On this day in 1999, the World Wrestling Federation aired another episode of their weekly TV show ‘WWF RAW IS WAR’.
It was broadcasted from Grand Rapids, Michigan and featured matches, interviews & storyline segments on the road to the ‘WWF In Your House 28: Backlash’ PPV.
Here’s the card:
1. Road Dogg vs. Owen Hart
2. The Acolytes vs. The Brood (Edge & Gangrel)
3. WWF Intercontinental Title: The Godfather vs. Hardcore Holly
4. No Holds Barred Match: Ken Shamrock vs. Big Bossman
5. Mankind vs. Triple H
6. Billy Gunn vs. Jeff Jarrett
7. The Big Show vs. Viscera
• Jon Moxley Says He Would Rather Work At McDonald’s Than Be A Producer Or Writer In WWE
Current AEW World Champion Jon Moxley, formerly known as Dean Ambrose in the WWE, recently took part in a Q/A session on the Wrestling Observer Radio.
When asked what he would do in the pro wrestling industry if he could not wrestle, he said that he would like to try out a role as a trainer/coach, or become a producer. But he made it clear that he would never take the role of a producer in WWE.
Below is what Moxley said:
“If I couldn’t wrestle right now, I think I’d maybe have a shot to be like a producer, a coach, or a trainer, something like that. Be involved in some way which I would never say, I would never be a producer in WWE. I would rather work in McDonald’s than be a producer in WWE.
You talk about a thankless job…Or be on the creative team at WWE, I would rather like, tar driveways in the summer heat than be a creative member of the creative team in WWE.
What a terrible job. Sitting around waiting for Vince to write a show and then he crumbles up the show and throws it out. You get yelled at and treated like an idiot. I can’t imagine how frustrating that job would be. But, outside of WWE in the world, I would love to be part of the creative process after I couldn’t wrestle anymore.”
Moxley left WWE last year because he wasn’t happy with how the creative team booked him.
WATCH: AEW World Champion Jon Moxley Appears On WWE Backstage: