TV – January 2, 1982 (aired in Louisville 1-9-82)
– The Invader vs. Dutch Mantell
– Louisville 1/12 INT: Dennis Condrey, Randy Rose & Norvell Austin, Jimmy Hart & First Family
– Two Ring Battle Royale (JIP) (12-28-81, MSC)
– Roy Rogers & Ric McCord vs. Midnight Express (Rose & Condrey)
– Dennis Upton vs. Speed
– Ricky Morton & Chief Thundercloud vs. The Assassins (Jerry Lawler joins for commentary)
– Bill Dundee, Ricky & Robert Gibson vs. Stan Lane, Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar
– INT Jerry Lawler
– Louisville 1/12 INT: Ricky & Robert Gibson, Bill Dundee & Steve Keirn
1/5/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 4,436)
Stan Lane vs. Chief Thundercloud.
Roy Rogers vs. Gypsy Joe.
Ricky Morton vs. Bobby Eaton
Southern Champ Dutch Mantel vs. Sweet Brown Sugar in a “no DQ” match.
Ricky & Robert Gibson vs. Dennis Condrey & Norvell Austin
The Cuban & Iranian Assassins vs. Bill Dundee & Steve Keirn.
* Note: This was a Tuesday show.
TV – January 9, 1982 (aired in Louisville 1-16-82)
– Gypsy Joe & Ken Shane vs. Don Anderson & Dutch Mantell
– INT Don Anderson & Dutch Mantell / Dream Machine
– Louisville 1/19 INT: Jimmy Hart & The Assassins
– Ricky Morton & Ric McCord vs. Midnight Express (Rose & Condrey)
– Harley Race vs. Jerry Lawler (Music Video) (“I’m a Man” by Spencer Davis)
– INT Jerry Lawler
– Roy Rogers & David Price vs. The Assassins
– Stan Lane, Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar vs. Tojo Yamamoto, Ricky & Robert Gibson
– Louisville 1/19 INT: Steve Keirn, Bill Dundee & Jerry Lawler
1/11/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 3,991)
Tojo Yamamoto & Ricky Morton drew The Nightmare & Speed.
Bobby Eaton vs. Roy Rogers.
Dream Machine vs. Ric McCord.
Stan Lane & Sweet Brown Sugar vs. Don Anderson & Dutch Mantel.
Ricky & Robert Gibson vs. Norvell Austin & Dennis Condrey in a “no DQ” match.
Jerry Lawler, Bill Dundee, & Steve Keirn vs. Jimmy Hart, The Cuban & Iranian Assassins.
Jerry Lawler in an “elimination” match.
1/18/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 4,209)
Sweet Brown Sugar vs. Ric McCord.
Tojo Yamamoto vs. Bobby Eaton
Stan Lane vs. Chief Thundercloud.
Dennis Condrey, Randy Rose, & Norvell Austin vs. Ricky Morton, Ricky & Robert Gibson.
Southern Tag Champs Steve Keirn & Bill Dundee vs. The Nightmares & Speed.
Steve Keirn, Bill Dundee, Ricky & Robert Gibson vs. Speed, The Nightmare, The Cuban & Iranian Assassins in an “elimination” match.
Jerry Lawler vs. Dutch Mantel for the Southern Title.
1/25/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 4,568)
The Nightmare & Speed drew Ricky Morton & Ric McCord.
Dutch Mantel vs. Roy Rogers.
Stan Lane, Ricky & Robert Gibson vs. Bobby Eaton, The Cuban & Iranian Assassins.
Dream Machine & Sweet Brown Sugar vs. Jerry Lawler & Tojo Yamamoto.
Southern Tag Champs Bill Dundee & Steve Keirn vs. Dennis Condrey & Norvell Austin.
2/1/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 4,648)
Jay Strongbow, Jr. vs. Kenny Shane.
Roy Rogers & Ric McCord vs. The Nightmare & Speed.
Stan Lane vs. Dream Machine.
Dutch Mantel, Ricky & Robert Gibson drew Bobby Eaton, The Cuban & Iranian Assassins.
Jerry Lawler vs. Sweet Brown Sugar (5th Rnd) in a “boxing” match.
Southern Tag Champs Bill Dundee & Steve Keirn vs. Norvell Austin & Dennis Condrey
2/7/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum
Roy Rogers vs. Speed.
Ric McCord vs. The Nightmare.
Dutch Mantel vs. The Cuban Assassin.
Ricky Gibson vs. Dream Machine
Stan Lane vs. The Iranian Assassin
Jerry Lawler & Robert Gibson vs. Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton.
Dennis Condrey, Randy Rose, & Norvell Austin vs. Bill Dundee, Steve Keirn, & Tojo Yamamoto
Dutch Mantel vs. Jerry Lawler for the Southern Title.
* Note: This was a Sunday show.
TV – February 13, 1982 (aired in Louisville 2-20-82)
– Stan Lane vs. Speed
– Louisville 2/23 INT: Midnight Express
– Roy Rogers & Joe Stark vs. Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar
– Ric McCord & Chief Thundercloud vs. Midnight Express (Rose & Condrey)
– Rooster Cogman & Kenny Shane vs. Steve Keirn & Bill Dundee
– Louisville 2/23 INT: Bill Dundee, Steve Keirn & Dutch Mantell
2/15/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum
Gypsy Joe vs. Chief Thundercloud.
Roy Rogers vs. The Cuban Assassin.
Dream Machine vs. Ric McCord.
Ricky & Robert Gibson vs. Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar
Bill Dundee & Steve Keirn vs. Dennis Condrey & Norvell Austin.
Bill Dundee vs. Tojo Yamamoto in a “kendo stick on a pole” match.
Dutch Mantel vs. Jerry Lawler for the Southern Title.
TV – February 20, 1982 (aired in Louisville 2-27-82)
– Stan Lane vs. The Nightmare
– Louisville 3/2 INT: Bill Dundee, Steve Keirn
– INT First Family (Jimmy Hart gets his face smashed with cake by Stan Lane)
– Chief Thundercloud vs. Bobby Eaton
– INT Jerry Lawler & Dutch Mantell (Footage of Lawler-Mantell Southern title match from MSC shown, both men brawl at announcer’s desk)
– Gypsy Joe, Sweet Brown Sugar & Speed vs. Bill Dundee, Stan Lane & Steve Keirn (1st Fall)
– INT Jimmy Hart
– INT Stan Lane
– Gypsy Joe, Sweet Brown Sugar & Speed vs. Bill Dundee, Stan Lane & Steve Keirn (2nd Fall)
– Louisville 3/2 INT: Midnight Express
2/22/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 3,500)
Ric McCord vs. Tojo Yamamoto.
