CWA Championship Wrestling – 3rd January 1988
1. Jimmy Jack Funk vs. Benny Wilson
2. (Handicap Match) Scott Hall vs. Rough & Ready
3. Hector Guerrero vs. Jeff Jarrett
4. Billy Travis vs. Ken Wayne
CWA Championship Wrestling – 10th January 1988
1. Scott Hall vs. The Blue Knight
2. Keith Eric vs. Ken Wayne
3. Shawn Michaels vs. David Wilson
CWA Championship Wrestling – 17th January 1988
1. Manny Fernandez vs. Rodney Napper
2. Jimmy Jack Funk & Tijo Kahn vs. The Wilson Brothers (Benny & David)
3. The Midnight Rockers (Janetty & Michaels) vs. Rick Fontana & Todd Morton
4. The Power Twins (David & Larry) vs. Billy Travis & Todd Morton
CWA Championship Wrestling – 24th January 1988
1. The Rock & Roll RPMs (Davis & Lane) vs. Rikki Nelson & Billy Travis
2. Terry Taylor vs. Ron Bruise
3. Manny Fernandez vs. Jimmy Jack Funk
4. Gary Young vs. Don Bruise
5. Scott Hall & Ken Wayne vs. Rodney Napper & Mad Dog
CWA Championship Wrestling – 30th January 1988
1. (CWA Title) Jerry Lawler © vs. Jimmy Jack Funk
2. Terry Taylor & Gary Young vs. Bill Dundee & Rikki Nelson
3. Maxx Payne vs. Alan Reynolds
4. The Midnight Rockers (Janetty & Michaels) vs. The Bruise Brothers (Don & Ron)
CWA Championship Wrestling – 6th February 1988
1. The Midnight Rockers (Janetty & Michaels) vs. Rikki Nelson & Ken Raper
2. Maxx Payne & Gary Young vs. David Johnson & Rodney Napper
3. Jimmy Jack Funk & Tijo Kahn vs. Alan Reynolds & William Thompson
4. Sweet Brown Sugar vs. Keith Eric
CWA Championship Wrestling – 13th February 1988
1. (CWA Title Match) 14 Man Battle Royal ((Bill Dundee, Manny Fernandez, Jimmy Jack Funk, Jeff Jarrett, Rikki Nelson, Rodney Napper, Ron Nation, Maxx Payne, Alan Reynolds, William
Thompson, Ken Wayne, Gary Young, Zebra Warrior #1 & Zebra Warrior #2)
2. Maxx Payne vs. William Thompson
3. (CWA Title) Jerry Lawler © vs. Jeff Jarrett
CWA Championship Wrestling – 20th February 1988
1. Maxx Payne & Gary Young vs. Rodney Napper & Alan Reynolds
2. Jerry Lawler vs. Choir Boy #!
3. The Great Samu & The Giant Kokina vs. Ken Raper & Doug Dancing
4. Jimmy Jack Funk vs. Ken Raper
5. The Blue Knight & Rough & Ready vs. Ken Wayne, Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis
CWA Championship Wrestling – 27th February 1988
1. The Great Samu & The Giant Kokina vs. Rodney Napper & Rikki Nelson
2. Doug Gilbert vs. Ken Raper
3. Maxx Payne & Gary Young vs. The Bruise Brothers (Don & Ron)
CWA Championship Wrestling – 5th March 1988
1. The Great Samu & The Giant Kokina vs. Rikki Nelson & Doug Dancing
2. Eddie Gilbert vs. Ken Wayne
3. Tommy Gilbert & Doug Gilbert vs. Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis
4. (AWA Southern Tag Title) Maxx Payne & Gary Young © vs. The Bruise Brothers (Don & Ron)
CWA Championship Wrestling – 12th March 1988
1. Eddie Gilbert vs. Scotty The Body
2. Doug Gilbert vs. Ken Wayne
3. Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis vs. Rough & Ready
4. The Midnight Rockers (Janetty & Michaels) vs. The Zebra Warriors
5. Maxx Payne & Gary Young vs. Rikki Nelson & Doug Dancing
CWA Championship Wrestling – 19th March 1988
1. Tommy Gilbert & Doug Gilbert vs. Scotty The Body & Doug Dancing
2. Ken Wayne & Rikki Nelson vs. Rough & Ready
3. Don Bass, Brickhouse Brown & Terry Adonis vs. The Zebra Warriors & Ken Raper
4. Maxx Payne & Gary Young vs. The Bruise Brothers (Don & Ron)
CWA Championship Wrestling – 26th March 1988
1. Eddie Gilbert vs. Ken Raper
