim Brunzell vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Sheik Adnan vs. Wilbur Snyder
Ray Stevens vs. Ben DeLeon (sub Brad Rheingans)
Buck Zumhofe vs. Bobby Heenan (sub Mike Graham) .
Laurent Soucie vs. Bill Howard
6/11/81 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Referee: Bill Howard
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. the Crusher & Baron Von Raschke . when Admonis jumped off the top rope onto Von Raschke’s back
Non-Title Match, Referee: Lord James Blears, Ray Stevens in Bockwinkel’s corner instead of Bobby Heenan
Jim Brunzell vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
AWA Light Heavyweight Champion Mike Graham vs. Buck Zumhofe . in 17:20
Jerry Blackwell vs. Mad Dog Vachon with help from Adrian Adonis
Referee: George Gadaski
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan .
Brad Rheingans vs. Ray Stevens
Reported Attendance: “5.000 plus fans on hand”
6/12/81 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. the Crusher & Baron Von Raschke . at 15:45
AWA Light Heavyweight Champion Mike Graham vs. Buck Zumhofe at 23:02
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan .
Jerry Blackwell vs. Joe Scarpello (sub Brad Rheingans) at 6:46
Laurent Soucie vs. Bill Howard (sub Ray Stevens) at 14:41
6/13/81 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
AWA Light Heavyweight Champion Mike Graham vs. Buck Zumhofe
Jerry Blackwell vs. Brad Rheingans (sub Jim Brunzell)
Sheik Adnan vs. Bill Howard (sub Greg Gagne)
Brad Rheingans vs. Laurent Soucie
Note: Another listing has Jim Brunzell vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel in a Non-Title match
6/14/81 – Minneapolis TV
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Kenny Jay & Armando Rodriguez
Jim Brunzell vs. Ben Deleon
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Ricky Hunter
Sheik Adnan vs. Caesar Pabon
Buck Zumhofe vs. Puppy Dog Peloquin
6/14/81 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura for AWA tag title when Brunzell vs. Adonis
Baron Von Raschke vs. Jerry Blackwell in 15:37 when both men hit the referee
AWA Light Heavyweight Champion Mike Graham vs. Buck Zumhofe in 22:33
Laurent Soucie vs. Ben DeLeon in 11:07
George Gadaski vs. Tony Leone in 11:53
Brad Rheingans vs. Chris Curtis was cancelled
6/17/81 – Oakland, CA @ the Coliseum
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Heenan
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan
Baron Von Raschke vs. Mike Cain
6/20/81 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Dick The Bruiser & The Crusher vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Bobo Brazil vs. Jerry Valiant
Wilbur Snyder vs. Johnny Valiant .
Spike Huber vs. Johnny Starr
Moose Cholak vs. Dr. Jerry Graham Jr
Paul Christy vs. El Bracero
Greg Wojokowski vs. Max Blue
Reported Attendance: 6,800
6/20/81 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Jim Brunzell
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan .
Baron Von Raschke vs. Bobby Heenan .
Ray Stevens vs. Ben DeLeon
Buck Zumhofe vs. Chris Curtis
6/21/81 – Minneapolis TV
Jim Brunzell vs. Sonny Rogers
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dave Muir
Tito Santana vs. Ricky Hunter
Jesse Ventura vs. Tony Leone
Baron Von Raschke vs. Terry Scholes
6/26/81 – Marinette, WI @ the Marinette High School Gym
The Crusher & Buck Zumhofe vs. Ray Stevens & Bobby Heenan
Adrian Adonis vs. Greg Gagne .
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan
Laurent Soucie vs. Ben DeLeon
6/27/81 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Baron Von Raschke
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan .
The Crusher vs. Ray Stevens .
AWA Light Heavyweight Champion Mike Graham vs. Buck Zumhofe
Jerry Blackwell vs. Tony Leone
Laurent Soucie vs. Ben Deleon
Reported Attendance: 3,222
6/28/81 – Minneapolis TV
Ray Stevens vs. Ricky Hunter
Baron Von Raschke vs. Dave Muir
Buck Zumhofe vs. Tony Leone
Jesse Ventura vs. Puppy Dog Peloquin
6/28/81 – St Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Baron Von Raschke
Jesse Ventura vs. The Crusher .
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan
AWA Light Heavyweight Champion Mike Graham vs. Buck Zumhofe
Handicap Match:
Jerry Blackwell vs. Ben Deleon & Juan Valez
Adrian Adonis vs. Jim Brunzell
Brad Rheingans vs. Laurent Soucie
7/3/81 – Calgary, Alberta, Canada
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Bret Hart
Mid Heavyweight Champion Dynamite Kid vs. Keith Hart
David Shultz & Kerry Brown & Duke Myers vs. Bill Irwin & Duffy O’Rourke & Randy Tyler
Bruce Hart vs. Adrian Street
7/4/81 – Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Bret Hart
Dynamite Kid vs. Bruce Hart
David Shultz vs. Randy Tyler
Duke Myers & Kerry Brown vs. Bill Irwin & Duffy O’Rourke
Davey Boy Smith vs. Mandingo
Mike Hammer vs. TG Stone
Sky Low Low vs. Frenchy Lamonte
Ref: Lou Thesz
7/5/81 – Minneapolis TV
Jim Brunzell vs. Julio Rodriguez
Jerry Blackwell vs. Pancho Zapata
Baron Von Raschke vs. Nacho Berrera
Adrian Adonis vs. Frank Reese
Tito Santana vs. Blackie Guzman
7/7/81 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan .
