OVW – 2007/02/10 – TV
01. Miss OVW contest
02. Adam Evans vs. Daniel Rodimer
03. Justin “The Ox” LaRoche vs. Aaron “The Idol” Stevens
04. Vic D Vine vs. Jake Hager
05. OVW TV Title: Mike Kruel vs. Boris Alexiev
06. OVW Heavyweight Title – 2/3 Falls: Paul Burchill vs. Chet The Jett
OVW – 2007/02/17 – TV
01. OVW Diva Bra and Panties Battle Royal
02. Vic D Vine vs. Atlas Da Bone
03. Daniel Rodimer vs. Anthony Vein
04. Belgium Brawler & Nick Sinn vs. Kofi Kingston & Harry Smith
05. OVW TV Title: Mike Kruel vs. Jamin Olivencia
06. Battle of the Bands: Gothic Mayhem vs. Chris Rombola
07. TV Title #1 Contender Gauntlet Match
OVW – 2007/02/24 – TV
01. Daniel Rodimer vs. Mark Henry
02. Jamin Olivencia vs. Pat Buck
03. Commonwealth Connecion (Kofi Nahaje Kingston & Harry Smith) vs. Le Resistance (Rene Dupree & Sylvain Grenier)
04. OVW Divas Sexy Dress Contest
05. Boris Alexiev vs. Los Locos
06. Justin “The Ox” LaRoche & Charles “The Hammer” Evans vs. Idol Stevens & Johnny Jeter
07. OVW Heavyweight Title: Paul Birchall vs. Deuce
OVW – 2007/03/03 – TV
01. Arm Wrestling: Daniel Rodimer vs. Atlas Dabone
02. Steve Lewington & Chet the Jett vs. Gothic Mayhem
03. Aaron ‘The Idol’ Stevens vs. Sylvain Grenier
04. Boris Alexiev vs. Vladimir Koslov
05. OVW Southern Tag Team Titles: Cody Runnels & Shawn Spears vs. The Frat Pack
OVW – 2007/03/10 – TV
01. “9 Fingers” Dewey vs. Jake Hager
02. Tug Of War Match: Daniel Rodimer vs. Atlas Da Bone
03. Jamin Olivencia vs. Tomasso
04. OVW Heavyweight Title: Paul Burchall vs. Little Guido
05. OVW Tag Team Titles – No. 1 Contender’s Match – Fatal Four Way: Gothic Mayhem vs. Belguim Brawler & Nick Sinn vs. Ox and
Hammer vs. Steve Lewington & Chet The Jett
OVW – 2007/03/17 – TV
01. OVW Divas Lingerie Contest
02. Belgium Brawler & Nick Sinn vs. Chet the Jett & Steve Lewington
03. Bench Press Challenge: Daniel Rodimer vs. Atlas Da Bone
04. OVW TV Title: Mike Kruel vs. Boris Alexiev
05. Southern Tag Titles Match: Cody Runnels & Shawn Spears vs. Ox & Hammer
06. OVW Heavyweight Title: Paul Burchill vs. Aaron ‘The Idol’ Stevens
OVW – 2007/03/31 – TV
01. Nick Sinn & The Belgium Brawler vs. Steve Lewington & Chet The Jett
02. Daniel Rodimer vs. Atlas DaBone
03. KC James vs. Jack Hager
04. Paul Burchill vs. Jamin Olivencia
05. Flash Funk vs. Vladimir Kozlov
06. OVW TV Title: Shawn Spears vs. Tomasso
07. OVW Title: Aaron “The Idol” Stevens vs. Mike Mondo
OVW – 2007/04/07 – TV (400th Episode)
01. CM Punk vs. Rob Conway
02. Cryme Time & Elijah Burke vs. Vladimir Kozlov & Mr. Strongko & Mike Kruel
03. Katie Lea & Beth Phoenix & Milena Roucka & Melody vs. ODB & Serena & Victoria Crawford & Maryse Ouellet
04. Run for the Roses – Contract on a Pole Match (w/ Shawn Spears, Charles Evans, Justin LaRoche, Daniel Rodimer, Chet The Jett, Boris
Alexiev, Pat Buck, Steve Lewington & Paul Burchill)
OVW – 2007/04/14 – TV
01. Rombola vs. Lennox Lightfoot
02. Los Locos vs. Jamin Olivencia & TJ Dalton
03. Daniel Rodimer vs. Atlas DaBone
04. KC James vs. Jake Hager
05. Katie Lea vs. ODB
06. Tomasso vs. Mike Mondo
07. OVW Southern Tag Team Titles: Cody Runnels & Shawn Spears vs. The Ox & The Hammer
OVW – 2007/04/21 – TV
01. Johnny Jeter vs. Nick Sinn
02. OVW Women’s Title: ODB vs. Katie Lea
03. Handicap Match: Jacob Duncan vs. Jamin Olivencia & TJ Dalton
04. Tony Braddock vs. Rombola
