• Backstage News On Why CM Punk Threw The 1st Punch In Backstage Fight At AEW All Out 2022
After CM Punk’s rant at the AEW All Out 2022 media scrum, a fight broke out backstage, where Punk and AEW Producer Ace Steel attacked The Elite (Kenny Omega & Young Bucks).
According to the Wrestling Observer, Punk’s side threw the first shots because they thought a fight breaking out was inevitable, so they wanted to be in control:
“Both sides and every version is that Punk threw the first punch, that a fight broke out, and [Ace Steel] hit Nick Jackson in the eye with a chair very hard and bit Omega and pulled his hair.
The motivations from the Punk side were that he believed a fight was going to happen and punches would be thrown so he beat them to the inevitable punch that the claim is Matt Jackson was going to throw.
Those close to the other side labeled it as a sucker punch. From the Steel standpoint, it was about protecting his wife, who had a broken foot and was in the room, although escalating the fight and using a weapon has to be questioned for a Producer with that in mind with his wife in the room.”
Also Read: “He showed us no respect” – WWF Legend On CM Punk’s Attitude Towards Him
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• ON THIS DAY IN WWF HISTORY (September 16, 2001) – WWF Sunday Night HEAT
On this day in 2001, the World Wrestling Federation aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘WWF Sunday Night HEAT’.
It featured pre-taped matches, interviews & storyline segments on the road to the ‘WWF Unforgiven 2001’ PPV.
The card can be found right here:
– TAZ vs. Crash Holly
– Justin Credible & Raven vs. Funaki & TAKA Michinoku
– Chris Kanyon vs. Perry Saturn