Baron Von Raschke vs. Ray Stevens
Ray Stevens (sub Jerry Blackwell) vs. Laurent Soucie
Buck Zumhofe vs. Sean Pullens (sub Al Ringo)
7/7/81 – Regina, SK @ the Exhibition Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Bret Hart
Dynamite Kid vs. Bruce Hart
Adrian Street & Sky Low Low vs. Davey Boy Smith & Joey Russell
David Shultz vs. Duffy O’Rourke
Randy Tyler & Bill Irwin vs. Jude Rosenbloom & Kerry Brown
T.G Stone vs. Robbie Stewart
Ref: Lou Thesz
7/10/81 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan
Baron Von Raschke vs. Jerry Blackwell
Ray Stevens vs. Buck Zumhofe
7/11/81 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan .
Jerry Blackwell vs. Brad Rheingans .
Ray Stevens vs. Baron Von Raschke .
Laurent Soucie vs. Kenny Jay .
Reported Attendance: 3,860
7/12/81 – Minneapolis TV
Tito Santana vs. Julio Rodriguez
Sheik Adnan vs. Nacho Berrera
Buck Zumhofe vs. Frank Reese
Ray Stevens vs. Blackie Guzman
7/12/81 – Wausau, WI
Posedown: The Crusher vs. Jesse Ventura
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan
Greg Gagne vs. Adrian Adonis .
Jerry Blackwell vs. Kenny Jay
Laurent Soucie vs. Brad Rheingans
7/16/81 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Jim Brunzell 60:00
Jerry Blackwell & Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. the Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon & Baron Von Raschke when Adonis vs. Von Raschke
Sheik Adnan vs. Tito Santana .
Greg Gagne vs. Puppy Dog Peloquin (sub Ray Stevens)
Brad Rheingans vs. Laurent Soucie
Reported Attendance: “7,900 spectators”
7/17/81 – Oakland, CA @ the Coliseum
Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Buck Zumhofe
Baron Von Raschke vs. Jerry Blackwell
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Heenan .
Sheik Adnan vs. Tito Santana
7/18/81 – Milford, IA @ the High School Gym
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke vs. Arian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
7/18/81 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Jim Brunzell
Jerry Blackwell vs. Brad Rheingans
Jerry Blackwell vs. Chris Curtis
Laurent Soucie vs. Tony Leone
7/19/81 – Minneapolis TV
Ray Stevens vs. Mickey Shannon
Tito Santana vs. Chuck Greenlee
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Tony Leone & Sonny Rogers
Baron Von Raschke vs. Terry Scholes
7/19/81 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Sheik Adnan vs. Tito Santana .
Jerry Blackwell vs. Brad Rheingans
Baron Von Raschke vs. Ben DeLeon
Buck Zumhofe vs. George Gadaski
Laurent Soucie vs. Chris Curtis
7/24/81 – Houston
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tony Atlas
7/25/81 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. The Crusher
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Jerry Blackwell vs. Baron Von Raschke
Ray Stevens vs. Buck Zumhofe
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan
Brad Rheingans vs. Ben LeLeon
Laurent Soucie vs. Chris Curtis
7/26/81 – Minneapolis TV
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Rick Young & Mickey Shannon
Sheik Adnan vs. Sonny Rogers
Baron Von Raschke vs. Tony Leone
Buck Zumhofe vs. Chuck Greenlee
7/26/81 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke when Jesse vs. Baron
Sheik Adnan vs. Tito Santana in 11:41
Jerry Blackwell vs. Brad Rheingans in 25:53
Buck Zumhofe vs. Laurent Soucie
7/31/81 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Sheik Adnan .
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Pat Patterson & Ray Stevens
Jerry Blackwell vs. Brad Rheingans
Tito Santana vs. Adrian Adonis
Baron Von Raschke vs. Jesse Ventura
7/??/81 – Milford, IA
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
Sheik Adnan vs. Tito Santana
Posedown: The Crusher vs. Jesse Ventura
Buck Zumhofe vs. Ben Deleon
8/1/81 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Tito Santana vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Jerry Blackwell vs. Brad Rheingans
Ray Stevens vs. Pat O’Connor (sub Baron Von Raschke)
Rufus R Jones vs. Jim Dillon
Buck Zumhofe vs. Jim Dillon (sub Bobby Heenan)
8/1/81 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell .
Baron Von Raschke (sub Crusher) vs. Sheik Adnan
Hulk Hogan vs. Tony Leone & Chuck Greenlee
Evan Johnson vs. Chris Curtis .
Laurent Soucie vs. Nacho Berrara .
Reported Attendance: 3,492
AWA All Star Wrestling 8/1/81 (TV-PG)
Jesse Ventura and Adrian Adonis team up to form the East West Connection and battle George Gadaski and Frank Reese.
Tito Santana, Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie, Baron Von Raschke and more.
From 8/1/81.
8/2/81 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Blackie Guzman & Nacho Berrera
Jerry Blackwell vs. George Gadaski
Tito Santana vs. Pancho Vasquez
Sheik Adnan vs. Frank Reese
Baron Von Raschke vs. Julio Rodriguez
AWA TV 8/8/81 (24/7)
High Flyers vs. Shannon/Scholl (2/3),
Hogan/Johnny V interview with Okerlund,
Ed Boulder vs. Gadaski,
Greg Gagne with a Beefcake/Hogan commentary,
Raschke vs. Young,
Hogan Vs. Sonny Rogers/Chuck Greenlee,
Santana vs. Barrera,
Ventura/Adonis interview re: November 1981 Oakland Battleroyal,
Andre the Giant interview re: Battleroyal,
plus very brief highlights in the end
8/9/81 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne vs. Nacho Berrera
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Frank Reese & George Gadaski
Tito Santana vs. Blackie Guzman
Sheik Adnan vs. Julio Rodriguez
Baron Von Raschke vs. Pancho Vasquez
8/9/81 – Minneapolis, MN
Sheik Adnan vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Non-Title: Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell
Jerry Blackwell vs. Brad Rheingans
Billy Robinson vs. Ed Boulder
Hulk Hogan vs. Terry Scholes & Nacho Berrera & Chuck Greenlee
Laurent Soucie vs. Kenny Jay
8/13/81 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura when Brunzell vs. Adonis
Brad Rheingans vs. Jerry Blackwell
Sheik Adnan vs. Tito Santana in 12:05
Billy Robinson vs. Ray Stevens
Handicap Match, Hogan must vs. all three men: Hulk Hogan vs. Dave Muir & Dave Kochen & Fred Peloquin in 4:35
Evan Johnson vs. Ed Boulder
Reported Attendance: “crowd of 5,000”
8/14/81 – Houston, TX
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Wahoo McDaniel in a 2/3 falls match
Southwest Tag Team Champions Gino Hernandez & Tully Blanchard vs. Mil Mascaras & Manny Fernandez
Tiger Conway Jr & Bobo Johnson vs. The Spoiler & Tiny Tom
Bobo Johnson vs. Tiny Tom
The Spoiler vs. Tiger Conway Jr
Dick Slater vs. Tom Prichard
Tank Patton vs. Don Diamond
Scott Casey vs. Buck Robley
8/15/81 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Dick The Bruiser & Baron Von Raschke vs. Ray Stevens & Johnny Valiant. (Raschke turned on Bruiser following the match).
Bobo Brazil vs. Super Destroyer II .
Billy Robinson vs. Bobby Vann
Great Wojo vs. Jerry Graham Jr
Chuck Greenley vs. Sonny Rogers
Johnny Starr vs. Greg Lake
8/15/81 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan .
Handicap Match: Hulk Hogan vs. Eddie Boulder & Chris Curtis & Tony Leone
Brad Rheingans vs. Ben DeLeon
George Gadaski vs. Nacho Barrera
8/16/81 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Mickey Shannon & Terry Scholes
Eddie Boulder vs. George Gadaski
Baron Von Raschke vs. Rick Young
Hulk Hogan vs. Sonny Rogers & Chuck Greenlee
Tito Santana vs. Nacho Berrera
Arena tape 8/9 Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell
8/16/81 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Tag team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura when Brunzell vs. Adonis in 15:47
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Billy Robinson . in 15:32
The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell -CANCELLED
Special Referee: Baron Von Raschke
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan . in 14:08
Handicap Match: Hulk Hogan vs. Nacho Berrera & Tony Leone in 5:38
Brad Rheingans vs. Dizzy Ed Boulder (sub Laurent Soucie) in 14:43
8/18/81 Appleton, MN
Brad Rheingans vs. Adrian Adonis
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Jerry Blackwell & Bobby Heenan
Billy Robinson vs. Tito Santana
Buck Zumhofe vs. Jesse Ventura
8/19/81 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell .
Baron Von Raschke vs. Sheik Adnan
Jerry Blackwell vs. Brad Rheingans
Hulk Hogan vs. Ed Boulder
AWA TV 8/19/81 (24/7)
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs Ricky Shannon & Butch Shoal
Hulk Hogan & Johnny Valiant interview
Dizzy Ed Boulder vs George “Scrap Ironï” Gadaski
Baron Von Raschke vs Micky Young
Hulk Hogan vs Sonny Rogers & Partner
Tito Santana vs Pancho Ferra
Adrian Adonis & Jessie Ventura interview
Andre The Giant interview
8/20/81 – Oakland, CA
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Pat Patterson .
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan
Ray Stevens vs. Jerry Blackwell
Handicap Match: Hulk Hogan vs. Frankie Cain & Don Stevenson
8/21/81 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura when Gagne vs. Adonis in 19:00
Ray Stevens vs. Baron Von Raschke in 7:28
Hulk Hogan vs. Pat Patterson . in 13:38
Brad Rheingans vs. Jerry Blackwell in 17:00
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan in 19:00
8/22/81 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Ray Stevens & Bobby Heenan (sub Pat Patterson)
Sheik Adnan vs. Baron Von Raschke .
Brad Rheingans vs. Jerry Blackwell
Handicap Match:
Hulk Hogan vs. Adrian Adonis & Nacho Berrera
Ed Boulder vs. Evan Johnson
8/23/81 – Minneapolis TV
Buck Zumhofe vs. Terry Scholes
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Rick Young
Hulk Hogan vs. Nacho Berrera & Mickey Shannon
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Sonny Rogers & Chuck Greenlee
8/29/81 – Evansville
Tito Santana vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Hulk Hogan vs. Ed Boulder
8/30/81 – Minneapolis TV
Tito Santana vs. Herman Schaefer
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tony Leone
Hulk Hogan vs. Fred Torres
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Chris Curtis & Tom Stone
Eddie Boulder vs. Terry Scholes
8/30/81 – St. Paul, MN
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Sheik Adnan .
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Hulk Hogan & Brad Rheingans vs. Ray Stevens & Jerry Blackwell
Billy Robinson vs. Tito Santana
Baron Von Raschke vs. Eddie Boulder
Buck Zumhofe vs. Kenny Jay
9/6/81 – Minneapolis TV
Billy Robinson vs. Herman Schaefer
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Tony Leone & Terry Scholes
Hulk Hogan vs. Chris Curtis
Sheik Adnan vs. Fred Torres
Jerry Blackwell vs. Tom Stone
9/10/81 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana
Handicap Match: Hulk Hogan vs. Adrian Adonis & Ed Boulder
Baron Von Raschke & Billy Robinson vs. Jerry Blackwell & Sheik Adnan .
