Interview- Ric Flair
Manny Fernandez vs. Thunderfoot
Highlights of last weeks 6 man tag match
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ Baby Doll (Tully confronts Baby Doll about where she’s been . J.J. Dillon denies any involvement in the ordeal….Tully slaps Baby Doll, & Dusty makes the save)
Magnum T.A. vs. Mike Davis
Black Bart vs. Pat Tanaka
Interview- Jim Cornette
Rock n Roll Express vs. George South & Gene Ligon (The Midnight Express attack)
Interview- Magnum T.A.
Interview- J.J. Dillon
Ron Bass vs. Tommy Lane
Interview- The Russians
Tully Blanchard vs. Denny Brown (J.J. watches from ringside)
RnR Express promo
Interview- Tully Blanchard (he’s joined by J.J.)
Ric Flair vs. Mack Jeffers (Dusty comes to ringside and gets double teamed)
Tony & David announce that Arn won the T.V. Title tournament
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon
Ron Bass & Don Kernodle vs. George South & Mark Flemming
More from Tully & J.J. (clips of Tully’s attack on Jimmy Valiant)
Ivan Koloff vs. Mac Jeffers
Interview – Ric Flair & Arn Anderson – (Recap of Ole Anderson Injury)
Promos- Jim Cornette/Ric Flair/Ivan Koloff
Interview- Dusty Rhodes w/ Baby Doll
The Barbarian vs. Stoney Burke
Interview- Ric Flair
Interview- Arn Anderson (highlights of the T.V. Title tournament)
Interview- Magnum T.A.
Tully Blanchard vs. Rocky King
Arn Anderson vs. Tony Zane
Promos- Manny Fernandez/Magnum T.A.
Interview- Jim Cornette
Rock & Roll Express vs. Jobber & Mac Jeffers – (Midnight
Express attack before the match starts)
Tony & David announce Ole Anderson has been injured by Dusty Rhodes
Interview- The Koloffs (discuss Krusher’s injury)
Pez Whatley vs. Tony Zane
The Koloff’s interview continues (highlights of Krusher vs. Houston, where Kruschev gets injured)
Magnum T.A. vs. Vernon Deaton
The Koloffs interview concludes (Nikita begins the challenge of Magnum T.A.)
Manny Fernandez vs. The Golden Terror
Jim Cornette promo & promo for a Flair – Harley Race cage match in St. Louis
Interview- Paul Jones w/ The Barbarian
Jimmy Valiant vs. George South
Interview- Arn Anderson & Ric Flair (Arn says women were put on this earth to make dinner & babies)
Interview- Dusty Rhodes w/ Baby Doll
Tully Blanchard vs. Mac Jeffers
Interview- Rock n Roll Express
Don Kermode & Ron Bass vs. Stoney Burke & Gene Ligon
Promos- RnR/Valiant
Interview- Ron Garvin
Midnight Express vs. Pat Tanaka & Jim Jeffers (RnR’s run in for a post match brawl)
Interview- Baby Doll
Jimmy Valiant vs. Vernon Deaton
Interview- Rock N Roll Express
Interview- Arn Anderson
Baron Von Raschke vs. Pat Tanaka
Jim Cornette Promo
Interview- Paul Jones and his Army
Black Bart vs. George South
Interview- Ron Bass
Barbarian vs. Italian Stallion
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ JJ Dillon
Garvin & Fernandez vs. Mac and Jim Jeffers
Interview- Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette
RnR Express vs. Thunderfoot/Zane
Promos- Sam Houston/Ron Bass/Ron Garvin
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Whatley/King
Interview- Baron Von Raschke
Interview- RnR Express
Road Warriors vs. South/Turner
Interview- Ric Flair
Ron Garvin vs. Tony Zane
Interview- Arn Anderson
Koloffs/Von Raschke vs. Houston/Tanaka/Stallion
Interview- Paul Jones w/ Barbarian
Interview- Manny Fernandez
Jimmy Valiant vs. Jim Jeffers
Interview- Road Warriors
Interview- Ivan Koloff & Baron Von Raschke
Barbarian vs. Don Kernodle
Interview- Dusty & Magnum
RnR Express vs. Black Bart & Thunderfoot (Midnights interfere and whip Robert)
Interview- Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard w/ JJ Dillon
Arn Anderson vs. Rocky King
RnR Express vs. South/Rossi
Interview- Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette (MX are new NWA tag champs)
Interview- Baby Doll
Manny Fernandez vs. Gene Ligon
Promos- Black Bart/Paul Jones/Jim Cornette
Interview- RnR Express
Barbarian vs. Mac Jeffers
Interview- Arn Anderson (Baby Doll interrupts)
Houston/Royal vs. Somani/Alexander
Clips of Dusty saving Magnum from the Russians attack
Black Bart vs. Rocky King
Promos- Sam Houston/Ron Bass
Midnight Express vs. Jeffers/Zane
Interview- RnR Express
Interview- Ivan & Nikita Koloff
Magnum TA vs. Gene Ligon
Clip- Midnight Express vs. RnR Express
Interview- Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette
Jimmy Valiant vs. Ron Rossi
Teijo Khan vs. Mike Somani
Promos- Barbarian/Paul Jones/Jim Cornette/Nikita Koloff/Ivan Koloff
Interview- Midnight Express w/ Jim Cornette (Jim Crockett fines Jim Cornette)
Ron Bass & Don Kernodle vs. South/Zane
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ JJ Dillon
Interview- Dusty Rhodes & Magnum TA w/ Baby Doll
Ivan & Nikita Koloff vs. Mac & Jim Jeffers
Interview- Paul Jones w/ Teijo Khan
Midnight Express vs. Pat Tanaka & Italian Stallion
Promos- Ron Bass/Ron Garvin/Magnum TA
Arn Anderson vs. Denny Brown (Dusty attacks Arn)
Interview- Paul Jones w/ Baron Von Raschke
Magnum T.A. vs. Mike Samani
Interview- Dusty Rhodes w/ Baby Doll
Ivan Koloff vs. Denney Brown
Promos- Jim Cornette/Nikita Koloff/Ric Flair
Interview- Ivan & Nikita Koloff
Jimmy Valiant vs. Tony Zane
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon
Interview- Ric Flair (unveils the gold belt for the first time on worldwide)
Jimmy Garvin w/ Precious debuts in the ring w/ Tony (Tully & J.J. come to welcome them)
Tully Blanchard vs. David Dillenger
Interview- Rock n Roll Express (w/ Betty Lou…which is the small cage given to them by Dusty)
The Midnight Express vs. Rocky King & The Italian Stallion
Rock n Roll Express vs. George South & Gene Ligon
Promos- Magnum T.A./Baby Doll/RnR
Interview- Magnum T.A.