Roy Rogers vs. The Iranian Assassin.
Ricky & Robert Gibson drew Sweet Brown Sugar & Dream Machine.
Stan Lane vs. The Cuban Assassin.
Bill Dundee & Ricky Gibson No Contest with Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose.
Stan Lane vs. Kenny Shane & Jimmy Hart in a “handicap” match.
Norvell Austin vs. Steve Keirn
Southern Champ Dutch Mantel vs. Bobby Eaton.
TV – February 27, 1982 (aired in Louisville 3-6-82)
– Chief Thundercloud vs. The Monk
– INT First Family (Jimmy Hart & First Family music video “We Hate School”)
– Louisville 3/9 INT: Jimmy Hart & First Family
– Roy Rogers & Ric McCord vs. Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar
– Dutch Mantell vs. Jerry Lawler (Music video)
– Jerry Lawler promo
– INT Steve Keirn (including footage of his match vs. Norvell Austin 2-22-82, MSC)
– Steve Keirn vs. Norvell Austin (Keirn puts Southern tag titles on the line) (Keirn must win twice in 10 mins in a scientific match)
– INT Steve Keirn (Eddie Marlin signs a lumberjack chain match for 3-1-82 MSC, Keirn vs. Austin)
– Louisville 3/9 INT: Dutch Mantell
3/1/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 7,262)
Roy Rogers vs. Tojo Yamamoto.
Ricky & Robert Gibson vs. The Cuban & Iranian Assassins.
Gypsy Joe vs. Ric McCord.
Stan Lane & Bill Dundee vs. Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar.
Southern Tag Champs Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose No Contest with The Monk & Dream Machine.
Steve Keirn vs. Norvell Austin in a “chain” match.
Jerry Lawler vs. Dutch Mantel for the Southern Title.
No Show Scheduled at the Mid-South Coliseum on 3/8/81. However, CWA did run a show at Cook Convention Center. Results Below..
TV – March 6, 1982 (aired in Louisville 3-13-82)
– Lance Russell announces that AWA President Stanley Blackburn has vacated the AWA Southern tag titles as a result of what happened last week. One night tourney 3-14-82 in Louisville to crown new champs.
– INT Ricky & Robert Gibson
– Ricky & Robert Gibson vs. Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton (sub. for The Nightmare & Speed)
– Louisville 3/14 INT: Jimmy Hart & First Family
– Joe Stark & Pat Hutchinson vs. The Monk & The Angel
– INT Jerry Lawler & Danny Davis
– Gypsy Joe vs. Jerry Lawler
– The Invader vs. Bill Dundee
– Dennis Upton vs. Norvell Austin
– INT Bill Dundee (gets attacked by Bobby Eaton, Sweet Brown Sugar, Jimmy Hart & Kenny Shane)
– Ric McCord & Chief Thundercloud vs. Luke Graham & Dream Machine
– Louisville 3/14 INT: Norvell Austin
3/8/82 – Memphis, TN. @ Cook Convention Center
* Southern Tag Title Tournament
First Round: Ricky & Robert Gibson vs. The Monk & The Angel
First Round: Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose vs. Steve Keirn & Ric McCord
First Round: Dutch Mantel & Stan Lane vs. Luke Graham & The Dream Machine
First Round: Bobby Eaton vs. Sweet Brown Sugar vs. Joe Stark & Roy Rodgers
Semi Finals: Ricky & Robert Gibson vs. Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose
Semi Finals: Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton vs. Stan Lane & Dutch Mantel
Finals: Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar vs. Ricky & Robert Gibson
Stan Lane vs. Gypsy Joe (w/Jimmy Hart) in a “Bounty match”
Southern Champion Jerry Lawler vs. Norvell Austin
TV – March 13, 1982 (aired in Louisville 3-20-82)
– Steve Keirn vs. The Invader
– Ernie Kirkland & Bill Owens vs. Robert Gibson & Stan Lane
– Louisville 3/23 INT: Jimmy Hart & First Family
– INT Ricky & Robert Gibson
– Roy Rogers & Ric McCord vs. Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar
– Dutch Mantell vs. Jerry Lawler (Music video)
– INT Dutch Mantell
– Dutch Mantell vs. Jerry Lawler (JIP) (3-1-82 or 3-15-82, MSC)
– Bill Dundee music video
– Gypsy Joe vs. Stan Lane
– Tom Maley & Pat Hutchinson vs. The Angel & The Monk
– Louisville 3/23 INT: Jerry Lawler
3/15/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 5,050)
The Monk & The Angel vs. Joe Stark & Chief Thundercloud.
Dream Machine & Luke Graham vs. Ric McCord & Rip Rogers.
Norvell Austin, Dennis Condrey, & Randy Rose vs. Roy Rogers, Steve Keirn, Danny Davis.
Steve Keirn & Robert Gibson vs. Southern Tag Champs Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar
Southern Champ Jerry Lawler No Contest with Dutch Mantel.
TV – March 20, 1982 (aired in Louisville 3-27-82)
– INT Bill Dundee
– Louisville 3/30 INT: Jimmy Hart & First Family
– Southern Tag titles: Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton (ch) vs. Steve Keirn & Robert Gibson (JIP) (3-22-82, MSC)
– Southern title: Jerry Lawler (ch) vs. Dutch Mantell (No DQ) (JIP) (3-22-82, MSC)
– INT Dutch Mantell
– INT Jerry Lawler
– Southern title: Jerry Lawler (ch) vs. Dutch Mantell (Loser Leaves)
– Stan Lane, Steve Keirn, Robert Gibson & Eric Embry vs. Luke Graham, Dream Machine, The Angel & The Monk
– Louisville 3/30 INT: Jerry Lawler & Danny Davis
3/22/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum
Norvell Austin vs. David Price.
The Monk & The Angel vs. Ric McCord & Tom Maley.
Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose vs. Roy Rogers & Eric Embry.
Luke Graham, Dream Machine, Jimmy & JR Hart vs. Stan Lance, Eric Embry, & Danny Davis in a “handicap” match.
Southern Tag Champs Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton vs. Steve Keirn & Robert Gibson.
Dutch Mantel vs. Jerry Lawler in a “no DQ” match for the Southern Title.
TV – March 27, 1982 (aired in Louisville 4-3-82)
– Norvell Austin vs. Eric Embry
– VTR First Family injures Bill Dundee (CWA TV 3-6-82)
– INT Bill Dundee
– Louisville 4/6 INT: Dutch Mantell
– Tom Maley & Ric McCord vs. Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton
– INT Jimmy Hart, Bobby Eaton & JR Hart
– INT Danny Davis, Ricky & Robert Gibson
– The Invader & Tojo Yamamoto vs. Dutch Mantell & Roy Rogers
– Dream Machine, The Angel & Luke Graham vs. Stan Lane, Danny Davis & Robert Gibson (2/3 Falls)
– Louisville 4/6 INT: Jerry Lawler
3/29/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum
The Monk & The Angel vs. Joe Stark & David Price.
