• Mickie James Reacts To Negative Comments On A Photo Of Her With A Fan
Wrestling fan Leonard Linton, who is regularly seen seated ringside at WWE events, recently posted a photo with Mickie James, which resulted in a lot of fans posting negative comments.
Below is what he wrote along with the photo:
“This is my favorite picture of me and Mickie James, it’s like we’re going to the prom.
I love you, Mickie James.”
Mickie saw the negative comments towards Leonard and made it clear that she’s the one that asked Leonard to pose for a photo like this.
You can read the full statement that she posted on Instagram below:
“Happy Early Morning Easter. Just Hopping in on your timelines for a little clarity here. It has come to my attention that our friend @leonard.linton.752 has been completely annihilated on social media about this picture so I feel I need to set the record straight.
1) I am a Grown a$$ woman. Grown enough to say no. Grown enough to choose if I want to do something or not. & Grown enough to defend myself if I must. I’ve literally been doing it my whole life. I truly appreciate your love, concern, & support but everything I’ve seen has been so unkind & uncalled for.
2) I personally asked Leonard to take this photo with me at the @gawtv & @tagmeinunited #DresslemaniaII party at @wrestlecon because I thought it would be funny and special because he has been so supportive from day 1.
3) The reason I had asked Leonard to take this what I thought would be “fun” photo with me is because I knew he was currently bidding on a bunch of the dresses one being MINE.
Over the past 2 Dresslemania events, Leonard has personally donated close to $4,000 to our charities. $2,000 being that of my Dress alone that he did end up winning this year with 💯 going to @namicommunicate.
4) Yes; I was uncomfortable. Not because of this picture but because at this point I was exhausted. My shoes sucked, My body was hurting from 2 awesome matches; from signings all 3 days; from decorating, prepping, & putting on this event. & crying my eyes out for the entirety of it over the amount of personal stories shared by our peers of our own struggles & victories.
5. The saddest part about all of this is that if you’ve actually ever met Leonard, you’d know he’d never ask anyone to take this photo with him.
6. The biggest irony is that an event that was meant to bring folks together over the importance of #mentalhealth in & around this business caused someone very kind, so much Mental Distress. It’s Shameful. I’m so sorry.
So I’ll remind us all on this Easter Sunday 2022
“Judge not, that you be not judged.”
And FYI; the rest of it goes like this…
“For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.” (Matthew 7:1-2) ♥️ “
Also Read: Mickie James Reveals What She Didn’t Love “At All” At Royal Rumble 2022
WATCH: Mickie James’ Exposed Buns:
• ON THIS DAY IN WWF HISTORY (April 18, 1999) – WWF Sunday Night HEAT
On this day in 1999, the World Wrestling Federation aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘WWF Sunday Night HEAT’.
It was pre-taped at the Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan and featured matches, interviews & storyline segments on the road to ‘WWF In Your House 28: Backlash’.
The card can be found right here:
1. Handicap Match: Ken Shamrock vs. Test & Big Boss Man
2. Edge & Christian vs. Viscera & Mideon
3. WWF Tag Team Titles: Kane & X-Pac vs. Triple H & The Rock