2. Tommy Gilbert & Doug Gilbert vs. Alan Reynolds & William Thompson
3. Maxx Payne & Gary Young vs. Rick Fontana & William Thompson
4. Brickhouse Brown & Big Bad Jim vs. Rodney Napper & Doug Dancing
5. Ken Wayne, Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis vs. Larry Wright, The Blue Knight & Keith Eric
CWA Championship Wrestling – 2nd April 1988
1. Brickhouse Brown vs. Scotty The Body
2. Tom Brandi vs. The Blue Knight
3. Brickhouse Brown vs. Tom Brandi
4. The Bruise Brothers (Don & Ron) vs. Keith Eric & The Blue Knight
5. Tommy Gilbert & Doug Gilbert vs. Doug Dancing & Alan Reynolds
6. Jeff Jarrett, Billy Travis & Scott Steiner vs. The Assassin, Jonathon Quinn & The Atomic Punk
CWA Championship Wrestling – 9th April 1988
1. Tom Brandi vs. Keith Eric
2. Jerry Lawler vs. Tommy Punk
3. The Mighty Yankees vs. Doug Dancing & Alan Reynolds
4. The Cuban Assassins vs. Ken Raper & William Thompson
5. The Bruise Brothers (Don & Ron) & Scott Steiner vs. Maxx Payne, Gary Young & Brickhouse Brown
CWA Championship Wrestling – 16th April 1988
1. Tommy Gilbert & Doug Gilbert vs. The Bruise Brothers (Don & Ron)
2. Maxx Payne & Gary Young vs. Tom Brandi & Ken Wayne
3. The Cuban Assassins vs. Scott Steiner & Rikki Nelson
4. Jeff Jarrett, Billy Travis, Steve Keirn & Mike Graham vs. Keith Eric, The Blue Knight & Rough & Ready
CWA Championship Wrestling – 23rd April 1988
1. Tommy Gilbert & Doug Gilbert vs. Scott Steiner & Rikki Nelson
2. Maxx Payne vs. Rodney Napper
3. The Cuban Assassins vs. Scott Levy & Tom Brandi
4. Brickhouse Brown, Gary Young & Terry Adonis vs. Jeff Jarrett, Billy Travis & Ken Wayne
CWA Championship Wrestling – 30th April 1988
1. Maxx Payne & Gary Young vs. Alan Reynolds & William Thompson
2. Ken Wayne vs. Scott Levy
3. Tommy Gilbert & Doug Gilbert vs. Scott Steiner & Alan Reynolds
4. The Cuban Assassins & Rough & Ready vs. Jeff Jarrett, Billy Travis & The Bruise Brothers (Don & Ron)
CWA Championship Wrestling – 7th May 1988 (Incomplete)
1. Keith Eric & The Cuban Assassins vs. Scott Steiner, Mark Starr & Jeff Jarrett
CWA Championship Wrestling – 14th May 1988
1. Don Bass & Gary Young vs. The Bruise Brothers (Don & Ron)
2. The Cuban Assassins vs. Scott Steiner & Mark Starr
3. Steve Keirn & Mike Graham vs. Keith Eric & Tommy Punk
CWA Championship Wrestling – 21st May 1988
1. Jeff Jarrett vs. Keith Eric
2. The Cuban Assassins vs. Scott Steiner & Tom Brandi
3. The Harris Brothers (Don & Ron) vs. Phil Hickerson & Don Bass
4. Billy Travis & Scott Steiner vs. Rough & Ready
5. Robert Fuller vs. Doug Dancing
CWA Championship Wrestling – 28th May 1988
1. The Cuban Assassins vs. Jeff Jarrett & Tom Brandi
2. The Great Senshe vs. Alan Reynolds
3. The Stud Stable (Fuller & Golden) vs. The Harris Brothers (Don & Ron)
4. Jeff Jarrett vs. Keith Eric
5. The Cuban Assassins vs. Doug Dancing & Tommy King
6. Gary Young & Don Bass vs. Billy Travis & Scott Steiner
CWA Championship Wrestling – 12th June 1988
1. The Blue Knight vs. Shaun Baxter
2. Brickhouse Brown vs. Tommy King
3. Gary Young & Ron Bass vs. Maxx Payne & Tom Brandi
4. Jeff Jarrett & The Great Senshe vs. Rough & Ready
CWA Championship Wrestling – 19th June 1988
1. The Great Senshe vs. Keith Eric
2. The Stud Stable (Fuller & Golden) vs. Tommy King & Alan Reynolds
3. Jeff Jarrett vs. Terry Adonis
4. Brickhouse Brown vs. Doug Dancing
5. Don Bass & Gary Young vs. Tom Brandi & Shaun Baxter
CWA Championship Wrestling – 2nd July 1988
1. Brickhouse Brown vs. Tommy King
