• “I couldn’t even talk. I started crying” – Former WWE Women’s Champion After Hearing The Plan For Her Return
A few days ago, former WWE Women’s Champion Victoria (Real name: Lisa Marie Varon) was hosting the GAW podcast to talk about her experience as a surprise entrant in the 2021 Women’s Royal Rumble match.
Victoria first joined the World Wrestling Federation in 2000 as one of The Godfather’s “hoes” and had her last match for the company when she entered the Divas battle royal during the WrestleMania 25 PPV in 2009.
Here’s what the former 2 time Women’s Champion had to say about her one-night-only return at this year’s Rumble:
“What touched my heart too, is when I came back after performing, Mickie and Torrie came over, crying, they’re tearing up and it was, yeah, It was incredible.
I did not expect that at all. I thought I was gonna come in there and bump and feed for everybody else, and let everybody else shine on me, because that’s what I’m used to, you know?
When I found out we had a rehearsal, just to find out what number we’re coming in and stuff like that and I found out I was 10, my birthday is February 10, so I don’t know if they did that purposefully, I don’t know, it was crazy, and when they were like, ‘Victoria is coming back, she’s gonna clean house, everybody’s been waiting for her to be coming back’, I couldn’t even talk. I started crying, and then Mickie was like, ‘Sis, you deserve this. This is your moment, the people have been waiting for this!’
And the response from the other workers, the girls, I didn’t think I was going to be, I thought they were going to go, ‘Oh, who the hell is this coming back?’ Like uhhh, I don’t know!
I was blown up. I was out of breath because I got the call two weeks ago, three now, but two weeks before the Rumble, and you can’t get in ring shape in two weeks. It’s just impossible. I bought a recumbent bike. A recumbent bike.
I’m sitting on my butt pedaling going, ‘Oh my God, I don’t want to look like…’ as Mickie would say, ‘a sack of potatoes coming out.’ You’re not ready because the adrenaline, it was just a lot to take in.
I was like, am I ready? Oh my God, I don’t want the fans to be disappointed in my performance, I want them to still think I can kick a$$. There’s a lot of pressure, man. It’s just a lot of friggin’ pressure.
It was also cool going through certain moves, stuff like that, the girls were like, ‘Can you give me a move?’ ‘I want to take a move!’ I wasn’t used to it.
I got in the ring and all the girls were cluttering me. I was going, ‘Whoa! Wait! I’m not used to this!’
I go, ‘Am I bumping, or are you guys bumping for me?’ and then I put Peyton Royce in the Widow’s Peak, all the girls you saw, they lined up going, ‘Can you give me the Widow’s Peak? Can you give me the Widow’s Peak?’ It was so freakin’ awesome!”
WATCH: Mickie James Kisses Melina:
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• ON THIS DAY IN WWF HISTORY (February 8, 2001) – WWF SmackDown!
On this day in 2001, the World Wrestling Federation aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘WWF SmackDown!’.
It was broadcasted from the North Charleston Coliseum in North Charleston, South Carolina and featured pre-taped matches & storyline segments on the road to the ‘WWF No Way Out 2001’ PPV.
Here’s the match-card:
1. Perry Saturn & Chris Benoit vs. The Hardy Boyz
2. Edge & Christian vs. Dudley Boyz
3. Rikishi vs. Al Snow
4. Hardcore Holly vs. Raven
5. Val Venis, Bull Buchanan, The Godfather & Ivory vs. The Acolytes, Jacqueline & The Kat
6. Triple H vs. Chris Jericho
7. The Rock vs. Big Show