Ric Flair & Arn Anderson vs. The Risky Business Boys (Dusty Rhodes & Ron Garvin)
Interview- Magnum T.A.(Magnum accepts Nikita’s offer to wrestle on TV)
The Road Warriors vs. Ron Rossi & Tony Zane
Interview- Dusty Rhodes w/ Baby Doll (recap of the 3 Horsemen’s attack on Dusty in the cage on 2/28)
Ivan Koloff vs. Mike Samani
Promos- Ivan Koloff/Jim Cornette
Tony updates the Crockett Cup
Magnum T.A. vs. Thunderfoot
Interview- Ivan & Nikita Koloff
Ron Garvin vs. Jim Jeffers
Interview- Road Warriors
Interview- Arn Anderson (recap of last weeks tag match w/ the risky business boys)
The Barbarian & Teijho Kahn vs. George South & Pat Tanaka (Valiant commentates)\
Midnight Express vs. Denny Brown & Rocky Kernodle
Promos- Baby Doll/Robert Gibson
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon (talks about the 4 week limit on getting Dusty’s title)
Robert Gibson vs. Mack Jeffers
Interview- Jimmy Valiant (brings a casket w/ Jones name on it)
Interview- Magnum T.A. (says he’s signed to meet Nikita on TV)
The Midnight Express vs. Rocky Kernodle & The Italian Stallion
Interview- Jim Crockett Jr. says he has not received a signed contract from Nikita
Sam Houston vs. Ben Alexander
Interview- Jim Cornette
Rocky King vs. Leo Burke
Promos- Jim Cornette/Ric Flair
RnR Express vs. Zane/Dillinger
Interview- Jimmy Garvin
Jimmy Valiant vs. George South
Promos- Magnum TA/Baby Doll/RnR Express
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ JJ Dillon
Interview- Dusty Rhodes w/ Baby Doll
Arn Anderson vs. Pat Tanaka
Interview- Ric Flair & Arn Anderson
Interview- Jimmy Valiant
Magnum T.A. vs. The Golden Terror
Interview- Ivan & Nikita Koloff (announces the Kremlin won’t allow Nikita & Magnum to wrestle on tv)
Interview- Magnum T.A.
Rocky King vs. Thunderfoot
Interview- Arn Anderson
Jimmy Valiant vs. George South
Promos- Tully Blanchard/Jim Cornette/Ric Flair
The Midnight Express vs. Gene Ligon & Mike Samani
Interview- Jimmy Garvin w/ Precious
Interview- Jim Cornette w/ The Midnight Express
Tully Blanchard vs. Dusty Rhodes (National Heavyweight Title match, Ric Flair does commentary)
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon
Tully Blanchard vs. Mark Flemming
The Barbarian vs. Rocky Kernodle
Interview- Rock n Roll Express
Manny Fernandez vs. ??
Promos- Black Bart/Jim Cornette
Update on the Crockett Cup
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon
Jimmy Garvin vs. Tony Zane
Interview- Sam Houston (clips of Black Bart’s MACW title win)
Black Bart vs. The Italian Stallion
Promos- Sam Houston/RnR Express
Interview- Jimmy Garvin w/ Precious (video package of Wahoo)
Ron Garvin vs. Ron Rossi
Interview- Jim Cornette
Rock n Roll Express vs. George South & ??
Interview- Paul Jones
Interview- Joe “Nighthawk” Coltrane
Pez Whatley vs. Golden Terror
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ JJ Dillon
Jimmy Valiant vs. Ron Rossi
Interview- Jimmy Garvin
Midnight Express vs. Ligon/Zane
Promos- Black Bart/Tully Blanchard/Jim Cornette
Interview- Magnum TA
The Italian Stallion & Rocky Kernodle vs. Thunderfoot & Leo Burke
Interview- Dusty Rhodes w/ Baby Doll
Tony & David read the list of teams in the Crockett Cup
Jimmy Garvin vs. George South
Interview- Pez Whatley (Jimmy Valiant comes out to announce Whatley is the best black athlete in the world…..Whatley attacks & cuts his hair)
Ron Garvin vs. Mike Simani
Promos- Sam Houston/Magnum TA
Interview- Ivan & Nikita Koloff
Arn Anderson vs. Mark Fleming
Interview-Pez Whatley (gloats about cutting Valiant’s hair)
Interview- Paul Jones & Shaska Whatley
Jimmy Garvin vs. Ben Alexander
Interview- Ron Garvin
Clip- Flair/Morton brawl from WCW
Interview- Magnum TA
Ron Garvin vs. Ron Ross
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ JJ Dillon
Hector Guerrero vs. Vernon Deaton
Promos- Paul Jones/Shaska Whatley/Arn Anderson
Wahoo McDaniel vs. Mark Fleming
Interview- Ivan & Nikita Koloff
Interview- Wahoo McDaniel
Shaska Whatley vs. Rocky King
Interview- Ric Flair
Magnum TA vs. Tony Zane
Promos- Wahoo McDaniel/Magnum TA
Flair/Blanchard/Anderson vs. Stallion/South/Ligon
Interview- Ron Garvin & Magnum T.A.