Ray Stevens vs. Buck Zumhofe
9/11/81 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana in 18:47
Hulk Hogan vs. Jerry Blackwell . in 16:16
Greg Gagne & Buck Zumhofe vs. Ray Stevens & Bobby Heenan when Zumhofe vs. Heenan in 14:34
Adrian Adonis vs. Ed Boulder in 16:34
9/12/81 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Sheik Adnan vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel . in 18:21
Hulk Hogan vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Tito Santana & Buck Zumhofe vs. Bobby Heenan & Ray Stevens
Ed Boulder vs. Chris Curtis
Evan Johnson vs. Tony Leone
Reported Attendance: 4,121
9/12/81 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Dick The Bruiser vs. Baron Von Raschke
Mike Kelly & Pat Kelly vs. Bobo Brazil & Wilbur Snyder
Billy Robinson vs. Johnny Valiant
Spike Huber vs. Johnny Starr
Paul Christy vs. Jose Martinez
9/13/81 – Minneapolis TV
Billy Robinson vs. Tom Stone
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Sonny Rogers & Rick Young
Baron Von Raschke vs. Nacho Berrera
Hulk Hogan vs. Herman Schafer
9/13/81 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Shiek Adnan
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell & Hulk Hogan vs. Jerry Blackwell & Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Billy Robinson vs. Ray Stevens
Tito Santana vs. Eddie Boulder
Buck Zumhofe vs. George Gadaski
Evan Johnson vs. Kenny Jay
9/19/81 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Hulk Hogan (sub Greg Gagne) & Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis & Jerry Blackwell (sub Jesse Ventura)
Sheik Adnan vs. Baron Von Raschke
Billy Robinson vs. Tito Santana
Ed Boulder vs. Nacho Barrera (sub Hulk Hogan)
Note: Gagne and Ventura were announced as being injured in Chicago. Brunzell and Adonis were allowed to choose new partners.
9/20/81 – Minneapolis TV
Baron Von Raschke vs. Tom Stone
Hulk Hogan vs. Chris Curtis
Jerry Blackwell vs. Rick Young
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Herman Schafer & Nacho Berrera
Sheik Adnan vs. Sonny Rogers
9/20/81 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana
Sheik Adnan vs. Baron Von Raschke . in 16:31
Handicap Match:
Hulk Hogan vs. Adrian Adonis & Ed Boulder when Adonis abandoned the match and Hulk vs. Boulder in 7:49
Bobby Heenan vs. Nacho Berrera in 8:21
Jesse Ventura vs. Buck Zumhofe was canceled
Jerry Blackwell vs. Billy Robinson in 18:57
Note: Another listing has Bockwinkel Santana in the main event.
9/24/81 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Sheik Adnan vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel . in 18:00
Non-Title Match:
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell when Ventura vs. Brunzell after a spike piledriver
Hulk Hogan vs. Jerry Blackwell . in 14:25 when Blackwell walked back to the dressing room.
Billy Robinson vs. Tito Santana 20:00
Johnny Valiant vs. Buck Zumhofe
Baron Von Raschke vs. Ed Boulder
Reported Attendance: “crowd of 8,000”
Note: Bobby Heenan managed Blackwell in Jerry’s match against Hogan.
9/25/81 – Houston, TX
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Bruiser Brody .
9/26/81 – Sioux City, IA
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell .
Billy Robinson vs. Jerry Blackwell
Handicap Match:
Hulk Hogan vs. Dizzy Ed Boulder & George Gadaski
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan
9/27/81 – Minneapolis TV
Baron Von Raschke & Tito Santana vs. Terry Scholes & Sonny Rogers
Billy Robinson vs. Mickey Shannon
Eddie Boulder vs. Dave Muir
Buck Zumhofe vs. Fred Peloquin
9/27/81 – Monroe, WI
Tito Santana & Baron Von Raschke (subs for Jerry Blackwell and Sheik Adnan) vs. Jesse Ventura & Adrian Adonis
Hulk Hogan vs. Adrian Adonis .
Buck Zumhofe vs. Eddie Boulder
Jesse Ventura vs. George Gadaski
9/30/81 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Sheik Adnan vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Jerry Blackwell & Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Hulk Hogan & Baron Von Raschke & Buck Zumhofe
Tito Santana vs. Adrian Adonis (sub Bobby Heenan)
Baron Von Raschke vs. Jerry Blackwell .
10/1/81 – Oakland, CA
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell
Pat Patterson & Hulk Hogan vs. Jerry Blackwell & Nick Bockwinkel
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan
Buck Zumhofe vs. Bobby Heenan .
Baron Von Raschke vs. Guy Lambert
10/2/81 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana 60:00
Hulk Hogan & Jim Brunzell & Greg Gagne vs. Jerry Blackwell & Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Billy Robinson vs. Sheik Adnan 15:57
Bobby Heenan vs. Buck Zumhofe 13:37
10/3/81 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Sheik Adnan
Hulk Hogan & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Jerry Blackwell & Ed Boulder (sub Jesse Ventura) & Adrian Adonis
Tito Santana vs. Billy Robinson
Buck Zumhofe vs. Ed Boulder .
Laurent Soucie vs. Tony Leone
Reported Attendance: 4,468
10/4/81 – Minneapolis TV
Sheik Adnan vs. Julio Rodriguez
Hulk Hogan vs. Chuck Greenlee & Blackie Guzman
Buck Zumhofe vs. Frank Reese
Jerry Blackwell vs. Angus McClain
Eddie Boulder vs. Sonny Rogers
10/4/81 – Houston
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Junkyard Dog .
