During a recent blog entry on his website, WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross discussed Braun Strowman’s booking on Raw. Below is what JR said:
“I really like the way WWE is booking Braun Strowman. I think they are positioning him to be a very believable monster. You can tell that he is really working on his body. I was looking down on some work, and as I was looking down I heard him talking to Mick Foley, and I swear to God his tone sounded almost eerily identical to Hulk Hogan.
I’m a big Strowman fan and I think WWE is doing a good job on focusing him. He is very green. He needs to be protected for a good while, but by WrestleMania next year in the Super Dome in New Orleans he should be shined and ready to go, but good job with WWE thus far.”