Black Bart vs. George South
Interview- Jimmy Garvin w/ Precious
Interview- Dusty Rhodes w/ Baby Doll (Dusty gives Arn notice that he’s taking the tv title back)
The Road Warriors vs. Mark Flemming & Gene Ligon
Interview- Road Warriors
Ricky Morton vs. Tony Zane (Flair at ringside; Flair and Morton brawl)
Joe Coltrane vs. Vernon Deaton
Interview- The Russians (Krusher is back on crutches)
Promos- Magnum TA/Manny Fernandez/Wahoo McDaniel
Interview- Arn Anderson & Ric Flair
The Barbarian vs. Rocky King
Interview- Wahoo McDaniel (clips of him getting the brain buster from Garvin)
Manny Fernandez & Hector Guerrero vs. The Golden Terror & Thunderfoot
Interview- Paul Jones w/ The Baron
The Midnight Express vs. Rocky Kernodle & Ron Rossi
Paul Jones army attacks Coltrane
Clip of Tully & Arn attacking Ron Garvin from WCW
Jimmy Garvin vs. Tony Zane
Interview- Paul Jones Army
Ivan Koloff vs. Ben Alexander
Joe Coltrane vs. Ron Rossi
Promos- Paul Jones Army/Jimmy Garvin
Interview- Jimmy Valiant
Manny Fernandez, Hector Guerrero, & Wahoo McDaniel vs. Thunderfoot, Black Bart, & Leo Burke
Jimmy Garvin w/ Precious interview (clips of him brain busting Wahoo)
Tully Blanchard & Paul Jones army promo
Interview- Manny Fernandez (Jones attempts to buy him)
Sam Houston & Nelson Royal vs. George South & Gene Ligon
Interview- The Russians (clips of Krusher nailing Magnum w/ the crutch)
Jimmy Valiant vs. Vernon Deaton
Promos- Manny Fernandez/Jimmy Valiant/Wahoo McDaniel
Interview- Manny Fernandez & Nighthawk Coltrane
Shaska Whatley & Baron Von Raschke vs. Denny Brown & Rocky Kernodle
Interview- Wahoo McDaniel
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon (They mention Flair rubbing Morton’s face in the concrete)
Hector Guerrero vs. George South
Interview- Dusty Rhodes w/ Baby Doll (Mentions that Cornette & the ME wear pantyhose)
Ivan Koloff vs. Todd Bradford
Interview- Arn Anderson (Makes fun of Morton)
Jimmy Garvin vs. Rocky Kernodle
Interview- Ron Garvin (Talks about the cup & what happened to Morton. Clips are shown of the 3 horsemen Ricky Morton locker room incident where Flair rubs Morton‘s face into the floor)
Interview- Ric Flair (Brags about the incident mentioned above)
Highlights of the Crockett Cup
Ron Garvin vs. Thunderfoot
Interview- Rock n Roll Express (Morton’s face is bandaged up)
Interview- Wahoo McDaniel
Robert Gibson vs. Ron Rossi
Interview- Ron Garvin
The Midnight Express clears the ring & Jim Cornette challenges Dusty Rhodes, Cornette hits Baby Doll in the stomach with the tennis racket)
Interview- Jim Cornette
Ric Flair interview on the upcoming match
Dusty Rhodes interview, he comes out to do color for the match
Tully Blanchard vs. Ron Garvin (National Heavyweight Championship)
Ron Garvin & Dusty Rhodes post match interview
Interview- Paul Jones & Shaska Whatley
Tully Blanchard vs. Gene Ligon
Interview- Jim Cornette (recap of the James Gang incident)
Nikita Koloff vs. The Italian Stallion
Interview- Hector Guerrero & Manny Fernandez
Baron Von Raschke & Shaska Whatley vs. Denney Brown & Rocky King
Interview- Manny Fernandez & Jimmy Valiant
The Road Warriors vs. George South & Thunderfoot
Interview- J.J. Dillon (comments on last weeks National Title match)
Interview- Ric Flair
Sandy Scott announces cities for The Great American Bash
Ivan Koloff vs. Randy Mulkey
Interview- Wahoo McDaniel (clips of Jimmy Garvin & Arn Anderson double teaming him)
Rock n Roll Express vs. Leo Burke & ???
Interview- Ivan & Nikita
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon
The Midnight Express vs. Sam Houston & Nelson Royal (The James Gang drags Cornette out of the Building & hog ties him to the back of a pick up)
Wahoo McDaniel & Sam Houston vs Tully Blanchard & Jimmy Garvin (JIP – terrific match!)
Promos- Jim Cornette/Ric Flair
Interview- Todd Champion
Arn Anderson vs Italian Stallion
Interview- RnR Express
Nikita Koloff vs Robert Gibson
Promos- Baby Doll/Magnum TA
Interview- Ric Flair
Midnight Express vs Dusty Rhodes & Magnum TA (TV time runs out)
Interview- Arn Anderson
Interview- Dusty & Magnum
RnR Express vs. Thunderfoot/Deaton
Promos- Jim Cornette/Ivan Koloff (no sound)
Shaska Whatley vs. Italian Stallion
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ JJ Dillon
Manny Fernandez vs. Tony Zane
Interview- Jimmy Valiant
Todd Champion vs. George South
Interview- Ron Garvin
Midnight Express vs. Sam Houston & Sam Houston
Promos- Jimmy Valiant/Baby Doll/RnR Express (no sound)
Arn Anderson vs. Wahoo McDaniel (TV Title)
Interview- The Russians
:20 clip to open the show of Dusty & the Warriors winning the world 6 man championship
Clips of the Horsemen re-injuring Ricky Mortons nose as Flair jumped off the top rope with a Knee to the back of the head
The Italian Stallion, Rocky Kernodle, & Gene Ligon vs. The Barbarian, Tejho Kahn, & Shaska Whatley
Interview- Rock n Roll Express (Ricky responds to the Horsemen’s latest attack)
Ric Flair interview from the dressing room concerning the Ricky Morton beat down
The Russians vs. George South & jobber
Promos- Jimmy Garvin/Jim Cornette/Blanchard/Anderson
Great American Bash update (Bob Geigal comments on the upcoming tour)
Jimmy Valiant & Manny Fernandez vs. two jobbers
Interview- Jim Cornette w/ Big Bubba
Rocky King vs. Steve Regal
Interview- Dusty Rhodes w/ Baby Doll
The press conference between Magnum T.A. & Nikita Koloff, Nikita insults Magnum’s mom & a brawl ensues.