Gino Hernandez dcor Dos Caras
Manny Fernandez vs. Ken Patera for the Brass Knuckles Title
Scott Casey vs. Moon Mulligan
Tom Prichard vs. Kelly Kiniski
Tully Blanchard vs. Bobby Duncum
10/4/81 – Minneapolis, MN
Hulk Hogan vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Sheik Adnan vs. Baron Von Raschke
Jim Brunzell vs. Bobby Heenan
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Billy Robinson & Tito Santana
Evan Johnson vs. Laurent Soucie
Buck Zumhofe vs. Ed Boulder
10/11/81 – Minneapolis TV
Baron Von Raschke vs. Julio Rodriguez
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Blackie Guzman & Sonny Rogers
Jesse Ventura vs. Chuck Greenlee
Billy Robinson vs. Angus McClain
Tito Santana vs. Frank Reese
10/11/81 – Wisconsin Rapids, WI @ the Lincoln High School
Tito Santana & Baron Von Raschke vs. Sheik Adnan & Jerry Blackwell
Adrian Adonis vs. Buck Zumhofe (sub Jim Brunzell)
Billy Robinson vs. Jesse Ventura
Buck Zumhofe vs. Dizzy Ed Boulder
10/17/81 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Hulk Hogan vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Wilbur Snyder vs. Sgt. Goulet
Bobo Brazil vs. Blackjack Mulligan
Billy Robinson vs. Bobby Heenan
El Bracero vs. George Gadaski
10/17/81 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Sheik Adnan vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Ken Patera vs. Tito Santana
Bobby Duncum vs. Baron Von Raschke
Buck Zumhofe vs. Ed Boulder
Johnny Valiant vs. Evan Johnson (Some results show this match as a draw)
10/18/81 – Minneapolis TV
Tito Santana vs. Tony Leone
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Sonny Rogers & Mickey Shannon
Sheik Adnan vs. Chuck Greenlee
Baron Von Raschke vs. Terry Scholes
Eddie Boulder vs. Rick Young
10/18/81 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Arm wrestling: Hulk Hogan vs. Jesse Ventura
Greg Gagne vs. Sheik Adnan .
Ken Patera vs. Jim Brunzell .
Jerry Blackwell vs. Johnny Valiant
Tito Santana vs. Bobby Heenan
Battle Royal
10/19/81 – New Ulm, MN
Andre The Giant won the Battle Royal.
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan
Jim Brunzell vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Ken Patera vs. Billy Robinson
Adrian Adnois vs. Evan Johnson
Buck Zumhofe vs. Jacques Goulet
10/22/81 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Andre the Giant won a 16 man Battle Royal for $50,000 by eliminating Ken Patera
Andre the Giant vs. Adrian Adonis in 7:59
Arm Wrestling: Hulk Hogan vs. Jesse Ventura
Bobby Duncum vs. Baron Von Raschke in 13:18 with help from Bobby Heenan
Jerry Blackwell vs. Johnny Valiant . after a big splash
Ken Patera vs. Buck Zumhofe
Rene Goulet vs. Ed Boulder in 12:00
Reported Attendance: “crowd of 10,000”
Notes: Johnny Valiant did not compete in the Battle Roual due to injuries suffered in his match with Blackwell. Hulk Hogan also did not compete in the Battle Royal because Adrian Adonis hit Hogan with a steel chair after Hulk’s arm wrestling match with Ventura.
10/23/81 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Andre The Giant won a 16 man battle royal at 11:59 for $50,000
Arm Wrestling: Hulk Hogan vs. Jesse Ventura 2:13
Tito Santana & Jim Brunzell vs. Bobby Heenan & Bobby Duncum 13:49
Greg Gagne vs. Sheik Adnan
Sgt. Goulet vs. Buck Zumhofe 15:00
Jerry Blackwell vs. Johnny Valiant 4:15
10/24/81 – Rapid City, IA
Hulk Hogan vs. Jacques Goulet
10/24/81 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Ken Patera won a 15 man $25,000 battle royal
Andre the Giant vs. Jerry Blackwell
Ken Patera vs. Baron Von Raschke
Bobby Duncum vs. Johnny Valiant (sub Evan Johnson)
Billy Robinson vs. Jerry Brown
Ed Boulder vs. Terry Gibbs
Laurent Soucie vs. Ron Sexton
Also In Battle Royal: Kenny Jay, Sonny Myers, Joe Scarpello & Pat O’Connor, Not in Battle Royal: Johnny Valiant
10/25/81 – Minneapolis TV
Tito Santana vs. Terry Scholes
Buck Zumhofe vs. Tony Leone
Sheik Adnan vs. Rick Young
Billy Robinson vs. Chuck Greenlee
George Gadaski vs. Sonny Rogers
Eddie Boulder vs. Mickey Shannon
10/25/81 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
Andre the Giant won an 18 man battle royal
Bodyslam Challenge: Hulk Hogan vs. Jerry Blackwell
Sheik Adnan vs. Baron Von Raschke .
Ken Patera & Bobby Duncum vs. Billy Robinson & Rene Goulet
Tito Santana vs. Bobby Heenan
Evan Johnson vs. Eddie Boulder
10/29/81 – Sioux City, IA
Andre the Giant won a Battle Royal
Arm wrestling: Hulk Hogan vs. Jesse Ventura
Ken Patera vs. Tito Santana
Baron Von Raschke vs. Sheik Adnan
Johnny Valient vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Billy Robinson vs. Bobby Duncum
10/30/81 – Madison, WI @ the Edgewood High School Gymnasium
Andre The Giant won a 12 man Battle Royal battle royal.
Jim Brunzell vs. Jesse Ventura.
Ken Patera vs. Greg Gagne
Billy Robinson vs. Tito Santana
Bobby Heenan vs. Buck Zumhofe
Laurent Soucie vs. Rene Goulet
Also in Battle Royal: Hulk Hogan, Jerry Blackwell. Not in Battle Royal: Laurent Soucie, Ken Patera.