05. One Arm Tied Behind Your Back Match: Jake Hager vs. KC James
06. OVW Southern Tag Team Titles: Ox & Hammer vs. Shawn Spears & Cody Runnels
07. OVW Title: Aaron “The Idol” Stevens vs. Paul Burchall
OVW – 2007/04/28 – TV
01. TJ Dalton & Jamin Olivencia & Mike Hunter vs. Pat Buck & Johnny Punch & Tony Braddock
02. Tomasso vs. Jake Hager
03. Johnny Jeter vs. Vladimir Kozlov
04. ODB vs. Melody
05. Jacob Duncan vs. Alexander
06. OVW Southern Tag Team Titles: Ox & Hammer vs. Terminal Velocity (Chet The Jett & Steve Lewington)
07. Golden Envelope On A Pole Match: Cody Runnels vs. Shawn Spears
OVW – 2007/05/05 – TV
01. Chet The Jett vs. Michael W. Kruel
02. The James Boys (Kasey & Cassidy James) vs. Jake Hager & Chris Cage
03. ODB vs. Beth Phoenix
04. Mike Mondo vs. Steve Lewington
05. Johnny Jeter vs. Vladimir Kozlov
06. OVW Title: Aaron “The Idol” Stevens vs. Cody Runnels
OVW – 2007/06/02 – TV
01. Singles Tournament – Round 1: Atlas DaBone vs. Kassidy James
02. Singles Tournament – Round 1: Jake Hager vs. Shawn Spears
03. Singles Tournament – Round 1: Colt Cabana vs. Mike Kruel
04. Singles Tournament – Round 1: Chet The Jett vs. Antoni Polaski
05. Singles Tournament – Semi: Mike Kruel vs. Atlas DaBone
06. Singles Tournament – Semi: Jake Hager vs. Antoni Polaski
07. Singles Tournament – Final – Winner faces The Miz at Six Flags: Antoni Polaski vs. Atlas DaBone
OVW – 2007/06/09 – TV
01. Gauntlet Match – Winner faces MVP at Six Flags: Atlas DaBone vs. Mike Hutter vs. Dan Rodman vs. Chet The Jett vs. Belgium Brawler
vs. Los Locos vs. Vladimir Koslov
02. Gothic Mayhem vs. Major Brothers
03. Shawn Spears vs. Cody Runnels
04. TJ Dalton vs. Kassidy James
05. Antoni Polaski vs. Nick Nemeth
06. Paul Burchall vs. Jay Bradley
OVW – 2007/06/16 – TV
01. Chet The Jett vs. Antoni Polaski
02. TJ Dalton & Jamin Olivencia vs. James Boys
03. Mike Tolar vs. Vladimir Koslov
04. Divalympics
05. Paul Burchall vs. Jay Bradley
06. Shawn Spears vs. Cody Runnels
OVW – 2007/06/23 – TV
01. Southern Tag Team Titles – No. 1 Contender’s Four Corners Match: TJ Dalton & Jamin Olivencia vs. James Boys vs. Vladimir Koslov &
Mike Kruel vs. Seth Skyfire & Johnny Jeter
02. Handicap Match: Los Locos vs. Aaron Stevens
03. Colt Cabana vs. Belgium Brawler
04. 2500 $ Bodyslam Challenge: Antoni Polaski vs. Dirty Money
05. Divalympics
06. Shawn Spears & Jay Bradley vs. CM Punk & Cody Runnels
OVW – 2007/06/30 – TV
01. Jay Bradley vs. CM Punk
02. 2500 $ Bodyslam Challenge: Antoni Polaski vs. “A Fan”
03. Major Brothers vs. James Boys
04. Divalympics
05. Colt Cabana vs. Vladimir Koslov
06. Shawn Spears vs. The Prodigy (Cody Runnels)
OVW – 2007/07/07 – TV
01. Tag Team Gauntlet Match (w/ The Daltons, Major Brothers, Los Locos, James Boys, TJ Dalton & Jamin Olivencia, Atlas DaBone &
Dirty Money, Terminal Velocity, Belgium Brawler & Vladimir Kozlov, Ox & Hammer)
02. Divalympics
03. Cody Runnels vs. Pat Burke
04. 2500 $ Bodyslam Challenge: Antoni Polaski vs. Aaron “The Idol” Stevens
05. OVW Heavyweight Title: Jay Bradley vs. Paul Burchall
OVW – 2007/07/14 – TV
01. Jacob Duncum vs. The Ox
02. Festus Dalton vs. Charles “The Hammer” Evans
03. Divalympics
04. Colt Cabana vs. Belgium Brawler
05. James Boys vs. Major Brothers
06. Cage Match: Cody Runnels vs. Shawn Spears
OVW – 2007/07/21 – TV
01. OVW Royal Rumble
OVW – 2007/07/28 – TV
01. Mike Mondo vs. Ox
02. Vladimir Koslov vs. Paul Burchall