Jim Crockett Jr. announces that a U.S. title match between the two will be held on June 7th.
Interview- Ivan Koloff (gives his thoughts on the matter)
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon (continues to hype the taped fist matches)
Arn Anderson vs. Hector Guerrero (TV Title Match….Blanchard interferes)
Promos- Wahoo/RnR
Interview- Jim Cornette w/ the Midnight Express, & Big Bubba (Cornette explains why momma sent him Bubba)
The James Gang vs. Thunder foot & Randy Mulkey ( Cornette’s boys run in & unmasks the James Gang while Rhodes & Magnum come to ringside)
David announces Magnum is no longer the U.S. champ
Interview- Wahoo McDaniel (Wahoo is double teamed)
Steve Regal vs. The Italian Stallion
Interview- Jimmy Garvin & Steve Regal w/ Precious
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon (clips of Garvin & Leo Burke)
Jimmy Valiant & Manny Fernandez vs. Ron Rossi & Bill Mulkey
The Russians, Arn Anderson, & Ric Flair promos
The Rock-n-Roll Express vs. The Golden Terror & Thunderfoot
The three horsemen interview Dusty comes out to challenge Flair to a match on the show
Interview- Jim Cornette w/ Big Bubba (Cornette accepts Baby Doll’s challenge to a match)
Ivan & Nikita Koloff vs. Sam Houston & Denny Brown
Interview- Magnum T.A. (still carrying the title, says he won’t relinquish it)
Baron Von Raschke, Teijho Khan & Shaska Whatley vs. Rocky King, Todd Champion & Rocky Kernodle
Jimmy Valiant, RnR Express w/Baby Doll, & Magnum T.A. promos
Magnum T.A. vs. Thunderfoot
Interview- Ric Flair
Warlord w/ Baby Doll vs. George South (Warlord’s debut)
Recap of Flair vs. Rhodes from week prior, Arn & Tully run in, then Ole Anderson returns to attack Rhodes
Arn Anderson promo
Four Horsemen w/ J.J. Dillion promo immediately after Ole’s return
Rock N Roll Express vs. Tony Zane & Ron Rossey
Live event promo with Jim Cornette, Ivan & Nikita Koloff, Tully Blanchard
Jimmy Valiant & Manny Fernandez vs. Mulkeys
Waylon Jennings promo about the Great American Bash
Interview- Magnum T.A.
Interview- Dusty Rhodes
Arn Anderson vs. Todd Champion
Interview- Wahoo McDaniel
Tully Blanchard vs. Vernon Deaton
Shaska Whatley & Baron Von Raschke & Barbarian w/ Paul Jones promo
Nikita Koloff vs. Mike Simani
Promos- Wahoo McDaniel & Ron Garvin/Magnum T.A/RnR Express
Interview- “Mr. Electricity” Steve Regal
Jimmy Garvin vs. Rocky King
Interview- Jim Cornette w/ Big Bubba, confrontation between Rhodes & T.A./Midnight Express
The Warlord vs. Vernon Deaton
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon
Ron Garvin vs. Mark Flemming
Interview- Rock n Roll Express
Ivan Koloff & Krusher Khrushchev vs. Bill Mulkey & Tony Zane
Interview- Dusty Rhodes w/ Baby Doll
Jim Cornette workout Baby Doll belly to belly’s Mulkey, Dusty comes in & breaks a chair on Bubba’s head
Interview- Cornette w/ Bubba
Interview- Paul Jones & his army
Ric Flair, Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Todd Champion, The Italian Stallion & Rocky Kernodle
RnR Express w/ Baby Doll & Magnum T.A. promos
Interview- The Russians
Interview- Jim Cornette (more comments about what happened earlier)
Jimmy Garvin vs. George South
(Jim Cornette joins Tony & David for several weeks throughout the bash at the broadcast booth)
The Midnight Express vs. George South & Bill Mulkey
Interview- Paul Jones & his army
Interview- Jimmy Garvin, Steve Regal w/ Precious
Wahoo McDaniel & Ron Garvin vs. Mark Flemming & Brodie Chase
Interview- The Russians
Black Bart vs. Mike Simani
The Road Warriors vs. Ben Alexander & Ron Rossi
Interview- The Andersons & Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon (setting up their bash matches)
Interview- Dusty Rhodes w/ Baby Doll (Dusty carries a jug of something out with him)
Jimmy Valiant & Manny Fernandez vs. Randy Mulkey & Tony Zane
Interview- Road Warriors & Paul Ellering (responds to getting jumped by the horsemen)
Interview- Magnum T.A.
Ole Anderson vs. Todd Champion
Road Warriors, Magnum T.A. promos
Jimmy Garvin & Steve Regal vs. Sam Houston & Rocky King
The Rock n Roll Express confront Jim Cornette
The Rock-n-Roll Express vs. George South & The Golden Terror
Interview- Jimmy Garvin w/ Precious
The Warlord vs. Mark Flemming
Interview- America’s Team
Ole & Arn Anderson vs. Don & Rocky Kernodle
The Russians, Jim Cornette promos
Jim Cornette comments on his matches w/ Baby Doll
The Road Warriors vs. Gene Ligon & Mike Simani
Ric Flair (pre taped interview that aired on TBS)
The Midnight Express vs. Nelson Royal & Todd Champion
Interview- Road Warriors w/ Paul Ellering
Nikita Koloff vs. Tony Zane
RnR Express, & Magnum promos
Interview- The Russians
Baron Von Raschke & Konga the Barbarian vs. Bill & Randy Mulkey
Don Kernodle vs. Gene Ligon
Interview- Jimmy Valiant & Manny Fernandez (highlights of Shaska getting his hair cut)
Tully Blanchard, Arn & Ole Anderson vs. Sam Houston, The Italian Stallion & Rocky King
Shaska Whatley vs. Mark Flemming
Arn Anderson, Jones army promos
Highlights of Magnum vs. Nikita in the best of 7
Interview- Magnum T.A.
Interview- Ric Flair
Wahoo McDaniel vs. Steve Regal (Jimmy Garvin run in)
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon
The Warlord vs. Thunderfoot
Interview- The Russians
Ric Flair vs. Todd Champion
Promos- Jimmy Valiant/Wahoo McDaniel/RnR Express
Clips of a Dusty beat down at the hands of The ME & Bubba after a bash cage match
The Rock-n-Roll Express vs. Mike Simani & Vernon Deaton
Confrontation between Baby Doll w/The Warlord & the Midnight Express, Cornette & Bubba, it results in the Warlord getting nailed by Bubba w/ Dusty saving the day
Interview- Krusher Kruschev
Arn & Ole Anderson vs. The Italian Stallion & Denny Brown
Recap of the past few weeks confrontations involving, Big Bubba, Dusty Rhodes, & The Warlord
Interview- Magnum T.A. (continuing to hype the Baby Doll – Cornette matches)
Another Magnum interview, during the Bash update discussing the best of 7 vs. Nikita
Tully Blanchard vs. Mark Flemming
Promos- Paul Jones/Krusher Kruschev/Jim Cornette
The Rock-n-Roll Express vs. Vernon Deaton & Gene Ligon
Interview- Ric Flair
Ron Garvin vs. Randy Mulkey
Interview- Dusty Rhodes w/ Baby Doll
Jimmy Garvin vs. George South
Interview- Manny Fernandez & Jimmy Valiant
Interview- The Andersons
Dusty Rhodes & Magnum T.A. vs. Bill Mulkey & Mike Simani
RnR Express, Magnum T.A. promos
Interview- Jimmy Garvin w/ Precious
Shaska Whatley, Konga the Barbarian & Teijho Khan vs. Todd Champion, Rocky King & Rocky Kernodle
The Midnight Express vs. Vernon Deaton & George South
Ole & Arn Anderson vs. Gene Ligon & Mark Flemming
Clips of Bubba choking Dusty in the cage
Tully Blanchard vs. Ron Garvin (JIP)
Interview- Ron Garvin
Jimmy Garvin vs. Rocky Kernodle
Magnum T.A. vs. The Golden Terror
Interview- Magnum T.A.
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon
Interview- Hector Guerrero
RnR Express, & Magnum T.A. promos
Krusher Khrushchev & Nikita Koloff vs. Mike Simani & Ron Rossi (Ivan Koloff does commentary)
Black Bart vs. The Italian Stallion (Mid-Atlantic Title)
Tony & David Announce that Dusty Rhodes is the new World Champion
Jim Cornette introduce Buddy Landell & Bill Dundee
The Midnight Express vs. The Italian Stallion & Rocky Kernodle
Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes (JIP – STEEL CAGE – Greensboro, NC -7/26/86)
Interview- Dusty Rhodes (Jim Crockett Jr says next week Cornette will interview Rhodes or he won’t be co-hosting the show anymore)
Ivan Koloff & Krusher Khrushchev vs. Randy Mulkey & Ron Rossi
Ole Anderson, & Jim Cornette promos
Interview- RnR Express (they’ll be wrestling the Andersons later in the program)
The Warlord vs. Mark Flemming
Interview- Don Kernodle (he announces that Dick Murdoch is coming to JCP)
Dick Murdoch vs. Bill Mulkey (from the techwood studio)
Buddy Landell vs. George South
Interview- The Russians
Interview- Paul Jones army (clips of Valiant getting his head shaved)
Interview- The Andersons (says that Flair was softened up by all of Dusty’s friends)
Magnum T.A. vs. Thunderfoot
RnR Express, & Magnum T.A. promo
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon (Tully is coming for Rhodes title)
The Rock-n-Roll Express vs. Ole & Arn Anderson
Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell vs. Todd Champion & Rocky Kernodle
Interview- Magnum T.A. (talks about turning his series w/ Nikita around)
Interview- Jimmy Valiant & Manny Fernandez
The Kansas Jayhawks vs. The Golden Terror & Thunder foot (The Jayhawks first televised match in JCP)
Interview- Ron Garvin
Steve Regal vs. Rocky King
Dusty Rhodes taped interview w/ Johnny Weaver (Cornette refused to do it)
Wahoo McDaniel & Ron Garvin vs. Bill Mulkey & Mike Simani
Interview- Ric Flair
Interview- Paul Jones army
Krusher Khrushchev vs. The Italian Stallion
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon (Tully challenges Dusty)
Ole & Arn Anderson vs. Vernon Deaton & Mark Flemming
Interview- Nikita Koloff & Krusher Kruschev
The Rock-n-Roll Express vs. Gene Ligon & Randy Mulkey (the Andersons attack Gibson’s back further)
Interview- The Andersons (The RnR Express storm the interview set & the four brawl to the back of the building.)
Clips of the Tully – Dusty confrontation from Kansas City
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon
Dusty Rhodes vs. Ric Flair (JIP – St. Louis)
Interview- Ric Flair
Paul Jones & his army promo
Magnum T.A. vs. Nikita Koloff (match #6)
Ric Flair promo
Jim Cornette demands Baby Doll have Dusty apologize to Bubba, Baby Doll refuses & is pushed down by Bubba…Dusty comes in to save the day & the two have to be pulled apart.