10/31/81 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Bodyslam challenge: Hulk Hogan vs. Jerry Blackwell
Andre the Giant won the 15-Man Battle royal for $50,000
Jim Brunzell vs. Bobby Heenan
Greg Gagne vs. Sheik Adnan
Tito Santana vs. Bobby Duncum .
Laurent Soucie vs. Jacques Goulet
Buck Zumhofe vs. Dizzy Ed Boulder
Reported Attendance: 5,376
11/1/81 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne vs. Tony Leone
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Angus McClain
Buck Zumhofe vs. Nacho Berrera
Ken Patera vs. Ken Fontaine
Adrian Adonis vs. Chuck Greenlee
11/1/81 – Houston
Tito Santana vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
11/5/81 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Sheik Adnan vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel . when Bockwinkel rammed Adnan’s head into the ringpost.
Handicap Match: Hulk Hogan & Andre the Giant vs. Jerry Blackwell & Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Ken Patera vs. Tito Santana with help from manager Bobby Heenan
Billy Robinson vs. Bobby Duncum . when Duncum tossed Robinson over the top rope
Jim Brunzell vs. Rene Goulet
Laurent Soucie vs. Ed Boulder
Reported Attendance: “8,000 fans”
11/6/81 – Oshkosh, WI @ the Lourdes High School
Handicap Match: Hulk Hogan & Andre the Giant vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura & Jerry Blackwell
Billy Robinson vs. Bobby Duncum .
Sheik Adnan vs. Tito Santana
Bobby Heenan vs. Buck Zumhofe
11/7/81 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Bobby Duncum and Ken Patera won a 12-Man Battle Royal
(order of elimination: 1-Kaissey 2-Ventura 3-Blackwell 4-Goulet 5-Adonis 6-Andre 7-Heenan 8-Raschke 9-Robinson 10-Santana)
Arm Wrestling: Hulk Hogan vs. Jesse Ventura .
Billy Robinson vs. Jerry Blackwell .
Bobby Heenan vs. Baron Von Raschke
Sheik Adnan vs. Rene Goulet
Ken Patera vs. Tito Santana
11/8/81 – Minneapolis TV
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Tony Leone & Angus McClain
Ken Patera vs. Nacho Berrera
Tito Santana vs. Chuck Greenlee
Sheik Adnan vs. Ken Fontaine
Jerry Blackwell vs. Juan Sebastian
11/8/81 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
Hulk Hogan & Andre The Giant vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura & Jerry Blackwell
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Duncum .
Shiek Adnan vs. Buck Zumhofe
Ken Patera vs. Billy Robinson
Tito Santana vs. Rene Goulet
Laurent Soucie vs. Ed Boulder
11/9/81 – Aberdeen, SD @ the Aberdeen Arena
12 man Battle Royal
Jim Brunzell vs. Jesse Ventura
Greg Gagne vs. Sheik Adnan
Buck Zumhofe vs. Bobby Heenan
Tito Santana vs. Adrian Adonis
Notes from Becky Taylor: Also advertised for the battle royal are Andre the Giant and Rene Goulet. It’s advertised as a 12-man battle royal but only 10 men are listed.
11/11/81 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Baron Von Raschke .
Hulk Hogan vs. Jerry Blackwell
Ken Patera & Bobby Duncum vs. Pat O’Connor & Billy Robinson
Laurent Soucie vs. Ed Boulder
11/12/81 – Oakland, CA @ the Coliseum
Andre The Giant won an 18 man Battle Royal for $50,000
Arm Wrestling: Hulk Hogan vs. Jesse Ventura
Greg Gagne vs. Adrian Adonis
Sheik Adnan vs. Baron Von Raschke
Pat Patterson vs. Bobby Heenan .
Ken Patera vs. Guy Lambert with a swinging neckbreaker
Jerry Blackwell vs. Johnny Valiant (Valiant was injured and did not participate in the Battle Royal.
Also in Battle Royal: Tito Santana, Bobby Duncum, Jerry Monti and Pepper Gomez.
11/13/81 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Hulk Hogan & Andre The Giant vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura & Jerry Blackwell
Greg Gagne vs. Pat Patterson
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan .
Ken Patera vs. Jim Brunzell
Bobby Duncum vs. Johnny Valiant
11/13/81 – Houston
Dusty Rhodes vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
11/15/81 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne vs. Kenny Jay
Ken Patera & Bobby Duncum vs. Frank Reese & Chuck Greenlee
Baron Von Raschke vs. Torpedo Guzman
Jerry Blackwell vs. Julio Rodriguez
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tony Leone
11/15/81 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Sheik Adnan vs. AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel .
Ken Patera & Bobby Duncum vs. Rene Goulet & Billy Robinson when Patera vs. Goulet
Hulk Hogan vs. Jesse Ventura
Laurent Soucie vs. Johnny Valiant .
