Video: Lawler vs Bockwinkel
Promo: Lawler
Int: Cornette, Sheepherders
[clip] Terry Taylor/Dundee vs. Apocalypse/Adrian Street
Street/Apocalypse/Jesse Barr vs. Jacques Rougeau/King Cobra/Dundee
Sheepherders vs Bobby Fulton/Ira Reese
Video: Fabulous Ones
Video: Lawler
Jerry Lawler vs. The Invader
Int: Lawler
[clip] Lawler vs Bockwinkel
Dundee vs Apocalypse
Bobby Eaton/Sweet Brown Sugar (Koko B. Ware)vs. Taylor/Rougeau
Ron Reese/Ken Reaper vs Sheepherders
Video: Fabulous Ones
Int: Jimmy Hart, Bobby Eaton
[CLIP] Rematch: Lawler vs Bockwinkel
Int: Andy Kaufman, Jimmy Hart
Eaton/Sugar vs Dundee/Taylor
Int: Lawler
Lawler vs Sabu
Street/Barr vs. King Cobra/Bobby Fulton
Video: Fabulous Ones
Fabulous Ones vs Invader/Pat Hutchinson
Int: First Family
Eaton/Sabu vs. ??
Lawler/Koko Ware vs Marauders
Street/Apocalypse vs. Reese/King Cobra
Dundee/Taylor vs Barr/Angel
Int Lawler/Ware
Rougeau vs The Invader
Taylor vs Hutchinson
Int: First Family
Fabulous Ones vs Destroyers
[clip] Lawler/Ware vs Eaton/Sabu
Int Lawler/Ware (Terry Funk walks out, gets cut off by Lance Russell and Lawler walks him off camera)
Apocaplypse/Angel vs Dundee/Phillip Rougeau
Int: Lawler/Ware
Int Hart,Cornette,Barr
Mantel vs Barr
Int Jacques Rougeau
[clip] Taylor vs Rougeau
Rogeau vs Fulton
Taylor-Rougeau confro
Ware vs Marauder (Eaton paints Ware yellow)
Fabulous Ones/Dundee/Mantel vs Destroyer/Invader/Marauder
Int Ricky Morton (run off by First Family)
Fabulous Ones vs Carl Fergie/Sabu
Int Fabulous Ones
Promo: Bobby Heenan
Promo: Nick Bockwinkel
Int: Sonny King
Abdullah The Great vs. Bobby Fulton
Kenya Condor vs Reed
[clip] Lawler vs Bockwinkel
Int Jacques Rougeau
Jacques Rougeau vs Dutch Mantel
Lawler/Taylor/Ware/Mantel/King Cobra vs Destroyers/Invaders/Barr/Marauder
Int Dundee
Int Lawler
First Family celebration
[clip] Taylor vs Rougeau
Int Rougeau
Rougeau vs Taylor
Int Dundee
Int Sheepherders
Sheepherders vs Reed/Phillip Rougeau
Marauder/Apocalypse/Sabu vs Phillip/Ware/Dundee
Int Steve O,Morton,Dundee
Hutchinson/?? Vs Morton/Steve O
Int Rougeau
Int Bruise Brothers,Hart,Eaton
Reed vs. Porkchop Cash
Int First Family
[clip] Idol vs Taylor
Abdullah the Great vs Ken Reaper
Int Jacques Rougeau
The Galaxians vs Fulton/Louie Winston
Fabulous Ones vs Sabu/Kenya Condor
Int Fabulous Ones
[clip] Barr/Street vs Fabuolous Ones
Int Mantel
Missing 3/5/83
3/12/83 (Inc 20 min)
[clip] Mantel vs Rougeau
[clip] Lawler vs Idol
Int Cornette,Street,Barr
[clip] Fabulous Ones vs Street/Barr
Int Bruise Brothers
Int Lawler, Dundee, Stagger Lee
Int Fabulous Ones
Dundee/Steve O vs Sheepherders
[clip] Stagger Lee vs Bobby Eaton
Missing 3/19/83
Rock nRoll Express vs Sabu/Angel
Int Cornette
[clip] Galaxians vs Rock n Roll Express
Video: Fabulous Ones
Int Steve O, Mantel, Fabulous Ones
Promo: Sheepherders, Street, Barr
Video: Adrian Street
Eaton/Bruise Brother #1 vs Reed/Mike Mahkin
[clip] Andre The Giant/Lawler/Stagger Lee vs. Eaton/Bruise Brothers/Jimmy Hart
Int Eaton,Hart
Promo: Lawler
Mondogs vs David Johnson/Bobby Fulton
[clip] Dundee vs Taylor
Dundee vs Hutchinson
Int Terry Taylor
Stagger Lee vs Cowboy Frankie Lane
Int Jimmy Hart/Moondogs/Carl Fergie
Rock n Roll Express vs The Destroyers
Int Cornette
Video: Fabulous Ones
Fabulous Ones vs The Inferno/Hutchinson
Promo: Nick Bockwinkel
Int Lawler
Int Jimmy Hart
King Cobra/Robert Reed vs The Bruise Brothers
Video: Stagger Lee
Int Stagger Lee
[clip] Bill Dundee vs Terry Taylor
Int Taylor
Int Dundee
Rock n Roll Express vs Rooster Cogburn/??