The Rock-n-Roll Express & Dick Murdoch vs. Arn & Ole Anderson & Tully Blanchard (tv time runs out)
The Rock-n-Roll Express vs. The Midnight Express (first tv match since winning back the titles)
Shaska Whatley, Ivan Koloff promo
Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes (JIP – NWA Pro Baby Doll turns on Dusty)
Interview- Ric Flair w/ Baby Doll (gloats on taking Baby Doll)
Interview- Dusty Rhodes (calls Baby Doll a jezebel “shame on you momma”)
Magnum T.A. vs. Nikita Koloff (match #7 Nikita captures the United States Championship)
Jimmy Valiant, Wahoo, & Dick Murdoch promos
Post match interview w/ The Russians
Tony & David recap last weeks show
Jim Cornette comments on losing the tag team titles
The Midnight Express vs. Vernon Deaton & Bill Mulkey
Clips of Big Bubba attacking Randy Mulkey from TBS
Manny Fernandez & Jimmy Valiant (continue their war of words w/ Paul Jones)
Jimmy Garvin vs. Mitch Snow
Interview- Magnum T.A. (he’s ashamed to stand in front of the people w/out the u.s. title)
Shaska Whatley vs. George South
Paul Jones & The Russians promos
Ric Flair w/ Baby Doll
Arn Anderson vs. Keith Patterson
Interview- Dusty Rhodes
Interview- Rock n Roll Express (comments during their match for the titles)
The Midnight Express vs. The Rock-n-Roll Express (JIP – Philadelphia, PA – 8/16/86)
Tully Blanchard vs. Rocky Kernodle
Interview- Kansas Jayhawks
Ivan Koloff & Krusher Khrushchev vs. Todd Champion & Jack Jackson
Jimmy Valiant, Magnum T.A. promos
Interview- Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell
Nikita Koloff vs. Sam Houston (Ron Garvin comes in to help Houston & knocks out Nikita)
Interview- Ron Garvin (talks about what just happened)
Tony & Davis start the show by announcing there are 3 new champs: National, Jr. Heavyweight, & Mid-Atlantic champion.
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon (Tully comments on losing to Wahoo, but seems more interested in Dusty Rhodes)
The Midnight Express vs. Vernon Deaton & Mark Flemming
Interview- The Russians (clips of Garvin being triple teamed by the Russians after winning the Mid-Atlantic title.
Interview- Ric Flair w/ Baby Doll
The Kansas Jayhawks vs. Keith Patterson & Jack Jackson
Interview- Sam Houston & Todd Champion (they’re going to the central states area…weird interview talking about getting the women)
Interview- Don Kermode & Denny Brown
Wahoo McDaniel vs. The Golden Terror
Interview- Bill Dundee & Buddy Landell
Shaska Whatley vs. George South
Interview- Dusty Rhodes & Magnum T.A. (they bring out Misty Blue Simms)
Ivan & Nikita Koloff & Krusher Khrushchev vs. Italian Stallion, Hector Guerrero & Rocky Kernodle
Interview- Ron Garvin (responds to winning the Mid-Atlantic title & the Russians attack)
Jimmy Valiant & Manny Fernandez vs. Bill & Randy Mulkey
Interview- Another Todd Champion & Sam Houston (they’re young, single & they like to mingle)
Interview- Baby Doll w/ the warlord
Jimmy Garvin vs. Rocky King ( the Jimmy Garvin-Magnum T.A. war of words finally leads to blows)
Tony & David begin the show by announcing Dusty Rhodes is the New Television Champion
Interview- The Russians
Buddy Landell vs. Italian Stallion
Magnum T.A. calls out Jimmy Garvin who sends Precious down to insult him
Misty Blue vs. Linda Dallas
Jimmy Garvin w/ Precious & J.J. Dillon promos
Interview- Dusty Rhodes (his first w/ the t.v. title)
Arn Anderson vs. Dusty Rhodes (JIP-NWA Pro 9/13/86)
Interview- Jimmy Garvin w/ Precious
The Midnight Express vs. The Kansas Jayhawks
Wahoo McDaniel, Ron Garvin, Dick Murdoch, RnR Express & Magnum promos
Interview- Ric Flair w/ Baby Doll
Ivan & Nikita Koloff & Krusher Khrushchev vs. The Rock-n-Roll Express & Wahoo McDaniel (end not shown)
Dusty Rhodes & The Rock-n-Roll Express vs. The Midnight Express & Big Bubba (Bunkhouse match)
Buddy Landell vs. Todd Champion
Interview- Ric Flair w/ Baby Doll
Interview- Jimmy Garvin w/ Precious
Nikita Koloff vs. Magnum T.A. – 2 OUT OF 3 FALLS
Buddy Landell & Bill Dundee (challenges Ric Flair)
Jimmy Garvin vs. Mike Simani
Interview- Dusty Rhodes
Magnum T.A. vs. Gary Royal
Interview- Manny Fernandez (continues to deny that he’ll turn to the side of Paul Jones)
Nikita Koloff vs. Vernon Deaton
Tully Blanchard promo
Interview- Tim Horner (Horner’s debut on Worldwide, says that Brad Armstrong is also coming)
Manny Fernandez vs. The Golden Terror
Interview- Ole Anderson
Tully Blanchard & Ole Anderson vs. Keith Patterson & Jack Jackson
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon
Bill Dundee vs. Rocky Kernodle
Interview- Nikita Koloff
Wahoo McDaniel & Ron Garvin vs. Bill & Randy Mulkey
Magnum calls out Jimmy Garvin who once again sends out Precious…Magnum spanks her & Jimmy finally
Interview- Rock n Roll Express
Interview- Tim Horner
Magnum T.A. vs. Pablo Crenshaw
Interview- Dusty Rhodes
The Midnight Express vs. Rocky Kernodle & Keith Patterson
Tully Blanchard promo
Jimmy Garvin vs. Gary Royal
Interview- Kansas Jayhawks (the Jayhawks are challenged from the ring by the ME a brawl ensues)
Tony & David begin talk about Starrcade 86’ & announce that Robert Gibson has been injured at the hands of the horsemen
Clips of the Dick Murdoch 10-5 Sunday edition incident with the Ric Flair wig
The Midnight Express vs. Gary Royal & Tony Zane
Interview- Wahoo McDaniel
Jim Crockett Jr. announces that Ricky Morton can pick his partner to defend the titles until Robert Gibson returns.