03. Jay Bradley vs. Aaron “The Idol” Stevens
04. Al Snow & Chet The Jet & Atlas Dabone & Colt Cabana & Aaron “The Idol” Stevens vs. Belgium Brawler & Mike Kruel & Los Locos
& Vladimir Kozlov
05. New Generation Hart Foundation vs. James Boys
06. 2500 $ Bodyslam Challenge: Antoni Polaski vs. Jacob Duncum
07. Shawn Spears vs. Steve Lewington
OVW – 2007/08/04 – TV
01. Eight Man Scramble (w/ Colt Cabana, Jay Bradley, Justin LaRoche, Mike Mondo, Steve Lewington, Brian Major, Charles Evans,
Vladimir Kozlov)
02. Southern Tag Team Titles: James Boys vs. Jamin Olivencia & TJ Dalton
OVW – 2007/08/11 – TV
01. Eugene vs. Armando Alejandro Estrada
02. The Ox & The Hammer vs. Terminal Velocity
03. Vladimir Kozlov vs. Scott Cardinal
04. Southern Tag Team Titles: Jamin Olivencia & TJ Dalton vs. James Boys
05. OVW TV Title: Shawn Spears vs. Colt Cabana
06. OVW Heavyweight Title: Mike Kruel vs. Dre Blitz
OVW – 2007/08/18 – TV
01. Cody Rhodes vs. Ramon Loco
02. Scott Cardinal & Atlas DaBone vs. The Ox & The Hammer
03. Katie Lea vs. Beth Phoenix
04. Major Brothers vs. Terminal Velocity
05. KC James vs. Jamin Olivencia
06. Vladimir Kozlov vs. Eugene
07. OVW TV Title: Shawn Spears vs. Colt Cabana
OVW – 2007/08/25 – TV
01. OVW TV Title: Shawn Spears vs. Colt Cabana
02. Don Yates vs. Vladimir Kozlov
03. The Insurgency vs. Major Brothers
04. Mr. Strongko vs. Jacob Duncum
05. The Ox & The Hammer vs. The Next Generation Hart Foundation
06. Jay Bradley vs. Atlas DaBone
OVW – 2007/09/01 – TV
01. Major Brothers vs. The Insurgency
02. Nick Nemeth vs. Vladimir Kozlov
03. Mike Kruel vs. Cody Runnels
04. OVW TV Title: Shawn Spears vs. Colt Cabana
05. Atlas DaBone vs. Mike Mondo
06. Southern Tag Team Titles vs. Chet The Jet’s Hair: James Boys vs. Terminal Velocity
OVW – 2007/09/15 – TV
01. Dirty Money vs. Atlas DaBone
02. Kat’s Cradle (w/ Mike Kruel)
03. Belgian Brawler vs. Ace Steel
04. OVW TV Title: Shawn Spears vs. Colt Cabana
05. Jamin Olivencia vs. Derrick Neikirk
06. Southern Tag Team Titles: James Boys vs. Terminal Velocity
OVW – 2007/09/22 – TV
01. Atlas DaBone vs. Antoni Polaski
02. Scott Cardinal vs. Derrick Neikirk
03. Dirty Money & Chris Cage vs. Major Brothers
04. Ace Steel vs. Raul Loco
05. Vladimir Kozlov vs. Jarred Stone
06. OVW TV Title: Shawn Spears vs. Ted “The Trailer” McNaler
OVW – 2007/09/29 – TV
01. Kat’s Cradle (w/ Ted “The Trailer” McNaler)
02. OVW TV Title: Ted “The Trailer” McNaler vs. Shawn Spears
03. Chris Cabge vs. Derrick Neikirk
04. OVW Women’s Title: Roucka vs. Serena
05. OVW Title: Mike Kruel vs. Cody Rhodes
06. The Ox vs. Atlas DaBone
07. Southern Tag Team Titles vs. Hair Match: Terminal Velocity vs. James Boys
OVW – 2007/12/08 – TV
01. Johnny Punch vs. Dre Blitz
02. Jay Bradley vs. Dre Blitz
03. Jay Bradley vs. Dirty Money
04. Jay Bradley vs. Totally Awesome
05. Jay Bradley vs. Lupe Viscara
06. Vladimir Koslov & Antoni Polaski vs. Mobile Homers (Adam Revolver & Ted McNaylor)
07. Justin LaRoche vs. Charles Evans
08. OVW TV Title: Colt Cabana vs. James Curtis
09. OVW Title: Mike Kruel vs. Atlas DaBone
OVW – 2007/12/29 – TV
01. Johnny Punch vs. Timothy Baltimore
02. Ace Steel & James Curtis vs. Antoni Polaski & Ted McNaylor vs. Andrew Vain & Lupe Viscara vs. Colt Cabana & Shawn Spears
03. OVW TV Title – Ladder Match: Colt Cabana vs. Shawn Spears
04. Justin LaRoche vs. Charles Evans