Dennis Condrey, Randy Rose, & Norvell Austin vs. Roy Rogers, Eric Embry, & Ric McCord.
Steve Keirn & Stan Lane vs. Dream Machine & Luke Graham.
Danny Davis vs. Jimmy & JR Hart in a “handicap” match.
Southern Tag Champs Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton vs. Ricky & Robert Gibson.
Jerry Lawler vs. Dutch Mantel in a “barbed wire” match for the Southern Title.
TV – April 3, 1982 (aired in Louisville 4-10-82)
– INT Midnight Express
– Ric McCord & Eric Embry vs. Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose
– Gypsy Joe vs. Dutch Mantell
– Ernie Kirkland vs. Jerry Lawler
– Southern Tag titles: Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton (ch) vs. Ricky & Robert Gibson (JIP) (3-29-82, MSC)
– INT Ricky & Robert Gibson
– Norvell Austin vs. Roy Rogers
– INT Dutch Mantell
– The Monk vs. David Price
– Jimmy Hart & The Monk promo
– Bill Dundee music video
– Stan Lane & Danny Davis vs. Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton
– Louisville 4/13 INT: Jerry Lawler, Steve Keirn & Robert Gibson
4/5/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 8,091)
Ric McCord vs. Tojo Yamamoto.
Bobby Fulton vs. JR Hart.
Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose vs. Roy Rogers & Dutch Mantel.
Steve Keirn, Stan Lane, & Eric Embry vs. Luke Graham, The Angel, & Dream Machine.
Southern Champ Jerry Lawler vs. The Monk.
Southern Tag Champs Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton vs. Robert Gibson & Steve Keirn in a “no DQ” match.
Andy Kaufman vs. Jerry Lawler (6:50) (This was the famous encounter where Lawler “broke the neck” of Kaufman)
4/12/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 9,121)
Luke Graham, The Angel, Randy Rose, & Dennis Condrey vs. Roy Rogers, Bobby Fulton, Eric Embry, & Danny Davis.
Mid-America Champ Dutch Mantel vs. Norvell Austin.
Southern Tag Champs Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar vs. Steve Keirn & Bill Dundee
Jackie Fargo & Jerry Lawler vs. The Monk & Dream Machine.
Robert Gibson No Contest with Jimmy Hart & Bobby Eaton in a “handicap” match.
Bobby Eaton in a “two-ring battle royal.”
4/19/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 6,101)
Norvell Austin & Dennis Condrey vs. Stan Lane & Roy Rogers.
Robert Gibson vs. Jimmy & JR Hart in a “no DQ hair vs. hair” match.
Dream Machine vs. Dutch Mantel in a “no DQ mask & hair vs. title” match for the Mid-America Title.
Southern Champ Jerry Lawler vs. Sonny King.
Southern Tag Champs Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton vs. Bill Dundee & Steve Keirn in a “no DQ” match.
4/26/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 7,042)
Gypsy Joe vs. Eric Embry.
Sonny King & Robert Gibson vs. The Monk & The Angel.
Jimmy Hart vs. JR Hart.
Mid-America Champ Dream Machine vs. Stan Lane.
Jerry Lawler & Dutch Mantel vs. Dennis Condrey & Norvell Austin.
Steve Keirn & Bill Dundee vs. Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar in a “no DQ” match for the Southern Tag Title.
5/3/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 4,969)
Bobby Fulton vs. The Hollywood Hippie.
Roy Rogers vs. Tojo Yamamoto.
Sonny King vs. Gypsy Joe.
Robert Gibson vs. The Angel.
Stan Lane vs. Mid-America Champ Dream Machine
Dennis Condrey, Norvell Austin, Sweet Brown Sugar, & Bobby Eaton vs. Jerry Lawler, Dutch Mantel, Bill Dundee, & Steve Keirn.
5/10/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum
Tojo Yamamoto & Gypsy Joe vs. Roy Rogers & Bobby Fulton.
The Iron Sheik vs. Bobby Fulton.
Dutch Mantel & Stan Lane vs. The Angel & Dream Machine.
Jerry Lawler vs. Jimmy & JR Hart in a “handicap” match.
Dennis Condrey & Norvell Austin vs. Steve Keirn & Bill Dundee.
5/17/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 4,650)
Stan Lane & Roy Rogers vs. The Angel & The Hollywood Hippie.
The Iron Sheik vs. Danny Davis.
Dutch Mantel vs. Dream Machine for the Mid-America Title.
Bill Dundee & Steve Keirn vs. Norvell Austin & Dennis Condrey for the Southern Tag Title.
The Monk vs. Stan Lane in a “boxing” match.
Dutch Mantel & Jerry Lawler vs. Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar.
5/24/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 7,984)
Roy Rogers vs. The Invader.
King Cobra vs. The Angel.
Ron Bass vs. Bobby Fulton.
The Iron Sheik vs. Joe Stark.
Stan Lane vs. The Monk in a “street fight” match.
Dennis Condrey & Norvell Austin vs. Steve Keirn & Bill Dundee in a “hospital elimination” match for the Southern Tag Title.
Bobby Eaton vs. Dutch Mantel for the Mid-America Title.
Jerry Lawler vs. Kendo Nagasaki in a “no DQ” match for the Southern Title.
5/31/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum
Roy Rogers vs. The Invader.
Ron Bass vs. Tom Maley & Pat Hutchinson in a “handicap” match.
The Iron Sheik vs. Bobby Fulton.
Sweet Brown Sugar vs. Bill Dundee
King Cobra vs. Bobby Eaton for the Mid-America Title.
Southern Tag Champs Dennis Condrey & Norvell Austin vs. Steve Keirn & Stan Lane
Southern Champ Jerry Lawler vs. Kimala (Kimala’s MSC debut)
6/7/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum
Bobby Fulton vs. The Angel
Ron Bass vs. Joe Stark.
The Iron Sheik vs. Roy Rogers.
Mid-America Champ King Cobra vs. Bobby Eaton.
Southern Tag Champs Dennis Condrey & Norvell Austin vs. Steve Keirn & Stan Lane in a “no DQ” match.
Sweet Brown Sugar vs. Bill Dundee via forfeit.
Kimala vs. Jerry Lawler in a “no DQ” match for the Southern Title.
6/14/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 6,188)
Roy Rogers vs. The Angel.
Bobby Fulton vs. Eddie Dean.