Interview- Ricky Morton (challenges either of the Andersons to a match on the show)
Interview- Paul Jones w/ Manny Fernandez & Rick Rude (clips of Fernandez’s heel turn.Rude’s first WW appearance)
Brad Armstrong vs. Eddie Roberts
Ivan Koloff, Jimmy Garvin, Tully Blanchard promos
The 1st installment of Jim Cornette’s Louisville slugger (clips of last weeks brawl w/ the Jayhawks, Ivan koloff interview 1st after winning the U.S. tag team championships)
Jimmy Garvin vs. Ben Alexander
Interview- The Andersons (Ole accepts Mortons challenge from earlier in the show
Baron Von Raschke, Manny Fernandez & Rick Rude vs. Bill Mulkey, Keith Patterson & Rocky Kernodle
Interview- Ric Flair
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Tim Horner & Nelson Royal
Interview- Jimmy Valiant (Valiant says he’ll put up anything for one more match against Paul Jones)
Hector Guerrero, Ricky Morton, & Magnum T.A. promos
Ricky Morton vs. Ole Anderson (following a d-q finish, Dusty gets beat down
Horsemen post match interview
Tony & David announce that Magnum T.A. was seriously injured in an automobile accident
Interview- The Kansas Jay hawks & Dick Murdoch
Midnight Express vs. Rocky Kermode & John Savage
Clips of Dusty Rhodes injuring Tully Blanchard by attacking him w/ a chair & not releasing the figure 4
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon (Tully is out on crutches)
Dusty is followed & attacked in the parking lot (make it good!!)
Interview- Jim Cornette w/ The Midnight Express (bragging that they put the Road Warriors out)
Starrcade control center: the host cities are announced, Flair will either face Dusty or Ron Garvin, the first match signed is hair vs. hair…Jimmy Valiant & Paul Jones (Valiant interview from the street)
Interview- Paul Jones in the control center
Interview- Ron Garvin
Brad Armstrong vs. Gary Royal
We hear from Magnum T.A.’s mom about his condition
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon (Tully is out of his cast & J.J. has black eyes)
Dusty Rhodes & Nikita Koloff vs. Ole Anderson & J.J. Dillon – STEEL CAGE (Charlotte, NC – 10/19/86)
Starrcade control center: Road Warriors workout video (no face paint) & interview that includes the famous pumpkins off the scaffold, also Dusty will be presented with a contract for a first blood match w/ Tully Blanchard…the NWA won’t sanction it, but if Dusty accepts it will happen.
Interview- Ivan Koloff & Krusher Kruschev (reacting to Nikita joining up with Dusty)
Jimmy Garvin vs. Allen West
Interview- Wahoo McDaniel (clips of his beat down from pro)
Ivan Koloff & Krusher Khrushchev vs. Keith Patterson & Rocky Kernodle
Interview- Paul Jones w/ Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez
Tully Blanchard & Ole & Arn Anderson vs. Mike Simani, Tony Zane & John Savage
The Midnight Express vs. Bill & Randy Mulkey
Jim Cornette’s LOUISVILLE SLUGGER with The Midnight Express
Interview- The Kansas Jayhawks
Interview- Wahoo McDaniel & Hector Guerrero
Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez vs. Mulkeys
Interview- RnR Express
Starrcade 86 control center
Promos- Jimmy Garvin/Jim Cornette
Interview- Dusty & Nikita
Jimmy Garvin vs. Alan West
Interview- Rude/Fernandez
Kansas Jayhawks vs. Roberts/West
Interview- Ric Flair
Brad Armstrong vs. ? (Garvin attacks)
Interview- Baron Von Raschke
Interview- Jim Cornette w/ Big Bubba
Midnight Express & Big Bubba vs. Simani/Patterson/Royal
Promos- Brad Armstrong/RnR Express/Jimmy Valiant
Interview- Ivan Koloff & Kruscher Kruschev
Tully Blanchard vs. Rocky Kernodle
Interview- Jim Crockett gived Andersons the contract for Starrcade ’86 vs. RnR in cage
Interview- Rick Rude w/ Paul Jones
Jimmy Garvin vs. Eddie Roberts
Clip- Dusty /Nikita/Ivan confrontation from WCW
Starrcade ’86 control Center
Promos- Arn Anderson/Tully Blanchard/Ric Flair
Louisville Slugger w/ Jim Cornette
Midnight Express & Big Bubba vs. Zane/West/Jackson
Interview- Dusty & Nikita
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ JJ Dillon
Rick Rude vs. Keith Patterson
Interview- Ric Flair
Don & Rocky Kernodle vs. Mulkeys
Ricky Lee Jones vs. Mike Simani
Promos- RnR Express/Nikita Koloff
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Rossi/Savage
Interview- Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon
Interview- Rude & Fernandez w/ Paul Jones
RnR Express vs. Jackson/Roberts
Interview- Dusty & Nikita
Starrcade ’86 control center- MX train for the scaffold (Hilarious)
Promos- Jim Cornette/Paul Jones/Tully Blanchard/Ric Flair
Interview- Road Warriors
Bill Dundee vs. Randy Mulkey
Interview- Jimmy Valiant & Big Momma
Tully Blanchard vs. Alan West
Interview- Ric Flair
Ole & Arn Anderson vs. Royal/Roberts
Interview- Tully Blanchard
Interview- Jim Cornette & Big Bubba
Midnight Express vs. Savage/Patterson
Promos- Wahoo/Valiant/RnR/Nikita
Interview- Brad Armstrong
Interview- Wahoo McDaniel
Animal vs. Tony Zane & Vernon Deaton
Interview- Ole & Arn Anderson
Interview- Rock n Roll Express
Manny Fernandez & Rick Rude vs. John Savage & Eddie Roberts
Interview- Jimmy Valiant
Starcade Control center: hyping the Flair / Kolloff & Dusty / Tully matches
Bob Geigel shows off the 25th anniversary tag team championship belts
Rude, Fernandez, & Tully Blanchard promos
Nelson Royal hypes the bunkhouse stampedes around the campfire
Ricky Lee Jones vs. Tony Zane
Interview- Arn Anderson
Jimmy Valiant vs. Art Pritts
Interview- Dusty Rhodes
The Rock-n-Roll Express vs. Randy Mulkey & Ron Rossi
Interview- Ric Flair
Interview- Rude & Fernandez w/ Paul Jones
Bill Dundee vs. Keith Patterson
RnR Express promo
Interview- Superpowers
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Vernon Deaton & Gary Royal
Interview- Arn, Tully,& J.J. Dillon
Tim Horner vs. Bill Dundee (JIP)
Interview- Bill Dundee & Jimmy Garvin
Nelson Royal interview (Bunkhouse time!)
