5. Former SmackDown Commentator Talks About Backstage Heat On Enzo Amore & Big Cass
As we noted before, Enzo Amore has major backstage heat and was recently kicked off a WWE tour bus by Roman Reigns. Also, his former tag team partner, Big Cass, also has backstage heat because he’s a Donald Trump supporter. During a recent appearance on WZ Daily podcast, former SmackDown commentator Rich Brennan had the following to say about the Enzo & Big Cass situation:
On working with Enzo Amore in WWE:
“He can rub people the wrong way for sure. I like him and I always got along with him but he is one of those guys who illicit a response. It’s probably one of the reasons he can illicit such a big response from the crowd. That’s him. That’s not even really an act. That’s Enzo. It’s dialed up but that’s Enzo. He’ll tell you what he thinks and for lack of a better term he can be a little bit of a “loud mouth”. He’s kind of brash. I think that is kind of obvious with his character. That’s going to rub some people wrong.”
On Big Cass’ heat:
“I never talk politics with too many people. Brawler and I used to talk because we could joke back and forth but I try to avoid anything like that. He has heat with who? With whom? Did he piss off a road agent? Did one of the boys give him a hard time because of the e-mail leak with Trump Jr? Who knows? It may have been something like that or not. I don’t get, I don’t want to say “twisted” with this kind of stuff but, “this guy has heat with someone.” Ok, who is it?”