• Daniel Bryan Received Death Threats For Leaving WWE
During an interview with ABC 6 Action News, former WWE Champion Daniel Bryan (now known as Bryan Danielson in AEW) talked about some of the negative fan reaction to him leaving WWE to join AEW.
Here’s what Bryan said:
“So, it just felt, it’s weird. You know, there’s a decent amount of tribalism in our culture today where it’s like people are, you know, say politically. If you’re right, everything on the left is bad. If you’re left, everything on the right is bad and same thing with wrestling.
There’s WWE fans, and they would — the worst ones would be like sending death threats to me on Instagram and like, ‘I hope you die’ or, ‘I hope your son dies’ or something like that. But, that’s a small minority.
I think wrestling fans for the most part are great people and great humans but what it does is it tells you — it’s kind of like conspiracy theories. The really bad conspiracy theories so like flat earth or something like that. It’s like, you don’t listen to the flat earthers.
Why do they — the issue is distrust, right? They don’t have a trust, so the most hardcore of these people who are saying these horrible things, well they’re mad.
Why are they mad? ‘Well, because we supported you for years and years and we’re the ones who pushed you to this level and we feel like you’ve betrayed us and we feel like you left us’ and that sort of thing.”
Also Read: Bryan Danielson Comments On AEW Fans Being Upset Because He Didn’t Take A Shot At WWE
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• ON THIS DAY IN WWE HISTORY (October 7, 2004) – WWE SmackDown!
On this day in 2004, World Wrestling Entertainment aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘WWE SmackDown!’.
It was broadcasted from the FleetCenter in Boston, Massachusetts and featured pre-taped matches, interviews & storyline segments on the road to the ‘WWE Survivor Series 2004’ PPV.
Here’s the match-card:
– Kenzo Suzuki vs. Rey Mysterio
– JBL vs. Hardcore Holly
– Mark Jindrak vs. The Big Show
– Billy Kidman vs. Charlie Haas
– US Title: John Cena vs. Carlito Caribbean Cool