Dutch Mantel vs. Bobby Eaton
Steve Keirn & Stan Lane vs. Dennis Condrey & Norvell Austin in a 2/3 falls match. 1-Keirn & Lane in the first fall., 2-Condrey & Austin in the second fall, 3-Keirn & Lane in the third fall.
Southern Champ Kimala vs. King Cobra.
The Iron Sheik vs. Ron Bass
Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee vs. Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton
6/21/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 9,000)
Steve Keirn vs. Dream Machine.
Ron Bass vs. The Iron Sheik in a “bullrope” match.
Jerry Lawler vs. Bobby Eaton & Jimmy Hart in a “handicap” match.
Mid-America King Cobra vs. Dutch Mantel
Southern Champ Kimala vs. Stan Lane.
Jerry Lawler & Carl Fergie vs. Southern Tag Champs Dennis Condrey & Norvell Austin
Bill Dundee vs. Sweet Brown Sugar in a “scaffold” match.
6/28/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum
Dream Machine vs. Roy Rogers.
Stan Lane vs. Bobby Eaton in a “karate” match.
Southern Tag Champs Dennis Condrey & Norvell Austin vs. Ron Bass & Carl Fergie.
Mid-America Champ King Cobra vs. Dutch Mantel.
Southern Champ Kimala vs. Steve Keirn.
Jerry Lawler vs. Iron Sheik to earn a match with Jimmy Hart.
Jimmy Hart vs. Jerry Lawler in a “lumberjack” match.
Bill Dundee vs. Sweet Brown Sugar in a “barbed wire” match.
7/5/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 7,908)
Bobby Eaton vs. Carl Fergie.
Ron Bass & Stan Lane vs. Dennis Condrey & Norvell Austin for the Southern Tag Title.
Bill Dundee vs. Sweet Brown Sugar in a “coalminer’s glove” match.
Southern Champ Kimala vs. Steve Keirn.
Dutch Mantel vs. King Cobra for the Mid-America Title in a “no DQ” match.
Jerry Lawler vs. The Iron Sheik via countout in a “no DQ” match to earn a match with Jimmy Hart.
Jerry Lawler vs. Jimmy Hart in a “lumberjack” match.
7/12/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 7,365)
Bobby Fulton vs. The Angel.
Steve Keirn vs. Sweet Brown Sugar
Bobby Eaton vs. Dutch Mantel for the Mid-America Title.
Dennis Condrey & Norvell Austin vs. Ron Bass & Stan Lane for the Southern Tag Title.
Southern Champ Kimala vs. Bill Dundee.
The Iron Sheik vs. Jerry Lawler in a “no DQ” match.
7/19/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 8,861)
Terry Taylor vs. Bobby Fulton.
Steve Keirn vs. Dream Machine.
Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton vs. Dutch Mantel & King Cobra
Stan Lane & Ron Bass vs. Dennis Condrey & Norvell Austin in a “bullrope” match for the Southern Tag Title.
Bill Dundee vs. Kimala’s Assistant.
Southern Champ Kimala vs. Jerry Lawler.
7/26/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 7,897)
Norvell Austin vs. Bobby Eaton.
Steve Keirn drew The Iron Sheik.
Stan Lane vs. Dennis Condrey
Bill Dundee, Bobby Fulton, Steve Keirn, & Stan Lane vs. Dennis Condrey, Norvell Austin, The Iron Sheik, & Jimmy Hart.
Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar vs. King Cobra & Dutch Mantel in a “no DQ” match.
Southern Champ Kimala vs. Ron Bass.
JJ Dillon vs. Jerry Lawler
8/2/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 11,300)
Dutch Mantel vs. The Enforcer.
Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar vs. Bobby Fulton & Terry Taylor.
Mid-America Champ Bill Dundee vs. Ricky Morton.
Kimala vs. Dutch Mantel
Jerry Lawler vs. JJ Dillon in a “no DQ” match.
Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee vs. Kimala & JJ Dillon
8/9/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 11,300)
Carl Fergie in an “elimination” match. Also in the match were: The Angel, Norvell Austin, Dennis Condrey, Bobby Fulton, King Cobra, Sweet Brown Sugar, and Terry Taylor.
Steve Keirn drew Dutch Mantel.
Dream Machine & Jim Mitchell vs. Ron Bass & Stan Lane for the Southern Tag Title.
Mid-America Champ Bill Dundee vs. Bobby Eaton.
Jerry Lawler vs. Kimala in a “no DQ hair vs. title” match for the Southern Title.
TV – August 14, 1982 (aired in Louisville 8-21-82)
(Ric Flair comes to Memphis!)
– INT Eddie Marlin & Ric Flair
– INT Jimmy Hart & Carl Fergie
– Louisville 8/24 INT: Dutch Mantell
– INT Jerry Lawler & Ric Flair
– NWA Title: Ric Flair (ch) vs. Jerry Lawler
– INT Ric Flair, Jimmy Hart & Eddie Marlin
– INT Dutch Mantell & Bill Dundee
– The Invader vs. Dutch Mantell
– Terry Taylor & Bobby Fulton vs. Sweet Brown Sugar & Carl Fergie
– Louisville 8/24 INT: Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee
8/16/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 10,411)
Dutch Mantel drew Dennis Condrey.
Steve Keirn vs. Norvell Austin.
Stan Lane vs. Carl Fergie
Ron Bass vs. The Angel.
Dutch Mantel, Ron Bass, & Steve Keirn, & Stan Lane vs. Norvell Austin, Dennis Condrey, Carl Fergie, & The Angel.
Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton vs. Jim Mitchell & Dream Machine for the Southern Tag Title when Eaton vs. Mitchell.
Jimmy Hart vs. JJ Dillon.
Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee vs. Kimala & Kendo Nagasaki. (With the Jimmy Hart vs. JJ Dillon feud running, Dillon sent his men Kimala & Kendo in to take on the Lawler & Dundee, who for one night only were managed by JIMMY HART!)
8/23/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 8,881)
Dennis Condrey vs. Bobby Fulton.
Stan Lane vs. The Enforcer.
Southern Tag Champs Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton vs. Terry Taylor & Steve Keirn.
Bill Dundee vs. Dutch Mantel
Southern Champ Jerry Lawler vs. Carl Fergie.
Jimmy Valiant vs. Kimala
8/30/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 5,845)
Carl Fergie vs. Bobby Fulton.
Dennis Condrey drew Robert Gibson.
WWA Tag Champs Spike Huber & Steve Regal double count out against Buddy Landel & Mike Graham.
Steve Keirn & Terry Taylor vs. Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton in a “no DQ” match for the Southern Tag Title.
