• Diamond Dallas Page Is Ready To Help The Undertaker
During his appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience, The Undertaker revealed that he’s thinking about doing DDP Yoga.
WWE Hall of Famer Diamond Dallas Page appeared on Talk Is Jericho and noted that he would love to help The Deadman.
Here’s what DDP said:
“[Joe] Rogan had Undertaker on and at some point Rogan starts talking about the program. He doesn’t do it but he believes in what I’m doing, and Taker said, ‘Yeah, I’ve been thinking about calling him, and Michelle [McCool], she’s been trying to get me to call him.’
I would love to help Mark, I would love it. It would make my day.”
.@Joe Rogan to @Undertaker "You should give Dallas a call"
"I'm here whenever you're ready" – @RealDDP 💎💥#DDPYworks #Spotify #DDPYworks #WWE #Deadman #JoeRoganExperience pic.twitter.com/hjlm5BIE8c
— DDPY (@DDPYoga) January 27, 2021
WATCH: Sara (Undertaker’s Ex-Wife Who DDP Stalked) In A Bikini – Part 2:
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• ON THIS DAY IN WWF HISTORY (February 10, 1991) – WWF Wrestling Challenge
On this day in 1991, the World Wrestling Federation aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘WWF Wrestling Challenge’.
This episode was pre-taped at the UTC Arena in Chattanooga, Tennessee and featured matches, promos & storyline segments on the road to the ‘WWF WrestleMania VII’ PPV.
Here’s the match-card:
– The Undertaker vs. Allen Reynolds
– The Texas Ternado vs. Dale Wolfe
– The Warlord vs. Pez Whatley
– Rick Martel Interview
– The Big Bossman vs. Doug Vines
– Demolition vs. The Legion of Doom