• Jeff Jarrett On Which Old School Element He Wants Back In Pro Wrestling
WWE Hall Of Famer Jeff Jarrett was recently interviewed by Wrestlezone, where he was asked which Old School element he would bring back to the current era of professional wrestling, if he could.
Here’s what Double J replied:
“Obviously it’s a different era and different time, but when you broke down North America back in the day, there was 22 regional promotions and we did a live television show every Saturday morning in Memphis.
And you talk about episodic in nature, but it aired on television, then you went down to the arena and that was the payoff every week.
I’m blessed, I’m really lucky that I got to understand when you do a storyline or an angle on TV, you really need to think it through because what you’re doing needs to translate into dollars. Period. End of story.
That’s what I was raised on, that’s what the whole mentality, that you shoot an angle on Saturday morning for TV and you entice ticket buyers.
Now, obviously it’s a different model and you need to be enticed about pay-per-views or the following week on television, but the art and the mindset and the concept of what you do on television has to lead episodically to the next.
I think, quite frankly, a lot of things get lost in the shuffle in so many different ways.”
Also Read: Jeff Jarrett Tried To Sign Ultimate Warrior To TNA
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• Old School WWF Manager Celebrates His Birthday
Old School WWF Manager Clarence Mason (Real name: Herman Stevens Jr.) celebrates his 56th birthday today.
Clarence Mason joined the World Wrestling Federation in 1995 as Jim Cornette’s on-screen lawyer, used as a legal counsel, whenever any Camp Cornette members needed him.
From August 1996 onwards, Mason left Camp Cornette and became a manager on his own, managing the likes of Crush, The British Bulldog & Owen Hart and The Nation of Domination.
He left the WWF in the summer of 1997, after NOD leader Faarooq fired him from The Nation, but later showed up in Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling, where he became known as “J. Biggs”, the manager of the short-lived Tag Team Harlem Heat 2000.