• “He demanded I cut cheesy heel promos” – Former WWE Star On Vince McMahon
In his book ‘MOX’, AEW Superstar Jon Moxley (fka Dean Ambrose in WWE) wrote about Vince McMahon starting to script his matches and how he didn’t like it.
Here’s what he wrote:
“He even went so far as to script my matches. They all sucked. He had begun to infiltrate the house shows now too, sending detailed formats to the stressed-out producers 30 minutes before bell time, and demanding I cut cheesy heel promos to the audience as I walked to the ring.
Seth and I tore the house down in a Steel Cage match that night at MSG, but for some reason Vince made us change the entire match on the rest of the loop to fit his vision, which was a less exciting, far sh*ttier version of a Steel Cage match.”
Also Read: Jon Moxley Reveals One Thing That Fans Don’t Know About WWE Shows
WATCH: Alexa Bliss’ A$$ Slapped:
On this day in 2001, the World Wrestling Federation aired another LIVE episode of their weekly TV show ‘WWF RAW IS WAR’.
It was broadcasted from the FleetCenter in Boston, Massachusetts and featured matches, interviews & segments, on the road to the ‘WWF Survivor Series 2001’ PPV.
Here’s the match-card:
1. WCW US Title: Edge vs. Kurt Angle
2. WWF World Tag Team Titles: The Hardy Boyz vs. Booker T & Test
3. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Tazz
4. The Dudley Boyz vs. Scotty Too Hotty & Albert
5. The Undertaker vs. Rob Van Dam
6. The Big Show vs. Christian
7. The Rock vs. William Regal