Bill Dundee vs. Dutch Mantel in a “bullwhip on a pole” match.
Southern Champ Jerry Lawler vs. Kimala
9/6/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 5,200)
Bobby Fulton & King Cobra vs. The Angel & Dream Machine.
Dennis Condrey & Carl Fergie vs. Buddy Landel & Robert Gibson.
Buddy Landel in an 8-man “elimination” match.
Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar vs. Steve Keirn & Terry Taylor in a “Texas tornado death” match when Keirn submitted.
Dutch Mantel vs. Bill Dundee for the Mid-America Title.
WWA Tag Champs Steve Regal & Spike Huber vs. Kimala & Rick McGraw
Southern Champ Jerry Lawler vs. Baron Von Raschke
9/13/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 4,886)
Buddy Landel & Bobby Fulton vs. The Angel & Gypsy Joe via pinfall.
Stan Lane vs. Carl Fergie.
The Rockin’ Wrestler vs. Dream Machine.
Kimala & Rick McGraw vs. Steve Regal & Spike Huber in a “no DQ” match.
Bill Dundee vs. Dutch Mantel in a “taped fist” match.
Southern Champ Jerry Lawler vs. The Super Destroyer.
Bill Dundee & Terry Taylor vs. Southern Tag Champs Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar
9/20/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum
Bobby Fulton vs. Jim Mitchell.
Steve Regal & Spike Huber vs. Carl Fergie & Dream Machine
Stan Lane drew Rick McGraw.
Mid-America Champ Dutch Mantel vs. The Spoiler.
Kimala #2 (Stan Frazier) vs. Big Red.
Jerry Lawler & Terry Taylor vs. Southern Tag Champs Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton
Kimala #2 & Crusher Broomfield vs. Dutch Mantel & Jerry Lawler
No Show Scheduled at the Mid-South Coliseum on 9/27/82 due to the Mid-South Fair being held at the coliseum. However, there was a show at Cook Convention Center on 9/25/82. Results Below.
9/25/82 – Memphis, TN. @ Cook Convention Center
Buddy Landel fought Carl Fergie to a DRAW
“U.S. Women’s Tag Champs” Sherri Martel & Leilani Kai vs. Vivian St. John & Velvet McIntyre
Terry Taylor & Stan Lane vs. Southern Tag Champs Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar via DQ
The New York Dolls (Dream Machine & Rick McGraw) vs. WWA Tag Champions Steve Regal & Spike Huber for the titles
Mid-America Champion Dutch Mantell vs. Kimala #2 (Plowboy Frazier)
Jerry Lawler in a MIXED Men & Ladies Battle Royal
Southern Champion Jerry Lawler vs. Jerry Blackwell in a “Title vs. $10,000? match
10/4/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 4,499)
Carl Fergie vs. Bobby Fulton.
Buddy Landel vs. The Spoiler.
Stan Lane & Terry Taylor vs. Carl Fergie & Kimala.
WWA Tag Champs Rick McGraw & Dream Machine double DQ against Steve Regal & Spike Huber.
Kimala & Jacques Rougeau vs. Southern Tag Champs Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton
Southern Champ Jerry Lawler vs. Dutch Mantel
* Jim Cornette made his active debut on this card
10/11/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 6,655)
Dutch Mantel vs. The Angel.
Steve Regal & Spike Huber vs. The Sheepherders (Boyd & Williams).
Jimmy Hart & Kimala #2 vs. Kimala & Kimala’s Assistant.
Terry Taylor & Jacques Rougeau vs. Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton via pinfall.
Rick McGraw & Dream Machine No Contest with The Fabulous Ones. (This was the debut of Jackie Fargo’s “Fabulous Ones” Tag Team. Based on a creative decision, Keirn replaced the originally planned Terry Taylor as part of the team for fear Lane & Taylor together was too “pretty boy”, and Keirn would add the edge they needed. Well, it worked.)
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Jerry Lawler for Southern Title.
10/18/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 5,000)
Robert Gibson, Bobby Fulton, & Buddy Landel vs. The Spoiler, Carl Fergie, & The Angel.
Mid-America Champ Dutch Mantel vs. Crusher Broomfield.
The Sheepherders (Boyd & Williams) vs. Steve Regal & Spike Huber.
Southern Tag Champs Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar vs. Terry Taylor & Jacques Rougeau in a “no DQ” match.
The Fabulous Ones vs. Rick McGraw & Dream Machine.
Southern Champ Nick Bockwinkel vs. Jerry Lawler in a match were the piledriver was legal.
TV – October 23, 1982 (aired in Louisville 10-30-82)
– The Angel & Jesse Owens vs. Terry Taylor & Jacques Rougeau
– Louisville 11/2 INT: Jimmy Hart, The Sheepherders
– Fabulous Ones music video (“Everybody Wants You”)
– Carl Fergie & The Enforcer vs. Fabulous Ones
– INT Bill Dundee (Sheepherders attack Dundee)
– Joe Stark & Pat Hutchinson vs. Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton
– Mid-America Title: Dutch Mantell (ch) vs. Crusher Broomfield (JIP) (10-18-82, MSC)
– INT Dutch Mantell
– Mid-America Title: Dutch Mantell (ch) vs. King Cobra
– Louisville 11/2 INT: Bill Dundee
– Jackie Fargo promo
10/25/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 5,847)
Steve Regal & Spike Huber vs. Carl Fergie & The Angel.
Crusher Broomfield vs. Buddy Landel.
WWA Tag Champs Rick McGraw & Dream Machine vs. Jacques Rougeau & Terry Taylor. via pinfall
The Sheepherders (Boyd & Williams) vs. Dutch Mantel & Bill Dundee.
The Fabulous Ones vs. Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton in a “no DQ” match for the Southern Tag Title.
Jerry Lawler vs. Southern Champ Nick Bockwinkel
TV – October 30, 1982 (aired in Louisville 11-6-82)
– INT Jerry Lawler
– INT Jim Cornette & Jesse Barr
– Aaron Holt vs. Jesse Barr
– Louisville 11/9 INT: The Sheepherders, First Family
– Don Donovan & Pat Hutchinson vs. Sheepherders
– INT Jimmy Hart & Nick Bockwinkel
– Masked Marauders vs. Bill Dundee & Jerry Lawler
– The Angel & Jesse Owens vs. Fabulous Ones
– Terry Taylor, Jacques Rougeau, Buddy Landell & Bobby Fulton vs. Bobby Eaton, Sweet Brown Sugar & New York Dolls
– Louisville 11/9 INT: Dutch Mantell & Bill Dundee, Jerry Lawler
11/1/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 5,112)
The Sheepherders (Boyd & Williams) vs. Jacques Rougeau & Terry Taylor.