11/22/81 – Minneapolis TV
Jim Brunzell vs. Chuck Greenlee
Ken Patera & Bobby Duncum vs. Tony Leone & Pancho Zapata
Rene Goulet vs. Julio Rodriguez
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Frank Reese
Buck Zumhofe vs. Blackie Guzman
11/24/81 – Minot, ND
Hulk Hogan vs. Bobby Duncum
Jim Brunzell vs. Jerry Blackwell
Tito Santana vs. Ken Patera
Billy Robinson vs. Sheik Adnan
Buck Zumhofe vs. Ed Boulder
11/25/81 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Retirement Match: Verne Gagne vs. Adrian Adonis
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Ken Patera & Bobby Duncum
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Billy Robinson
Bodyslam challenge: Hulk Hogan vs. Jerry Blackwell
WWA Tag Team Champions Pat Kelly & Mike Kelly vs. Dick the Bruiser & Wilbur Snyder
Tito Santana vs. Ed Boulder
11/26/81 – St. Paul, MN
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Sheik Adnan
Arm Wrestling
Hulk Hogan vs. Jesse Ventura
Billy Robinson & Tito Santana & Jim Brunzell vs. Ken Patera & Bobby Duncum & Jerry Blackwell
Adrian Adonis vs. Buck Zumhofe
Evan Johnson vs. Kenny Jay
Judy Martin vs. Joyce Grable
11/27/81 – Milton, WI @ the Milton High School
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan Al Kaissie
Laurent Soucie vs. Billy Robinson
Ken Patera vs. Buck Zumhofe
11/28/81 – Milwaukee, WI
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana
Greg Gagne vs. Sheik Adnan
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs. Ken Patera & Bobby Duncum
Judy Martin vs. Joyce Grable
Billy Robinson vs. Jim Brunzell
Jerry Blackwell vs. Buck Zumhofe (sub Johnny Valiant)
Laurent Soucie vs. Tom Stone (sub Ed Boulder)
11/29/81 – Minneapolis TV
Jim Brunzell vs. Herman Schafer
Sheik Adnan vs. Chris Curtis
Tito Santana & Buck Zumhofe vs. Tom Stone & Woody Wilson
Ken Patera vs. Jake Milliman
Baron Von Raschke vs. Terry Scholes
11/29/81 – Marshfield, WI
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Tito Santana vs. Sheik Adnan Al Kaissie .
Judy Martin vs. Joyce Grable
Jerry Blackwell vs. Laurent Soucie (sub Billy Robinson)
Buck Zumhofe vs. Bobby Heenan
12/3/81 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Referee: Al DeRusha
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura in “just past the 12 minute mark”
Special Referee: Mad Dog Vachon
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Sheik Adnan .
Jerry Blackwell vs. Billy Robinson . in 14:51
Ken Patera vs. Buck Zumhofe
Bobby Duncum vs. Tito Santana 20:00
United States Women’s Champion Judy Martin vs. Joyce Grable
Reported Attendance: 5,124
12/4/81 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Shiek Adnan
Hulk Hogan vs. Jesse Ventura
Bobby Duncum vs. Greg Gagne
Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis
Judy Martin vs. Joyce Grable
Tito Santana vs. Bad Boy Brown
12/5/81 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Bodyslam challenge: Hulk Hogan vs. Jerry Blackwell
Ken Patera & Bobby Duncum vs. Jesse Ventura & Jerry Blackwell (sub Adrian Adonis)
Judy Martin vs. Joyce Grable
Sheik Adnan vs. Billy Robinson .
Tito Santana vs. Laurent Soucie
12/6/81 – Minneapolis TV
Jim Brunzell vs. Tom Stone
Hulk Hogan vs. Chris Curtis & Jake Milliman
Evan Johnson vs. Herman Schaefer
Sheik Adnan vs. Chuck Greenlee
Tito Santana & Buck Zumhofe vs. Ken Patera & Bobby Duncum
12/6/81 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Handicap Match: Hulk Hogan vs. Bobby Duncum (sub Adrian Adonis) & Jesse Ventura (Duncum walked out on Jesse prior to Hogan getting the pin)
Ken Patera vs. Greg Gagne .
Joyce Grable vs. Judy Martin was canceled
Bobby Duncum vs. Billy Robinson .
Bobby Heenan vs. Laurent Soucie
12/10/81 – Oakland, CA
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell & Hulk Hogan vs. Jerry Blackwell & Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Judy Martin vs. Joyce Grable
Ken Patera vs. Buck Zumhofe
Bobby Heenan vs. Roger Kirby
12/12/81 – Milwaukee, WI
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Hulk Hogan vs. Jerry Blackwell
Ken Patera vs. Billy Robinson
Bobby Duncum vs. Tito Santana
Laurent Soucie vs. Nacho Berrera
12/13/81 – Minneapolis TV
George Gadaski & Kenny Jay vs. Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura .
Greg Gagne vs. Tom Stone
Ken Patera vs. Herman Schafer
Hulk Hogan vs. Woody Wilson & Fred Torres
Billy Robinson vs. Jake Milliman
12/19/81 – Bremen, West Germany
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Otto Wanz
12/20/81 – Minneapolis TV
Ken Patera & Bobby Duncum vs. George Gadaski & Woody Wilson
Billy Robinson vs. Fred Torres
Hulk Hogan vs. Tom Stone & Jake Milliman
12/25/81 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Billy Robinson
Ken Patera & Bobby Duncum vs. Hulk Hogan & Tito Santana .
Non-Title: Jerry Blackwell & Sheik Adnan vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell
Buck Zumhofe vs. Bobby Heenan
Rene Goulet vs. Kenny Jay
Curt Hennig vs. Evan Johnson
12/26/81 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana
Ken Patera & Bobby Duncum vs. Billy Robinson & Baron Von Raschke
Hulk Hogan vs. Shiek Adnan
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Heenan
Jim Brunzell vs. Rene Goulet
12/27/81 – Minneapolis TV
Hulk Hogan vs. Tony Leone
Baron Von Raschke vs. Nacho Berrera
Sheik Adnan vs. Terry Scholl
Brad Rheingans vs. Chris Curtis
Ken Patera vs. Tom Stone
12/27/81 – Houston, TX
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Tito Santana
12/27/81 – Sacramento, CA @ Sacramento Community Center
Promoter: Leo Nomellini
12-man battle royal for $25000 (winner unknown)
Bodyslam Match: Hulk Hogan vs. Jerry Blackwell
Baron Von Raschke DCOR Sheik Adnan Al Kaissie
Greg Gagne vs. Bobby Heenan
Ken Patera vs. Jim Brunzell
Buck Zumhofe vs. Rene Goulet
Attendance: 3200
12/30/81 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Jerry Blackwell vs. Hulk Hogan
Ken Patera & Bobby Duncum vs. Jim Brunzell & Baron Von Raschke
Rene Goulet vs. Evan Johnson
AWA Chicago TV 1981 (3 discs)
Verne Gagne vs. Bockwinkel (Clips of Verne winning the title)
Jerry Blackwell vs. Brad Rheingans
Dick the Bruiser & The Crusher interview as tag champs
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Dick the Bruiser (AWA Title match)
Big John Studd
The Blackjacks
Rev Tiny Hampton
Paul Christy
Spike Huber
Bobby Heenan
AWA/WWA TV August to October 1981 (Hogan debut as heel with JV)
Disc 1
Nick Bockwinkle vs The Crusher – Intl Ampitheater 7/25/81 (clips)
Int – The Kelly Twins
Int – Johnny Valiant
Wilber Snyder & Spike Huber vs Moose Cholak & Jerry Graham
Greg Gange vs Nacho Barrera
Baron von Raschke vs ???????????