2. Billy Travis & Scott Steiner vs. Keith Eric & Randy Foster
3. Ron Bass, Gary Young & Phil Hickerson vs. Tom Brandi, Doug Dancing & David Johnson
4. The Great Senshe & Shaun Baxter vs. Bob Holly & Pat Rose
CWA Championship Wrestling – 9th July 1988
1. Phil Hickerson & Gary Young vs. Alan Reynolds & Tommy King
2. Billy Travis & Scott Steiner vs. Rough & Ready
3. The Stud Stable (Fuller & Golden) vs. Alan Reynolds & Doug Dancing
4. Phil Hickerson, Gary Young & The Stud Stable (Fuller & Golden) vs. Billy Travis, Scott Steiner, Shaun Baxter & Maxx Payne
CWA Championship Wrestling – 16th July 1988
1. Phil Hickerson vs. Shaun Baxter
2. Robert Fuller vs. Alan Reynolds
3. The Great Senshe vs. Tommy King
4. Maxx Payne vs. Ready
5. Billy Travis vs. Brickhouse Brown
CWA Championship Wrestling – 23rd July 1988
1. Robert Fuller, Brickhouse Brown & Senshe vs. Scott Steiner, Maxx Payne & Shaun Baxter
2. Jeff Jarrett vs. Randy Foster
3. Downtown Bruno vs. The Karate Kid
4. Phil Hickerson vs. Tommy Gilbert
CWA Championship Wrestling – 30th July 1988
1. Phil Hickerson vs. Alan Reynolds
2. Jeff Jarrett & Billy Travis vs. Chuck Casey & Keith Eric
3. Gary Young vs. Randy Foster
4. Gary Young & Brickhouse Brown vs. Scott Steiner & Shaun Baxter
CWA Championship Wrestling – 6th August 1988
1. Robert Fuller vs. Ken Raper
2. Jeff Jarrett vs. Keith Eric
3. Phil Hickerson vs. Tommy King
4. Cat Garrett vs. The Blue Knight
5. Billy Travis, Scott Steiner & Shaun Baxter vs. Brickhouse Brown, Gary Young & The Great Senshe
CWA Championship Wrestling – 13th August 1988
1. Jerry Lawler vs. Keith Eric
2. Cat Garrett vs. The Assassin
3. Robert Fuller vs. Alan Reynolds
4. Jeff Jarrett vs. Gary Young
5. Brickhouse Brown & Phil Hickerson vs. Billy Travis & Scott Steiner
CWA Championship Wrestling – 28th August 1988
1. Jeff Jarrett vs. The Assassin
2. The Rock & Roll RPMs (Davis & Lane) vs. Tommy King & Ken Raper
3. (CWA Title) Phil Hickerson © vs. Bill Dundee
4. The Stud Stable (Golden, Young & Cactus) vs. Scott Steiner, Shaun Baxter & Ray Odyssey
CWA Championship Wrestling – 4th September 1988
1. The Rock & Roll RPMs (Davis & Lane) vs. Tommy King & Rodney Napper
2. Jeff Jarrett & Bill Dundee vs. The Stud Stable (Cactus & Young)
3. Brickhouse Brown vs. The Assassin
4. Billy Travis, Shaun Baxter & Rey Odyssey vs. The Blue Knight & Rough & Ready
CWA Championship Wrestling – 18th September 1988
1. The Rock & Roll RPMs (Davis & Lane) vs. Tommy King & Ken Raper
2. (AWA Title) Jerry Lawler vs. Dutch Mantell
CWA Championship Wrestling – 25th September 1988
1. The Stud Stable (Fuller & Golden) vs. Scott Steiner & Shaun Baxter
2. Bill Dundee, Jeff Jarrett & Brickhouse Brown vs. The Blue Knight & Rough & Ready
3. The Stud Stable (Cactus & Young) vs. Ken Raper & Alan Reynolds
4. Phil Hickerson vs. Billy Travis
5. The Rock & Roll RPMs (Davis & Lane) vs. Ray Odyssey & Cat Garrett
CWA Championship Wrestling –9th October 1988
1. Todd Morton vs. Terry Adonis
2. Phil Hickerson vs. Alan Reynolds
3. Jeff Jarrett vs. Jimmy Golden
4. The Stud Stable (Cactus & Young) vs. Bill Dundee & Todd Morton
5. The Rock & Roll RPMs (Davis & Lane) vs. Scott Steiner & Ken Raper
CWA Championship Wrestling –16th October 1988
1. Bill Dundee & Todd Morton vs. Keith Eric & The Hangman
2. The Rock & Roll RPMs (Davis & Lane) vs. Rodney Napper & Alan Reynolds
3. Sid Vicious vs. Tommy King
4. Jeff Jarrett & Brickhouse Brown vs. The Stud Stable (Cactus & Hickerson)
