WWE News

Paul Heyman Reveals Roman Reigns’ Special Role In WWE

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During an interview with the New York Post, Paul Heyman talked about Roman Reigns’ Tribal Chief character and how important it is to the current WWE era:

“The depth of that (main) character has affected everything and everyone within the story. And that’s Roman Reigns.

Roman Reigns is the central character around which all WWE stories revolve, and they should be several degrees of separation away from Roman Reigns.

But Roman Reigns’ actions affect everyone top to bottom with a trickle-down theory, and everyone else’s actions trickle up towards Roman Reigns.”

Roman Reigns’ Bloodline story has been the top angle in all of wrestling since 2020 and has been credited for the ongoing boom in WWE’s business.

During an interview with CBS Sports, Roman said anybody that has worked with The Bloodline got elevated and continues to benefit from it to this day:

“They’re still affected by us. We wrap in layers, just the way we’ve done for ourselves and what we did with Sami, for Sami, and how Sami helped us. Drew’s moral code is based on the abuse that I put him through, and the knowledge that I dropped on him. I literally saw a promo we did years ago and I was telling him, ‘You’re going to thank me one day.’ That was the truth. That is the beauty of this.

We’re very creative in what we do, but we don’t go so far outside of the realm of the real world and trying to keep that continuity and authenticity to where people can relate to it. There is no question, all those guys, Seth was running with us in April and we weaved him in throughout that whole process.

Cody is a great champion, he beat me, so he’s gotta be, right? But he was never more relevant than when he was in my circle and on my island.

That continues to shine through. That’s the beauty of this. Even when they feel like they’re done with us or we’re done with them, we’re still able to push everybody and make everybody better. It’s a competition. There are no sabotages, no bullsh*t behind-the-scenes type stuff. The cream rises to the top, and if you’re better than me, go out there and show me.

You can get as much time as you want, go out there and hold that time and show you’re a commodity to this product. That’s what we continue to do. Anybody who orbits me and The Bloodline, it’s proven.”

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