• OLD SCHOOL VIDEO HISTORY (February 26, 1983) – WWF Championship Wrestling
On this day in 1983, the World Wrestling Federation aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘WWF Championship Wrestling’.
This episode was pre-taped at the Agricultural Hall in Allentown, Pennsylvania and featured matches, interviews & storyline segments involving the 1983 WWF Superstars.
Here’s the card:
– Pedro Morales vs. Bob Bradley
– Ray Stevens vs. Pete Sanchez
– Salvatore Bellomo vs. Joe Martin
– Johnny Rodz vs. Chico Rodriguez
– Eddie Gilbert vs. Jose Estrada
– Mr. Fuji vs. Dan Ferris
– Superstar Billy Graham vs. Gary Diamond
WATCH: Lita Accidentally Exposes Herself On RAW:
• Jeff Hardy’s Major WrestleMania 35 Push Possibly Cancelled
According to the Dirty Sheets, Jeff Hardy being reluctant in signing a new contract with WWE might have resulted in major WrestleMania 35 plan for him getting nixed.
Jeff signed a 2 year deal with WWE on March 1, 2017 and he has been in negotiations with WWE for a new contract, but he has been reluctant.
As we noted before, WWE’s original plan for WrestleMania 35 was for Daniel Bryan to turn heel on AJ Styles and capture the WWE Title. However, with this exact thing being done last year on SmackDown Live, WWE planned a new match for WrestleMania 35: Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Jeff Hardy for the WWE Championship.
This is the reason why Hardy was put into a feud with Samoa Joe, so Hardy can defeat Joe and look like a viable #1 contender for the WWE Championship.
However, with Hardy not signing a new deal yet and being nowhere near the WWE Title scene as of now (plus WWE officials already being impressed with Kofi Kingston), it looks like Hardy’s major WrestleMania 35 push has been nixed.
We’ll keep you updated regarding this.