Int – Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs George Gadaski & Ricky Rice
Dick the Bruiser & Bobo Brazil vs The Shiek & Bobby Heenan – White Sox Park 9/7/74 (clips)
Int – Johnny Valiant and Hulk Hogan
Bobo Brazil vs Jerry Graham
Jim Brunzell & Greg Gange vs Shannon & Scholl
Baron von Raschke vs Young
Int – Baron von Raschke
Hulk Hogan w/Johnny Valiant vs Sonny Rogers & Chuck Greenlee
Int – Tito Santana
Int – Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Kelly Twins vs Wilber Synder & Spike Huber – Intl Ampitheater 8/15/81 (clips)
Disc 2
Baron von Raschke vs ?????????
Moose Cholak vs Sheik Kaissie
Int – Spike Huber & Wilber Snyder
Bobo Brazil vs Rev Tiny Hampton & Paul Christy
Buck Zumhofe vs Butch Sholl
Int – Nick Bockwinkle
Sheik Kaisiie vs George Gadaski
Int – Sheik Kaissie
Nick Bockwinkle vs ??? Young
Tito Santana vs Herman Schafer
Int – Greg Gange & Jim Brunzell
Int – Bobby Heenan
Hulk Hogan vs Fred Torres
Int – Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Clip of HOF Inductions (Dr X, The Crusher, Sailor Art Thomas, Verne Gagne, Wilber Synder & more)
Int – Greg Gange & Jim Brunzell
Johnny Starr vs Paul Christy
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Venture vs Tony Leone & Butch Scholl
Int – Tito Santana
Int – Buck Zumhofe
Int – Hulk Hogan
Sheik Kaissie vs Fred Torres
Int – Sheik Kaissie
Jerry Blackwell vs Tom Stone
Int – Jerry Blackwell
Int – Bobby Heenan & Ray Stevens
Dick the Bruiser & The Crusher vs Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura – Intl Ampitheater 3/14/81 (clips)
Dick the Bruiser & The Crusher vs Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura – Intl Ampitheater 6/20/81 (clips)
Disc 3
Ali Hassan vs Dutch Savage
Blackjack Mulligan vs Greg Lake
Int – Blackjack Mulligan
Kelly Twins vs Johnny Starr & Jim ???????
Int – Dick the Bruiser
Spike Huber vs Black Snake
Int – Spike Huber
Ernie Ladd vs Dick the Bruiser
Kelly Twins vs Bobo Brazil & Wilber Snyder – Intl Ampitheater 9/12/81 (clips)
Bick the Bruiser vs Baron von Raschke – Intl Ampitheater 9/12/81 (clips)
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs Greg Gange & Jim Brunzell – Intl Ampitheater 9/12/81 (clips)
Int – Jerry Blackwell
Int – Rev Tiny Hampton
Spike Huber vs Rev Tiny Hampton w/Johnny Valiant
Int – Johnny Valiant
Int – Spike Huber
Int – Dick the Bruiser
Chief Bobby Bold Eagle & Moose Cholak vs Don Kent & Jerry Graham
Int – Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Greg Gange & Jim Brunzell vs Herman Schafer & Nacho Barrera
Int – Greg Gange & Jim Brunzell
Int – Bobby Heenan
Int – Billy Robinson
Johnny Star vs Spike Huber
Bobo Brazil vs Mark Mansen
Int – Kelly Twins & Paul Christy
Wilber Snyder vs Paul Christy
Disc 1
Baron von Raschke vs Butch Sholl
Baron von Raschke vs ?????????
Int – Baron von Raschke
Clips of Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs Greg Gange & Jim Brunzell (Adonis and Ventura voice over)
Verne Gange vs Nick Bockwinkle (Gange wins title) – Cosminsky Park 7/18/80
Dick the Bruiser, The Crusher & Spike Huber vs Bobby Heenan, Paul Christy & Rev Tiny Hampton
Int – Skeik Kaissie
Jerry Blackwell vs ????????
Int – Dick the Bruiser
Baron von Raschke vs Pancho Barrera
The Crusher highlight film
Int – Dick the Bruiser
Int – Baron von Raschke
Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura vs Buck Zunhofe & ????????
Int – Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Int – Jerry Blackwell
Int – Adrian Adonis & Jesse Ventura
Int – Jerry Blackwell & Big John Studd
Int – Dick the Bruiser & The Crusher
Dick the Bruiser & The Crusher vs Blackjacks & Bobby Heenan – Soldier Field 11/72 (clips)
Dick the Bruiser & The Crusher vs Nickbickwinkle & Ray Stevens – Intl Ampitheater 8/16/75 (clips)
Greg Gange & Jim Brunzell vs Armando Rodriguez & Ken Curtis