• ON THIS DAY IN WWF HISTORY (May 14, 2000) – WWF Sunday Night HEAT
On this day in 2000, the World Wrestling Federation aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘WWF Sunday Night HEAT’.
It was taped at the New Haven Coliseum in New Haven, Connecticut and featured matches, interviews & storyline segments on the road to the ‘WWF Judgment Day 2000’ PPV.
The card can be found right here:
1. Val Venis vs. Matt Hardy
2. Hardcore Holly vs. D-Lo Brown
3. Al Snow & Steve Blackman vs. Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn
4. Jeff Hardy vs. Essa Rios
5. WWF World Tag Titles: Christian & Edge vs. Too Cool
• Chris Jericho Discusses The Beef Between Him & Triple H
Triple H and Chris Jericho are two of the all time greats in the world of pro-wrestling. They are friends now, but they didn’t see eye to eye when they first crossed paths.
Y2J discussed the heat he had with The Game in the past while speaking to Rich Eisen:
“I think there were guys, in the past, that I had issues with. I mean Triple H is one of them. He’ll tell you the same.
In the early 2000’s, we didn’t have much [likeness] for each other, but we always had great matches, and I think that’s one of the reasons why. We just had this professional rivalry, maybe a bit of a personal dislike [for each other].
But fast forward five, six, seven years, you get to be older and wiser and think back. Why did we have so many problems? Why did we hate each other? Why didn’t we like each other? And now we’re friends.
I think there’s a lot of professional rivalry when you’re young full of vim and vigor as they say. It happens in Rock & Roll bands all the time. Bands will break up, and 10 years later, they’ll get back together like why did we waste 10 years of our lives not playing together?”
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