• On This Day In Pro Wrestling History (May 5, 2001) – WWF Insurrextion 2001
On this day in Pro Wrestling history on May 5, 2001, the World Wrestling Federation aired ‘Insurrextion 2001’ LIVE on PPV from the Earls Court Exhibition Centre in London, England.
This was the 2nd out of 4 annual Insurrextion pay-per-views the WWF/WWE held between 2000 and 2003.
Here are the PPV results:
Eddie Guerrero defeated Grand Master Sexay
The Radicalz defeated The Hollys
Bradshaw defeated Big Show
Four-Way Elimination: Edge & Christian defeated The Dudley Boyz, The Hardy Boyz and X-Factor
Two-out-of-three falls: Chris Benoit defeated Kurt Angle
Queen’s Cup: Chris Jericho defeated William Regal
The Undertaker defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin & Triple H
• More Information On How A WWE Employee Contracted The Coronavirus
WWE revealed last month that one of their employees was tested positive for Coronavirus (who has now recovered).
It was being reported that the employee was a part of the broadcast team.
Bryan Alvarez provided more information on Wrestling Observer Live about how the employee caught the Coronavirus:
“There was one WWE performer who contracted coronavirus. The impression I was given is that it had nothing to do with WWE whether WWE was taping or whatever. It was something that happened outside of WWE.
This person was somewhere away from WWE when they got it. They never showed up to WWE television when they found out they got it. That’s like the one that we know of so this taping and going live, I’m not a fan of it, but I’m fair. Nothing has happened.”
WATCH: Lana’s Hot Bikini Display: