WWE News

Jon Moxley Says Vince McMahon Isn’t A Genius Anymore, Should Let Triple H Take Over WWE

Vince McMahon Mr McMahon WWF Champion


On this day in 1990, Ted Turner’s World Championship Wrestling aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘WCW PRO’.

This episode featured pre-taped matches & storyline segments on the road to the ‘NWA The Great American Bash 1990’ PPV.

The card can be found below:

Capitol Combat recap

Tommy Rich vs. Mark Kyle

Wrestling wrap up

Paul E. Dangerously & Mark Callous Interview

Freebirds Interview

Samoan Swat Team vs.Lee Scott & Rocky King

Rock N roll Express Interview

Doug Furnas vs. Ned Brady

Tommy Rich Interview

Stan Hansen Interview

Stan Hansen vs. Robbie Idol

Steiner Brothers vs. State Patrol

JYD Interview

Midnight Express vs. Paul Drake & Tim Parker

• Jon Moxley Says Vince McMahon Isn’t A Genius Anymore, Should Let Triple H Take Over WWE

During a recent appearance on Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Podcast, former WWE wrestler and current AEW wrestler Jon Moxley talked about Vince McMahon being the problem in WWE and why he should let Triple H take over.

Below is what Moxley said:

“At first, everyone is intimidated by Vince, because he is this mythical figure. To talk to him you got to go into his office, like the ‘Wizard of Oz’. Early on we dealt more with Triple H. When I was on my own, they always tell you, ‘It’s important to have a relationship with Vince, you got to go in and talk to him.’ There are like 10 layers you have to go through to get anything approved. Everything comes down to Vince, and what he wants. Some people are scared, like producers and stuff. People don’t want new ideas, they just want to do what Vince says because they don’t want to go back in and deal with it unless they feel strongly about it.

My problem was waiting for answers. I would be asking ‘What are we doing?’ People would say ‘We are waiting on Vince.’ Well let me go to Vince and hear it from the horse’s mouth. Then I didn’t have to go through the ten layers of people. So, I just started doing that. I always had a good relationship with Vince, even near the end. If everyone is telling you ‘No, we can’t do that,’ and you are like ‘I will just go to Vince and then Vince is like I love it. And you come out and say, ‘Vince liked my idea,’ then all the people against it, think it’s the greatest idea in the world. It’s Vince’s way on everything.

Vince always liked me. Even if he asked me to do something I didn’t want to do, went out, did it, and didn’t pull it off, we were cool. He has over the years like a lot of my ideas. Towards the end, especially in the last few months, I felt I was one of Vince’s guys. Looking back though, Vince is the problem. It’s a shame, I’m not trying to tear him down, I’m trying to help. I’m telling you, that’s the problem and It’s a shame. Because there is so much talent, there has never been so much talent, the pool is so talented. The resources they have, with the network, with television it should be so great. But, the one guy that screwed it up, I think is Vince.

You look at NXT. I have never been there (in its current incarnation), so I cannot tell you how it is. But everyone seems to like the show. What’s the key ingredient that’s missing? Vince. He is the guy that created wrestling. But now I feel like he is the guy holding it back. He needs to take a break, maybe just let Hunter run things for a month.

Over this time, especially the last few months, I didn’t see this ‘genius’ Vince. In the 80’s he was a genius, when he created Hulkamania, took over the territories, and put wrestling on cable television. In 2019 I do not think he knows what is going on. We need to figure it out or step aside and let someone who knows what’s going on takeover.

Who else is there? He (Triple H) has clearly been preparing for this. When Vince isn’t there, he is the guy you go to his ideas are his ideas. He is very cerebral and not super collaborative. He is a guy that thinks about things a lot. I think he is a much better option between the two of them. He would be more open to giving people more freedom. But, if he sees something and thinks there is a better way he will come and tell you. He watches television and he is the closest thing to Vince that we have.”

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