19. Ric Flair Doesn’t Think John Cena Will Break His Title Record, Thinks Charlotte Flair Is The Best Wrestler In WWE
During a recent interview with WSVN-TV, Wrestling Legend Ric Flair talked about John Cena being just 1 World Title run away from breaking his record, best wrestler in WWE nowadays & more. Below are the highlights:
On if he think John Cena will break his record of 16 World Championships?
“No. Randy Orton is close, so is Triple H. I think John is kind of winding down. He’s got so many other things going on. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s not a host on Good Morning America or The Today Show. I mean he loves wrestling but he’s got so diversified now that I don’t think I’ll see him chasing the Championship realm. But if he does, I’m all about it.”
On who is the best wrestler in WWE nowadays:
“Well gosh I think my daughter’s the best male or female they have. I like AJ Styles, I like Randy very much. I like Seth Rollins, I think he’s very good. I love Dolph Ziggler. They have a lot of great talent and it’s hard to pick just one. I have a lot of respect for them and they work really hard.”
On how different would his career be if he was starting into the business during the current “New Era”:
“They wouldn’t be able to afford me. If I was 25 right now and came along, there’s not enough money. He’d have to give me part of the company. If I could walk in like I was in the 80s, make no mistake, he’d have to give me part of the company.”