• ON THIS DAY IN WCW HISTORY (June 20, 1998) – WCW Saturday Night
On this day in 1998, Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘WCW Saturday Night’.
This episode featured pre-taped matches, interviews & storyline segments on the road to the ‘WCW Bash at the Beach 1998’ PPV.
The card of the show can be found here:
– Yuji Nagata vs. Hardbody Harrison
– Van Hammer vs. Reese
– Raven’s Flock attacks Hammer
– Stevie Ray vs. Mike Tolbert
– Diamond Dallas Page vs. Eddie Guerrero
• Jim Cornette’s Former Best Friend Says Big Show Slept With Cornette’s Wife
Jim Cornette and his wife Stacy Cornette were accused of asking wrestlers for sexual favours in return for Ohio Valley Wrestling contracts on Thursday.
During The Bolin Alley podcast, Kenny Bolin (Cornette’s former best friend) and his son Chris discussed the situation and confirmed that all this stuff about Cornette and Stacy is true.
“Yes I was aware, and people ask me why didn’t I say anything? Well, number one it wasn’t my place to say anything number two anyone who would say something I would think anyone getting lured into this would be the one to say something.”
It was noted that nobody came forward to call out Cornette and his wife for years because everyone feared losing their jobs.
Kenny said that Stacy had “already been with The Big Show before she met Jimmy.” He added that he saw “Big Show naked smoking a cigarette and that’s not a pretty sight all I know is that any girl he’s been with that’s not my territory.”
Kenny and his son then revealed an email from an anonymous WCW star. That was the first time he met Cornette and his wife. Apparently, Stacy offered to “blow Kevin Nash.”
Kenny further said that “there were a lot of powerful people in WWE who knew what was going on, but they didn’t do jack sh*t about it.”
Also Read: WWE UK Wrestler Issues A Statement On Being Accused Of Physical & Mental Abuse