5. Jerry Lawler vs. Terry Adonis
CWA Championship Wrestling –23rd October 1988
1. Natures Best (Bill & Daryl) vs. Keith Eric & The Blue Knight
2. The Stud Stable (Fuller & Golden) vs. Robert Long & Alan Reynolds
3. The Rock & Roll RPMs (Davis & Lane) vs. Ken Raper & Brian Lee
4. The Stud Stable (Cactus & Hickerson) vs. Scott Steiner & Brian Lee
CWA Championship Wrestling –30th October 1988
1. Bill Dundee & Todd Morton vs. Keith Eric & Keith Robertson
2. The Rock & Roll RPMs (Davis & Lane) vs. Randy Foster & Chris Frazier
3. The Stud Stable (Fuller & Golden) vs. Rodney Napper & Alan Reynolds
4. Jeff Jarrett & Natures Best (Bill & Daryl) vs. The Executioner & Rough & Ready
5. The Stud Stable (Cactus, Young & Hickerson) vs. Brian Lee, Scott Steiner & Brickhouse Brown
CWA Championship Wrestling – 6th November 1988
1. Mike Miller vs. Chris Frazier
2. Sid Vicious vs. Robert Long
3. Jerry Lawler & Jeff Jarrett vs. Keith Eric & Tim Woodard
4. The Stud Stable (Fuller & Golden) vs. Chris Granger & Alan Reynolds
5. Bill Dundee & Todd Morton vs. The Grim Reapers
CWA Championship Wrestling – 13th November 1988
1. (Handicap Match) Sid Vicious vs. Rodney Napper & Chris Frazier
2. The Stud Stable (Cactus & Young) vs. The Grim Reapers
3. Beauty & The Beast vs. Tim Woodard & Ronnie Leach
4. Bill Dundee & Todd Morton vs. JD Wolfe & Craig Brown
5. Mike Miller & The Rock & Roll RPMS (Davis & Lane) vs. Brian Lee, Scott Steiner & Alan Reynolds)
CWA Championship Wrestling – 20th November 1988
1. The Stud Stable (Cactus & Young) vs. Rough & Ready
2. Jeff Jarrett vs. The Executioner
3. Brian Lee vs. Craig Brown
4. Brian Lee vs. Phil Hickerson
5. Beauty & The Beast vs. Alan Reynolds & Tim Woodard
6. Scott Steiner & Brian Adams vs. Mike Miller & Deuce Mason
CWA Championship Wrestling – 27th November 1988
1. (CWA Title Tournament) Mike Miller vs. Brickhouse Brown
2. (CWA Title Tournament) Brian Lee vs. Tommy Lane
3. (CWA Title Tournament Final) Mike Miller vs. Brian Lee
4. The Stud Stable (Fuller & Golden) & Mike Davis vs. Scott Steiner, Todd Morton & Bryan Adams
CWA Championship Wrestling – 4th December 1988
1. The Rock & Roll RPMS (Davis & Lane) vs. Scott Steiner vs. Robbie Leach
2. Rick Caset vs. Jimmy Golden
3. Brian Lee vs. David Johnson
4. Beauty & The Beast vs. Todd Morton & Alan Reynolds
5. Jeff Jarrett & Bill Dundee vs. Mike Miller & Brickhouse Brown
CWA Championship Wrestling – 10th December 1988
1. Jeff Jarrett & Brian Lee vs. Rough & Ready
2. Sid Vicious vs. William Thompson
3. Rick Casey vs. Wendell Cooley
4. Beauty & The Beast vs. Alan Reynolds & Ken Raper
CWA Championship Wrestling – 17th December 1988
1. Bill Dundee & Wendell Cooley vs. Rough & Ready
2. The Stud Stable (Fuller & Golden) vs. Rodney Napper & Alan Reynolds
3. Sid Vicious vs. Brian Lee
4. Jeff Jarrett & Scott Steiner vs. The Medics
5. Beauty & The Beast vs. Ken Raper & Chris Frazier
6. Bill Dundee & Todd Morton vs. The Rock & Roll RPMs (David & Lane)
CWA Championship Wrestling – 24th December 1988
1. Beauty & The Beast vs. Chris Frazier & Ron Keller
2. Tracy Smothers vs. Deuce Mason
3. Bill Dundee & Wendell Cooley vs. The Medics
4. The Stud Stable (Fuller & Golden) vs. Brian Lee & Todd Morton
CWA Championship Wrestling – 31st December 1988
1. Beauty & The Beast vs. David Johnson & Chris Frazier
2. Jeff Jarrett & Tracy Smothers vs. The Medics
3. Sid Vicious vs. William Thompson
4. Jerry Lawler vs. Don Bass