Int Cornette
Int Hart,Dundee
Fabulous Ones vs Big Lou/Maruader
Int. Hart
Moondogs vs Reed/King Cobra
Stagger Lee vs Bruise Brother #1
Mantel vs Ace of Spade
Bruise Brothers vs Fergie/Fulton
Rock n Roll Express vs. Hutchinson/Jameson
Int Jim Cornette
Duke Meyer handicap match
[clip] Rock n Roll Express vs Galaxians
Int Rock n Roll Express
[clip] Bockwinkel vs Lawler
Int Hart, Cornette
Jerry Lawler vs Bobby Eaton
Bruise Brothers vsTaylor/Mantel/Lee
[clip] Mantel vs Dundee
Int Mantel
Int Dundee
Moondogs vs Craig Parsons/Tom Mayley
[clip] Monndogs vs Fabulous Ones
Int Fabulous Ones
Fabulous Ones vs Hutchinson/Cogburn
Int Cornette
Video: Rock n Roll Express
[clip] Moondogs vs Fabulous Ones
Int Hart
Moondogs vs Reed/Carsons
Int Fabulous Ones
[clip] Dundee vs Mantel
Int Dundee
Dundee vs Reaper
Mantel vs Bill Rose
Int Lawler
Promo: Tully Blanchard
Video: Stagger Lee
Int Hart
Stagger Lee vs Bruise Brother #2
Video: Bruise Brothers
Bruise Brothers/Eaton/Ace/Meyer vs Fergie/Steve O/Taylor/Fulton/Mad Dog
Dundee vs King Cobra
[clip] Mantel vs Dundee
Int Dundee
Int Stagger Lee
Lawler vs Marauder/Hutchinson
Recap: Kaufman-Lawler feud
Promo: Andy Kaufman
Steve O vs Larry Hare
Bruise Brothers vs Fergie/Fulton
Int Hart
Video: Rock n Roll Expess
Video: Fabulous Ones
Video: Bruise Brothers
Eaton/Lone Ranger vs Reed/Cogburn
[clip] Bruise Brothers/Lone Ranger/Eaton vs Stagger Lee/Mad Dog/Rock N Roll Express
Int: Stagger Lee
[clip] Fabulous Ones vs Moondogs
Promo: Jackie Fargo,Stan Lane
Int Jimmy Hart
Moondogs vs Jameson/Carson
[clip] Lawler vs Kaufman/Colossus
Promo Kaufman,Hart
Int Lawler
Kaufman calls into studio
Int Mantel
[clip] Mantel vs Dundee
Int Cornette
Fabulous Ones vs Jameson/Hutchinson
[clip] Moondogs vs Fargo/Lane
Int Hart,Cornette
Eaton/Meyers vs Reaper/David Johnson
World Strongest man comp highlights featuring Ken Patera
Ken Patera vs Jake Milliman (AWA TV)
Promo: Ken Patera
Promo: Andy Kaufman(places 5k bounty)
Int The Grapplers
Jameson/Tom Mayler vs Grapplers
Rock n Roll Express vs The Galaxians
Lawler/Lee vs Big Lou/Marauder
[clip] Patera vs Lawler
Int Lawler
Promo; Patera
Fabulous Ones vs Hutchinson/Bill Rose
Reed vs Ace of Spade
Int Hart,Cornette
Meyers/Eaton vs Taylor/Fulton
5/28/83 (inc 8 min)
[clip] Patera vs Lawler
Int Lawler
Rock n Roll Express vs Don Donovan/Lou Winston
Lawler-Dundee at booth promoting Loser leaves match
Promo: Ken Patera
Dundee vs Reaper
Video: Lawler
Promo: Tom Prichard
Promo: Jimmy Valiant
Lawler vs Jameson
Promo: Jerry Jarrett, Jackie Fargo
Video: Bill Dundee
Promo: Rock n Roll Express
6/11/83 (Inc 37 min)
[clip] Lawler vs Dundee
Int Lawler
Int Hart
[clip] Fargo/Lane vs Moondogs
Int Lawler,Lee,Mad Dog
Int Hart, Eaton
6/18/83(inc 15 min)
[clip] Lawler vs Man Mountain
Int First Family( Hart gets a call from Kaufman)
Int: Lawler
[clip] Ric Flair vs Austin Idol
Promo: Idol
Missing 6/25/83
7/2/83 (inc 7 min)
Int Lawler
[clip] Patera vs Lawler
7/9/83 (inc 28 min)
Fabs get an award
Rock n Roll Express vs Grapplers
Andy Kaufman interview in studio(confronted by Jimmy Hart)
[clip] Lawler vs Kaufman/Hart
