• Pat Patterson Pulled A Simpsons Prank On Vince McMahon
Pat Patterson passed away this past Wednesday, and a lot of stories about him are being shared by his colleagues.
Matt McCarthy, who was a WWE writer in 2011-12, shared a story on PWTorch about Pat Patterson pulling a prank on Vince McMahon, which was inspired by an episode of The Simpsons.
“This particular production meeting, Pat [Patterson] was there and he was just coming loose at the seams that we were waiting for Vince [McMahon], and it built to the point where he was like, ‘We have to do something. We have to do something!’
At first I was like, I start pitching my — if you remember the episode of The Simpsons where Bart is like, ‘We should turn our desks around and face the other way, you know, before the teacher gets here.’
I’m like, this is happening in real life with grown men, and so Pat’s like, ‘We should turn all the lights off and when we walks in here, all the lights will be off.’ We’re like, ‘Alright, Pat wants us to turn off the lights’ so all the lights are off, and we’re sitting there, we’re waiting, we’re waiting and then somebody shows up, I forget who it was.
So somehow we got word, we knew Vince was in the building and he’s on his way up. So all the lights are off and we’re all sitting there with our hands folded, not talking, waiting to see what the hell is gonna happen now, and Vince comes in the room and he’s just like, ‘God damn! Get some lights on in here. What’s going on?’
So he turns on the lights and Pat’s like, ‘Ah! How you like that Vince? How you like that!? Why you here so late!?’… and Vince comes rolling up to the front of the room and he puts down his briefcase and Pat would go, ‘Vince, how would you like it if all of us showed up to the meeting three hours late? What would you do then!?’ And Vince just gets a smirk on his face and he just goes, ‘Fire the God damn room.’”
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• ON THIS DAY IN WWF HISTORY (December 6, 1998) – WWF Sunday Night HEAT
On this day in 1998, the World Wrestling Federation aired an episode of their weekly TV show ‘WWF Sunday Night HEAT’.
It was broadcasted from the Baltimore Arena in Baltimore, Maryland and featured matches & storyline segments on the road to the ‘WWF Capital Carnage 1998’ PPV, that happened later on the same day.
This was basically used as a pre-show for the pay-per-view.
The card can be found right here:
1. World Light Heavyweight Title: Duane Gill vs. TAKA Michinoku
2. LOD 2000 vs. Too Much
3. Ken Shamrock & Big Bossman & The Rock vs. The Brood (Gangrel & Edge & Christian)
4. Jeff Jarrett vs. Mark Henry
5. Babu & Tiger Ali Singh vs. Kurrgan & Luna Vachon
6. The Undertaker vs. Mankind