Bill Dundee vs. The Angel.
Jerry Lawler pined Dream Machine.
The Fabulous Ones vs. Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton.
Jesse Barr vs. Mid-America Champ Dutch Mantel
Jackie Fargo, Jerry Lawler, Bill Dundee, & The Fabulous Ones No Contest with Bobby Eaton, Sweet Brown Sugar, Dream Machine, Rick McGraw, & Jimmy Hart in an “elimination” match.
11/8/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 7,329)
Spike Huber vs. Carl Fergie.
Steve Regal vs. The Angel.
Bill Dundee & Dutch Mantel vs. Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton
The Sheepherders (Boyd & Williams) vs. Jacques Rougeau & Terry Taylor.
Southern Tag Champs The Fabulous Ones vs. Jesse Barr & Crusher Broomfield.
Jackie Fargo vs. Jimmy Hart in a “lumberjack” match.
Jerry Lawler vs. Nick Bockwinkel in a “no DQ hair vs. title” match for the Southern Title.
11/15/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 8,056)
Carl Fergie vs. Buddy Landel.
Jacques Rougeau & Terry Taylor vs. The Sheepherders (Boyd & Williams) in a “coalminer’s glove” match.
Jesse Barr vs. Dutch Mantel for the Mid-America Title.
Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton vs. Bill Dundee & Bobby Fulton.
WWA Tag Champs Rick McGraw & Dream Machine vs. Southern Tag Champs The Fabulous Ones
The Sheepherders (Boyd & Williams) vs. Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee
Jimmy Hart & Sabu (Coco Samoa) vs. Jerry Lawler in a “handicap” match. As a result, Sabu in the Southern Title.
TV – November 20, 1982 (aired in Louisville 11-27-82)
– Ira Reese & Ken Raper vs. New York Dolls
– Louisville 11/30 INT: Jimmy Hart & New York Dolls, Sheepherders
– Southern Title: Jerry Lawler (ch) vs. Sabu & Jimmy Hart (JIP) (Handicap) (11-15-82, MSC)
– The Enforcer vs. Bill Dundee
– Jesse Barr vs. Terry Taylor
– INT Jerry Lawler
– Carl Fergie vs. Dutch Mantell
– Fabulous Ones vs. Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton
– Louisville 11/30 INT: Bill Dundee
11/22/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 5,583)
Terry Taylor in an “elimination” match. Also in the match were: Crusher Broomfield, Bobby Eaton, Bobby Fulton, Jacques Rougeau, and Sweet Brown Sugar.
Dutch Mantel vs. Jesse Barr for the Mid-America Title.
Jerry Lawler vs. Jimmy Hart & Sweet Brown Sugar in a “handicap” match.
Bill Dundee vs. Southern Champ Sabu
Dream Machine & Bobby Eaton vs. The Fabulous Ones for the Southern Tag Title.
The Sheepherders (Boyd & Williams) vs. Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee.
TV – November 27, 1982 (aired in Louisville 12-4-82)
– Ira Reese vs. Adrian Street
– VTR Sheepherders attack Eddie Marlin (from 11-13 episode)
– Louisville 12/7 INT: Bill Dundee & Jerry Lawler
– Fabulous Ones music video (“Everybody Wants You”)
– The Enforcer & Jesse Owens vs. Fabulous Ones
– Dennis Upton & Aaron Holt vs. Sheepherders
– Southern Title: Sabu (ch) vs. Bill Dundee (JIP) (11-22-82, MSC)
– Terry Taylor promo & music video
– Apocalypse music video
– Dutch Mantell promo & music video
– Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee & Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton
– Louisville 12/7 INT: Jimmy Hart & New York Dolls
11/29/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 5,692)
Jacques Rougeau vs. Rick McGraw.
Jim Cornette & Jesse Barr vs. Jimmy Hart & Sweet Brown Sugar.
Adrian Street vs. Bobby Fulton.
Terry Taylor vs. Sabu for the Southern Title.
The Fabulous Ones vs. Dream Machine & Bobby Eaton in a “no DQ hair vs. title” match for the Southern Tag Title.
Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee vs. The Sheepherders (Boyd & Williams) in a “no DQ” match.
Apocalypse vs. Dutch Mantel for the Mid-America Title.
TV – December 4, 1982 (aired in Louisville 12-11-82)
– Sabu vs. Bobby Fulton
– Louisville 12/14 INT: Sheepherders
– Terry Taylor promo & music video
– The Angel vs. Jacques Rougeau
– Sweet Brown Sugar, Bobby Eaton, Rick McGraw & Sabu vs. Jerry Lawler, Bill Dundee, Dutch Mantell & Terry Taylor (2/3 Falls)
– Louisville 12/14 INT: Fabulous Ones
12/5/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum
Jesse Barr vs. Marauder #1.
Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton vs. Dutch Mantel & Bobby Fulton.
Adrian Street vs. Marauder #2.
Jacques Rougeau vs. Apocalypse for the Mid-America Title.
Southern Champ Terry Taylor vs. Sabu
Southern Tag Champs The Fabulous Ones vs. The Sheepherders (Boyd & Williams).
Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee vs. WWA Tag Champs Rick McGraw & Dream Machine
Jerry Lawler in a “two ring battle royal.”
* Note: This was a Sunday show.
12/13/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 5,465)
Bill Dundee in an “elimination” match. Also in the match were: The Angel, Dream Machine, Bobby Eaton, Carl Fergie, Bobby Fulton, Spike Huber, Dutch Mantel, Rick McGraw, Steve Regal, Sabu, Adrian Street, and Sweet Brown Sugar.
Mid-America Champ Jacques Rougeau vs. Apocalypse.
Southern Champ Terry Taylor vs. Jesse Barr.
The Sheepherders (Boyd & Williams) vs. The Fabulous Ones for the Southern Tag Title.
Jerry Lawler vs. Jimmy Hart in a “steel cage” match.
12/20/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 4,889)
Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton vs. Bobby Fulton & Dutch Mantel.
Mid-America Champ Jacques Rougeau vs. Jesse Barr.
Southern Champ Terry Taylor vs. Apocalypse.
Bill Dundee vs. Adrian Street
Southern Tag Champs The Sheepherders (Boyd & Williams) double count out against The Fabulous Ones.
Jerry Lawler vs. Sabu.
TV – December 25, 1982 (Special X-Mas edition, 1982 in review)
(Featured interviews and music videos of Jerry Lawler, Bill Dundee, Dutch Mantell, Terry Taylor, Fabulous Ones)
12/27/82 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 10,086)
Dutch Mantel & Ricky Morton vs. Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton.
Bill Dundee & Terry Taylor vs. Adrian Street & Apocalypse.
