• ON THIS DAY IN WWF HISTORY (October 24, 1993) – WWF All American Wrestling
On this day in 1993, the World Wrestling Federation aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘WWF All American Wrestling’.
It featured pre-taped matches & storyline segments on the road to the ‘WWF Survivor Series 1993’ PPV.
The card can be found right here:
– All American Exclusive – Rick “The Model” Martel vs. Owen Hart (Worcester, MA 9/28/93)
– Doink The Clown vs. Scrub (from Superstars)
– Rock N Roll Express vs. Flex Armstrong & Richie Rich (from Superstars)
– Diesel vs. Ralph Mosca (from Superstars)
• Jim Ross Comments On Seth Rollins Calling AEW ‘Minor Leagues’ – “Maybe someday he’ll be as over as his girlfriend”
During a recent Q&A session at the Fandemic convention in Houston, Texas, Universal Champion Seth Rollins was asked about a possible match with AEW wrestler Kenny Omega.
Below is what Rollins replied:
“When Kenny’s done playing in the minor leagues over there [AEW], then he can come and work at the absolute top professional wrestling company in the world, in front of the most people, and make the most money, and have the biggest matches, which is with me at WrestleMania.”
You can watch it below:
During a recent edition of Grillin’ JR podcast, WWE Hall of Famer & current AEW commentator Jim Ross addressed Rollins’ comments about AEW and said the following:
“You’re right, I’m pi$$ed off about it. Here’s why I’m pi$$ed off about it.
Number one, it doesn’t do any favors for our business. Our business in general, any promotion in the total of all the pro wrestling business it’s bigger than any individual. Now I’m not inferring that Seth thinks he’s bigger than the business but by what he says sometimes, you can make that assessment, rightly or wrongly, but it’s just not a classy thing to say, for an athlete of his designation.
Since this came out, I talked to two Hall of Fame guys off the record that were embarrassed about those remarks as well. It doesn’t do the business any good and one of these cats even said to me that maybe Rollins is breaking under the pressure because he’s getting a lot of criticism.
Now guys in WWE, like Rollins, [are] on a salary in broad terms. I don’t know how many houses Seth has drawn that sold out,” Ross said. “As another Hall of Famer mentioned to me, it’s not about the individuals being over or drawing the house or selling out, it’s about the WWE brand selling out. Hence, the best illustration is WrestleMania.
The brand name WrestleMania and the parent company, the big dog in the yard, WWE is what sells tickets at WrestleMania under the auspices that they’re going to deliver a special show, opponents and participants to be named. But Rollins he’s in a great spot, he’s blessed, maybe someday he’ll be as over as his girlfriend, I don’t know. Nonetheless, I’ve always liked his work. He’s a solid guy, he’s a solid guy, but saying things like that make him look bad and for that, I feel badly [for Rollins]. I just do.
Here’s the thing I find incredulous about this deal, one of the things. He says, ‘Well, when you’re through playing in the minor leagues…’ Ironically, Mr. Khan’s got more money than Vince, but nonetheless, that’s another story for another day. We believe that we’re on a great network in TNT. We think we have a chance to build a nice brand. You never heard from me ever, Conrad, even when we’re drinking, say ‘we’re gonna kick WWE’s a$$.’ It’s stupid!
If Omega and Rollins did have a match it would be a great match because both of them are great workers. I was upset at Seth because I thought his comments made him sound bad, made him sound bush league. Made him sound like he was one of those guys that was born on third base, woke up and thought he hit a triple because it’s just, for the guy that worked his way through the indies and Tyler Black and Ring Of Honor, great hand, I don’t know what’s happened to some of these guys.
I just believe sometimes it’s internal, sometimes what they’re driven to say, what they feel obligated to say, they say things that they think will gain the favor of their bosses, I don’t know. I don’t know what the answer is, but for a top talent that’s being blessed with great health right now, thank God, and making a ton of money and dating the hottest woman in the business, arguably by many, man what do you got to b*tch about? Are you kidding me?
We’re over there working our a$$ off and a lot of us have dedicated our lives longer than you’ve been alive to this business, and we’re busting our balls without knocking…I’m not knocking WWE. I think it’s a bad thing when you’re knocking a company that’s working our a$$ off to be good. We’re proving that we’re gonna be good, we’re gonna be different and we’re gonna grow and evolve every Wednesday night on TNT at 8 o’clock, 7 central.
My deal with Seth was not his work. All of those guys are playing under different rules than the guys on the Attitude roster that we put together. Guys that I talked to today [on different things, including this matter] said it’s just a whole different locker room, a different world, different mindset. Some of that charm of the old school wrestler is slowly slipping away and for that, I say that’s a damn shame.”
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