The Kansas Jayhawks vs. Allen West & Eddie Roberts
Interview- Ivan & Krusher
Jimmy Garvin vs. Bill Mulkey
Interview- Rock n Roll Express
The Barbarian & Shaska Whatley vs. Vernon Deaton & Randy Mulkey
Interview- Jim Cornette w/ Big Bubba (hyping the Bunkhouse)
Ivan Koloff & Krusher Khrushchev vs. Ricky Lee Jones & Brodie Chase
Jimmy Valiant, Ricky Morton, & Nikita Koloff promos
The Midnight Express vs. Hector Guerrero & Keith Patterson
Interview- Jim Cornette post match
Tony announces that Barry Windham is back in JCP
Bob Caudle shows off “the bunkhouse boot”
Interview- Barry Windham (he’s joined by Wahoo & Baron Von Raschke)
The Midnight Express vs. Tim Horner & Nelson Royal
Interview- The Superpowers
Ron Garvin vs. John Savage
Interview- Ivan Koloff & Krusher Kruschev
Manny Fernandez & Rick Rude vs. Vernon Deaton & Ron Rossi
Interview- Paul Ellering & Animal
Barry Windham vs. Bill Mulkey
Interview- Ric Flair
Denny Brown & Hector Guerrro w/ Jim Crockett Jr. interview (Crockett announces a series of matches between the two men for the bunkhouse stampedes)
Interview- Rock n Roll Express
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Randy Mulkey & Keith Patterson
The Kansas Jayhawks vs. Allen West & Eddie Roberts
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon (both are in bunkhouse gear)
Nikita Koloff vs. Mike Simani (The horsemen brawl w/ the superpowers…almost a carbon copy of what happens on Pro)
Interview- Bill Dundee & Jimmy Garvin w/ Precious
Interview- Midnight Express w/out Cornette
Nikita Koloff vs. Marc Flemming
Clips of Rude & Fernandez winning the belts from the RnR’s on 12-6 edition of wcw
Interview- Fernandez & Rude w/ Paul Jones
Jimmy Garvin vs. George South
Interview- Rock n Roll Express
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard vs. Rocky King & Keith Patterson
Rude & Fernandez, Baby Doll, & Arn Anderson promos
Interview- The Russians (blames Nikita for losing the u.s. titles)
Ron Garvin & Barry Windham vs. Ivan Koloff & Krusher Kruschev clips from Pro
Interview- Garvin & Windham post match
Kansas Jayhawks vs. Eddie Roberts & ??
Interview- Dusty Rhodes
Interview- Nikita Koloff (still chasing Flair)
Jimmy Valiant & Tim Horner vs. Mike Simani & Vernon Deaton
Interview- Ric Flair (classic blue robe)
Ron Garvin & Barry Windham vs. Randy Mulkey & ??
RnR Express, Animal, & Nikita Koloff promos
Interview- Barry Windham & Ron Garvin
Ric Flair vs. Ricky Lee Jones
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon
The Midnight Express vs. George South & Rocky King
Interview- Ron Garvin & Barry Windham
Barry Windham & Ron Garvin vs. Vernon Deaton & Mike Simani
Interview- The Road Warriors
Jimmy Valiant vs. Tony Zane
Interview- Ric Flair
Interview- Tully Blanchard w/ J.J. Dillon
Manny Fernandez & Rick Rude vs. The Rock-n-Roll Express
Barry Windham & Nikita Koloff promos
Dusty Rhodes & Nikita Koloff vs. Ric Flair & Arn Anderson – Bullrope/Russian chain match (end not shown)
Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez vs. Allen West & Eddie Roberts
Interview- Rock n Roll Express
Interview- Ric Flair
The Midnight Express & Big Bubba Rogers vs. Rocky King, George South & Ricky Lee Jones
Ole & Arn Anderson vs. Nelson Royal & Mike Simani (JIP)
Interview- Ivan Koloff (reminds Nikita that Vladimir Pietrov is coming)
Barry Windham vs. Ron Rossi
Interview- Barry Windham & Ron Garvin
Ivan Koloff & Krusher Khrushchev vs. Bill & Randy Mulkey
Interview- The Superpowers
Tully Blanchard vs. Gary Royal
Interview- The Andersons (Arn says he wants Nikita’s U.S. title…says he has to be champion)
Jimmy Garvin vs. Tony Zane
Interview- The 4 Horsemen w/ J.J. Dillon (praises all the horsemen individually except Ole who stays in the background for most of the interview)