• Is WWE Up For Sale After Vince McMahon’s Retirement? Stephanie McMahon Answers
During today’s Q2 earnings call, the question of WWE potentially being up for sale after Vince McMahon’s retirement was asked.
WWE Co-CEO Stephanie McMahon said Vince is still the controlling shareholder and their management team is always thinking about what’s best for business.
Stephanie was also asked about her leave of absence, which ended in just 3 weeks due to Vince’s hush money scandal – which led to Stephanie being named Interim-CEO (and eventually co-CEO).
She said no one forced her to come back from her leave – she offered to come back and help:
“I have worked my entire life for this business. I love this business. I took a leave of absence realizing that I needed a little bit of time with my family, given the grueling schedule and nature [of WWE].
I got about 3 weeks, which is more than a lot of other folks get, and I was not forced into returning as the CEO and Chairman in the interim position — I offered.”
Also Read: RAW & SmackDown Could Move To Netflix, Says WWE Co-CEO Nick Khan
WATCH: Stephanie McMahon Shakes Her Knockers:
• ON THIS DAY IN WWF HISTORY (August 16, 1986) – WWF Maple Leaf Wrestling
On this day in 1986, the World Wrestling Federation aired another episode of their weekly TV show ‘WWF Maple Leaf Wrestling’.
This episode included pre-taped matches & interviews on the road to “WWF The Big Event”.
You can find the card below:
Paul Orndorff vs. Jose Louis Rivera
Mike Rotundo & Dan Spivey vs. Gino Carabello & Les Thornton
Bob Orton, Jimmy Jack & Hoss Funk vs. Mario Mancini, Ivan MacDonald & Terry Morgan
Billy Jack Haynes vs. Terry Gibbs
Dick Slater vs. Steve Lombardi
Rougeau Brothers vs. Tiger Chung Lee & Neil Carr