[clip] Eaton/Moondogs vs Idol/Fabulous Ones (cage)
Int Bruise Brothers
7/16/83 (inc 15 min)
Int Jimmy Hart
Rebel vs Reaper
Int Bobby Eaton
Int Grapplers
Int Rock n Roll Express
[clip] Andy Kaufman vs Jimmy Hart
[clip] Kaufman asks Lawler to be his partner
7/23/83(inc 27 min)
Int Fabulous Ones
Int The Grapplers
[clip] Frankie Lane vs Mantel
Int Mantel
Int Kaufman, Hart, Assassin
[clip] Kaufman/Lawler vs Hart/Assassin
Int Lawler
Int Idol
Assassin squash (Lawler throws fire into Kaufman’s face)
7/30/83 (inc 23 min)
Int Hart, Buddy Landell, Assassin
Int Eaton
Eaton vs Moondog Rex
Int Eaton,Lee
Promo: Andy Kaufman
Int Stan Hansen
Stan Hansen vs Tom Prichard
[clip] ;Assasins vs Lawler/Idol
8/6/83 (inc 23 min)
Int Jimmy Hart, Jim Cornette
Promo: Andy Kaufman
Int Lawler,Idol
[clip] Fabulous ones vs The Grapplers
8/13/83 (inc 30 min)
Int Hart, Assassins
Int Hart,Landell
[clip] Moondogs vs Stagger Lee/Bobby Eaton
Int Hart, Moondogs
[clip] Jerry Blackwell from AWA
Moondogs-Eaton/Lee brawl
Video: Adrian Street
Promo: Andy Kaufman
Int Jerry Lawler
Int Ken Patera from AWA
8/20/83 (inc 35 min)
Taylor/Lee/Eaton vs Rebel/Jesse Boyd/Hutchinson
[clip] Patera vs Lawler
[clip] Assassins vs Lawler/Idol
Int Lawler
Promo: Jimmy Valiant
Promo: Patera, Hart, Assassins
Promo; Kaufman
Int Hart, Cornette
Promo: Stan Hansen
8/27/83 (inc 32 min)
Int Landel, Hart, Cornette, Dennis Condrey
Landel/Condrey vs Prichard/Jameson
Int Stagger Lee
Int Lawler,Idol
Promo: Jimmy Valiant
Promo: Stan Hansen
Int Lawler
9/3/83 (inc 32 min)
Int Hart, Patera,Grapplers, Assassins, Condrey
[clip] Moondogs vs Taylor/Eaton (pole match)
Int Fabulous Ones
[clip] Landel vs Ware
Int Hart, Landel
Int Mantel,Lawler
Promo Idol
Int Patera
Rock n Roll Express vs Hutchinson/Marauder
Moondogs vs Reaper/Jameson
Int Rebel,Taylor,Eaon
Int Hart,Moondogs
[clip] Lawler vs Dundee
Jesse Ventura calls into the studio
Lawler/Ware vs Winston/Pink Panther
Promo: Dundee
Int Lawler, Eddie Marlin
Bruise Brothers vs Johnson/Reed
[clip] Fabulous Ones vs Assassins
Bruise Brothers/Fergie/Prince of Darkness/Winston vs Jaquar/Fulton/Eaton/Ware/Prichard
Promo: Stan Hansen
Bruise Brothers vs Rock n Roll Express
Int Marlin suspends Moondogs
[clip] Stan Hansen vs Austin Idol
Int Idol
Idol vs Marauder
[clip] Fabulous ones vs Assassins
Int Jimmy Hart
Promo: Fabulous Ones
Dundee/Eaton vs Pink Panther/Hutchinson
[clip] Jesse Ventura vs Jerry Lawler
Int Jerry Lawler
Int Jesse Ventura
Reed/Reaper/Jameson vs Lucifer/Condrey/Prince of Darkness
[clip] Ware/Mantel vs Grapplers
Promo: Mantel
Int Cornette
Int Eaton, Dundee
[clip] Big Red/Dundee vs Assassins
Fulton/Ware/Taylor vs Winston/Destroyer/Galaxian
Rock n Roll Express vs Jesse Owens, Galaxian
Video: Fabulous Ones
Int Fabulous Ones
Int Mantel,Koko Ware
Mantel, Ware vs Donavan/Hutchinson
[clip] Ventura vs Lawler
[clip] Hansen vs Idol
Int Lawler
Promo: Ventura
Promo: Hansen
Int Hart,Condrey
Assassins vs Reaper/Rocky King
[clip of Stan Hansen in Japan]
Bruise Brothers/Condrey vs Jameson/Keith Eric/Mad Dog
Dundee/Prichard/Big Red/Plowboy Frazier vs Big Lou/Destroyer/Panther/Galaxian