King Cobra vs. Carl Fergie.
The Angel vs. Larry Herr.
Jesse Barr vs. Big Red.
Bobby Eaton in a “blindfold battle royal.”
Southern Tag Champs The Sheepherders (Boyd & Williams) vs. The Fabulous Ones
Sabu vs. Jacques Rougeau for the Mid-America Title.
Jerry Lawler vs. AWA World Champ Nick Bockwinkel. As a result of this match, the title was held-up (only recognized in Memphis).
December 26, 1981 (aired in Louisville 1-2-82)
– Ricky Morton & Tom Maley vs. Midnight Express (Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose)
– Louisville 1/3 INT: Jimmy Hart & First Family (Cuban Assassin, Iranian Assassin, Bobby Eaton, Stan Lane)
– Jimmy Hart (sub. for Sweet Brown Sugar) vs. Dennis Upton
– Bill Dundee vs. Jimmy Hart (JIP) (12-21-81, MSC)
– Bill Dundee vs. Super Destroyer (12-21-81, MSC)
– David Price & Roy Rogers vs. Cuban & Iranian Assassin
– The Nightmare & Speed vs. Dutch Mantell & Bill Dundee (Jerry Lawler joins for commentary)
– Louisville 1/3 INT: Bill Dundee (including Steve Keirn promo)
January 2, 1982 (aired in Louisville 1-9-82)
– The Invader vs. Dutch Mantell
– Louisville 1/12 INT: Dennis Condrey, Randy Rose & Norvell Austin, Jimmy Hart & First Family
– Two Ring Battle Royale (JIP) (12-28-81, MSC)
– Roy Rogers & Ric McCord vs. Midnight Express (Rose & Condrey)
– Dennis Upton vs. Speed
– Ricky Morton & Chief Thundercloud vs. The Assassins (Jerry Lawler joins for commentary)
– Bill Dundee, Ricky & Robert Gibson vs. Stan Lane, Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar
– INT Jerry Lawler
– Louisville 1/12 INT: Ricky & Robert Gibson, Bill Dundee & Steve Keirn
January 9, 1982 (aired in Louisville 1-16-82)
– Gypsy Joe & Ken Shane vs. Don Anderson & Dutch Mantell
– INT Don Anderson & Dutch Mantell / Dream Machine
– Louisville 1/19 INT: Jimmy Hart & The Assassins
– Ricky Morton & Ric McCord vs. Midnight Express (Rose & Condrey)
– Harley Race vs. Jerry Lawler (Music Video) (“I’m a Man” by Spencer Davis)
– INT Jerry Lawler
– Roy Rogers & David Price vs. The Assassins
– Stan Lane, Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar vs. Tojo Yamamoto, Ricky & Robert Gibson
– Louisville 1/19 INT: Steve Keirn, Bill Dundee & Jerry Lawler
February 13, 1982 (aired in Louisville 2-20-82)
– Stan Lane vs. Speed
– Louisville 2/23 INT: Midnight Express
– Roy Rogers & Joe Stark vs. Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar
– Ric McCord & Chief Thundercloud vs. Midnight Express (Rose & Condrey)
– Rooster Cogman & Kenny Shane vs. Steve Keirn & Bill Dundee
– Louisville 2/23 INT: Bill Dundee, Steve Keirn & Dutch Mantell
February 20, 1982 (aired in Louisville 2-27-82)
– Stan Lane vs. The Nightmare
– Louisville 3/2 INT: Bill Dundee, Steve Keirn
– INT First Family (Jimmy Hart gets his face smashed with cake by Stan Lane)
– Chief Thundercloud vs. Bobby Eaton
– INT Jerry Lawler & Dutch Mantell (Footage of Lawler-Mantell Southern title match from MSC shown, both men brawl at announcer’s desk)
– Gypsy Joe, Sweet Brown Sugar & Speed vs. Bill Dundee, Stan Lane & Steve Keirn (1st Fall)
– INT Jimmy Hart
– INT Stan Lane
– Gypsy Joe, Sweet Brown Sugar & Speed vs. Bill Dundee, Stan Lane & Steve Keirn (2nd Fall)
– Louisville 3/2 INT: Midnight Express
February 27, 1982 (aired in Louisville 3-6-82)
– Chief Thundercloud vs. The Monk
– INT First Family (Jimmy Hart & First Family music video “We Hate School”)
– Louisville 3/9 INT: Jimmy Hart & First Family
– Roy Rogers & Ric McCord vs. Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar
– Dutch Mantell vs. Jerry Lawler (Music video)
– Jerry Lawler promo
– INT Steve Keirn (including footage of his match vs. Norvell Austin 2-22-82, MSC)
– Steve Keirn vs. Norvell Austin (Keirn puts Southern tag titles on the line) (Keirn must win twice in 10 mins in a scientific match)
– INT Steve Keirn (Eddie Marlin signs a lumberjack chain match for 3-1-82 MSC, Keirn vs. Austin)
– Louisville 3/9 INT: Dutch Mantell
March 6, 1982 (aired in Louisville 3-13-82)
– Lance Russell announces that AWA President Stanley Blackburn has vacated the AWA Southern tag titles as a result of what happened last week. One night tourney 3-14-82 in Louisville to crown new champs.
– INT Ricky & Robert Gibson
– Ricky & Robert Gibson vs. Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton (sub. for The Nightmare & Speed)
– Louisville 3/14 INT: Jimmy Hart & First Family
– Joe Stark & Pat Hutchinson vs. The Monk & The Angel
– INT Jerry Lawler & Danny Davis
– Gypsy Joe vs. Jerry Lawler
– The Invader vs. Bill Dundee
– Dennis Upton vs. Norvell Austin
– INT Bill Dundee (gets attacked by Bobby Eaton, Sweet Brown Sugar, Jimmy Hart & Kenny Shane)
– Ric McCord & Chief Thundercloud vs. Luke Graham & Dream Machine
– Louisville 3/14 INT: Norvell Austin
March 13, 1982 (aired in Louisville 3-20-82)
– Steve Keirn vs. The Invader
– Ernie Kirkland & Bill Owens vs. Robert Gibson & Stan Lane
– Louisville 3/23 INT: Jimmy Hart & First Family
– INT Ricky & Robert Gibson
– Roy Rogers & Ric McCord vs. Bobby Eaton & Sweet Brown Sugar
– Dutch Mantell vs. Jerry Lawler (Music video)
– INT Dutch Mantell
– Dutch Mantell vs. Jerry Lawler (JIP) (3-1-82 or 3-15-82, MSC)
– Bill Dundee music video
– Gypsy Joe vs. Stan Lane
– Tom Maley & Pat Hutchinson vs. The Angel & The Monk
– Louisville 3/23 INT: Jerry Lawler
March 20, 1982 (aired in Louisville 3-27-82)
– INT Bill Dundee
– Louisville 3/30 INT: Jimmy Hart & First Family
– Southern Tag titles: Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton (ch) vs. Steve Keirn & Robert Gibson (JIP) (3-22-82, MSC)
– Southern title: Jerry Lawler (ch) vs. Dutch Mantell (No DQ) (JIP) (3-22-82, MSC)
– INT Dutch Mantell
– INT Jerry Lawler
– Southern title: Jerry Lawler (ch) vs. Dutch Mantell (Loser Leaves)
– Stan Lane, Steve Keirn, Robert Gibson & Eric Embry vs. Luke Graham, Dream Machine, The Angel & The Monk
– Louisville 3/30 INT: Jerry Lawler & Danny Davis
March 27, 1982 (aired in Louisville 4-3-82)
– Norvell Austin vs. Eric Embry
– VTR First Family injures Bill Dundee (CWA TV 3-6-82)
– INT Bill Dundee
– Louisville 4/6 INT: Dutch Mantell
– Tom Maley & Ric McCord vs. Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton
– INT Jimmy Hart, Bobby Eaton & JR Hart
– INT Danny Davis, Ricky & Robert Gibson
– The Invader & Tojo Yamamoto vs. Dutch Mantell & Roy Rogers
– Dream Machine, The Angel & Luke Graham vs. Stan Lane, Danny Davis & Robert Gibson (2/3 Falls)
– Louisville 4/6 INT: Jerry Lawler
April 3, 1982 (aired in Louisville 4-10-82)
– INT Midnight Express
– Ric McCord & Eric Embry vs. Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose
– Gypsy Joe vs. Dutch Mantell
– Ernie Kirkland vs. Jerry Lawler
– Southern Tag titles: Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton (ch) vs. Ricky & Robert Gibson (JIP) (3-29-82, MSC)
– INT Ricky & Robert Gibson
– Norvell Austin vs. Roy Rogers
– INT Dutch Mantell
– The Monk vs. David Price
– Jimmy Hart & The Monk promo
– Bill Dundee music video
– Stan Lane & Danny Davis vs. Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton
– Louisville 4/13 INT: Jerry Lawler, Steve Keirn & Robert Gibson
August 14, 1982 (aired in Louisville 8-21-82)
(Ric Flair comes to Memphis!)
– INT Eddie Marlin & Ric Flair
– INT Jimmy Hart & Carl Fergie
– Louisville 8/24 INT: Dutch Mantell
– INT Jerry Lawler & Ric Flair
– NWA Title: Ric Flair (ch) vs. Jerry Lawler
– INT Ric Flair, Jimmy Hart & Eddie Marlin
– INT Dutch Mantell & Bill Dundee
– The Invader vs. Dutch Mantell
– Terry Taylor & Bobby Fulton vs. Sweet Brown Sugar & Carl Fergie
– Louisville 8/24 INT: Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee
October 23, 1982 (aired in Louisville 10-30-82)
– The Angel & Jesse Owens vs. Terry Taylor & Jacques Rougeau
– Louisville 11/2 INT: Jimmy Hart, The Sheepherders
– Fabulous Ones music video (“Everybody Wants You”)
– Carl Fergie & The Enforcer vs. Fabulous Ones
– INT Bill Dundee (Sheepherders attack Dundee)
– Joe Stark & Pat Hutchinson vs. Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton
– Mid-America Title: Dutch Mantell (ch) vs. Crusher Broomfield (JIP) (10-18-82, MSC)
– INT Dutch Mantell
– Mid-America Title: Dutch Mantell (ch) vs. King Cobra
– Louisville 11/2 INT: Bill Dundee
– Jackie Fargo promo
October 30, 1982 (aired in Louisville 11-6-82)
– INT Jerry Lawler
– INT Jim Cornette & Jesse Barr
– Aaron Holt vs. Jesse Barr
– Louisville 11/9 INT: The Sheepherders, First Family
– Don Donovan & Pat Hutchinson vs. Sheepherders
– INT Jimmy Hart & Nick Bockwinkel
– Masked Marauders vs. Bill Dundee & Jerry Lawler
– The Angel & Jesse Owens vs. Fabulous Ones
– Terry Taylor, Jacques Rougeau, Buddy Landell & Bobby Fulton vs. Bobby Eaton, Sweet Brown Sugar & New York Dolls
– Louisville 11/9 INT: Dutch Mantell & Bill Dundee, Jerry Lawler
November 20, 1982 (aired in Louisville 11-27-82)
– Ira Reese & Ken Raper vs. New York Dolls
– Louisville 11/30 INT: Jimmy Hart & New York Dolls, Sheepherders
– Southern Title: Jerry Lawler (ch) vs. Sabu & Jimmy Hart (JIP) (Handicap) (11-15-82, MSC)
– The Enforcer vs. Bill Dundee
– Jesse Barr vs. Terry Taylor
– INT Jerry Lawler
– Carl Fergie vs. Dutch Mantell
– Fabulous Ones vs. Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton
– Louisville 11/30 INT: Bill Dundee
November 27, 1982 (aired in Louisville 12-4-82)
– Ira Reese vs. Adrian Street
– VTR Sheepherders attack Eddie Marlin (from 11-13 episode)
– Louisville 12/7 INT: Bill Dundee & Jerry Lawler
– Fabulous Ones music video (“Everybody Wants You”)
– The Enforcer & Jesse Owens vs. Fabulous Ones
– Dennis Upton & Aaron Holt vs. Sheepherders
– Southern Title: Sabu (ch) vs. Bill Dundee (JIP) (11-22-82, MSC)
– Terry Taylor promo & music video
– Apocalypse music video
– Dutch Mantell promo & music video
– Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee & Sweet Brown Sugar & Bobby Eaton
– Louisville 12/7 INT: Jimmy Hart & New York Dolls
December 4, 1982 (aired in Louisville 12-11-82)
– Sabu vs. Bobby Fulton
– Louisville 12/14 INT: Sheepherders
– Terry Taylor promo & music video
– The Angel vs. Jacques Rougeau
– Sweet Brown Sugar, Bobby Eaton, Rick McGraw & Sabu vs. Jerry Lawler, Bill Dundee, Dutch Mantell & Terry Taylor (2/3 Falls)
– Louisville 12/14 INT: Fabulous Ones
December 25, 1982 (Special X-Mas edition, 1982 in review)
(Featured interviews and music videos of Jerry Lawler, Bill Dundee, Dutch Mantell, Terry Taylor, Fabulous Ones)